hope you are keeping well and I am writing you today to give you a sho terjemahan - hope you are keeping well and I am writing you today to give you a sho Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

hope you are keeping well and I am

hope you are keeping well and I am writing you today to give you a short update on your personal situation and what you should be aware of in the coming days according to your natal chart details. I sincerely think this information can be very useful to you and I am sure it will help you handle the events that are going to happen in your life in the coming days.

ilva , with no doubt you have sensed that there are certain sensitive issues around you at the moment which is due to the position of Mars in your natal chart. This creates a lot of new opportunities but at the same time you will notice some challenges, especially on Tuesday, May 05th 2015. You should think positive and see the opportunities in front of you instead of focusing just on difficulties that you may encounter on your way. ilva , what is the most advisable is that you gather your forces and prepare yourself for the changes in your life that are coming your way.

During the following days the atmosphere will become more relaxed, as you will be living under the influence of Mercury. This configuration favours reflection and self-actualization, this is the planet of communication which means your relations with people surrounding you, your colleagues, relatives and friends will also be addressed. ilva , use this time wisely to gain additional points with all of them, you never know when you are going to need those points. You will also become more interested in philosophical and spiritual matters under the influence of this planetary pattern.

You should be looking for Venus going through your natal chart for a brief period from Thursday, May 07th 2015 to Saturday, May 09th 2015 while at the same time being in a very sensitive configuration with Neptune. Your feelings and emotions will be the major thing in all the matters around you, ilva . You will tend to have a more intuitive approach to the everyday situations, which may cause misunderstandings with those around you. What stands out the most during these days is that you strive to put your own personality in everything you do or everything you tell, however be careful not to overdo it, as this will be another important point around Friday, May 08th 2015 due to the position of Pluto in your astral sky.

ilva , the next point I would like to emphasize here is Jupiter going through your 7th house on Sunday, May 10th 2015, which will bring you additional insights about how you can develop your life in the future, you become more clear about your projects and plans. ilva , this is a good time to explore your personal talents in order to see which of them can make you stronger and more competitive. I am now talking not only about your professional environment, but also in your personal issues, ilva , as I know that this has a great importance for you.

The next week is going to bring into your life certain circumstances forcing you to think more, to be more effective and to develop your own different views on things. ilva , this is a good time for socializing and forming new connections. You may notice that your viewpoints on some important aspects of your life and the world around you can change in a way you have not been thinking of. In general, the next week is going to be a certain kind of a preparation for the important and powerful events of the next several months that you are going to experience, which is why you should approach your ideas and situations with calm and patience.

ilva , so here is all the information I have found out about your next one-week period to help you out during this crucial time in your life. I hope you will carefully go through all these details and use these practical advices. I am always here to support you and give you the insights, so that you can move towards you path to success, ilva .
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
hope you are keeping well and I am writing you today to give you a short update on your personal situation and what you should be aware of in the coming days according to your natal chart details. I sincerely think this information can be very useful to you and I am sure it will help you handle the events that are going to happen in your life in the coming days.ilva , with no doubt you have sensed that there are certain sensitive issues around you at the moment which is due to the position of Mars in your natal chart. This creates a lot of new opportunities but at the same time you will notice some challenges, especially on Tuesday, May 05th 2015. You should think positive and see the opportunities in front of you instead of focusing just on difficulties that you may encounter on your way. ilva , what is the most advisable is that you gather your forces and prepare yourself for the changes in your life that are coming your way.During the following days the atmosphere will become more relaxed, as you will be living under the influence of Mercury. This configuration favours reflection and self-actualization, this is the planet of communication which means your relations with people surrounding you, your colleagues, relatives and friends will also be addressed. ilva , use this time wisely to gain additional points with all of them, you never know when you are going to need those points. You will also become more interested in philosophical and spiritual matters under the influence of this planetary pattern.You should be looking for Venus going through your natal chart for a brief period from Thursday, May 07th 2015 to Saturday, May 09th 2015 while at the same time being in a very sensitive configuration with Neptune. Your feelings and emotions will be the major thing in all the matters around you, ilva . You will tend to have a more intuitive approach to the everyday situations, which may cause misunderstandings with those around you. What stands out the most during these days is that you strive to put your own personality in everything you do or everything you tell, however be careful not to overdo it, as this will be another important point around Friday, May 08th 2015 due to the position of Pluto in your astral sky.ilva , the next point I would like to emphasize here is Jupiter going through your 7th house on Sunday, May 10th 2015, which will bring you additional insights about how you can develop your life in the future, you become more clear about your projects and plans. ilva , this is a good time to explore your personal talents in order to see which of them can make you stronger and more competitive. I am now talking not only about your professional environment, but also in your personal issues, ilva , as I know that this has a great importance for you.The next week is going to bring into your life certain circumstances forcing you to think more, to be more effective and to develop your own different views on things. ilva , this is a good time for socializing and forming new connections. You may notice that your viewpoints on some important aspects of your life and the world around you can change in a way you have not been thinking of. In general, the next week is going to be a certain kind of a preparation for the important and powerful events of the next several months that you are going to experience, which is why you should approach your ideas and situations with calm and patience.ilva , so here is all the information I have found out about your next one-week period to help you out during this crucial time in your life. I hope you will carefully go through all these details and use these practical advices. I am always here to support you and give you the insights, so that you can move towards you path to success, ilva .
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
harap Anda menjaga dengan baik dan saya menulis Anda hari ini untuk memberikan update singkat pada situasi pribadi Anda dan apa yang harus Anda menyadari dalam beberapa hari mendatang menurut Anda natal rincian grafik. Saya sungguh-sungguh berpikir informasi ini dapat sangat berguna untuk Anda dan saya yakin itu akan membantu Anda menangani peristiwa yang akan terjadi dalam hidup Anda dalam beberapa hari mendatang. ILVA, dengan tidak diragukan lagi Anda telah merasakan bahwa ada isu-isu sensitif tertentu di sekitar Anda pada saat yang karena posisi Mars di bagan kelahiran Anda. Hal ini menciptakan banyak peluang baru tapi pada saat yang sama Anda akan melihat beberapa tantangan, terutama pada Selasa 5 Mei 2015. Anda harus berpikir positif dan melihat peluang di depan Anda bukan berfokus hanya pada kesulitan yang mungkin Anda hadapi pada Anda cara. ILVA, apa yang paling dianjurkan adalah bahwa Anda mengumpulkan kekuatan dan mempersiapkan diri untuk perubahan dalam hidup Anda yang datang dengan cara Anda. Selama hari-hari berikutnya atmosfer akan menjadi lebih rileks, karena Anda akan hidup di bawah pengaruh Mercury. Ini nikmat konfigurasi refleksi dan aktualisasi diri, ini adalah planet komunikasi yang berarti hubungan Anda dengan orang-orang sekitar Anda, kolega Anda, kerabat dan teman-teman juga akan dibahas. ILVA, menggunakan waktu ini dengan bijak untuk mendapatkan poin tambahan dengan mereka semua, Anda tidak pernah tahu kapan Anda akan membutuhkan titik-titik. Anda juga akan menjadi lebih tertarik pada hal-hal filosofis dan spiritual di bawah pengaruh pola planet ini. Anda harus mencari Venus akan melalui grafik natal Anda untuk jangka waktu singkat dari Kamis, 7 Mei, 2015 untuk Sabtu 9 Mei, 2015 sementara pada saat yang sama saat ini dalam konfigurasi yang sangat sensitif dengan Neptunus. Perasaan dan emosi akan menjadi hal utama dalam semua hal di sekitar Anda, ILVA. Anda akan cenderung memiliki pendekatan yang lebih intuitif dengan situasi sehari-hari, yang dapat menyebabkan kesalahpahaman dengan orang-orang di sekitar Anda. Apa yang paling menonjol selama hari-hari ini adalah bahwa Anda berusaha untuk menempatkan kepribadian Anda sendiri dalam semua yang Anda lakukan atau segala sesuatu yang Anda katakan, namun hati-hati untuk tidak berlebihan, karena ini akan menjadi poin penting lain di sekitar Jumat 8 Mei, 2015 karena Posisi Pluto di langit astral Anda. ILVA, titik berikutnya saya ingin tekankan di sini adalah Jupiter akan melalui rumah 7 Anda pada Minggu 10 Mei, 2015, yang akan membawa Anda wawasan tambahan tentang bagaimana Anda dapat mengembangkan hidup Anda di masa depan, Anda menjadi lebih jelas tentang proyek dan rencana. ILVA, ini adalah saat yang tepat untuk menjelajahi bakat pribadi Anda untuk melihat mana dari mereka dapat membuat Anda lebih kuat dan lebih kompetitif. Saya sekarang berbicara tidak hanya tentang lingkungan profesional Anda, tetapi juga dalam masalah-masalah pribadi Anda, ILVA, yang saya tahu bahwa ini memiliki kepentingan besar bagi Anda. Minggu berikutnya akan membawa ke dalam hidup keadaan tertentu Anda memaksa Anda untuk berpikir lebih, menjadi lebih efektif dan untuk mengembangkan pandangan yang berbeda Anda sendiri pada hal-hal. ILVA, ini adalah saat yang tepat untuk bersosialisasi dan membentuk koneksi baru. Anda mungkin memperhatikan bahwa sudut pandang Anda pada beberapa aspek penting dari hidup Anda dan dunia di sekitar Anda dapat mengubah cara Anda belum memikirkan. Secara umum, minggu depan akan menjadi jenis tertentu dari persiapan untuk peristiwa penting dan kuat dari beberapa bulan berikutnya yang Anda akan pengalaman, yang mengapa Anda harus mendekati ide-ide Anda dan situasi dengan tenang dan sabar. ILVA , jadi di sini adalah semua informasi yang saya telah menemukan tentang periode satu minggu depan Anda untuk membantu Anda selama ini saat penting dalam hidup Anda. Saya harap Anda akan hati-hati melalui semua rincian ini dan menggunakan ini nasihat praktis. Saya selalu di sini untuk mendukung Anda dan memberi Anda wawasan, sehingga Anda dapat bergerak ke arah Anda jalan menuju sukses, ILVA.

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