• Sol gel techniques[12]• Sputtering[13]• Electrochemical deposition[1 terjemahan - • Sol gel techniques[12]• Sputtering[13]• Electrochemical deposition[1 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

• Sol gel techniques[12]• Sputterin

• Sol gel techniques[12]
• Sputtering[13]
• Electrochemical deposition[14]
• Spraying with precursor cadmium salt, sulfur compound and dopant[15]
• Screen printing using a slurry containing dispersed CdS[16]
Cadmium sulfide is soluble in (actually degraded by) acids, and this conversion has been investigated as a method of extracting the pigment from waste polymers e.g. HDPE pipes:[17]
CdS + 2 HCl → CdCl2 + H2S
When solutions of sulfide solutions containing dispersed CdS particles are irradiated with light hydrogen gas is generated:[18]
H2S → H2 + S ΔHf = +9.4 kcal/mol
The proposed mechanism involves the electron/hole pairs created when incident light is absorbed by the cadmium sulfide[19] followed by these reacting with water and sulfide:[18]
Production of an electron hole pair
CdS + hν → e− + hole+
Reaction of electron
2e− + 2H2O → H2 + 2OH−
Reaction of hole
2hole+ + S2− → S
Structure and physical properties
Cadmium sulfide has, like zinc sulfide, two crystal forms. The more stable hexagonal wurtzite structure (found in the mineral Greenockite) and the cubic zinc blende structure (found in the mineral Hawleyite). In both of these forms the cadmium and sulfur atoms are four coordinate.[20] There is also a high pressure form with the NaCl rock salt structure.[20]
Cadmium sulfide is a direct band gap semiconductor (gap 2.42 eV[19]). The magnitude of its band gap means that it appears coloured.[4]
As well as this obvious property others properties result:
• the conductivity increases when irradiated with light[19] (leading to uses as a photoresistor)
• when combined with a p-type semiconductor it forms the core component of a photovoltaic (solar) cell and a CdS/Cu2S solar cell was one of the first efficient cells to be reported (1954)[21][22]
• when doped with for example Cu+ ("activator") and Al3+ ("coactivator") CdS luminesces under electron beam excitation (cathodoluminescence) and is used as phosphor[23]
• both polymorphs are piezoelectric and the hexagonal is also pyroelectric[24]
• electroluminescence[25]
• CdS crystal can act as a solid state laser[26][27]
• In thin-film form, CdS can be combined with other layers for use in certain types of solar cells.[28] CdS was also one of the first semiconductor materials to be used for thin-film transistors (TFTs).[29] However interest in compound semiconductors for TFTs largely waned after the emergence of amorphous silicon technology in the late 1970s.
Thin films of Cadmium Sulfide can be piezoelectric and have been used as transducers which can operate at frequencies in the GHz region.
Synthetic cadmium pigments based on cadmium sulfide are valued for their good thermal stability, light and weather fastness, chemical resistance and high opacity.[7] As a pigment, CdS is known as cadmium yellow.[4] (CI pigment yellow 37)[30]).About 2000 tons are produced annually as of 1982, representing about 25% of the cadmium processed commercially.[31] CdS is used as pigment in plastics.[7]
Historical use in art
The general commercial availability of cadmium sulfide from the 1840s led to its adoption by artists, notably Van Gogh, Monet (in his London series and other works) and Matisse (Bathers by a river 1916–1919).[32] The presence of cadmium in paints has been used to detect forgeries in paintings alleged to have been produced prior to the 19th century.[33]
CdS-CdSe solutions
CdS and CdSe form solid solutions. Increasing amounts of cadmium selenide, gives pigments verging toward red, for example CI pigment orange 20 and CI pigment red 108.[30]
Such solid solutions are components of photoresistors (light dependent resistors) sensitive to visible and near infrared light.[
Cadmium sulfide is toxic, especially when inhaled as dust, and cadmium compounds general are classified as carcinogenic.[34] Problems of biocompatibility have been reported when CdS is used as colors in tattoos
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
• Sol gel teknik [12]• Sputtering [13]• Elektrokimia pengendapan [14]• Penyemprotan dengan pendahulu kadmium garam, senyawa belerang dan pengotoran [15]• Layar mencetak menggunakan bubur yang mengandung tersebar CD [16]ReaksiKadmium sulfida larut dalam (benar-benar rusak oleh) asam, dan konversi ini telah menyelidiki sebagai metode penggalian pigmen dari limbah polimer misalnya pipa HDPE: [17]CD + 2 HCl → CdCl2 + H2SKetika solusi solusi sulfida yang mengandung partikel CdS tersebar yang diradiasi dengan gas hydrogen cahaya yang dihasilkan: [18]H2S → H2 + S ΔHf = +9.4 kcal/molMekanisme yang diusulkan melibatkan pasangan elektron lubang yang dibuat ketika insiden cahaya diserap oleh kadmium sulfida [19] diikuti oleh ini bereaksi dengan air dan sulfida: [18]Produksi pasangan lubang elektron CD + hν → e− + lubang +Reaksi elektron 2E− + 2H2O → H2 + 2OH−Reaksi lubang 2hole + + S2− → SStruktur dan sifat fisikSeperti seng sulfida, sulfida kadmium memiliki dua bentuk kristal. Lebih stabil struktur hexagonal wurtzite (ditemukan di mineral Greenockite) dan struktur kubik seng blende (ditemukan di mineral Hawleyite). Dalam kedua bentuk-bentuk atom kadmium dan belerang adalah empat koordinat. [20] terdapat bentuk struktur batu garam NaCl tekanan tinggi. [20]Kadmium sulfida adalah band langsung kesenjangan semikonduktor (kesenjangan 2,42 eV[19]). Besarnya kesenjangan band yang berarti bahwa tampak berwarna. [4]As well as this obvious property others properties result:• the conductivity increases when irradiated with light[19] (leading to uses as a photoresistor)• when combined with a p-type semiconductor it forms the core component of a photovoltaic (solar) cell and a CdS/Cu2S solar cell was one of the first efficient cells to be reported (1954)[21][22]• when doped with for example Cu+ ("activator") and Al3+ ("coactivator") CdS luminesces under electron beam excitation (cathodoluminescence) and is used as phosphor[23]• both polymorphs are piezoelectric and the hexagonal is also pyroelectric[24]• electroluminescence[25]• CdS crystal can act as a solid state laser[26][27]• In thin-film form, CdS can be combined with other layers for use in certain types of solar cells.[28] CdS was also one of the first semiconductor materials to be used for thin-film transistors (TFTs).[29] However interest in compound semiconductors for TFTs largely waned after the emergence of amorphous silicon technology in the late 1970s.Thin films of Cadmium Sulfide can be piezoelectric and have been used as transducers which can operate at frequencies in the GHz region.ApplicationsPigmentSynthetic cadmium pigments based on cadmium sulfide are valued for their good thermal stability, light and weather fastness, chemical resistance and high opacity.[7] As a pigment, CdS is known as cadmium yellow.[4] (CI pigment yellow 37)[30]).About 2000 tons are produced annually as of 1982, representing about 25% of the cadmium processed commercially.[31] CdS is used as pigment in plastics.[7]Historical use in artThe general commercial availability of cadmium sulfide from the 1840s led to its adoption by artists, notably Van Gogh, Monet (in his London series and other works) and Matisse (Bathers by a river 1916–1919).[32] The presence of cadmium in paints has been used to detect forgeries in paintings alleged to have been produced prior to the 19th century.[33]CdS-CdSe solutionsCdS and CdSe form solid solutions. Increasing amounts of cadmium selenide, gives pigments verging toward red, for example CI pigment orange 20 and CI pigment red 108.[30]Such solid solutions are components of photoresistors (light dependent resistors) sensitive to visible and near infrared light.[SafetyCadmium sulfide is toxic, especially when inhaled as dust, and cadmium compounds general are classified as carcinogenic.[34] Problems of biocompatibility have been reported when CdS is used as colors in tattoos
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
• teknik gel Sol [12]
• Sputtering [13]
• deposisi elektrokimia [14]
• Penyemprotan dengan garam prekursor kadmium, senyawa sulfur dan dopan [15]
• Screen printing menggunakan bubur yang mengandung CdS tersebar [16]
Kadmium sulfida larut dalam (sebenarnya terdegradasi oleh) asam, dan konversi ini telah diteliti sebagai metode penggalian pigmen dari polimer limbah misalnya pipa HDPE: [17]
CdS + 2 HCl → CdCl2 + H2S
Ketika solusi solusi sulfida yang mengandung partikel CdS tersebar disinari dengan gas hidrogen cahaya yang dihasilkan: [18]
H2S → H2 + S ΔHf = 9,4 kkal / mol
mekanisme yang diusulkan melibatkan pasangan elektron / hole dibuat ketika cahaya insiden diserap oleh sulfida kadmium [19] diikuti oleh ini bereaksi dengan air dan sulfida: [18]
Produksi pasangan lubang elektron
CdS + hν → e- + lubang +
Reaksi elektron
2e- + 2H2O → H2 + 2OH-
Reaksi lubang
2hole + + S2- → S
Struktur dan sifat fisik
Kadmium sulfida memiliki, seperti seng sulfida, dua bentuk kristal. Semakin stabil struktur heksagonal heksagonal (ditemukan dalam mineral Greenockite) dan struktur blende seng kubik (ditemukan di Hawleyite mineral). Dalam kedua bentuk ini atom cadmium dan sulfur empat berkoordinasi. [20] Ada juga bentuk tekanan tinggi dengan struktur garam NaCl. [20]
Kadmium sulfida adalah band gap langsung semikonduktor (gap 2,42 eV [19]) . Besarnya celah pita yang berarti bahwa itu muncul berwarna [4].
Serta jelas ini sifat properti lain mengakibatkan:
• meningkat konduktivitas ketika disinari dengan cahaya [19] (yang mengarah ke penggunaan sebagai photoresistor a)
• bila dikombinasikan dengan p semikonduktor -jenis membentuk komponen inti dari photovoltaic (solar) sel dan CdS / Cu2S sel surya adalah salah satu sel yang efisien pertama yang dilaporkan (1954) [21] [22]
• ketika diolah dengan misalnya Cu + (" aktivator ") dan Al3 + (" koaktivator ") CdS luminesces bawah sinar elektron eksitasi (cathodoluminescence) dan digunakan sebagai fosfor [23]
• baik polimorf yang piezoelektrik dan heksagonal juga piroelektrik [24]
• electroluminescence [25]
• CdS kristal bisa bertindak sebagai laser solid state [26] [27]
• Dalam bentuk film tipis, CdS dapat dikombinasikan dengan lapisan lain untuk digunakan dalam beberapa jenis sel surya. [28] CdS juga salah satu bahan semikonduktor pertama yang akan digunakan untuk film tipis transistor (TFT). [29] Namun minat senyawa semikonduktor untuk TFTs sebagian besar berkurang setelah munculnya teknologi silikon amorf di akhir 1970-an.
film tipis dari Kadmium Sulfida dapat piezoelektrik dan telah digunakan sebagai transduser yang dapat beroperasi pada frekuensi di wilayah GHz.
pigmen kadmium sintetis berdasarkan kadmium sulfida dinilai untuk stabilitas termal yang baik mereka, cahaya dan cuaca luntur, tahan kimia dan opacity tinggi. [7] Sebagai pigmen, CdS dikenal sebagai kadmium kuning. [ 4] (CI pigmen kuning 37) [30]). Sekitar 2000 ton yang diproduksi setiap tahun pada tahun 1982, yang mewakili sekitar 25% dari kadmium diproses secara komersial. [31] CdS digunakan sebagai pigmen dalam plastik. [7]
digunakan Bersejarah di seni
Ketersediaan komersial umum kadmium sulfida dari tahun 1840-an menyebabkan adopsi oleh seniman, terutama Van Gogh, Monet (dalam bukunya seri London dan karya-karya lain) dan Matisse (Bathers oleh sungai 1916-1919). [32] Kehadiran kadmium dalam cat telah digunakan untuk mendeteksi pemalsuan dalam lukisan diduga telah dihasilkan sebelum abad ke-19 [33].
CdS-CdSe solusi
CdS dan CdSe membentuk larutan padat. Meningkatnya jumlah selenide kadmium, memberikan pigmen verging menuju merah, misalnya CI pigmen oranye 20 dan CI pigmen merah 108. [30]
larutan padat tersebut adalah komponen dari photoresistors (cahaya resistor tergantung) sensitif terhadap cahaya inframerah terlihat dan dekat.
Cadmium sulfida beracun, terutama ketika dihirup sebagai debu, dan senyawa kadmium umumnya diklasifikasikan sebagai karsinogenik. [34] Masalah biokompatibilitas telah dilaporkan ketika CdS digunakan sebagai warna tato
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