PrinciplesAccelerator's ability is based on Vector Transformation (ベクト terjemahan - PrinciplesAccelerator's ability is based on Vector Transformation (ベクト Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

PrinciplesAccelerator's ability is


Accelerator's ability is based on Vector Transformation (ベクトル変換, Bekutoru Henkan?),[Notes 1] known in other names such as Vector Change and Vector Conversion, that allows him to control vectors (magnitude and direction) and influence objects that have vectors such as bullets, heat, and electricity.[2] Accelerator is both passive and active in usage, or can even be a referred to as defensive and offensive.[3][4]

It is self-evident that the ability requires a great amount of calculating power from the esper, as it requires for Accelerator to take into account several vectors that he wants to redirect, and when activated, several variables are present when manipulating and controlling vectors. For example, Accelerator is able to delete data from Last Order's mind through the manipulation of vectors of her bio-electricity.[5] Furthermore, Accelerator can do it even if he is unconscious, able to make an invisible "tube" to control blood flow in Yoshikawa Kikyou's artery and not allow a single drop to spill.[6] In fact, the combined brains of 10,000 level 3 Sisters are only able to make up less than half of Accelerator's calculating power, though it seems it is enough for Accelerator to use it even in combat.[7]


Accelerator about to redirect a Toy Soldier bullet from Misaka 10031.
Accelerator uses this passive ability to "Redirection" or "Reflection" (反射, Hansha?, lit. "Reflection") reverse any oncoming vector coming towards the field that protects his entire body, most likely his AIM Dispersion Field, which somehow covers even the clothes he wears and select objects he is holding. The redirection ability can be done subconsciously through some simple calculations as he was shown doing so as a child 5-6 years prior to the start of the story.[8] He just needs to calculate the minimum required forces like gravity, air pressure, light, oxygen, heat, sound wavelength, etc. and redirect everything else. Things such as light, sound, and gravity are calibrated to pass through this field for his convenience, though he can undo this if he chooses to.[9] For defensive use, Accelerator subconsciously establishes a filter that analyzes everything as harmful or not, and uses his reflect to push away anything that could harm him.[10] Examples of these would be high-velocity vectors that are reflected, such as bullets, which Accelerator obviously could not consciously react to, as the speed of a bullet is immensely high. He was also able to re-direct Misaka's Railgun.[11]
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
PrinciplesAccelerator's ability is based on Vector Transformation (ベクトル変換, Bekutoru Henkan?),[Notes 1] known in other names such as Vector Change and Vector Conversion, that allows him to control vectors (magnitude and direction) and influence objects that have vectors such as bullets, heat, and electricity.[2] Accelerator is both passive and active in usage, or can even be a referred to as defensive and offensive.[3][4]It is self-evident that the ability requires a great amount of calculating power from the esper, as it requires for Accelerator to take into account several vectors that he wants to redirect, and when activated, several variables are present when manipulating and controlling vectors. For example, Accelerator is able to delete data from Last Order's mind through the manipulation of vectors of her bio-electricity.[5] Furthermore, Accelerator can do it even if he is unconscious, able to make an invisible "tube" to control blood flow in Yoshikawa Kikyou's artery and not allow a single drop to spill.[6] In fact, the combined brains of 10,000 level 3 Sisters are only able to make up less than half of Accelerator's calculating power, though it seems it is enough for Accelerator to use it even in combat.[7]RedirectionAccelerator about to redirect a Toy Soldier bullet from Misaka 10031.Accelerator uses this passive ability to "Redirection" or "Reflection" (反射, Hansha?, lit. "Reflection") reverse any oncoming vector coming towards the field that protects his entire body, most likely his AIM Dispersion Field, which somehow covers even the clothes he wears and select objects he is holding. The redirection ability can be done subconsciously through some simple calculations as he was shown doing so as a child 5-6 years prior to the start of the story.[8] He just needs to calculate the minimum required forces like gravity, air pressure, light, oxygen, heat, sound wavelength, etc. and redirect everything else. Things such as light, sound, and gravity are calibrated to pass through this field for his convenience, though he can undo this if he chooses to.[9] For defensive use, Accelerator subconsciously establishes a filter that analyzes everything as harmful or not, and uses his reflect to push away anything that could harm him.[10] Examples of these would be high-velocity vectors that are reflected, such as bullets, which Accelerator obviously could not consciously react to, as the speed of a bullet is immensely high. He was also able to re-direct Misaka's Railgun.[11]
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Prinsip kemampuan Accelerator didasarkan pada Vector Transformasi (ベクトル変換, Bekutoru Henkan?), [Catatan 1] dikenal dalam nama lain seperti Vector Perubahan dan Vector Konversi, yang memungkinkan dia untuk mengontrol vektor (besaran dan arah) dan pengaruh benda-benda yang memiliki vektor seperti peluru, panas, dan listrik. [2] Accelerator adalah baik pasif dan aktif dalam penggunaan, atau bahkan bisa menjadi disebut sebagai defensif dan ofensif. [3] [4] Hal ini jelas bahwa kemampuan memerlukan besar jumlah menghitung daya dari esper itu, karena membutuhkan untuk Accelerator untuk mempertimbangkan beberapa vektor yang ia ingin mengarahkan, dan ketika diaktifkan, beberapa variabel yang hadir ketika memanipulasi dan mengendalikan vektor. Misalnya, Accelerator mampu menghapus data dari pikiran Orde terakhir melalui manipulasi vektor nya bio-listrik. [5] Selain itu, Accelerator bisa melakukannya bahkan jika ia tidak sadar, mampu membuat tak terlihat "tabung" untuk mengontrol darah mengalir dalam arteri Yoshikawa Kikyou dan tidak memungkinkan setetes tumpah. [6] Bahkan, otak gabungan dari 10.000 tingkat 3 Sisters hanya mampu membuat kurang dari setengah kekuasaan menghitung Accelerator ini, meskipun tampaknya itu sudah cukup untuk Accelerator untuk menggunakannya bahkan dalam pertempuran. [7] Redirection Accelerator akan mengarahkan peluru Toy Soldier dari Misaka 10031. Accelerator menggunakan kemampuan pasif ini untuk "Redirection" atau "Reflection" (反射, Hansha ?, menyala "Reflection") membalik setiap vektor melaju datang ke arah bidang yang melindungi seluruh tubuhnya, kemungkinan besar nya AIM Dispersion field, yang entah bagaimana mencakup bahkan pada pakaian yang dikenakannya dan pilih objek ia memegang. Kemampuan redirection bisa dilakukan tanpa sadar melalui beberapa perhitungan sederhana karena ia ditunjukkan melakukannya sebagai seorang anak 5-6 tahun sebelum dimulainya cerita. [8] Ia hanya perlu menghitung kekuatan minimum yang diperlukan seperti gravitasi, tekanan udara, cahaya, oksigen, panas, panjang gelombang suara, dll dan mengarahkan segala sesuatu yang lain. Hal-hal seperti cahaya, suara, dan gravitasi yang dikalibrasi melewati bidang ini untuk kenyamanan, meskipun ia bisa membatalkan ini jika ia memilih untuk. [9] Untuk penggunaan defensif, Accelerator sadar menetapkan filter yang menganalisis segala sesuatu sebagai berbahaya atau tidak, dan menggunakan nya mencerminkan mendorong apa saja yang bisa membahayakan dirinya. [10] Contoh ini akan menjadi vektor-kecepatan tinggi yang tercermin, seperti peluru, yang Accelerator jelas tidak bisa sadar bereaksi terhadap, sebagai kecepatan peluru adalah sangat tinggi. Dia juga mampu kembali langsung Misaka ini Railgun. [11]

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