Task assistanceThe research [2] identified a valued component of super terjemahan - Task assistanceThe research [2] identified a valued component of super Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Task assistanceThe research [2] ide

Task assistance
The research [2] identified a valued component of supervision to be where the worker
receives tangible work-related guidance. In all areas of life, where we are undertaking a
job for the first few times, we may need very specific help and guidance to get it right,
build confidence for our future practice, or, when undertaking complex tasks, need
emotional support though sharing the load.
Task assistance allows the supervisor to provide direct support to the worker, to advise
them on courses of action that might be taken, and to approve what they are doing
where a decision is needed beyond that delegated to the worker.
For supervisees, whose priorities will be driven by the immediate pressures and
demands of the work, the practical and emotional assistance given by supervisors will
be crucial. Such assistance may include co-working with a person who uses services
who has complex needs, helping the supervisee to prioritise their work, and assisting
with new tasks that have not been undertaken by a worker before, such as preparing a
report for court proceedings. In addition, the role of the supervisor in fulfilling the
mediation function of supervision may include them liaising with external organisations,
particularly where issues are in dispute, or providing mediation or advocacy services for
the supervisee to gain access to systems or resources that may not be easily accessed
by themselves.
Research has shown that supervisees value supervisors who have expertise in their
field and are therefore able to use this in guiding them in their work. The challenge for
supervisors in providing effective task assistance is therefore considering the following
two questions.
• How can they keep practice knowledge up to date?
• How can they make sure that if they are from a different profession to their
supervisee, the supervisee has access to another supervisor with the clinical
knowledge that will support them in their work?
Task assistance is also described within the research [3] as including advice or
guidance, feedback, training and coaching. Here there are links to staff development –
building the skills, knowledge and confidence of the worker to help them operate with
more autonomy. However, from time to time the supervisor’s own anxiety about the quality or timeliness of the work may tempt them to ‘rescue’ the supervisee by taking
over and completing tasks for them. This is likely to militate against staff development.
How supervisors engage with task assistance is therefore intimately bound up with how
they promote staff development within the supervisory process.
Personal and professional development
The supervisory role will contain an element of teaching, which will vary according to the
experience and capability of the supervisee. For a worker in training or newly-qualified,
their supervision provides an essential element of their Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) and they will depend more on the skills, knowledge and expertise
of their supervisor.
Personal and professional development underpins training needs arising from appraisal
and will inform future planning. Some of the reflective skills and questioning methods
used in supervision will improve and enhance front-line practice technique.
Even where the worker is capable and experienced, their supervision should contribute
to the further development of their knowledge and skills.
There is an extensive literature on adult learning which can inform supervision practice
and supervisors will need to integrate into their practice consideration of any differences
in the way they learn from the way their supervisees have learned best in the past.
Questions that you may wish to ask are:
• What has been your previous experience of learning and development?
• How does that differ from the way your supervisee learns and do you need to
take that into account in the way you work together?
• What has worked for you in previous supervisory relationships and what has
hindered your development?
The opportunity to focus on the supervisee’s clinical or professional specialism provides
a key personal development thread to the supervision process. It also enables practice
challenges to be raised in a secure and, for many, ‘off line’ environment. For some
professionals, this focused supervision will underpin their CPD for registration purposes.
The supervisory relationship
Relationship-based practice is at the heart of work in social care, yet recently there has
been a concern that a focus on tasks and compliance has reduced the value placed on
this aspect of the work. [18, 19] The research underpinning this guide reaffirmed the
importance of relationships within supervision and of developing an effective style of
supervision, which is intimately bound up with the capacity of the supervisor to develop
an effective relationship with their supervisee. Words used within the practice enquiry
[2] to describe the components of good relationships were: openness, honesty and
respect, including respecting the feelings of the worker.
The behaviour of the supervisor in relation to the practicalities of supervision will be an
important element in defining the quality of the relationship. Effective relationships will
most likely be underpinned by the following supervisory behaviour:
• ensuring that formal supervision sessions take place in a conducive, quiet,
interruption-free environment
• not cancelling or being late for supervision
• having structured plans for supervision sessions with built-in flexibility
• writing up supervision notes and making sure they are signed by both parties.
Supervisory relationships are based on openness, honesty and respect, and will partly
be influenced by the ability of the supervisor to work effectively with emotions. This
includes their capacity to engage with supervisees in exploring the meaning of feelings
engendered by their work rather than simply facilitating them to ‘offload’. This requires
supervisors to have a number of the features described in the literature on emotional
intelligence. While there is an extensive literature on this subject, less has been written
about its application within social care. Adapting Goleman’s work on emotional
intelligence, Morrison [20] identified five significant interrelated elements relevant to
social care practice:
• self-awareness
• self-management
• other awareness
• interpersonal skills
• values.
Morrison argues that these elements are linked to five core skills that are fundamental
within social care, namely:
• Engagement with people.
• Capacity for accurate observation and recall. Recall about emotional events
is reduced when we try to suppress emotion [21] and the ability to identify our
own and others’ emotions accurately also helps us to spot false emotions in
• Assessment skills. People who use services will quickly become aware of
workers who are not in tune with their emotions.
• Decision-making. Emotions are associated with a range of mental capacities
that have a direct impact on judgement and decision-making [22] and help us
to predict the future by imagining potential consequences for either ourselves
or others. [23]
• Working with others. Positive emotion reduces inter-group hostility and
discrimination, enables people to identify commonalities and makes it more
likely that group members will treat other groups as members of their own. [22]
Emotional intelligence is therefore important for supervisors and supervisees alike: for
supervisees in the work they do with people who use services and for supervisors in
modelling emotionally intelligent behaviour. Through this modelling supervisors will send
important messages about the culture of the organisation, including permission to talk about the emotional impact of the work, and will develop supervisory relationships which
will encourage supervisees to be the best they can be.
The following questions are adapted from original work by Tony Morrison [1] and are
designed to assist supervisors in considering how they respond to emotion.
• How would your staff describe your emotional style? Are you hot, cool or
balanced in your emotional responses?
• How good are you at noticing the emotional tone of the team?
• How good are you at recognising and acknowledging the daily hassles that
staff experience?
• Are you proactive in providing emotional encouragement and support or do you
tend to wait for staff to seek out your support?
• Which emotions do you find it more difficult to respond to: anger, sadness, fear,
excitement, helplessness or anxiety?
• Which emotions do you find it easier to respond to?
• Does how you respond to emotions depend on who is involved? Are there
factors relating to the social location of the individual, such as gender and age,
that affect your responses?
Understanding how you respond to emotions as a supervisor is important in relationship
development because workers need secure responsive supervision, especially if they
are feeling anxious or overwhelmed.
In addition, the development of an effective relationship will depend on how far the
supervisor is perceived by the supervisee to meet their needs and it is important that
there is a clear understanding by both parties of their role, responsibilities and the
boundaries and limitations of their relationship. This understanding can be enhanced by
the effective use of the supervision agreement or contract. What is good in a balanced
and functioning relationship can become a force for dysfunction and destruction if the
balance is lost.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Task assistanceThe research [2] identified a valued component of supervision to be where the workerreceives tangible work-related guidance. In all areas of life, where we are undertaking ajob for the first few times, we may need very specific help and guidance to get it right,build confidence for our future practice, or, when undertaking complex tasks, needemotional support though sharing the load.Task assistance allows the supervisor to provide direct support to the worker, to advisethem on courses of action that might be taken, and to approve what they are doingwhere a decision is needed beyond that delegated to the worker.For supervisees, whose priorities will be driven by the immediate pressures anddemands of the work, the practical and emotional assistance given by supervisors willbe crucial. Such assistance may include co-working with a person who uses serviceswho has complex needs, helping the supervisee to prioritise their work, and assistingwith new tasks that have not been undertaken by a worker before, such as preparing areport for court proceedings. In addition, the role of the supervisor in fulfilling themediation function of supervision may include them liaising with external organisations,particularly where issues are in dispute, or providing mediation or advocacy services forthe supervisee to gain access to systems or resources that may not be easily accessedby themselves.Research has shown that supervisees value supervisors who have expertise in theirfield and are therefore able to use this in guiding them in their work. The challenge forsupervisors in providing effective task assistance is therefore considering the followingtwo questions.• How can they keep practice knowledge up to date?• How can they make sure that if they are from a different profession to theirsupervisee, the supervisee has access to another supervisor with the clinicalknowledge that will support them in their work?Task assistance is also described within the research [3] as including advice orguidance, feedback, training and coaching. Here there are links to staff development –building the skills, knowledge and confidence of the worker to help them operate withmore autonomy. However, from time to time the supervisor’s own anxiety about the quality or timeliness of the work may tempt them to ‘rescue’ the supervisee by takingover and completing tasks for them. This is likely to militate against staff development.How supervisors engage with task assistance is therefore intimately bound up with howthey promote staff development within the supervisory process.Personal and professional developmentThe supervisory role will contain an element of teaching, which will vary according to theexperience and capability of the supervisee. For a worker in training or newly-qualified,their supervision provides an essential element of their Continuing ProfessionalDevelopment (CPD) and they will depend more on the skills, knowledge and expertiseof their supervisor.Personal and professional development underpins training needs arising from appraisaland will inform future planning. Some of the reflective skills and questioning methodsused in supervision will improve and enhance front-line practice technique.Even where the worker is capable and experienced, their supervision should contributeto the further development of their knowledge and skills.There is an extensive literature on adult learning which can inform supervision practiceand supervisors will need to integrate into their practice consideration of any differencesin the way they learn from the way their supervisees have learned best in the past.Questions that you may wish to ask are:• What has been your previous experience of learning and development?• How does that differ from the way your supervisee learns and do you need totake that into account in the way you work together?• What has worked for you in previous supervisory relationships and what hashindered your development?The opportunity to focus on the supervisee’s clinical or professional specialism providesa key personal development thread to the supervision process. It also enables practicechallenges to be raised in a secure and, for many, ‘off line’ environment. For someprofessionals, this focused supervision will underpin their CPD for registration purposes.The supervisory relationshipRelationship-based practice is at the heart of work in social care, yet recently there hasbeen a concern that a focus on tasks and compliance has reduced the value placed onthis aspect of the work. [18, 19] The research underpinning this guide reaffirmed theimportance of relationships within supervision and of developing an effective style ofsupervision, which is intimately bound up with the capacity of the supervisor to developan effective relationship with their supervisee. Words used within the practice enquiry[2] to describe the components of good relationships were: openness, honesty andrespect, including respecting the feelings of the worker.The behaviour of the supervisor in relation to the practicalities of supervision will be animportant element in defining the quality of the relationship. Effective relationships willmost likely be underpinned by the following supervisory behaviour:• ensuring that formal supervision sessions take place in a conducive, quiet,interruption-free environment• not cancelling or being late for supervision• having structured plans for supervision sessions with built-in flexibility• writing up supervision notes and making sure they are signed by both parties.Supervisory relationships are based on openness, honesty and respect, and will partlybe influenced by the ability of the supervisor to work effectively with emotions. Thisincludes their capacity to engage with supervisees in exploring the meaning of feelingsengendered by their work rather than simply facilitating them to ‘offload’. This requiressupervisors to have a number of the features described in the literature on emotionalintelligence. While there is an extensive literature on this subject, less has been writtenabout its application within social care. Adapting Goleman’s work on emotionalintelligence, Morrison [20] identified five significant interrelated elements relevant tosocial care practice:• self-awareness• self-management• other awareness• interpersonal skills• values.Morrison argues that these elements are linked to five core skills that are fundamentalwithin social care, namely:• Engagement with people.• Capacity for accurate observation and recall. Recall about emotional eventsis reduced when we try to suppress emotion [21] and the ability to identify ourown and others’ emotions accurately also helps us to spot false emotions inothers.• Assessment skills. People who use services will quickly become aware ofworkers who are not in tune with their emotions.• Decision-making. Emotions are associated with a range of mental capacitiesthat have a direct impact on judgement and decision-making [22] and help usto predict the future by imagining potential consequences for either ourselvesor others. [23]• Working with others. Positive emotion reduces inter-group hostility anddiscrimination, enables people to identify commonalities and makes it morelikely that group members will treat other groups as members of their own. [22]Emotional intelligence is therefore important for supervisors and supervisees alike: forsupervisees in the work they do with people who use services and for supervisors inmodelling emotionally intelligent behaviour. Through this modelling supervisors will sendimportant messages about the culture of the organisation, including permission to talk about the emotional impact of the work, and will develop supervisory relationships whichwill encourage supervisees to be the best they can be.The following questions are adapted from original work by Tony Morrison [1] and aredesigned to assist supervisors in considering how they respond to emotion.• How would your staff describe your emotional style? Are you hot, cool orbalanced in your emotional responses?• How good are you at noticing the emotional tone of the team?• How good are you at recognising and acknowledging the daily hassles thatstaff experience?• Are you proactive in providing emotional encouragement and support or do youtend to wait for staff to seek out your support?• Which emotions do you find it more difficult to respond to: anger, sadness, fear,excitement, helplessness or anxiety?• Which emotions do you find it easier to respond to?• Does how you respond to emotions depend on who is involved? Are therefactors relating to the social location of the individual, such as gender and age,that affect your responses?Understanding how you respond to emotions as a supervisor is important in relationshipdevelopment because workers need secure responsive supervision, especially if theyare feeling anxious or overwhelmed.In addition, the development of an effective relationship will depend on how far thesupervisor is perceived by the supervisee to meet their needs and it is important thatthere is a clear understanding by both parties of their role, responsibilities and theboundaries and limitations of their relationship. This understanding can be enhanced bythe effective use of the supervision agreement or contract. What is good in a balancedand functioning relationship can become a force for dysfunction and destruction if thebalance is lost.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bantuan Tugas
Penelitian [2] mengidentifikasi komponen dihargai pengawasan berada di tempat pekerja
menerima bimbingan yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan yang nyata. Dalam semua bidang kehidupan, di mana kita melakukan suatu
pekerjaan untuk beberapa kali pertama, kita mungkin perlu bantuan dan bimbingan yang sangat spesifik untuk mendapatkan yang benar,
membangun kepercayaan diri untuk latihan masa depan kita, atau, ketika melakukan tugas-tugas kompleks, perlu
dukungan emosional meskipun berbagi beban.
Bantuan Tugas memungkinkan pengawas untuk memberikan dukungan langsung kepada pekerja, untuk memberitahu
mereka tentang program tindakan yang mungkin diambil, dan untuk menyetujui apa yang mereka lakukan
di mana keputusan yang dibutuhkan di luar itu didelegasikan kepada pekerja.
Untuk supervisees, yang prioritas akan didorong oleh tekanan langsung dan
tuntutan pekerjaan, bantuan praktis dan emosional yang diberikan oleh pengawas akan
menjadi sangat penting. Bantuan tersebut dapat mencakup co-bekerja dengan orang yang menggunakan layanan
yang memiliki kebutuhan yang kompleks, membantu supervisee untuk memprioritaskan pekerjaan mereka, dan membantu
dengan tugas-tugas baru yang belum dilakukan oleh seorang pekerja sebelumnya, seperti menyiapkan
laporan untuk proses pengadilan. Selain itu, peran pengawas dalam memenuhi
fungsi mediasi pengawasan mungkin termasuk mereka penghubung dengan organisasi eksternal,
terutama di mana isu-isu dalam sengketa, atau memberikan mediasi atau advokasi layanan untuk
para supervisee untuk mendapatkan akses ke sistem atau sumber daya yang mungkin tidak mudah diakses
oleh mereka sendiri.
Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa nilai supervisees supervisor yang memiliki keahlian dalam mereka
lapangan dan karena itu dapat menggunakan ini dalam membimbing mereka dalam pekerjaan mereka. Tantangan bagi
pengawas dalam memberikan bantuan tugas yang efektif karena itu mempertimbangkan berikut
dua pertanyaan.
• Bagaimana mereka bisa menjaga pengetahuan praktik up to date?
• Bagaimana mereka dapat memastikan bahwa jika mereka berasal dari profesi yang berbeda untuk mereka
supervisee, supervisee memiliki akses kepada supervisor lain dengan klinis
pengetahuan yang akan mendukung mereka dalam pekerjaan mereka?
bantuan Task juga dijelaskan dalam penelitian [3] sebagai termasuk nasihat atau
bimbingan, umpan balik, pelatihan dan pembinaan. Berikut ada link ke pengembangan staf -
membangun keterampilan, pengetahuan dan kepercayaan pekerja untuk membantu mereka beroperasi dengan
otonomi yang lebih. Namun, dari waktu ke waktu pengawas kecemasan sendiri tentang kualitas atau ketepatan waktu pekerjaan mungkin menggoda mereka untuk 'menyelamatkan' supervisee dengan mengambil
alih dan menyelesaikan tugas-tugas mereka. Hal ini mungkin bertentangan pengembangan staf.
Bagaimana supervisor terlibat dengan bantuan tugas karena itu terkait erat dengan bagaimana
mereka mempromosikan pengembangan staf dalam proses pengawasan.
Pengembangan pribadi dan profesional
Peran pengawasan akan mengandung unsur pengajaran, yang akan bervariasi sesuai dengan yang
pengalaman dan kemampuan supervisee tersebut. Bagi seorang pekerja dalam pelatihan atau baru berkualitas,
pengawasan mereka memberikan elemen penting dari Continuing Professional mereka
Pembangunan (CPD) dan mereka akan lebih bergantung pada keterampilan, pengetahuan dan keahlian
dari atasan mereka.
Pengembangan pribadi dan profesional mendasari kebutuhan pelatihan yang timbul dari penilaian
dan akan menginformasikan perencanaan masa depan. Beberapa keterampilan reflektif dan metode mempertanyakan
digunakan dalam pengawasan akan memperbaiki dan meningkatkan lini depan teknik latihan.
Bahkan di mana pekerja mampu dan berpengalaman, pengawasan mereka harus memberikan kontribusi
untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut dari pengetahuan dan keterampilan mereka.
Ada literatur yang luas pada pembelajaran orang dewasa yang dapat menginformasikan praktek pengawasan
dan pengawas akan perlu untuk mengintegrasikan mempertimbangkan praktek mereka dari
perbedaan. dalam cara mereka belajar dari cara yang disupervisi mereka telah belajar terbaik di masa lalu
Pertanyaan yang Anda mungkin ingin bertanya adalah:
• Apa yang telah pengalaman sebelumnya Anda belajar dan pengembangan?
• Bagaimana hal itu berbeda dari cara supervisee Anda belajar dan melakukan Anda perlu
memperhitungkannya dalam cara Anda bekerja sama?
• Apa yang bekerja untuk Anda dalam hubungan pengawasan sebelumnya dan apa yang telah
menghambat Anda pembangunan?
Kesempatan untuk fokus pada klinis atau profesional spesialisasi yang supervisee menyediakan
benang pengembangan pribadi kunci untuk proses pengawasan. Hal ini juga memungkinkan praktek
tantangan yang harus dibesarkan dalam aman dan, bagi banyak orang, 'off line' lingkungan. Untuk beberapa
profesional, pengawasan terfokus ini akan mendukung CPD mereka untuk tujuan pendaftaran.
Hubungan pengawasan
praktik berbasis Relationship adalah jantung dari pekerjaan dalam perawatan sosial, namun baru-baru ada
menjadi perhatian yang fokus pada tugas dan kepatuhan telah mengurangi nilai ditempatkan pada
aspek pekerjaan. [18, 19] Penelitian mendasari panduan ini menegaskan kembali
pentingnya hubungan dalam pengawasan dan mengembangkan gaya efektif
pengawasan, yang erat terikat dengan kapasitas pengawas untuk mengembangkan
hubungan yang efektif dengan supervisee mereka. Kata yang digunakan dalam penyelidikan praktek
[2] untuk menggambarkan komponen hubungan yang baik adalah: keterbukaan, kejujuran dan
rasa hormat, termasuk menghormati perasaan pekerja.
Perilaku pengawas dalam kaitannya dengan praktik pengawasan akan menjadi
elemen penting dalam mendefinisikan kualitas hubungan. Hubungan yang efektif akan
kemungkinan besar akan didukung oleh perilaku pengawasan berikut:
• memastikan bahwa sesi pengawasan formal berlangsung di kondusif, tenang,
lingkungan gangguan bebas
• tidak membatalkan atau terlambat untuk pengawasan
• setelah terstruktur rencana untuk sesi pengawasan dengan built-in fleksibilitas
• penulisan catatan pengawasan dan memastikan mereka ditandatangani oleh kedua belah pihak.
Pengawas hubungan didasarkan pada keterbukaan, kejujuran dan rasa hormat, dan akan sebagian
dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan supervisor untuk bekerja secara efektif dengan emosi. Ini
termasuk kapasitas mereka untuk terlibat dengan disupervisi dalam mengeksplorasi makna perasaan
yang ditimbulkan oleh pekerjaan mereka bukan hanya memfasilitasi mereka untuk 'offload'. Hal ini memerlukan
pengawas untuk memiliki sejumlah fitur yang dijelaskan dalam literatur tentang emosi
intelijen. Sementara ada literatur yang luas tentang hal ini, kurang telah ditulis
tentang penerapannya dalam perawatan sosial. Mengadaptasi karya Goleman pada emosi
intelijen, Morrison [20] mengidentifikasi lima elemen yang saling terkait yang signifikan terkait dengan
praktek perawatan sosial:
• kesadaran diri
• manajemen diri
• kesadaran lainnya
• keterampilan interpersonal
• nilai-nilai.
Morrison berpendapat bahwa unsur ini terkait dengan lima keterampilan inti yang mendasar
dalam perawatan sosial,
yaitu:. • Keterlibatan dengan orang-orang
• Kapasitas untuk pengamatan akurat dan recall. Ingat tentang peristiwa emosional
berkurang ketika kita mencoba untuk menekan emosi [21] dan kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi kita
emosi sendiri dan orang lain secara akurat juga membantu kita untuk melihat emosi palsu di
• keterampilan Assessment. Orang-orang yang menggunakan layanan akan cepat menyadari
pekerja yang tidak selaras dengan emosi mereka.
• Pengambilan keputusan. Emosi berhubungan dengan berbagai kapasitas mental
yang memiliki dampak langsung pada penilaian dan pengambilan keputusan [22] dan membantu kita
untuk memprediksi masa depan dengan membayangkan konsekuensi potensi baik diri kita sendiri
atau orang lain. [23]
• Bekerja dengan orang lain. Emosi positif mengurangi permusuhan antar kelompok dan
diskriminasi, memungkinkan orang untuk mengidentifikasi kesamaan dan membuatnya lebih
mungkin bahwa anggota kelompok akan memperlakukan kelompok lain sebagai anggota mereka sendiri. [22]
Kecerdasan emosional itu penting untuk supervisor dan yang disupervisi sama: untuk
disupervisi dalam pekerjaan yang mereka lakukan dengan orang-orang yang menggunakan layanan dan pengawas di
pemodelan perilaku cerdas emosi. Melalui pemodelan ini pengawas akan mengirimkan
pesan penting tentang budaya organisasi, termasuk izin untuk berbicara tentang dampak emosional dari pekerjaan, dan akan mengembangkan hubungan pengawasan yang
akan mendorong supervisees untuk menjadi yang terbaik mereka dapat.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut diadaptasi dari karya asli oleh Tony Morrison [1] dan
dirancang untuk membantu supervisor dalam mempertimbangkan bagaimana mereka menanggapi emosi.
• Bagaimana staf Anda menjelaskan gaya emosional Anda? Apakah Anda panas, dingin atau
seimbang dalam tanggapan emosional Anda?
• Seberapa baik Anda di memperhatikan nada emosional tim?
• Seberapa baik Anda mengenali dan mengakui kerepotan sehari-hari yang
pengalaman staf?
• Apakah Anda proaktif dalam memberikan dorongan emosional dan dukungan atau Anda
cenderung untuk menunggu staf untuk mencari dukungan Anda?
• emosi Mana yang Anda merasa lebih sulit untuk menanggapi: marah, sedih,
takut,? kegembiraan, ketidakberdayaan atau kecemasan
• emosi Mana yang Anda merasa lebih mudah untuk menanggapi?
• Apakah bagaimana Anda merespon emosi tergantung pada siapa yang terlibat? Apakah ada
faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan lokasi sosial individu, seperti jenis kelamin dan usia,
yang mempengaruhi tanggapan Anda?
Memahami bagaimana Anda menanggapi emosi sebagai supervisor penting dalam hubungan
pembangunan karena pekerja perlu mengamankan pengawasan responsif, terutama jika mereka
merasa cemas atau kewalahan.
Selain itu, pengembangan hubungan yang efektif akan tergantung pada seberapa jauh
pengawas dirasakan oleh supervisee untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka dan adalah penting bahwa
ada pemahaman yang jelas oleh kedua belah pihak dari peran mereka, tanggung jawab dan
batas-batas dan keterbatasan hubungan mereka. Pemahaman ini dapat ditingkatkan dengan
penggunaan yang efektif dari perjanjian pengawasan atau kontrak. Apa yang baik dalam seimbang
hubungan dan fungsi dapat menjadi kekuatan untuk disfungsi dan kerusakan jika
keseimbangan hilang.
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