Shunned by much of Asia,migrants welcomed in AcehAgence France-Presse, terjemahan - Shunned by much of Asia,migrants welcomed in AcehAgence France-Presse, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Shunned by much of Asia,migrants we

Shunned by much of Asia,
migrants welcomed in Aceh
Agence France-Presse, Langsa, Aceh | Archipelago | Wed, May 20 2015, 4:27 PM
Archipelago News

From rescuing migrants at sea to donating all they can, residents of Indonesia's Islamic Aceh province are warmly welcoming hundreds of desperate fellow Muslims who have fled their homelands -- a contrast to the rejection they face elsewhere in Southeast Asia.

Around 1,800 Rohingya and Bangladeshi boatpeople have landed in Aceh in recent days, abandoned by people-smugglers after their boat journeys to Malaysia were disrupted by a Thai crackdown on long-established routes.

Migrants have also arrived in Malaysia and Thailand after being dumped by smugglers. Thousands more are still believed to be stranded at sea with little food and water.

The governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand have insisted on turning back seaworthy vessels, sparking outrage.

Many in Aceh, the only part of Indonesia that implements Islamic sharia law, are dismayed by the national government's policy and have opened their arms to those who have made it to shore.

"They need our help. We saw that they are in a terrible condition, thirsty, hungry and neglected," 18-year-old student Cut Haya told AFP in Langsa, where hundreds of migrants are being housed in temporary shelters.

"As human beings, we have to help them, especially because they are our Muslim brothers and sisters."

Along with compassion for their religious brethren, Acehnese are also showing empathy following their own troubled recent past, including a long-running separatist conflict.

The insurgency ran for three decades and only ended after a monster earthquake and tsunami struck Aceh in 2004, killing almost 170,000 in the western province and tens of thousands more in countries round the Indian Ocean.

There has been an outpouring of public sympathy for the migrants, particularly the Rohingya, who are fleeing state-sanctioned persecution in their native Myanmar. The Bangladeshis are for the most part seeking to escape grinding poverty.

Caught off guard when the boats arrived, authorities scrambled to find food and shelter for hundreds of exhausted people -- but where they have been stretched, ordinary Acehnese are lending a helping hand.

There has been a constant stream of Langsa residents bringing donations to the shelters in the small fishing town, with volunteers helping gather everything from eggs and noodles to basic toiletries and clothing.

In nearby fields, impromptu games of soccer and tug of war between locals and children from the camps have provided a brief escape for the young migrants from the misery of their situation.

Many get their first taste of Acehnese hospitality even before making it to shore -- many of the arrivals have been rescued by local fishermen.

The latest batch came ashore early Wednesday, with fishermen saving more than 400 from two boats off the coast.

"We are giving first aid to these people, we are feeding them, giving them water and providing a comfortable place for them," said search-and-rescue official Sadikin, who goes by one name.

But while the migrants wait indefinitely for refugee claims to be assessed -- a process the International Organization for Migration (IOM) says could take months -- attention is shifting to the others who could still be floating at sea.

A rally Tuesday attended by 100 people in the provincial capital Banda Aceh saw community groups demand more be done to save those still on the water, instead of turning them away.

"Back when the tsunami hit Aceh, people from all over the world came here to help us, regardless of race, ethnicity and religion," activist Muhammad Hamza told the rally. "Now it is time we show humanity by helping the Rohingya."

The country's biggest Muslim organisation, Nahdlatul Ulama, condemned the government's decision to bar migrant boats from coming to Indonesia, urging it to immediately rescue those in dire need.

"Where is our sense of humanity if we let them die at sea?" said Teungku Faisal Ali, chairman of the group's Aceh branch.

Steve Hamilton, the IOM's deputy chief of mission in Indonesia, said the response from the Acehnese people had been "fantastic", but not surprising given their history of war and suffering.

"They've seen great tragedy in their own province," he told AFP. "Aceh really understands what it means to have lost everything, because they went through it already."(+++)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Shunned by much of Asia,migrants welcomed in AcehAgence France-Presse, Langsa, Aceh | Archipelago | Wed, May 20 2015, 4:27 PMArchipelago News From rescuing migrants at sea to donating all they can, residents of Indonesia's Islamic Aceh province are warmly welcoming hundreds of desperate fellow Muslims who have fled their homelands -- a contrast to the rejection they face elsewhere in Southeast Asia.Around 1,800 Rohingya and Bangladeshi boatpeople have landed in Aceh in recent days, abandoned by people-smugglers after their boat journeys to Malaysia were disrupted by a Thai crackdown on long-established routes.Migrants have also arrived in Malaysia and Thailand after being dumped by smugglers. Thousands more are still believed to be stranded at sea with little food and water.The governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand have insisted on turning back seaworthy vessels, sparking outrage.Many in Aceh, the only part of Indonesia that implements Islamic sharia law, are dismayed by the national government's policy and have opened their arms to those who have made it to shore."They need our help. We saw that they are in a terrible condition, thirsty, hungry and neglected," 18-year-old student Cut Haya told AFP in Langsa, where hundreds of migrants are being housed in temporary shelters."As human beings, we have to help them, especially because they are our Muslim brothers and sisters."Along with compassion for their religious brethren, Acehnese are also showing empathy following their own troubled recent past, including a long-running separatist conflict.The insurgency ran for three decades and only ended after a monster earthquake and tsunami struck Aceh in 2004, killing almost 170,000 in the western province and tens of thousands more in countries round the Indian Ocean.There has been an outpouring of public sympathy for the migrants, particularly the Rohingya, who are fleeing state-sanctioned persecution in their native Myanmar. The Bangladeshis are for the most part seeking to escape grinding poverty.Caught off guard when the boats arrived, authorities scrambled to find food and shelter for hundreds of exhausted people -- but where they have been stretched, ordinary Acehnese are lending a helping hand.There has been a constant stream of Langsa residents bringing donations to the shelters in the small fishing town, with volunteers helping gather everything from eggs and noodles to basic toiletries and clothing.In nearby fields, impromptu games of soccer and tug of war between locals and children from the camps have provided a brief escape for the young migrants from the misery of their situation.Many get their first taste of Acehnese hospitality even before making it to shore -- many of the arrivals have been rescued by local fishermen.The latest batch came ashore early Wednesday, with fishermen saving more than 400 from two boats off the coast."We are giving first aid to these people, we are feeding them, giving them water and providing a comfortable place for them," said search-and-rescue official Sadikin, who goes by one name.But while the migrants wait indefinitely for refugee claims to be assessed -- a process the International Organization for Migration (IOM) says could take months -- attention is shifting to the others who could still be floating at sea.A rally Tuesday attended by 100 people in the provincial capital Banda Aceh saw community groups demand more be done to save those still on the water, instead of turning them away."Back when the tsunami hit Aceh, people from all over the world came here to help us, regardless of race, ethnicity and religion," activist Muhammad Hamza told the rally. "Now it is time we show humanity by helping the Rohingya."The country's biggest Muslim organisation, Nahdlatul Ulama, condemned the government's decision to bar migrant boats from coming to Indonesia, urging it to immediately rescue those in dire need."Where is our sense of humanity if we let them die at sea?" said Teungku Faisal Ali, chairman of the group's Aceh branch.Steve Hamilton, the IOM's deputy chief of mission in Indonesia, said the response from the Acehnese people had been "fantastic", but not surprising given their history of war and suffering."They've seen great tragedy in their own province," he told AFP. "Aceh really understands what it means to have lost everything, because they went through it already."(+++)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dijauhi oleh sebagian besar Asia,
migran disambut di Aceh
Agence France-Presse, Langsa, Aceh | Nusantara | Rabu, 20 Mei 2015, 16:27
Archipelago Berita Dari menyelamatkan migran di laut untuk menyumbangkan semua yang mereka bisa, penduduk provinsi Aceh Islam di Indonesia hangat menyambut ratusan sesama Muslim putus asa yang melarikan diri tanah air mereka -. kontras dengan penolakan mereka hadapi di tempat lain di Asia Tenggara Sekitar 1.800 Rohingya dan Bangladesh manusia perahu telah mendarat di Aceh dalam beberapa hari terakhir, ditinggalkan oleh orang-penyelundup setelah perjalanan perahu mereka ke Malaysia terganggu oleh tindakan keras Thailand pada lama mapan rute. Para migran juga telah tiba di Malaysia dan Thailand setelah dibuang oleh penyelundup. Ribuan lainnya masih diyakini terdampar di laut dengan sedikit makanan dan air. Pemerintah Indonesia, Malaysia dan Thailand telah bersikeras berbalik kapal layak laut, memicu kemarahan. Banyak di Aceh, satu-satunya bagian dari Indonesia yang menerapkan hukum syariah Islam, yang kecewa dengan kebijakan pemerintah nasional dan telah membuka lengan mereka kepada mereka yang telah berhasil sampai ke pantai. "Mereka membutuhkan bantuan kita. Kita melihat bahwa mereka berada dalam kondisi yang mengerikan, haus, lapar dan diabaikan," mahasiswa 18 tahun Potong Haya kepada AFP di Langsa, di mana ratusan migran yang ditempatkan di tempat penampungan sementara. "Sebagai manusia, kita harus membantu mereka, terutama karena mereka adalah saudara-saudara Muslim kami dan saudara." Seiring dengan belas kasih bagi saudara-saudara agama mereka, Aceh adalah juga menunjukkan empati berikut masa lalu bermasalah mereka sendiri, termasuk konflik separatis panjang-berjalan. pemberontakan berlari selama tiga dekade dan hanya berakhir setelah gempa dan tsunami melanda rakasa Aceh pada tahun 2004, menewaskan hampir 170.000 di provinsi barat dan puluhan ribu lainnya di negara-negara sekeliling Samudera Hindia. Ada curahan simpati publik untuk migran, khususnya Rohingya, yang melarikan diri penganiayaan negara-sanksi di Myanmar asli mereka. The Bangladesh adalah untuk sebagian besar mencari untuk keluar dari kemiskinan grinding. Tertangkap lengah ketika kapal tiba, pihak berwenang bergegas untuk menemukan makanan dan tempat tinggal bagi ratusan orang kelelahan - tetapi di mana mereka telah membentang, Aceh biasa meminjamkan tangan membantu. Ada aliran konstan warga Langsa membawa sumbangan ke tempat penampungan di kota nelayan kecil, dengan relawan membantu mengumpulkan segala sesuatu dari telur dan mie untuk dasar mandi dan pakaian. Dalam bidang terdekat, game dadakan dari sepak bola dan tarik tambang antara penduduk setempat dan anak-anak dari kamp telah disediakan melarikan diri singkat untuk migran muda dari penderitaan situasi mereka. Banyak mendapatkan rasa pertama mereka dari perhotelan Aceh bahkan sebelum membuat ke pantai -. banyak pendatang telah diselamatkan oleh nelayan setempat Batch terbaru mendarat Rabu pagi, dengan nelayan menyimpan lebih dari 400 dari dua kapal lepas pantai. "Kami memberikan pertolongan pertama kepada orang-orang ini, kita memberi makan mereka, memberi mereka air dan menyediakan tempat yang nyaman bagi mereka," kata pencarian dan- . Sadikin resmi penyelamatan, yang pergi dengan satu nama Tetapi sementara migran menunggu tanpa batas waktu untuk pengungsi mengaku dinilai - proses Organisasi Internasional untuk Migrasi (IOM) mengatakan bisa mengambil bulan - perhatian bergeser ke orang lain yang masih bisa mengambang di laut. Sebuah reli Selasa dihadiri oleh 100 orang di ibukota provinsi Banda Aceh melihat kelompok masyarakat menuntut lebih harus dilakukan untuk menyelamatkan mereka yang masih di atas air, bukannya memalingkan mereka. "Kembali ketika tsunami melanda Aceh, orang-orang dari seluruh dunia datang ke sini untuk membantu kami, terlepas dari ras, etnis dan agama, "kata aktivis Muhammad Hamza reli. "Sekarang saatnya kita menunjukkan kemanusiaan dengan membantu Rohingya." organisasi Muslim terbesar di negara itu, Nahdlatul Ulama, mengutuk keputusan pemerintah untuk melarang kapal migran dari datang ke Indonesia, mendesak untuk segera menyelamatkan mereka membutuhkan. "Dimana kami rasa kemanusiaan jika kita membiarkan mereka mati di laut? " kata Teungku Faisal Ali, ketua cabang kelompok Aceh. Steve Hamilton, wakil kepala IOM misi di Indonesia, mengatakan respon dari masyarakat Aceh telah "fantastis", tapi tidak mengherankan mengingat sejarah mereka dari perang dan penderitaan. "Mereka telah melihat tragedi besar di provinsi mereka sendiri, "katanya kepada AFP. "Aceh benar-benar memahami apa artinya telah kehilangan segalanya, karena mereka pergi melalui itu sudah." (+++)

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