SuccessFactors is a U.S. multinational company that provides cloud-bas terjemahan - SuccessFactors is a U.S. multinational company that provides cloud-bas Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

SuccessFactors is a U.S. multinatio

SuccessFactors is a U.S. multinational company that provides cloud-based human resourcesrelated software applications. Under its “software-as-a-service” business model, the company provides software resources
to subscribers who access them via the Internet for a fee. Annual revenue for the firm was $206 million in 2010.43
SuccessFactors spreads its costs over a large number of subscribers to keep its subscription rates low and generate income. Subscribers, in turn, rely on SuccessFactors to manage their data and software in a secure and reliable manner. Subscribers avoid large capital outlays for computing equipment and eliminate the costs
associated with the purchase of hardware and software and the hiring of numerous computer operations and support people.
SuccessFactors has not been profitable—incurring losses in each fiscal period since its inception in 2001, with a loss of $12.5 million for 2010 and an accumulated deficit of $231.3 million.44 Nevertheless, SAP paid $3.4
billion (over 10 times its 2011 revenue of $327 million) to acquire SuccessFactors in early 2012. (This number compares very unfavorably with the median price—three times revenue—paid in the 32 software mergers that
occurred in North America in the five years prior to SAP’s purchase of SuccessFactors.)45 SAP was willing to pay such a premium to gain significant market share and expertise in the rapidly growing human resources
software-as-a-service arena. At the time, SuccessFactors had a customer base of some 15 million subscription seat licenses spread across 3,500 customers.46
As with many companies, SuccessFactors supplemented the financial results that it reported in accordance with GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles that form the basis for financial reporting), with non-GAAP financial measures. The manner in which such non- GAAP measures are defined and calculated differ from company to company.47 One of these non-GAAP financial measures was a measure called “backlog.” SuccessFactors, and many other cloud computing service firms, invoice subscribers on an annual basis even if the term of the subscription agreement is longer than one year. Amounts that have been invoiced, but that have not yet been recognized as revenue, are recorded as deferred revenue. SuccessFactors reported the portion of the total contract value not yet invoiced as backlog.48 SuccessFactors had a backlog of about $90 million at the end of 2007 compared with a backlog of $43 million at the end of 2006—an increase the company attributed to an upsurge in new contracts and customers. 49 In 2009, SuccessFactors stopped reporting this backlog figure, and the omission caught the eye of the SEC. When the agency inquired about why the company was no longer reporting this figure, SuccessFactors responded that it felt investors did not consider this figure useful.50
In the third quarter of 2010, Success Factors stated that it had adopted a 2009 SEC rule that limited the manner in which revenue could be reported on multiyear contracts.51 However, in its 2011 annual report, filed
just after SAP announced its intent to acquire the firm, but before the deal was finalized, SuccessFactors admitted that its accounting controls suffered from “a material weakness” and that its “internal control over financial
reporting was not effective as of December 31, 2011.”52 Indeed, a SuccessFactors salesperson turned whistleblower claimed that from 2009 to 2011, accounting controls at SuccessFactors were so weak that salespeople were
able to improperly rewrite existing multiyear contracts as new contracts to earn additional commissions. If true, this would also accelerate revenue, making the company look more financially sound, while also reducing the backlog number. SAP investigated these claims with an examination conducted by an outside law firm and found no merit to the claims
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
SuccessFactors is a U.S. multinational company that provides cloud-based human resourcesrelated software applications. Under its “software-as-a-service” business model, the company provides software resources to subscribers who access them via the Internet for a fee. Annual revenue for the firm was $206 million in 2010.43 SuccessFactors spreads its costs over a large number of subscribers to keep its subscription rates low and generate income. Subscribers, in turn, rely on SuccessFactors to manage their data and software in a secure and reliable manner. Subscribers avoid large capital outlays for computing equipment and eliminate the costs associated with the purchase of hardware and software and the hiring of numerous computer operations and support people. SuccessFactors has not been profitable—incurring losses in each fiscal period since its inception in 2001, with a loss of $12.5 million for 2010 and an accumulated deficit of $231.3 million.44 Nevertheless, SAP paid $3.4 billion (over 10 times its 2011 revenue of $327 million) to acquire SuccessFactors in early 2012. (This number compares very unfavorably with the median price—three times revenue—paid in the 32 software mergers that occurred in North America in the five years prior to SAP’s purchase of SuccessFactors.)45 SAP was willing to pay such a premium to gain significant market share and expertise in the rapidly growing human resources software-as-a-service arena. At the time, SuccessFactors had a customer base of some 15 million subscription seat licenses spread across 3,500 customers.46 As with many companies, SuccessFactors supplemented the financial results that it reported in accordance with GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles that form the basis for financial reporting), with non-GAAP financial measures. The manner in which such non- GAAP measures are defined and calculated differ from company to company.47 One of these non-GAAP financial measures was a measure called “backlog.” SuccessFactors, and many other cloud computing service firms, invoice subscribers on an annual basis even if the term of the subscription agreement is longer than one year. Amounts that have been invoiced, but that have not yet been recognized as revenue, are recorded as deferred revenue. SuccessFactors reported the portion of the total contract value not yet invoiced as backlog.48 SuccessFactors had a backlog of about $90 million at the end of 2007 compared with a backlog of $43 million at the end of 2006—an increase the company attributed to an upsurge in new contracts and customers. 49 In 2009, SuccessFactors stopped reporting this backlog figure, and the omission caught the eye of the SEC. When the agency inquired about why the company was no longer reporting this figure, SuccessFactors responded that it felt investors did not consider this figure useful.50 In the third quarter of 2010, Success Factors stated that it had adopted a 2009 SEC rule that limited the manner in which revenue could be reported on multiyear contracts.51 However, in its 2011 annual report, filed just after SAP announced its intent to acquire the firm, but before the deal was finalized, SuccessFactors admitted that its accounting controls suffered from “a material weakness” and that its “internal control over financial reporting was not effective as of December 31, 2011.”52 Indeed, a SuccessFactors salesperson turned whistleblower claimed that from 2009 to 2011, accounting controls at SuccessFactors were so weak that salespeople were able to improperly rewrite existing multiyear contracts as new contracts to earn additional commissions. If true, this would also accelerate revenue, making the company look more financially sound, while also reducing the backlog number. SAP investigated these claims with an examination conducted by an outside law firm and found no merit to the claims
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
SuccessFactors adalah perusahaan multinasional AS yang menyediakan aplikasi software resourcesrelated manusia berbasis cloud. Di bawah nya "software-as-a-service" model bisnis, perusahaan menyediakan sumber daya perangkat lunak
untuk pelanggan yang mengaksesnya melalui internet untuk biaya. Pendapatan tahunan bagi perusahaan adalah $ 206.000.000 di 2.010,43
SuccessFactors menyebar biaya yang lebih banyak pelanggan untuk mempertahankan suku berlangganan rendah dan menghasilkan pendapatan. Pelanggan, pada gilirannya, bergantung pada SuccessFactors untuk mengelola data dan perangkat lunak mereka dengan cara yang aman dan dapat diandalkan. Pelanggan menghindari pengeluaran modal yang besar untuk peralatan komputasi dan menghilangkan biaya
yang terkait dengan pembelian perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak dan mempekerjakan banyak operasi komputer dan dukungan orang.
SuccessFactors belum menguntungkan-menimbulkan kerugian dalam setiap periode fiskal sejak didirikan pada tahun 2001, dengan kerugian sebesar $ 12,5 juta untuk 2010 dan akumulasi defisit sebesar $ 231,3 million.44 Namun demikian, SAP dibayar $ 3,4
milyar (lebih dari 10 kali pendapatan 2011 sebesar $ 327.000.000) untuk mengakuisisi SuccessFactors di awal tahun 2012. (jumlah ini membandingkan sangat tak menguntungkan dengan harga rata-rata kali -tiga pendapatan dibayar dalam 32 merger perangkat lunak yang
terjadi di Amerika Utara dalam lima tahun sebelum pembelian SAP dari SuccessFactors.) 45 SAP bersedia membayar premium seperti untuk mendapatkan pangsa pasar yang signifikan dan keahlian dalam sumber daya berkembang pesat manusia
software-as-a-service arena. Pada saat itu, SuccessFactors memiliki basis pelanggan sekitar 15 juta lisensi kursi berlangganan tersebar di 3.500 customers.46
Seperti banyak perusahaan, SuccessFactors dilengkapi hasil keuangan yang dilaporkan sesuai dengan GAAP (prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku umum yang membentuk dasar untuk keuangan pelaporan), dengan langkah-langkah keuangan non-GAAP. Cara di mana langkah-langkah GAAP non seperti didefinisikan dan dihitung berbeda dari perusahaan ke company.47 Salah non-GAAP ukuran keuangan tersebut telah ukuran yang disebut "backlog." SuccessFactors, dan banyak perusahaan layanan komputasi awan lainnya, pelanggan faktur pada secara tahunan bahkan jika jangka waktu perjanjian berlangganan adalah lebih dari satu tahun. Jumlah yang telah ditagih, tapi itu belum diakui sebagai pendapatan, dicatat sebagai pendapatan ditangguhkan. SuccessFactors melaporkan sebagian dari total nilai kontrak belum ditagih sebagai backlog.48 SuccessFactors memiliki backlog sekitar $ 90 juta pada akhir tahun 2007 dibandingkan dengan backlog $ 43.000.000 pada akhir tahun 2006-peningkatan perusahaan dikaitkan dengan meningkatnya dalam kontrak baru dan pelanggan. 49 tahun 2009, SuccessFactors berhenti melaporkan angka backlog ini, dan kelalaian tertangkap mata SEC. Ketika badan bertanya tentang mengapa perusahaan tidak lagi melaporkan angka ini, SuccessFactors menjawab bahwa rasanya investor tidak menganggap angka useful.50 ini
Pada kuartal ketiga 2010, Faktor Sukses menyatakan bahwa mereka telah mengadopsi 2009 SEC aturan yang membatasi cara di mana pendapatan dapat dilaporkan pada contracts.51 multiyear Namun, dalam laporan tahunannya 2011, diajukan
setelah SAP mengumumkan niatnya untuk mengakuisisi perusahaan, tapi sebelum kesepakatan itu selesai, SuccessFactors mengakui bahwa kontrol akuntansi menderita "material kelemahan "dan bahwa" pengendalian internal atas keuangan
pelaporan tidak efektif pada tanggal 31 Desember 2011. "52 Memang, penjual SuccessFactors berubah whistleblower mengklaim bahwa 2009-2011, akuntansi kontrol di SuccessFactors begitu lemah sehingga penjual yang
mampu benar menulis ulang kontrak multiyear yang ada sebagai kontrak baru untuk mendapatkan komisi tambahan. Jika benar, ini juga akan mempercepat pendapatan, membuat perusahaan terlihat lebih finansial suara, sementara juga mengurangi jumlah backlog. SAP diselidiki klaim ini dengan pemeriksaan yang dilakukan oleh firma hukum luar dan tidak menemukan manfaat untuk klaim
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