MunizuQuality Management (TQM). It has received great attention in the terjemahan - MunizuQuality Management (TQM). It has received great attention in the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

MunizuQuality Management (TQM). It


Quality Management (TQM). It has received great attention in the last two decades (Jung and Wang, 2006).

Total quality management (TQM) principles and techniques are now a well accepted part of almost every manager's ”tool kit”. According to Powel (1995), most large firms have adopted TQM in some form, and official quality awards are a badge of honor whether a company is operating in Japan, the USA, Europe, or Australia. Implementing TQM is a major organizational change that requires a transformation in the organization's culture, processes, strategic priorities, and beliefs, among others.

Quality aspect has become one of the most important factors in global competition today. Increasing demand by customers for better quality of product in market place has encouraged many companies to provide quality product and services in order to compete in the marketplace successfully. To meet the challenge of this global competition, many businesses have invested substantial resources in adapting and implementing total quality management (TQM) practices in their operations. TQM is defined as an action plan to produce and deliver commodities or services, which are consistent with customers’ needs or requirements by better, cheaper, faster, safer, easier processing than competitors with the participation of all employees under top management leadership (Lakhal et al., 2006). Therefore, manufacturing companies should be focus to quality. Attention to quality generates positive impact to business performance through both the impact on production costs and earnings (Gaspersz, 2005).

Generally, competitive advantage suggests that each organization have one or more of the following capabilities when compared to its competitors, such as lower prices, higher quality, higher dependability, and shorter delivery time. These capabilities will enhance the organization’s overall performance (Mentzer et al., 2000). Organization can charge premium prices and increase its profit margin on sales and return on investment (ROI), if they can able to offer the high quality products consistently. Each organization has a short time to market and rapid product innovation can be the first in the market, so they will enjoy a higher market share and sales volume (Li et al., 2006).

The previous studies which test the relationship between TQM practice and organizational performance have been done by researchers. For example, Samson and Terziovski (1999) examine the effect of total quality management practices on operational performance of a large number of manufacturing companies (1200 Australian and New Zealand manufacturing organizations). The study reveals that the relationship between TQM practice and organizational performance is significant in a cross-sectional sense, but not all of the categories of TQM practice were particularly strong predictors of performance. The categories of leadership, management of people and customer focus were the strongest significant predictors of operational performance.

The other empirical studies that test the relationship between TQM practices and company performance (e.g. Terziovski and Samson, 1999; Flynn and Saladin, 2001; Sila and Ibrahimpour, 2005; Li et al., 2006; Lakhal et al., 2006). Mostly researchers find out a positive relationship between TQM practices and performance. Empirically, there were lack of the studies which test the relationship between TQM practices, competitive advantage and organizational performance in the literature.

The aim of this study is to test the relationships among TQM practice, competitive advantage, and organizational performance. TQM practice construct can both directly and
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MunizuQuality Management (TQM). It has received great attention in the last two decades (Jung and Wang, 2006).Total quality management (TQM) principles and techniques are now a well accepted part of almost every manager's ”tool kit”. According to Powel (1995), most large firms have adopted TQM in some form, and official quality awards are a badge of honor whether a company is operating in Japan, the USA, Europe, or Australia. Implementing TQM is a major organizational change that requires a transformation in the organization's culture, processes, strategic priorities, and beliefs, among others.Quality aspect has become one of the most important factors in global competition today. Increasing demand by customers for better quality of product in market place has encouraged many companies to provide quality product and services in order to compete in the marketplace successfully. To meet the challenge of this global competition, many businesses have invested substantial resources in adapting and implementing total quality management (TQM) practices in their operations. TQM is defined as an action plan to produce and deliver commodities or services, which are consistent with customers’ needs or requirements by better, cheaper, faster, safer, easier processing than competitors with the participation of all employees under top management leadership (Lakhal et al., 2006). Therefore, manufacturing companies should be focus to quality. Attention to quality generates positive impact to business performance through both the impact on production costs and earnings (Gaspersz, 2005).Generally, competitive advantage suggests that each organization have one or more of the following capabilities when compared to its competitors, such as lower prices, higher quality, higher dependability, and shorter delivery time. These capabilities will enhance the organization’s overall performance (Mentzer et al., 2000). Organization can charge premium prices and increase its profit margin on sales and return on investment (ROI), if they can able to offer the high quality products consistently. Each organization has a short time to market and rapid product innovation can be the first in the market, so they will enjoy a higher market share and sales volume (Li et al., 2006).The previous studies which test the relationship between TQM practice and organizational performance have been done by researchers. For example, Samson and Terziovski (1999) examine the effect of total quality management practices on operational performance of a large number of manufacturing companies (1200 Australian and New Zealand manufacturing organizations). The study reveals that the relationship between TQM practice and organizational performance is significant in a cross-sectional sense, but not all of the categories of TQM practice were particularly strong predictors of performance. The categories of leadership, management of people and customer focus were the strongest significant predictors of operational performance.The other empirical studies that test the relationship between TQM practices and company performance (e.g. Terziovski and Samson, 1999; Flynn and Saladin, 2001; Sila and Ibrahimpour, 2005; Li et al., 2006; Lakhal et al., 2006). Mostly researchers find out a positive relationship between TQM practices and performance. Empirically, there were lack of the studies which test the relationship between TQM practices, competitive advantage and organizational performance in the literature.The aim of this study is to test the relationships among TQM practice, competitive advantage, and organizational performance. TQM practice construct can both directly and
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Munizu Quality Management (TQM). Ini telah menerima perhatian besar dalam dua dekade terakhir (Jung dan Wang, 2006). Jumlah prinsip manajemen mutu (TQM) dan teknik yang sekarang menjadi bagian yang diterima dengan baik dari hampir setiap manajer "tool kit". Menurut Powel (1995), perusahaan yang paling besar telah mengadopsi TQM dalam beberapa bentuk, dan penghargaan kualitas resmi adalah lencana kehormatan apakah perusahaan yang beroperasi di Jepang, Amerika Serikat, Eropa, atau Australia. Menerapkan TQM adalah perubahan organisasi besar yang memerlukan transformasi dalam budaya organisasi, proses, prioritas strategis, dan keyakinan, antara lain. Aspek Kualitas telah menjadi salah satu faktor paling penting dalam persaingan global saat ini. Peningkatan permintaan oleh pelanggan untuk kualitas yang lebih baik dari produk di pasar telah mendorong banyak perusahaan untuk memberikan kualitas produk dan layanan agar dapat bersaing di pasar berhasil. Untuk memenuhi tantangan persaingan global ini, banyak bisnis telah menginvestasikan sumber daya yang substansial dalam beradaptasi dan menerapkan manajemen kualitas total (TQM) praktek dalam operasi mereka. TQM didefinisikan sebagai rencana aksi untuk menghasilkan dan memberikan komoditas atau jasa, yang konsisten dengan kebutuhan pelanggan atau persyaratan oleh lebih baik, lebih murah, lebih cepat, lebih aman, pengolahan lebih mudah daripada pesaing dengan partisipasi dari semua karyawan di bawah kepemimpinan manajemen puncak (Lakhal et al., 2006). Oleh karena itu, perusahaan manufaktur harus fokus terhadap kualitas. Memperhatikan kualitas menghasilkan dampak positif terhadap kinerja bisnis melalui baik dampak pada biaya produksi dan pendapatan (Gaspersz, 2005). Secara umum, keunggulan kompetitif menunjukkan bahwa setiap organisasi memiliki satu atau lebih dari kemampuan sebagai berikut bila dibandingkan dengan para pesaingnya, seperti harga yang lebih rendah , kualitas yang lebih tinggi, kehandalan tinggi, dan waktu pengiriman yang lebih singkat. Kemampuan ini akan meningkatkan kinerja keseluruhan organisasi (Mentzer et al., 2000). Organisasi dapat mengisi harga premium dan meningkatkan margin keuntungan pada penjualan dan laba atas investasi (ROI), jika mereka dapat mampu menawarkan produk-produk berkualitas tinggi secara konsisten. Setiap organisasi memiliki waktu yang singkat untuk memasarkan dan inovasi produk yang cepat bisa menjadi yang pertama di pasar, sehingga mereka akan menikmati pangsa pasar dan volume penjualan yang lebih tinggi (Li et al., 2006). Penelitian sebelumnya yang menguji hubungan antara praktek TQM dan kinerja organisasi telah dilakukan oleh para peneliti. Misalnya, Samson dan Terziovski (1999) menguji pengaruh praktek manajemen kualitas total terhadap kinerja operasional sejumlah besar perusahaan manufaktur (1200 organisasi manufaktur Australia dan Selandia Baru). Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa hubungan antara praktek TQM dan kinerja organisasi yang signifikan dalam arti cross-sectional, tetapi tidak semua dari kategori praktek TQM adalah prediktor yang sangat kuat dari kinerja. Kategori kepemimpinan, manajemen orang dan fokus pelanggan adalah prediktor signifikan terkuat kinerja operasional. Studi empiris lain yang menguji hubungan antara praktek TQM dan kinerja perusahaan (misalnya Terziovski dan Samson, 1999; Flynn dan Saladin, 2001; Sila dan Ibrahimpour, 2005;. Li et al, 2006; Lakhal et al, 2006).. Sebagian besar peneliti menemukan hubungan positif antara praktek TQM dan kinerja. Secara empiris, ada kurangnya studi yang menguji hubungan antara praktek TQM, keunggulan kompetitif dan kinerja organisasi dalam literatur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji hubungan antara praktek TQM, keunggulan kompetitif, dan kinerja organisasi. TQM praktek membangun dapat baik secara langsung dan

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