HI DEAR, My humble greeting! I know that this mail might be a surprise terjemahan - HI DEAR, My humble greeting! I know that this mail might be a surprise Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

HI DEAR, My humble greeting! I know

My humble greeting! I know that this mail might be a surprise to you. But please bring your attention to read this message with sympathetic mind. My name is Malik L. TOURE the only child of (Late Mr. Soro TOURE) from Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire. My father was the formal minister of importation and exportation of petroleum and mineral resources. It's very sad to say that during one of his business trip, he was poisoned to death by the agents of the Ex President Laurent GBAGBO who is presently at the International Criminal Court (ICC) because my late father have support and sympathy for the opposition party in the 2010 presidential election.
Furthermore, I would like to know about you and discuss investment issue with you. I wish to let you know that I will be interested to invest in your country under your managements. Nevertheless, I have inherited fund US$9.5 Million (Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollar) which my late father deposited as a TRUNK BOX that contains High Family Valuable Effects in one of the Security Company before he died in a private hospital because of the poison which affected and damage his body system and while my mother died when I was still a kid so I never knew my mother. Before my father died, he advised me to seek for a foreign partner who will assist me to retrieve this box that contains the money out from the security company. Now I'm alone in this strange world without a father, mother or guardians at my tender age. So please I'm in a sincere desire of your humble assistance both for the claiming of this Trunk Box that contains the money from the company and also to bring me to your country so that I can continue my education. Many thanks if you can be able to assist or help me receive this money in the Trunk Box, I would be happy to compensate you with 25% of the total money in the Trunk Box after you have assited me to retrieve the Box successful from the Security Company. I will give you more details only if you will be interested to assist me. Please your suggestions and ideas will be highly appreciated. NOTE: In case you are interested to assist me, kindly reply me back urgently through my private email address here (l.m.t2000@Safe-mail.net) for more explanation and information.
Thanks and best regards. I shall be waiting to read a consideration mail from you.
Yours Sincerely,
Malik L. TOURE.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hai sayang Salam saya rendah hati! Saya tahu bahwa email ini mungkin mengejutkan Anda. Tetapi harap membawa perhatian Anda untuk membaca pesan ini dengan pikiran yang simpatik. Nama saya adalah Malik L. TOURE satu-satunya anak dari (akhir Mr Soro TOURE) dari Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire. Ayahku adalah Menteri formal impor dan ekspor Perminyakan dan sumber daya mineral. Hal ini sangat sedih untuk mengatakan bahwa selama salah satu perjalanan bisnis, ia diracuni sampai mati oleh agen-agen mantan Presiden Laurent GBAGBO yang saat ini di pengadilan pidana internasional (ICC) karena my almarhum ayah memiliki dukungan dan simpati untuk Partai oposisi dalam pemilihan Presiden 2010. Furthermore, I would like to know about you and discuss investment issue with you. I wish to let you know that I will be interested to invest in your country under your managements. Nevertheless, I have inherited fund US$9.5 Million (Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollar) which my late father deposited as a TRUNK BOX that contains High Family Valuable Effects in one of the Security Company before he died in a private hospital because of the poison which affected and damage his body system and while my mother died when I was still a kid so I never knew my mother. Before my father died, he advised me to seek for a foreign partner who will assist me to retrieve this box that contains the money out from the security company. Now I'm alone in this strange world without a father, mother or guardians at my tender age. So please I'm in a sincere desire of your humble assistance both for the claiming of this Trunk Box that contains the money from the company and also to bring me to your country so that I can continue my education. Many thanks if you can be able to assist or help me receive this money in the Trunk Box, I would be happy to compensate you with 25% of the total money in the Trunk Box after you have assited me to retrieve the Box successful from the Security Company. I will give you more details only if you will be interested to assist me. Please your suggestions and ideas will be highly appreciated. NOTE: In case you are interested to assist me, kindly reply me back urgently through my private email address here (l.m.t2000@Safe-mail.net) for more explanation and information. Terima kasih dan best regards. Aku akan menunggu untuk membaca pesan pertimbangan dari Anda. Anda tulus, Malik L. TOURE.
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