Dear NANA MUHAMAD MAULANA,We hope you received our previous email with terjemahan - Dear NANA MUHAMAD MAULANA,We hope you received our previous email with Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan



We hope you received our previous email with your Visa account details. If you have not accessed your Visa account balance by logging into your account, please refer to our previous email and follow the instructions. You will be able to view your balance via online banking.

Please be aware that before you can transfer your 500,000.00 GBP to your local bank account, you must activate your account for third-party transfer immediately. The third-party transfer activation exercise is a security measure for preventing identity theft, internet fraud, and other forms of financial crimes related to your account. The third-party transfer activation exercise will verify that we are dealing with the right owner of this Visa account. If you do not activate your Visa account for third-party transfer, your account will be suspended until further notice. You are strongly required to activate your Visa account for third-party transfer before you can continue online banking with us. Your account must be activated for third-party transfer before you can continue unrestricted online banking using our online banking interface. This is to protect our interest and that of our customer.

Steps to third-party transfer activation

The following are the requirements:

2. A copy of your valid Identification card.
3. Verification deposit.

1. Third-party transfer activation form

You are to print out and complete the THIRD-PARTY TRANSFER ACTIVATION FORM which is attached to this email. Fill in all the necessary details and return the scanned copy of the form to us by email attachment.

2. Identification

You are to send us a copy of your ID card (e.g. international passport or driver's license). The ID card is needed to identify you and confirm that you are the right beneficiary to 500,000.00 GBP.

3. Verification deposit

You are mandated to make a verification deposit of 300.00 GBP(Three hundred Great British Pounds) to your Visa account 4447962225093719. Go ahead and make the deposit, fax us a copy of your deposit slip for confirmation when you are done. On receipt of your fax message, 300.00 GBP will be credited to your Visa account 4447962225093719. The deposit will reflect on your Visa account balance and statements.

Your account balance with us is 500,000.00 GBP, your new balance after the deposit will be 500,000.00 GBP + 300.00 GBP = 500,300.00 GBP

After your deposit has been credited to your account, your account features will be unlocked and all restrictions will be lifted. As soon as your account features are unlocked, you will be able to your transfer 500,300.00 GBP to third party accounts worldwide using our fund transfer service.

How to make a deposit

Because of the dormant status of your Visa account, you are making the deposit by MoneyGram Transfer. This is the only accepted medium.

How to make a deposit via MoneyGram Transfer

1. Locate and walk into any MoneyGram Transfer outlet.

2. Request for a MoneyGram Transfer payout form

3. Enter sender and receiver details in the form.

The full receiver details are:

- RECEIVERS NAME ---> First Name: Vanessa Last Name:Chiara (Please use names as written)

- RECEIVERS ADDRESS: Address: 338 Streatham High Road, London, SW16 6HH
- COUNTRY: United Kingdom

- AMOUNT: 300.00 GBP

4. Submit the form to the MoneyGram attendant on desk and hand over the cash to him/her. The attendant will process the transfer and you will be given a transfer confirmation slip to confirm that the transfer was successful

5. Send us a scanned copy of the transfer confirmation slip by replying this email.

Please note that the specified receiver of your 300GBP is our Visa account crediting officer for your region. She is responsible for crediting your deposit to your account using our global MoneyGram Transfer digital crediting system. Please proceed to the nearest MoneyGram Transfer outlet immediately and make your deposit. 

The amount of 300.00 GBP which you will transfer by MoneyGram Transfer is not a fee but a refundable amount that will be credited to your account as initial self deposit. It is a verification deposit which is needed for third-party transfer activation purposes only. 

You are to meet up with the requirements today so that we can verify your account and let you enjoy the best online banking services we have to offer. Please adhere to instructions to avoid any mistakes. This should be done today to avoid account suspension.

Thank you for banking with us.

Visa® Card Account Department
NatWest Bank PLC
34 Henrietta Street 
London, WC2E 8NL
United Kingdom

Tel:+44-702-405-2591 ‎


Dikirim dari ponsel cerdas BlackBerry 10 saya dengan jaringan Telkomsel.
  Pesan Asli  
Dari: NatWest Bank PLC
Terkirim: Selasa, 20 Januari 2015 17.53
Balas Ke: NatWest Bank PLC
Perihal: Third Party Transfer Activation Instruction for you, NANA MUHAMAD MAULANA -


We hope you received our previous email with your Visa account details. If you have not accessed your Visa account balance by logging into your account, please refer to our previous email and follow the instructions. You will be able to view your balance via online banking.

Please be aware that before you can transfer your 500,000.00 GBP to your local bank account, you must activate your account for third-party transfer immediately. The third-party transfer activation exercise is a security measure for preventing identity theft, internet fraud, and other forms of financial crimes related to your account. The third-party transfer activation exercise will verify that we are dealing with the right owner of this Visa account. If you do not activate your Visa account for third-party transfer, your account will be suspended until further notice. You are strongly required to activate your Visa account for third-party transfer before you can continue online banking with us. Your account must be activated for third-party transfer before you can continue unrestricted online banking using our online banking interface. This is to protect our interest and that of our customer.

Steps to third-party transfer activation

The following are the requirements:

2. A copy of your valid Identification card.
3. Verification deposit.

1. Third-party transfer activation form

You are to print out and complete the THIRD-PARTY TRANSFER ACTIVATION FORM which is attached to this email. Fill in all the necessary details and return the scanned copy of the form to us by email attachment.

2. Identification

You are to send us a copy of your ID card (e.g. international passport or driver's license). The ID card is needed to identify you and confirm that you are the right beneficiary to 500,000.00 GBP.

3. Verification deposit

You are mandated to make a verification deposit of 300.00 GBP (Three hundred Great British Pounds) to your Visa account 4447962225093719. Go ahead and make the deposit, fax us a copy of your deposit slip for confirmation when you are done. On receipt of your fax message, 300.00 GBP will be credited to your Visa account 4447962225093719. The deposit will reflect on your Visa account balance and statements.

Your account balance with us is 500,000.00 GBP, your new balance after the deposit will be 500,000.00 GBP + 300.00 GBP = 500,300.00 GBP

After your deposit has been credited to your account, your account features will be unlocked and all restrictions will be lifted. As soon as your account features are unlocked, you will be able to your transfer 500,300.00 GBP to third party accounts worldwide using our fund transfer service.

How to make a deposit

Because of the dormant status of your Visa account, you are making the deposit by MoneyGram Transfer. This is the only accepted medium.

How to make a deposit via MoneyGram Transfer

1. Locate and walk into any MoneyGram Transfer outlet.

2. Request for a MoneyGram Transfer payout form

3. Enter sender and receiver details in the form.

The full receiver details are:

- RECEIVERS NAME ---> First Name: Vanessa Last Name: Chiara (Please use names as written)

- RECEIVERS ADDRESS: Address: 338 Streatham High Road, London, SW16 6HH
- COUNTRY: United Kingdom

- AMOUNT: 300.00 GBP

4. Submit the form to the MoneyGram attendant on desk and hand over the cash to him/her. The attendant will process the transfer and you will be given a transfer confirmation slip to confirm that the transfer was successful

5. Send us a scanned copy of the transfer confirmation slip by replying this email.

Please note that the specified receiver of your 300GBP is our Visa account crediting officer for your region. She is responsible for crediting your deposit to your account using our global MoneyGram Transfer digital crediting system. Please proceed to the nearest MoneyGram Transfer outlet immediately and make your deposit.

The amount of 300.00 GBP which you will transfer by MoneyGram Transfer is not a fee but a refundable amount that will be credited to your account as initial self deposit. It is a verification deposit which is needed for third-party transfer activation purposes only.

You are to meet up with the requirements today so that we can verify your account and let you enjoy the best online banking services we have to offer. Please adhere to instructions to avoid any mistakes. This should be done today to avoid account suspension.

Thank you for banking with us.

Visa� Card Account Department
NatWest Bank PLC
34 Henrietta Street
London, WC2E 8NL
United Kingdom

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Dear NANA MUHAMAD MAULANA,Kami berharap Anda menerima email sebelumnya kami dengan rincian account Visa Anda. Jika Anda tidak memiliki diakses saldo Visa Anda dengan login ke account Anda, silakan merujuk ke email kami sebelumnya dan ikuti petunjuk. Anda akan dapat melihat saldo melalui perbankan online.Perlu diketahui bahwa sebelum Anda dapat mentransfer GBP 500,000.00 Anda ke rekening bank lokal Anda, Anda harus mengaktifkan account untuk transfer pihak ketiga segera. Transfer pihak ketiga aktivasi latihan adalah ukuran keamanan untuk mencegah pencurian identitas, penipuan internet, dan bentuk lain dari kejahatan keuangan yang terkait dengan akun Anda. Transfer pihak ketiga aktivasi latihan akan memverifikasi bahwa kita berhadapan dengan benar pemilik account Visa ini. Jika Anda tidak mengaktifkan akun Visa untuk transfer pihak ketiga, account Anda akan ditangguhkan sampai pemberitahuan lebih lanjut. Anda sangat diperlukan untuk mengaktifkan akun Visa untuk transfer pihak ketiga sebelum Anda dapat melanjutkan perbankan online dengan kami. Account Anda harus diaktifkan untuk transfer pihak ketiga sebelum Anda dapat melanjutkan terbatas perbankan online yang menggunakan antarmuka perbankan online kami. Ini adalah untuk melindungi kepentingan dan bahwa pelanggan kami.Langkah-langkah untuk transfer pihak ketiga aktivasiBerikut ini adalah persyaratan:1. sebuah salinan formulir aktivasi TRANSFER pihak ketiga.2. salinan Anda menunjukkan kartu identitas.3. verifikasi setoran.1. Third-party transfer activation formYou are to print out and complete the THIRD-PARTY TRANSFER ACTIVATION FORM which is attached to this email. Fill in all the necessary details and return the scanned copy of the form to us by email attachment.2. IdentificationYou are to send us a copy of your ID card (e.g. international passport or driver's license). The ID card is needed to identify you and confirm that you are the right beneficiary to 500,000.00 GBP.3. Verification depositYou are mandated to make a verification deposit of 300.00 GBP(Three hundred Great British Pounds) to your Visa account 4447962225093719. Go ahead and make the deposit, fax us a copy of your deposit slip for confirmation when you are done. On receipt of your fax message, 300.00 GBP will be credited to your Visa account 4447962225093719. The deposit will reflect on your Visa account balance and statements.Your account balance with us is 500,000.00 GBP, your new balance after the deposit will be 500,000.00 GBP + 300.00 GBP = 500,300.00 GBPAfter your deposit has been credited to your account, your account features will be unlocked and all restrictions will be lifted. As soon as your account features are unlocked, you will be able to your transfer 500,300.00 GBP to third party accounts worldwide using our fund transfer service.How to make a depositBecause of the dormant status of your Visa account, you are making the deposit by MoneyGram Transfer. This is the only accepted medium.How to make a deposit via MoneyGram Transfer1. Locate and walk into any MoneyGram Transfer outlet.2. Request for a MoneyGram Transfer payout form3. Enter sender and receiver details in the form.The full receiver details are:- RECEIVERS NAME ---> First Name: Vanessa Last Name:Chiara (Please use names as written)- RECEIVERS ADDRESS: Address: 338 Streatham High Road, London, SW16 6HH- COUNTRY: United Kingdom- AMOUNT: 300.00 GBP4. Submit the form to the MoneyGram attendant on desk and hand over the cash to him/her. The attendant will process the transfer and you will be given a transfer confirmation slip to confirm that the transfer was successful5. Send us a scanned copy of the transfer confirmation slip by replying this email.Please note that the specified receiver of your 300GBP is our Visa account crediting officer for your region. She is responsible for crediting your deposit to your account using our global MoneyGram Transfer digital crediting system. Please proceed to the nearest MoneyGram Transfer outlet immediately and make your deposit. The amount of 300.00 GBP which you will transfer by MoneyGram Transfer is not a fee but a refundable amount that will be credited to your account as initial self deposit. It is a verification deposit which is needed for third-party transfer activation purposes only. Anda akan bertemu dengan persyaratan hari sehingga kami dapat memverifikasi account Anda dan membiarkan Anda menikmati layanan perbankan online terbaik yang kita harus menawarkan. Silakan mengikuti petunjuk untuk menghindari kesalahan. Ini harus dilakukan hari ini untuk menghindari penangguhan akun.Terima kasih untuk perbankan dengan kami.Departemen Account kartu Visa ®NatWest Bank PLC34 Henrietta Street London, WC2E 8NLInggrisTel: + 44-702-403-7269Tel: + 44-702-405-2591Fax: + 44-700-594-2411Dikirim dari ponsel cerdas BlackBerry 10 saya dengan jaringan Telkomsel. Pesan Asli Dari: NatWest Bank PLCTerkirim: Acara, 20 Januari 2015 17.53Ke: NANA MUHAMAD MAULANABalas Ke: NatWest Bank PLCPerihal: Ketiga pihak Transfer aktivasi instruksi untuk Anda, NANA MUHAMAD MAULANA- Dear NANA MUHAMAD MAULANA,Kami berharap Anda menerima email sebelumnya kami dengan rincian account Visa Anda. Jika Anda tidak memiliki diakses saldo Visa Anda dengan login ke account Anda, silakan merujuk ke email kami sebelumnya dan ikuti petunjuk. Anda akan dapat melihat saldo melalui perbankan online.Please be aware that before you can transfer your 500,000.00 GBP to your local bank account, you must activate your account for third-party transfer immediately. The third-party transfer activation exercise is a security measure for preventing identity theft, internet fraud, and other forms of financial crimes related to your account. The third-party transfer activation exercise will verify that we are dealing with the right owner of this Visa account. If you do not activate your Visa account for third-party transfer, your account will be suspended until further notice. You are strongly required to activate your Visa account for third-party transfer before you can continue online banking with us. Your account must be activated for third-party transfer before you can continue unrestricted online banking using our online banking interface. This is to protect our interest and that of our customer.Steps to third-party transfer activationThe following are the requirements:1. A copy of your THIRD-PARTY TRANSFER ACTIVATION FORM.2. A copy of your valid Identification card.3. Verification deposit.1. Third-party transfer activation formYou are to print out and complete the THIRD-PARTY TRANSFER ACTIVATION FORM which is attached to this email. Fill in all the necessary details and return the scanned copy of the form to us by email attachment.2. IdentificationYou are to send us a copy of your ID card (e.g. international passport or driver's license). The ID card is needed to identify you and confirm that you are the right beneficiary to 500,000.00 GBP.3. Verification depositYou are mandated to make a verification deposit of 300.00 GBP (Three hundred Great British Pounds) to your Visa account 4447962225093719. Go ahead and make the deposit, fax us a copy of your deposit slip for confirmation when you are done. On receipt of your fax message, 300.00 GBP will be credited to your Visa account 4447962225093719. The deposit will reflect on your Visa account balance and statements.Your account balance with us is 500,000.00 GBP, your new balance after the deposit will be 500,000.00 GBP + 300.00 GBP = 500,300.00 GBPAfter your deposit has been credited to your account, your account features will be unlocked and all restrictions will be lifted. As soon as your account features are unlocked, you will be able to your transfer 500,300.00 GBP to third party accounts worldwide using our fund transfer service.How to make a depositBecause of the dormant status of your Visa account, you are making the deposit by MoneyGram Transfer. This is the only accepted medium.How to make a deposit via MoneyGram Transfer1. Locate and walk into any MoneyGram Transfer outlet.2. Request for a MoneyGram Transfer payout form3. Enter sender and receiver details in the form.The full receiver details are:- RECEIVERS NAME ---> First Name: Vanessa Last Name: Chiara (Please use names as written)- RECEIVERS ADDRESS: Address: 338 Streatham High Road, London, SW16 6HH- COUNTRY: United Kingdom

- AMOUNT: 300.00 GBP

4. Submit the form to the MoneyGram attendant on desk and hand over the cash to him/her. The attendant will process the transfer and you will be given a transfer confirmation slip to confirm that the transfer was successful

5. Send us a scanned copy of the transfer confirmation slip by replying this email.

Please note that the specified receiver of your 300GBP is our Visa account crediting officer for your region. She is responsible for crediting your deposit to your account using our global MoneyGram Transfer digital crediting system. Please proceed to the nearest MoneyGram Transfer outlet immediately and make your deposit.

The amount of 300.00 GBP which you will transfer by MoneyGram Transfer is not a fee but a refundable amount that will be credited to your account as initial self deposit. It is a verification deposit which is needed for third-party transfer activation purposes only.

You are to meet up with the requirements today so that we can verify your account and let you enjoy the best online banking services we have to offer. Please adhere to instructions to avoid any mistakes. This should be done today to avoid account suspension.

Thank you for banking with us.

Visa� Card Account Department
NatWest Bank PLC
34 Henrietta Street
London, WC2E 8NL
United Kingdom

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