100:00:14,427 --> 00:00:15,655Over the past 20 years200:00:15,795 -->  terjemahan - 100:00:14,427 --> 00:00:15,655Over the past 20 years200:00:15,795 -->  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

100:00:14,427 --> 00:00:15,655Over

00:00:14,427 --> 00:00:15,655
Over the past 20 years

00:00:15,795 --> 00:00:18,764
a new breed of people
has been evolving.

00:00:19,999 --> 00:00:20,897
They have their own culture,

00:00:21,034 --> 00:00:24,629
their own technology and
their own languages.

00:00:25,405 --> 00:00:29,364
Among them are pirates and thieves,
celebrities and philosophers,

00:00:29,509 --> 00:00:31,943
lawbreakers and police,

00:00:32,078 --> 00:00:35,741
heroes and villains.

00:00:36,583 --> 00:00:40,485
They operate all over the world
but their real home is cyberspace.

00:00:40,620 --> 00:00:42,679
And now there's a conflict
in cyberspace

00:00:42,822 --> 00:00:45,791
between its outlaws and its angels.

00:00:47,660 --> 00:00:50,458
This is the inside story
of the very different missions

00:00:50,597 --> 00:00:53,088
which now
drive the diverse breed of people

00:00:53,233 --> 00:00:56,430
known to the world as hackers.

00:01:09,015 --> 00:01:13,543
24 hours a day, seven days a week,

00:01:13,686 --> 00:01:16,917
a war is being fought on the web.

00:01:21,494 --> 00:01:23,121
Dennis Treece leads one of the teams

00:01:23,263 --> 00:01:26,061
of front line defenders positioned
around the globe,

00:01:26,199 --> 00:01:29,464
ready to spot and neutralize
the latest attack.

00:01:32,005 --> 00:01:34,303
This is the Global Threat
Operations Center.

00:01:34,440 --> 00:01:36,203
This is where we monitor
the hacker threat

00:01:36,342 --> 00:01:39,402
24 hours a day on four continents.

00:01:50,623 --> 00:01:54,286
It's like the bridge of
the star ship Enterprise.

00:01:59,232 --> 00:02:00,426
Minute by minute,

00:02:00,566 --> 00:02:03,694
hour by hour every attack
is analyzed.

00:02:04,737 --> 00:02:06,671
Any one of them could be
the precursor

00:02:06,806 --> 00:02:08,296
to a bigger onslaught fired

00:02:08,441 --> 00:02:11,001
by a hacker anywhere in the world.

00:02:13,613 --> 00:02:18,778
We had just about 400
pre-attack probes in that hour.

00:02:18,918 --> 00:02:24,254
1,500 denial of service attacks
in that hour.

00:02:25,124 --> 00:02:28,958
In the last year the team have
intercepted 83 million hacker attacks

00:02:29,095 --> 00:02:32,895
aimed at the corporate networks
they protect all over the world.

00:02:34,267 --> 00:02:36,667
The key is flying through
an asteroid belt all the time.

00:02:36,803 --> 00:02:40,830
It's constantly being inundated with
you know decisions

00:02:40,973 --> 00:02:44,238
to go around these things
up, over etcetera

00:02:44,377 --> 00:02:46,402
What is it?
Is it gonna hit the ship

00:02:46,546 --> 00:02:47,513
and if it does is it big enough

00:02:47,647 --> 00:02:48,944
to do us any damage?

00:02:52,885 --> 00:02:54,352
It's a computerized game.

00:02:54,487 --> 00:02:57,012
The bad guys against the good guys,
if you will.

00:02:58,558 --> 00:03:01,186
The emergence of internet good guys
like Dennis

00:03:01,327 --> 00:03:05,286
is the result of a series of attacks
by the bad guys,

00:03:05,965 --> 00:03:08,433
often inflicted against
high profile targets

00:03:08,568 --> 00:03:10,092
over the past 20 years.

00:03:13,606 --> 00:03:17,770
One of the first was launched
by the legendary Captain Zap.

00:03:19,545 --> 00:03:22,537
The man behind the comic book image
was barely out of his teens

00:03:22,682 --> 00:03:25,674
when he put himself into
the hacker hall of fame.

00:03:26,419 --> 00:03:29,513
You just mention Captain Zap
and they go,

00:03:29,655 --> 00:03:32,647
"Old history.
Oh, my God! Bow."

00:03:34,127 --> 00:03:35,685
The target of Captain Zap's hacking

00:03:35,828 --> 00:03:39,264
was the computerized charging system
at AT&T.

00:03:40,032 --> 00:03:42,626
The telephone rates are too high,
just in general,

00:03:42,769 --> 00:03:47,365
so why not reduce the rates
for some people or all people?

00:03:49,075 --> 00:03:50,804
To gather intelligence
for his mission

00:03:50,943 --> 00:03:54,470
Captain Zap went looking for a way
into the phone system.

00:03:55,214 --> 00:03:56,875
We would go dumpster diving

00:03:57,016 --> 00:04:00,076
at the phone company offiices
late at night

00:04:00,219 --> 00:04:02,653
because they don't throw out food,
they don't throw out garbage

00:04:02,789 --> 00:04:04,347
they throw out manuals.

00:04:05,324 --> 00:04:07,019
A huge box of weather protected data

00:04:07,160 --> 00:04:09,492
that I can come after
and get from you

00:04:09,629 --> 00:04:11,654
It kind of
gives you a good snapshot

00:04:11,798 --> 00:04:13,390
view of their daily existence,

00:04:13,533 --> 00:04:15,398
morning, noon and night.

00:04:19,338 --> 00:04:23,399
Armed with a hacker's ammunition,
Captain Zap got to work.

00:04:23,543 --> 00:04:27,172
Sit down in front of the terminal,
turn it on and start hacking,

00:04:27,313 --> 00:04:30,043
and spend hours and hours
trying to get in,

00:04:30,183 --> 00:04:31,980
and then once you got
in you were,

00:04:32,118 --> 00:04:34,279
you know,
do you want to play a game?

00:04:34,987 --> 00:04:37,012
Well you would dial into
their maintenance ports,

00:04:37,156 --> 00:04:39,954
and because there was
no protection back

00:04:40,092 --> 00:04:43,459
then the maintenance ports
would automatically answer.

00:04:44,297 --> 00:04:46,561
The system would come up
and identify itself as,

00:04:46,699 --> 00:04:51,136
"Hi, this is the Ardmoor switch,
number five, E-S-S.

00:04:51,270 --> 00:04:54,262
Log on, password, guest, guest."
You're in.

00:04:56,676 --> 00:04:59,873
Captain Zap fashioned himself
as a modern day Robin Hood,

00:05:00,012 --> 00:05:02,071
an electronic outlaw.

00:05:02,215 --> 00:05:04,149
We decided that we were going to

00:05:04,283 --> 00:05:06,774
change the clocks and the switches
around the country

00:05:06,919 --> 00:05:08,648
so that everybody got
free long distance

00:05:08,788 --> 00:05:10,813
or discounted long distance.

00:05:12,325 --> 00:05:14,452
Captain Zap succeeded in
changing the clocks

00:05:14,594 --> 00:05:16,960
in the national telephone
charging system,

00:05:17,096 --> 00:05:20,031
giving everyone discounted calls
in peak time.

00:05:20,166 --> 00:05:22,964
In hacker terminology, he owned it.

00:05:25,238 --> 00:05:28,173
I knew more about the phone company's
switches than they did.

00:05:35,448 --> 00:05:39,316
In Captain Zap's hands,
inside AT&T's computers

00:05:39,452 --> 00:05:41,079
day became night,

00:05:42,855 --> 00:05:45,415
and night became day

00:05:49,295 --> 00:05:54,323
We changed their clocks so that
it was an exact, 12 hour difference.

00:05:55,568 --> 00:06:01,268
Millions of Americans started
saving money, but none of them knew it

00:06:02,475 --> 00:06:04,841
neither did the phone company.

00:06:06,679 --> 00:06:08,203
Lan was one of the pioneers.

00:06:08,347 --> 00:06:12,807
Lan was one of the first people
to recognize the bad things

00:06:12,952 --> 00:06:15,614
that you could do with computers.

00:06:16,422 --> 00:06:18,652
He didn't have a lot of people
going before him

00:06:18,791 --> 00:06:20,156
that he had to emulate

00:06:20,293 --> 00:06:21,851
and he's sort of an original.

00:06:21,994 --> 00:06:24,053
And he's one of the first generation
of hackers,

00:06:24,196 --> 00:06:25,857
the people that figured out

00:06:25,998 --> 00:06:28,193
how to do it
when figuring out how to do

00:06:28,334 --> 00:06:30,029
it was really diffiicult.

00:06:33,873 --> 00:06:35,135
Captain Zap had discovered

00:06:35,274 --> 00:06:38,732
he could hack almost anything
from almost anywhere.

00:06:41,447 --> 00:06:44,416
A career of mischief making had begun

00:06:45,585 --> 00:06:49,681
According to Wired magazine
the top hack ever done

00:06:50,489 --> 00:06:54,448
by any hacker was
the AT&T time clock hacking.

00:06:54,594 --> 00:06:58,462
They consider that
the finest hack ever.

00:07:00,800 --> 00:07:03,200
What Captain Zap had done
was only discovered

00:07:03,336 --> 00:07:06,601
when the next set of phone bills
started going out.

00:07:15,448 --> 00:07:19,885
But by then he'd disappeared
back into cyberspace.

00:07:20,786 --> 00:07:23,482
He wasn't caught for 18 months.

00:07:24,390 --> 00:07:25,357
I was naturally traced.

00:07:25,491 --> 00:07:26,515
I could have sold drugs

00:07:26,659 --> 00:07:30,686
or I could have stolen cars
or been a rock musician,

00:07:30,830 --> 00:07:33,298
but no I decided to
become a techno freak,

00:07:33,432 --> 00:07:36,833
and it was a whole lot easier
and there were no laws against it.

00:07:38,804 --> 00:07:42,137
20 years later
there are laws against it.

00:07:43,376 --> 00:07:47,176
NYPD Computer Crime Squad
is a growing team of detectives,

00:07:47,313 --> 00:07:50,749
expanding to deal with
the weight of the work they face.

00:07:53,419 --> 00:07:56,411
A computer forensics lab backs
them up

00:07:58,324 --> 00:08:00,383
Sergeant Jimmy Doyle runs the squad

00:08:00,526 --> 00:08:02,255
and he sees most hackers
as people

00:08:02,395 --> 00:08:06,092
who use new tools
to commit old crimes

00:08:08,234 --> 00:08:09,394
Basically what you have
is an individual

00:08:09,535 --> 00:08:11,400
that may do web defacements

00:08:11,537 --> 00:08:13,869
break into that web site,
change the page a little bit,

00:08:14,006 --> 00:08:16,406
that would be the equivalent
of graffiiti artists.

00:08:16,542 --> 00:08:17,873
Then you'll have somebody

00:08:18,010 --> 00:08:19,671
that would break in
to steal something, a burglar.

00:08:19,812 --> 00:08:23,304
Go up a little bit more,
someone who wants to commit crime

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
100:00:14,427 --> 00:00:15,655Over the past 20 years200:00:15,795 --> 00:00:18,764a new breed of peoplehas been evolving.300:00:19,999 --> 00:00:20,897They have their own culture,400:00:21,034 --> 00:00:24,629their own technology andtheir own languages.500:00:25,405 --> 00:00:29,364Among them are pirates and thieves,celebrities and philosophers,600:00:29,509 --> 00:00:31,943lawbreakers and police,700:00:32,078 --> 00:00:35,741heroes and villains.800:00:36,583 --> 00:00:40,485They operate all over the worldbut their real home is cyberspace.900:00:40,620 --> 00:00:42,679And now there's a conflictin cyberspace1000:00:42,822 --> 00:00:45,791between its outlaws and its angels.1100:00:47,660 --> 00:00:50,458This is the inside storyof the very different missions1200:00:50,597 --> 00:00:53,088which nowdrive the diverse breed of people1300:00:53,233 --> 00:00:56,430known to the world as hackers.1400:01:09,015 --> 00:01:13,54324 hours a day, seven days a week,1500:01:13,686 --> 00:01:16,917a war is being fought on the web.1600:01:21,494 --> 00:01:23,121Dennis Treece leads one of the teams1700:01:23,263 --> 00:01:26,061of front line defenders positionedaround the globe,1800:01:26,199 --> 00:01:29,464ready to spot and neutralizethe latest attack.1900:01:32,005 --> 00:01:34,303This is the Global ThreatOperations Center.2000:01:34,440 --> 00:01:36,203This is where we monitorthe hacker threat2100:01:36,342 --> 00:01:39,40224 hours a day on four continents.2200:01:50,623 --> 00:01:54,286It's like the bridge ofthe star ship Enterprise.2300:01:59,232 --> 00:02:00,426Minute by minute,2400:02:00,566 --> 00:02:03,694hour by hour every attackis analyzed.2500:02:04,737 --> 00:02:06,671Any one of them could bethe precursor2600:02:06,806 --> 00:02:08,296to a bigger onslaught fired2700:02:08,441 --> 00:02:11,001by a hacker anywhere in the world.2800:02:13,613 --> 00:02:18,778We had just about 400pre-attack probes in that hour.2900:02:18,918 --> 00:02:24,2541,500 denial of service attacksin that hour.3000:02:25,124 --> 00:02:28,958In the last year the team haveintercepted 83 million hacker attacks3100:02:29,095 --> 00:02:32,895aimed at the corporate networksthey protect all over the world.3200:02:34,267 --> 00:02:36,667The key is flying throughan asteroid belt all the time.3300:02:36,803 --> 00:02:40,830It's constantly being inundated withyou know decisions3400:02:40,973 --> 00:02:44,238to go around these thingsup, over etcetera3500:02:44,377 --> 00:02:46,402What is it?Is it gonna hit the ship3600:02:46,546 --> 00:02:47,513and if it does is it big enough3700:02:47,647 --> 00:02:48,944to do us any damage?3800:02:52,885 --> 00:02:54,352It's a computerized game.3900:02:54,487 --> 00:02:57,012The bad guys against the good guys,if you will.4000:02:58,558 --> 00:03:01,186The emergence of internet good guyslike Dennis4100:03:01,327 --> 00:03:05,286is the result of a series of attacksby the bad guys,4200:03:05,965 --> 00:03:08,433often inflicted againsthigh profile targets4300:03:08,568 --> 00:03:10,092over the past 20 years.4400:03:13,606 --> 00:03:17,770One of the first was launchedby the legendary Captain Zap.4500:03:19,545 --> 00:03:22,537The man behind the comic book imagewas barely out of his teens4600:03:22,682 --> 00:03:25,674when he put himself intothe hacker hall of fame.4700:03:26,419 --> 00:03:29,513You just mention Captain Zapand they go,4800:03:29,655 --> 00:03:32,647"Old history.Oh, my God! Bow."4900:03:34,127 --> 00:03:35,685The target of Captain Zap's hacking5000:03:35,828 --> 00:03:39,264was the computerized charging systemat AT&T.5100:03:40,032 --> 00:03:42,626The telephone rates are too high,just in general,5200:03:42,769 --> 00:03:47,365so why not reduce the ratesfor some people or all people?5300:03:49,075 --> 00:03:50,804To gather intelligencefor his mission5400:03:50,943 --> 00:03:54,470Captain Zap went looking for a wayinto the phone system.5500:03:55,214 --> 00:03:56,875We would go dumpster diving5600:03:57,016 --> 00:04:00,076at the phone company offiiceslate at night5700:04:00,219 --> 00:04:02,653because they don't throw out food,they don't throw out garbage5800:04:02,789 --> 00:04:04,347they throw out manuals.5900:04:05,324 --> 00:04:07,019A huge box of weather protected data6000:04:07,160 --> 00:04:09,492that I can come afterand get from you6100:04:09,629 --> 00:04:11,654It kind ofgives you a good snapshot6200:04:11,798 --> 00:04:13,390view of their daily existence,6300:04:13,533 --> 00:04:15,398morning, noon and night.6400:04:19,338 --> 00:04:23,399Armed with a hacker's ammunition,Captain Zap got to work.6500:04:23,543 --> 00:04:27,172Sit down in front of the terminal,turn it on and start hacking,6600:04:27,313 --> 00:04:30,043and spend hours and hourstrying to get in,6700:04:30,183 --> 00:04:31,980and then once you gotin you were,6800:04:32,118 --> 00:04:34,279you know,do you want to play a game?6900:04:34,987 --> 00:04:37,012Well you would dial intotheir maintenance ports,7000:04:37,156 --> 00:04:39,954and because there wasno protection back7100:04:40,092 --> 00:04:43,459then the maintenance portswould automatically answer.7200:04:44,297 --> 00:04:46,561The system would come upand identify itself as,7300:04:46,699 --> 00:04:51,136"Hi, this is the Ardmoor switch,number five, E-S-S.7400:04:51,270 --> 00:04:54,262Log on, password, guest, guest."You're in.

00:04:56,676 --> 00:04:59,873
Captain Zap fashioned himself
as a modern day Robin Hood,

00:05:00,012 --> 00:05:02,071
an electronic outlaw.

00:05:02,215 --> 00:05:04,149
We decided that we were going to

00:05:04,283 --> 00:05:06,774
change the clocks and the switches
around the country

00:05:06,919 --> 00:05:08,648
so that everybody got
free long distance

00:05:08,788 --> 00:05:10,813
or discounted long distance.

00:05:12,325 --> 00:05:14,452
Captain Zap succeeded in
changing the clocks

00:05:14,594 --> 00:05:16,960
in the national telephone
charging system,

00:05:17,096 --> 00:05:20,031
giving everyone discounted calls
in peak time.

00:05:20,166 --> 00:05:22,964
In hacker terminology, he owned it.

00:05:25,238 --> 00:05:28,173
I knew more about the phone company's
switches than they did.

00:05:35,448 --> 00:05:39,316
In Captain Zap's hands,
inside AT&T's computers

00:05:39,452 --> 00:05:41,079
day became night,

00:05:42,855 --> 00:05:45,415
and night became day

00:05:49,295 --> 00:05:54,323
We changed their clocks so that
it was an exact, 12 hour difference.

00:05:55,568 --> 00:06:01,268
Millions of Americans started
saving money, but none of them knew it

00:06:02,475 --> 00:06:04,841
neither did the phone company.

00:06:06,679 --> 00:06:08,203
Lan was one of the pioneers.

00:06:08,347 --> 00:06:12,807
Lan was one of the first people
to recognize the bad things

00:06:12,952 --> 00:06:15,614
that you could do with computers.

00:06:16,422 --> 00:06:18,652
He didn't have a lot of people
going before him

00:06:18,791 --> 00:06:20,156
that he had to emulate

00:06:20,293 --> 00:06:21,851
and he's sort of an original.

00:06:21,994 --> 00:06:24,053
And he's one of the first generation
of hackers,

00:06:24,196 --> 00:06:25,857
the people that figured out

00:06:25,998 --> 00:06:28,193
how to do it
when figuring out how to do

00:06:28,334 --> 00:06:30,029
it was really diffiicult.

00:06:33,873 --> 00:06:35,135
Captain Zap had discovered

00:06:35,274 --> 00:06:38,732
he could hack almost anything
from almost anywhere.

00:06:41,447 --> 00:06:44,416
A career of mischief making had begun

00:06:45,585 --> 00:06:49,681
According to Wired magazine
the top hack ever done

00:06:50,489 --> 00:06:54,448
by any hacker was
the AT&T time clock hacking.

00:06:54,594 --> 00:06:58,462
They consider that
the finest hack ever.

00:07:00,800 --> 00:07:03,200
What Captain Zap had done
was only discovered

00:07:03,336 --> 00:07:06,601
when the next set of phone bills
started going out.

00:07:15,448 --> 00:07:19,885
But by then he'd disappeared
back into cyberspace.

00:07:20,786 --> 00:07:23,482
He wasn't caught for 18 months.

00:07:24,390 --> 00:07:25,357
I was naturally traced.

00:07:25,491 --> 00:07:26,515
I could have sold drugs

00:07:26,659 --> 00:07:30,686
or I could have stolen cars
or been a rock musician,

00:07:30,830 --> 00:07:33,298
but no I decided to
become a techno freak,

00:07:33,432 --> 00:07:36,833
and it was a whole lot easier
and there were no laws against it.

00:07:38,804 --> 00:07:42,137
20 years later
there are laws against it.

00:07:43,376 --> 00:07:47,176
NYPD Computer Crime Squad
is a growing team of detectives,

00:07:47,313 --> 00:07:50,749
expanding to deal with
the weight of the work they face.

00:07:53,419 --> 00:07:56,411
A computer forensics lab backs
them up

00:07:58,324 --> 00:08:00,383
Sergeant Jimmy Doyle runs the squad

00:08:00,526 --> 00:08:02,255
and he sees most hackers
as people

00:08:02,395 --> 00:08:06,092
who use new tools
to commit old crimes

00:08:08,234 --> 00:08:09,394
Basically what you have
is an individual

00:08:09,535 --> 00:08:11,400
that may do web defacements

00:08:11,537 --> 00:08:13,869
break into that web site,
change the page a little bit,

00:08:14,006 --> 00:08:16,406
that would be the equivalent
of graffiiti artists.

00:08:16,542 --> 00:08:17,873
Then you'll have somebody

00:08:18,010 --> 00:08:19,671
that would break in
to steal something, a burglar.

00:08:19,812 --> 00:08:23,304
Go up a little bit more,
someone who wants to commit crime

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
00: 00: 14.427 -> 00: 00: 15.655
Selama 20 tahun terakhir 2 00: 00: 15.795 -> 00: 00: 18.764 generasi baru orang telah berkembang. 3 00: 00: 19.999 - > 00: 00: 20.897 Mereka memiliki budaya mereka sendiri, 4 00: 00: 21.034 -> 00: 00: 24.629 teknologi mereka sendiri dan bahasa mereka sendiri. 5 00: 00: 25.405 -> 00: 00: 29.364 Di antara mereka bajak laut dan pencuri, selebriti dan filsuf, 6 00: 00: 29.509 -> 00: 00: 31.943 pelanggar hukum dan polisi, 7 00: 00: 32.078 -> 00: 00: 35.741. pahlawan dan penjahat 8 00:00: 36.583 -> 00: 00: 40.485 Mereka beroperasi di seluruh dunia, tetapi rumah yang sebenarnya mereka adalah dunia maya. 9 00: 00: 40.620 -> 00: 00: 42.679 Dan sekarang ada konflik di dunia maya 10 00: 00: 42.822 - -> 00: 00: 45.791 antara penjahat dan malaikat-nya. 11 00: 00: 47.660 -> 00: 00: 50.458 Ini adalah kisah dalam misi yang sangat berbeda 12 00: 00: 50.597 -> 00:00 : 53.088 yang kini mendorong berkembang biak beragam orang 13 00: 00: 53.233 -> 00: 00: 56.430 dikenal dunia sebagai hacker. 14 00: 01: 09.015 -> 00: 01: 13.543 24 jam sehari, tujuh hari seminggu, 15 00: 01: 13.686 -> 00: 01: 16.917 perang sedang berjuang di web. 16 00: 01: 21.494 -> 00: 01: 23.121 Dennis Treece mengarah salah satu tim 17 00: 01: 23.263 -> 00: 01: 26.061 pembela garis depan diposisikan di seluruh dunia, 18 00: 01: 26.199 -> 00: 01: 29.464 siap untuk spot dan menetralisir. serangan terbaru 19 00:01: 32.005 -> 00: 01: 34.303 ini adalah Global Threat Operations Center. 20 00: 01: 34.440 -> 00: 01: 36.203 Ini adalah di mana kita memantau ancaman hacker 21 00: 01: 36.342 -> 00: 01: 39.402 24 jam sehari di empat benua. 22 00: 01: 50.623 -> 00: 01: 54.286 Ini seperti jembatan Enterprise kapal bintang. 23 00: 01: 59.232 -> 00: 02: 00.426 Menit demi menit, 24 00: 02: 00.566 -> 00: 02: 03.694 jam demi jam setiap serangan dianalisis. 25 00: 02: 04.737 -> 00: 02: 06.671 Salah satu dari mereka bisa menjadi prekursor 26 00: 02: 06.806 -> 00: 02: 08.296 untuk serangan yang lebih besar dipecat 27 00: 02: 08.441 -> 00: 02: 11.001 oleh hacker mana saja di dunia. 28 00: 02: 13.613 -> 00:02 : 18778 Kami memiliki hanya sekitar 400 probe pra-serangan pada saat itu. 29 00: 02: 18.918 -> 00: 02: 24.254 1.500 serangan penolakan layanan pada saat itu. 30 00: 02: 25.124 -> 00:02 : 28958 Pada tahun lalu tim telah dicegat 83 juta serangan hacker 31 00: 02: 29.095 -> 00: 02: 32.895 ditujukan pada jaringan perusahaan mereka melindungi seluruh dunia. 32 00: 02: 34.267 -> 00 : 02: 36.667 Kuncinya terbang melalui. sabuk asteroid sepanjang waktu 33 00: 02: 36.803 -> 00: 02: 40.830 Ini terus-menerus dibanjiri dengan Anda tahu keputusan 34 00: 02: 40.973 -> 00:02 : 44.238 untuk pergi sekitar hal-hal ini sampai, lebih sebagainya 35 00: 02: 44.377 -> 00: 02: 46.402 Apa itu? Apakah itu akan memukul kapal 36 00: 02: 46.546 -> 00: 02: 47.513 dan jika yang dilakukannya itu cukup besar 37 00: 02: 47.647 -> 00: 02: 48.944 untuk melakukan kami kerusakan? 38 00: 02: 52.885 -> 00: 02: 54.352. Ini adalah permainan terkomputerisasi 39 00:02 : 54487 -> 00: 02: 57.012 Orang-orang jahat terhadap orang-orang yang baik, jika Anda mau. 40 00: 02: 58.558 -> 00: 03: 01.186 Munculnya orang internet yang baik seperti Dennis 41 00: 03: 01.327 -> 00: 03: 05.286 adalah hasil dari serangkaian serangan oleh orang-orang jahat, 42 00: 03: 05.965 -> 00: 03: 08.433 sering ditimbulkan terhadap profil tinggi menargetkan 43 00: 03: 08.568 -> 00: 03: 10.092 selama 20 tahun terakhir. 44 00: 03: 13.606 -> 00: 03: 17.770 Salah satu yang pertama diluncurkan oleh legendaris Kapten Zap. 45 00: 03: 19.545 -> 00:03: 22.537 Orang di belakang gambar buku komik hampir tidak keluar dari remaja 46 00: 03: 22.682 -> 00: 03: 25.674 ketika ia menempatkan dirinya ke dalam aula hacker ketenaran. 47 00: 03: 26.419 -> 00: 03: 29.513 Anda hanya menyebutkan Captain Zap dan mereka pergi, 48 00: 03: 29.655 -> 00: 03: 32.647 "sejarah Old. Oh, Tuhan! Bow ". 49 00: 03: 34.127 -> 00: 03: 35.685 Target Captain Zap hacking 50 00: 03: 35.828 -> 00: 03: 39.264 adalah sistem pengisian komputerisasi. Di AT & T 51 00:03: 40.032 -> 00: 03: 42.626 The tarif telepon terlalu tinggi, hanya secara umum, 52 00: 03: 42.769 -> 00: 03: 47.365 jadi mengapa tidak mengurangi tarif? bagi sebagian orang atau semua orang 53 00: 03: 49.075 -> 00: 03: 50.804 Untuk mengumpulkan data intelijen untuk misinya 54 00: 03: 50.943 -> 00: 03: 54.470 Kapten Zap pergi mencari cara ke dalam sistem telepon. 55 00: 03: 55.214 - -> 00: 03: 56.875 Kami akan pergi menyelam tempat sampah 56 00: 03: 57.016 -> 00: 04: 00.076 di offiices perusahaan telepon larut malam 57 00: 04: 00.219 -> 00: 04: 02.653 karena mereka tidak membuang makanan, mereka tidak membuang sampah 58 00: 04: 02.789 -> 00: 04: 04.347 mereka membuang manual. 59 00: 04: 05.324 -> 00: 04: 07.019 Sebuah kotak besar cuaca dilindungi Data 60 00: 04: 07.160 -> 00: 04: 09.492 bahwa saya bisa datang setelah dan dapatkan dari Anda 61 00: 04: 09.629 -> 00: 04: 11.654 Ini semacam memberi Anda gambaran yang baik 62 00: 04: 11,798 -> 00: 04: 13.390 pandangan kehidupan sehari-hari mereka, 63 00: 04: 13.533 -> 00: 04: 15.398 pagi, siang dan malam. 64 00: 04: 19.338 -> 00: 04: 23.399 Bersenjata dengan amunisi hacker, Captain Zap harus bekerja. 65 00: 04: 23.543 -> 00: 04: 27.172 Duduklah di depan terminal, menyalakannya dan mulai hacking, 66 00: 04: 27.313 -> 00: 04: 30.043 dan menghabiskan berjam-jam mencoba untuk masuk, 67 00: 04: 30.183 -> 00: 04: 31.980 dan kemudian setelah Anda mendapat di Anda, 68 00: 04: 32.118 -> 00: 04: 34.279 Anda tahu, apakah Anda ingin bermain game? 69 00: 04: 34.987 -> 00: 04: 37.012 Yah Anda akan dial ke port pemeliharaan mereka, 70 00: 04: 37.156 -> 00: 04: 39.954 dan karena ada tidak ada perlindungan kembali 71 00: 04: 40.092 -> 00: 04: 43.459 maka port pemeliharaan otomatis akan menjawab. 72 00: 04: 44.297 -> 00: 04: 46.561 Sistem akan datang up dan mengidentifikasi dirinya sebagai, 73 00: 04: 46.699 -> 00: 04: 51.136 "Hai, ini adalah switch Ardmoor, nomor lima, ESS. 74 00: 04: 51.270 -> 00: 04: 54.262 Logon ., password, tamu, tamu "Kau di. 75 00: 04: 56.676 -> 00: 04: 59.873 Kapten Zap kuno dirinya sebagai modern Robin Hood, 76 00: 05: 00.012 -> 00:05 : 02071 penjahat elektronik. 77 00: 05: 02.215 -> 00: 05: 04.149 Kami memutuskan bahwa kami akan 78 00: 05: 04.283 -> 00: 05: 06.774 perubahan jam dan switch di seluruh negeri 79 00: 05: 06.919 -> 00: 05: 08.648 sehingga setiap orang mendapat jarak jauh gratis 80 00: 05: 08.788 -> 00: 05: 10.813 atau jarak jauh diskon. 81 00: 05: 12.325 -> 00 : 05: 14.452 Kapten Zap berhasil mengubah jam 82 00: 05: 14.594 -> 00: 05: 16.960 di telepon nasional sistem pengisian, 83 00: 05: 17.096 -> 00: 05: 20.031 memberikan setiap orang potongan panggilan di waktu puncak. 84 00: 05: 20.166 -> 00: 05: 22.964 Dalam terminologi hacker, ia memiliki hal itu. 85 00: 05: 25.238 -> 00: 05: 28.173 Saya tahu lebih banyak tentang perusahaan telepon switch dari mereka melakukan. 86 00: 05: 35.448 -> 00: 05: 39.316 Di tangan Kapten Zap itu, dalam AT & T komputer 87 00: 05: 39.452 -> 00: 05: 41.079 hari menjadi malam, 88 00: 05: 42.855 - > 00: 05: 45.415 dan malam menjadi hari 89 00: 05: 49.295 -> 00: 05: 54.323 Kami mengubah jam mereka sehingga itu adalah tepat, 12 jam perbedaan. 90 00: 05: 55.568 -> 00: 06: 01.268 Jutaan orang Amerika mulai menabung, namun tidak satupun dari mereka tahu itu 91 00: 06: 02.475 -> 00: 06: 04.841 begitu pula perusahaan telepon. 92 00: 06: 06.679 -> 00: 06: 08.203 Lan adalah salah satu pelopor. 93 00: 06: 08.347 -> 00: 06: 12.807 Lan adalah salah satu orang pertama untuk mengenali hal-hal buruk 94 00: 06: 12.952 -> 00: 06: 15.614 bahwa Anda bisa lakukan dengan komputer. 95 00: 06: 16.422 -> 00: 06: 18.652 Dia tidak memiliki banyak orang akan hadapannya 96 00: 06: 18.791 -> 00: 06: 20.156 bahwa ia harus meniru 97 00: 06: 20.293 -> 00: 06: 21.851 dan dia semacam asli. 98 00: 06: 21.994 -> 00: 06: 24.053 Dan dia salah satu dari generasi pertama dari hacker, 99 00: 06: 24.196 -> 00: 06: 25.857 orang-orang yang tahu 100 00: 06: 25.998 -> 00: 06: 28.193 bagaimana melakukannya ketika mencari tahu bagaimana melakukan 101 00: 06: 28.334 -> 00:06: 30.029 itu benar-benar diffiicult. 102 00: 06: 33.873 -> 00: 06: 35.135 Kapten Zap telah menemukan 103 00: 06: 35.274 -> 00: 06: 38.732 dia bisa hack hampir semua hal. dari hampir di mana saja 104 00: 06: 41.447 -> 00: 06: 44.416 Sebuah karir pembuatan kenakalan mulai 105 00: 06: 45.585 -> 00: 06: 49.681 Menurut majalah Wired hack top yang pernah dilakukan 106 00: 06: 50.489 -> 00: 06: 54.448 oleh hacker adalah AT & T waktu jam hacking. 107 00: 06: 54.594 -> 00: 06: 58.462 Mereka menganggap bahwa hack terbaik yang pernah. 108 00: 07: 00.800 -> 00:07: 03.200 Apa Captain Zap memiliki dilakukan hanya ditemukan 109 00: 07: 03.336 -> 00: 07: 06.601 ketika set berikutnya tagihan telepon mulai keluar. 110 00: 07: 15.448 -> 00: 07: 19.885 Tapi dengan kemudian ia menghilang kembali ke dalam dunia maya. 111 00: 07: 20.786 -> 00: 07: 23.482 Dia tidak tertangkap selama 18 bulan. 112 00: 07: 24.390 -> 00: 07: 25.357 Saya alami ditelusuri . 113 00: 07: 25.491 -> 00: 07: 26.515 Saya bisa menjual obat 114 00: 07: 26.659 -> 00: 07: 30.686 atau saya bisa dicuri mobil atau menjadi musisi rock, 115 00:07 : 30830 -> 00: 07: 33.298 tapi tidak ada saya memutuskan untuk menjadi aneh techno, 116 00: 07: 33.432 -> 00: 07: 36.833 dan itu jauh lebih mudah. ​​dan tidak ada hukum yang menentang hal 117 00: 07: 38.804 -> 00: 07: 42.137 20 tahun kemudian ada hukum yang menentang hal itu. 118 00: 07: 43.376 -> 00: 07: 47.176 NYPD Kejahatan Komputer Squad adalah tim yang berkembang detektif, 119 00: 07: 47.313 -> 00: 07: 50.749 memperluas berurusan dengan berat pekerjaan yang mereka hadapi. 120 00: 07: 53.419 -> 00: 07: 56.411 Sebuah laboratorium forensik komputer punggung mereka 121 00: 07: 58.324 -> 00: 08: 00.383 Sersan Jimmy Doyle berjalan skuad 122 00: 08: 00.526 -> 00: 08: 02.255 dan dia melihat sebagian besar hacker sebagai orang 123 00: 08: 02.395 -> 00: 08: 06.092 yang menggunakan alat-alat baru untuk melakukan kejahatan lama 124 00: 08: 08.234 -> 00: 08: 09.394 Pada dasarnya apa yang Anda miliki adalah individu 125 00: 08: 09.535 -> 00: 08: 11.400 yang dapat melakukan defacements web 126 00: 08: 11.537 -> 00: 08: 13.869 istirahat ke dalam situs web, mengubah halaman sedikit, 127 00: 08: 14.006 -> 00: 08: 16.406 yang akan menjadi setara. seniman graffiiti 128 00: 08: 16.542 -> 00: 08: 17.873 Kemudian Anda akan memiliki seseorang 129 00: 08: 18.010 -> 00: 08: 19.671 yang akan istirahat di mencuri sesuatu, pencuri. 130 00: 08: 19.812 - > 00: 08: 23.304 Naik sedikit sedikit lebih, seseorang yang ingin melakukan kejahatan 131 00: 0

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