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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
That is a scammer trying to hi-jack your email address to spam all your contacts and then use the account to spam hundreds/thousands of others. Yahoo and all email companies, all banks and all companies in the entire world will NEVER ask for your password, pin or date of birth. No Exceptions Ever. Ignore and delete that email and any others demanding such information. If you have responded to a scammer, you are on his 'potential sucker' list, he will try again to separate you from your cash. He will send you more emails from his other free email addresses using another of his fake names with all kinds of stories of needing your password, great jobs, lottery winnings, millions in the bank and desperate, lonely, sexy singles. He will sell your email address to all his scamming buddies who will also send you dozens of fake emails all with the exact same goal, you sending them your cash via Western Union or moneygram. Do you know how to check the header of a received email? If not, you could google for information. Being able to read the header to determine the geographic location an email originated from will help you weed out the most obvious scams and scammers. Then delete and block that scammer. Don't bother to tell him that you know he is a scammer, it isn't worth your effort. He has one job in life, convincing victims to send him their hard-earned cash. Setiap kali mencurigakan atau sekadar google penasaran, semuanya, alamat website, nama digunakan, perusahaan disebutkan, nomor telepon yang diberikan, semua email alamat, bahkan kalimat dari email seperti yang Anda mungkin akan menyenangkan terkejut pada apa yang Anda temukan sudah diposting online. Anda dapat juga posting/bertanya di sini dan setiap situs scam-warner-anti-penipuan-penghilang Anda dapat menemukan sebelum mengambil kesempatan dan kehilangan uang, alamat email atau identitas scammer. Jika Anda google "yahoo email phishing scam", "spammer email yang dibajak viagara porno" atau sesuatu yang serupa, Anda akan menemukan ratusan posting korban dan dekat korban jenis ini penipuan. Pada kenyataannya, jika Anda memeriksa bagian di sini di Yahoo jawaban berjudul "Yahoo email, spam dan massal pesan" Anda akan menemukan ratusan pertanyaan dari korban yang memiliki alamat email mereka hi-jacked atau palsu oleh scammer mengirimkan spam porno dan viagra.
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