Sufficient energy sources such as oil, gas, coal, electricity and alte terjemahan - Sufficient energy sources such as oil, gas, coal, electricity and alte Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Sufficient energy sources such as o

Sufficient energy sources such as oil, gas, coal, electricity and alternative fuels, are a global issue that confronts executives, government and consumers. Mining companies often face rigorous requirements imposed by stakeholders, including governments. The challenges of today include commodity prices and currency movements, tax optimization, efficiency and sustainability, as well as the health and safety of employees and the community. Cost management, enhanced profitability, cash conservation and risk analysis are imperative in light of the recent downturn and its impact of this global industry.

Our mining clients represent every segment of the industry: exploration, production and service companies. We provide industry-specific solutions and customized guidance to meet each client’s needs, in order to address business and stakeholder issues. Our service offering covers the fields of audit, operations improvements and other areas of consultancy.

Of particular importance to mining companies is the complex regulatory and reporting environment in which it resides. Compliance with government regulations (as required by Sarbanes-Oxley) and integrity-driven performance are top of mind for our clients. Equipped with indepth knowledge of U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAS), International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) and SEC rules, we provide clients with a customized framework for managing compliance and risk activities to ensure integrity is forthright in all aspects of operations.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Sufficient energy sources such as oil, gas, coal, electricity and alternative fuels, are a global issue that confronts executives, government and consumers. Mining companies often face rigorous requirements imposed by stakeholders, including governments. The challenges of today include commodity prices and currency movements, tax optimization, efficiency and sustainability, as well as the health and safety of employees and the community. Cost management, enhanced profitability, cash conservation and risk analysis are imperative in light of the recent downturn and its impact of this global industry.Our mining clients represent every segment of the industry: exploration, production and service companies. We provide industry-specific solutions and customized guidance to meet each client’s needs, in order to address business and stakeholder issues. Our service offering covers the fields of audit, operations improvements and other areas of consultancy.Of particular importance to mining companies is the complex regulatory and reporting environment in which it resides. Compliance with government regulations (as required by Sarbanes-Oxley) and integrity-driven performance are top of mind for our clients. Equipped with indepth knowledge of U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAS), International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) and SEC rules, we provide clients with a customized framework for managing compliance and risk activities to ensure integrity is forthright in all aspects of operations.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sumber energi yang cukup seperti minyak, gas, batubara, listrik dan bahan bakar alternatif, adalah isu global yang dihadapi eksekutif, pemerintah dan konsumen. Perusahaan pertambangan sering menghadapi persyaratan ketat yang dikenakan oleh para pemangku kepentingan, termasuk pemerintah. Tantangan saat ini termasuk harga komoditas dan pergerakan mata uang, optimasi pajak, efisiensi dan keberlanjutan, serta kesehatan dan keselamatan karyawan dan masyarakat. Manajemen biaya, profitabilitas yang disempurnakan, konservasi kas dan analisis risiko yang penting dalam terang penurunan baru-baru ini dan dampaknya dari industri global ini.

Klien pertambangan kami mewakili setiap segmen industri: eksplorasi, produksi dan pelayanan perusahaan. Kami menyediakan solusi spesifik industri dan bimbingan disesuaikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masing-masing klien, dalam rangka mengatasi bisnis dan pemangku kepentingan masalah. Menawarkan layanan kami mencakup bidang audit, perbaikan operasi dan area lain dari konsultasi.

Dari khususnya penting bagi perusahaan pertambangan adalah lingkungan peraturan dan pelaporan kompleks di mana ia berada. Sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah (seperti yang dipersyaratkan oleh Sarbanes-Oxley) dan kinerja integritas-driven adalah atas pikiran untuk klien kami. Dilengkapi dengan pengetahuan mendalam dari US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), Umumnya Standar Akuntansi Keuangan AS (GaAs), International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) dan SEC aturan, kami menyediakan klien dengan kerangka yang disesuaikan untuk mengelola kegiatan kepatuhan dan risiko untuk memastikan integritas adalah terus terang dalam semua aspek operasi.
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