„The Xiufeng brother, Spell formation does not calculate is defeated completely, does not calculate the thorough success, otherwise, I also without enough time save you, you sit cross-legged to sit in meditation immediately, I taking advantage of your drop of Li Clan blood, after you build up, I in your side launch the ancestor magic arts, lets Spell formation fully approve you, but ... I time that requires to burn a joss stick!”
„This burns a joss stick, to you, is the life and death test ...”
„Endured, you are this Planet South Heaven, only Dao Realm!”
„Defeat ... Henceforth, your my beauty will forever separate ...” The broad language is fast, when words reverberation, his right hand lifts figure of Fang Shoudao, when another figure of Fang Yanxu, this parents bodies vanish immediately instant, appears, impressively in the Fang Xiufeng side.
„Wanted him to endure burns a joss stick, needs you to help one another fully, but ... Was sure to remember that cannot launch the strength of Dao Realm, otherwise, not only he will be defeated, you will also die!” Was saying broad, sits cross-legged to sit down, when the right hand wields, a drop of blood flies to Fang Xiufeng, Fang Xiufeng breathes deeply, sits in meditation immediately.
In broad reveals grim, when eyes closed, suddenly, near his ear, broadcasts a hoarse sound.
„Broad, making me also go in!” The Meng Hao sound is hoarse, both eyes are red, when to open mouth, the broad vision dodges, slightly hesitates, a right hand figure.
Immediately when the Meng Hao form disappears, appears, impressively side Fang Xiufeng.
Completes these, broad both eyes close immediately, both hands waves hand, launches their Li Clan mystique , helping Fang Xiufeng, making this Spell formation fully approve to him.
But at this moment, from all around unreal big net, rumbling came, the place visited, does not injure Planet South Heaven slightly, but the murderous intention even more is intense, making the world discoloration, the wind and cloud rewind.
In the Fang Shoudao eye reveals the fine glow, his body rises with a spring, Fang Yanxu departs similarly, two people in two directions, simultaneously act, do not dare to display the strength of Dao Realm, with Ancient Realm of the great circle Cultivation, resists big net.
Meng Hao same departs, directly soars the place above, three people with instant, of bang this big net moves, simultaneously spouts the blood, this big net, is limited to their injuries, is mainly strikes to kill Fang Xiufeng, may be this, makes three people of blood spout as before.
Especially Meng Hao, looks pale, erupts on within the body injury directly, his body shivers, may actually clench teeth to insist that resists the big net at own stature, delays the time.
The Fang Shoudao low roar, Fang Yanxu whole body imposing manner rises, may, in this resists unceasingly, but can let the big net slow contraction, is actually not able to prevent.
Also is more than ten rests time, the Meng Hao whole body thunders, the blood fills his whole body blue light endless, the strength of Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal fully erupts, shells that big net, the bang is dreadful, Fang Shoudao and Fang Yanxu, similarly so.
The sky shivers, the earth thunders, this big net under three people of bombardments, is once more slow, may actually as before throughout contract, making three people have to retreats, causes the range getting smaller.
The time of burning a joss stick is not long, may in this flicker, to Meng Hao, is actually long is beyond description, he does not know how long, in this unceasingly retreats, his clothing became the scarlet, but this unreal big net, actually contracts certain degree, left Meng Hao et al. the range, now has several feet.
At this moment, the Fang Yanxu facial color changes, under this unceasing resistance, Cultivation of his within the body as if must unable to hide, soon will erupt Dao Realm, once erupts, all will be dangerous.
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
"Saudara Xiufeng, Mantra pembentukan tidak menghitung dikalahkan sepenuhnya, tidak menghitung keberhasilan menyeluruh, jika tidak, saya juga tanpa cukup waktu menghemat, Anda duduk bersila untuk duduk dalam meditasi segera, aku mengambil keuntungan dari Anda tetes darah marga Li, setelah Anda membangun, saya di sisi Anda meluncurkan seni sulap leluhur, memungkinkan pembentukan mantra sepenuhnya menyetujui Anda Tapi... Saya waktu yang memerlukan untuk membakar tongkat joss!""Ini membakar tongkat joss, kepada Anda, adalah ujian hidup dan mati...""Bertahan, Anda adalah surga Selatan Planet ini, hanya Dao dunia!""Mengalahkan... Selanjutnya, Anda Kecantikan saya selamanya akan memisahkan... " Bahasa yang luas cepat, ketika kata-kata dengung, mengangkat tangan kanannya sosok Fang Shoudao, ketika tokoh lain Fang Yanxu, tubuh orang tua ini menghilang segera instan, muncul, mengesankan di sisi Fang Xiufeng."Ingin dia menderita luka bakar tongkat joss, membutuhkan Anda untuk membantu satu sama lain sepenuhnya, tapi... Yakin untuk ingat bahwa tidak dapat meluncurkan kekuatan Realm Dao, jika tidak, tidak hanya dia akan kalah, Anda juga akan mati! " Katakan lebar, duduk bersila duduk ke bawah, ketika tangan kanan wields, setetes darah terbang ke Fang Xiufeng, Fang Xiufeng bernapas dalam-dalam, duduk dalam meditasi segera.Dalam luas mengungkapkan muram, ketika mata tertutup, tiba-tiba, dekat telinga, siaran suara serak."Luas, membuat saya juga pergi!" Meng Hao suara serak, kedua mata merah, Kapan untuk membuka mulut, visi yang luas dodges, sedikit pun yang canggung, sosok tangan kanan.Immediately when the Meng Hao form disappears, appears, impressively side Fang Xiufeng.Completes these, broad both eyes close immediately, both hands waves hand, launches their Li Clan mystique , helping Fang Xiufeng, making this Spell formation fully approve to him.But at this moment, from all around unreal big net, rumbling came, the place visited, does not injure Planet South Heaven slightly, but the murderous intention even more is intense, making the world discoloration, the wind and cloud rewind.In the Fang Shoudao eye reveals the fine glow, his body rises with a spring, Fang Yanxu departs similarly, two people in two directions, simultaneously act, do not dare to display the strength of Dao Realm, with Ancient Realm of the great circle Cultivation, resists big net.Meng Hao same departs, directly soars the place above, three people with instant, of bang this big net moves, simultaneously spouts the blood, this big net, is limited to their injuries, is mainly strikes to kill Fang Xiufeng, may be this, makes three people of blood spout as before.Especially Meng Hao, looks pale, erupts on within the body injury directly, his body shivers, may actually clench teeth to insist that resists the big net at own stature, delays the time.The Fang Shoudao low roar, Fang Yanxu whole body imposing manner rises, may, in this resists unceasingly, but can let the big net slow contraction, is actually not able to prevent.Juga terletak lebih dari sepuluh kali, guruh Meng Hao seluruh tubuh, darah mengisi seluruh tubuh biru terang-Nya yang tak ada habisnya, kekuatan surga Crown Dao abadi sepenuhnya meletus, kerang yang besar bersih, bang mengerikan, Fang Shoudao dan Fang Yanxu, demikian pula begitu.Merinding langit, bumi guruh, ini besar bersih dalam tiga orang bombardments, sekali lagi lambat, dapat benar-benar sebagai sebelum seluruh kontrak, membuat tiga orang harus retret, menyebabkan kisaran semakin kecil.Saat pembakaran joss tongkat ini tidak lama, mungkin di flicker ini, untuk Meng Hao, benar-benar panjang adalah tak terlukiskan, ia tidak tahu berapa lama, ini tak henti-hentinya retret, pakaian-Nya menjadi kain kirmizi, tetapi bersih besar ini nyata, sebenarnya kontrak tingkat tertentu, meninggalkan Meng Hao et al. kisaran, sekarang memiliki beberapa kaki.Saat ini, Fang Yanxu wajah perubahan warna di bawah resistensi ini tak henti-hentinya, budidaya nya dalam tubuh seolah-olah harus mampu untuk menyembunyikan, segera akan meletus dunia Dao, sekali meletus, semua akan berbahaya.
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