BALANCED ON A STEP STOOL, his chest pressed against Gulliver’s long bo terjemahan - BALANCED ON A STEP STOOL, his chest pressed against Gulliver’s long bo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


BALANCED ON A STEP STOOL, his chest pressed against Gulliver’s long bony head, Travis switched on the electric clippers and then asked over their low buzz, “You ready, Tito?”
“I got him,” he replied, standing on the opposite side of Gulliver, a sure hand wrapped about the gelding’s leather halter.
Tito’s presence was only precautionary. Some horses were frightened by the clippers’ electronic hum and vibration, especially around the sensitive region of the ears. But Gulliver was a real sweetheart.
He stood placidly while Travis slowly raised the device, guiding its blades along the delicately curved contours of his ear. And when Travis had finished, he merely shook his head, sending bits of chestnut fuzz flying onto the concrete floor, hardly blinking when the men switched places and Travis went to work on his other ear.
The poll, situated just behind the ears where the bridle’s crownpiece rested, came next in the order of clipping. Then Travis moved on to the muzzle and the underside of Gulliver’s jaw. Then squatting with one knee propped on the concrete floor, he trimmed the shaggy growth around the fetlocks. The clip job complete, the aisle floor resembled a barber shop, chunks of coppery hair covering it.
Straightening, Travis gave the horse a hearty pat on the shoulder. “Good boy. Okay, Tito, he’s all yours.”
Tito led Gulliver away, outside to the pasture, so the horse would have a couple of hours to romp and roll before Travis rode him.
With well-orchestrated precision, Felix stepped up with Gypsy Queen on a lead shank, taking the spot Gulliver and Tito had just vacated. An all-black mare, she favored her sire Stoneleigh’s rangy Thoroughbred build and hot-blooded temperament. Only four years old, she already possessed a huge natural jump. With the right training Travis knew she had the potential to be an outstanding three-day eventer or show jumper.
Gypsy Queen wasn’t quite the mellow fellow Gulliver was. But Felix, who worked with her daily, had brought along a jar of peanut butter and a bag of carrots, her favorite treat. As she nibbled away, Travis switched on the clippers.
First he simply held them against the mare’s shoulder, allowing her to grow accustomed to the foreign vibration. Then, slowly, while Felix talked to her and petted her, doling out peanut-butter-coated carrots, he moved the clippers slowly up her neck and then to the base of her ear. Though the mare swished her tail and struck the concrete floor with her rear hoof, she submitted docilely enough when Travis began trimming the fuzzy growth.
He’d finished Gypsy’s fetlocks and was rechecking her velvety muzzle for any stray whiskers when a pair of work boots came into his line of vision. “Hey, Ned, what’s up?”
“Wanted to see how you’re making out. Gypsy’s the last of the lot?”
“Yeah, we saved the best for last. Ain’t that so, Travis?” Felix said, stroking the mare’s forehead.
“That’s right,” Travis agreed equably, knowing Felix had a real soft spot for the mare he’d helped foal. Straightening from his half-crouch, he turned off the clippers. “Gypsy’s getting better each time I clip her,” he noted with satisfaction, adding, “Thanks, Felix,” as Felix walked away with Gypsy.
“She’s a smart one. Why kick up a fuss when she can chomp carrots and peanut butter and have Felix whisper sweet nothings in her ear. You seen Miss Margot yet this morning?” Ned asked.
Whispered sweet nothings. Margot. Hearing the words strung loosely together had Travis thinking of the sweet nothings he’d like to whisper in the delicate shell of her ear. Like how incredible it felt when he was inside her, how he loved the breathy little sounds she made when he rocked against her, how when he stroked the curves and hollows of her slender body and tasted the dewy fragrance of her skin he was filled with an unfamiliar kind of joy.
“Hey, Travis. You in there?” Ned asked, waving a hand in front of his face.
He started. “Sorry, what’s that you were saying?”
The older man gave him a funny look. “I asked if you’d seen Miss Margot.”
He pretended to check his watch. “No. I expect she’s taking Jade to school. She should be here soon, though. Why?”
“You get your mail yesterday?”
“I didn’t get the chance.” He normally went through his mail at night after he’d done a final check on the horses. “I, uh, got caught up in something.” He felt his skin warm beneath the collar of his wool sweater. Ned would probably tell him off but good if he learned just what Travis had been caught up in—Margot’s delectable body.
“You might want to. I received a letter from Edward Crandall with a big fat check tucked inside it. My savings just tripled overnight,” he said, and the awe was plain in his tone.
Travis had almost forgotten RJ’s bequest. Guilt settled like lead in the pit of his stomach. Considering how he and RJ parted company, he shouldn’t be getting a pile of money and the pick of one of Rosewood’s foals. RJ certainly wouldn’t have left him a nickel if he could have foreseen what Travis would be doing with his talented, glamorous daughter.
“I’ll tell you something, Travis. I’m sorely tempted to tear the thing in half. Taking all that money don’t sit right somehow.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean.” He walked over to the electrical outlet and unplugged the clippers. “But in your case, the money’s well deserved. You’ve worked at Rosewood all your life. It’s like a retire—”
“I ain’t ever going to retire.”
“Lord help us if you do. You’re the heart and soul of this place,” he said, laying a reassuring hand on Ned’s checked-flannel-covered shoulder. “All I’m saying is that RJ included you in his will because you’ve worked at Rosewood longer and harder than anyone. You were his good friend.”
The scowl on Ned’s face cleared somewhat. “I guess that makes sense. At least RJ was rich as Croesus. That helps a bit. Speaking of money, have you talked to Margot about shopping for a new stud?”
“No, not yet.” He began wrapping the bright yellow extension cord in loose loops.
Ned bent down to scoop up the can of WD-40 they used to keep the clippers running smoothly. “Here, let me take those,” he said, holding out his hand for the clippers and electrical cord. “I’m headed to the tack room anyway to oil the new girth Miss Margot’s been using on Mystique. You’ll want to talk to her soon,” he continued. “If Crandall sent us those checks, it must mean the estate’s been settled. We should be going over auction catalogs and following up on any ads that catch our eye. We’ve got to find a stud that would make RJ proud.”
“Yeah.” Travis recognized and shared the older man’s excitement at the prospect of introducing a new bloodline into Rosewood’s stock. “I’ll bring it up just as soon as I can, Ned,” he promised.
He grabbed the broom that was propped against the wall and began sweeping up the multihued clouds of horse hair when a faint sound had him looking toward the barn doors at the other end of the aisle. He hadn’t consciously realized he was listening for her, but of course he was. Damn, but he loved the way Margot’s long legs ate up the ground. He’d seen her perform her model’s strut on the runway, a superbly choreographed sashay that could transfix an audience. To him, her natural athletic gait was a million times sexier, and he itched to wrap his hands about those slim hips and tangle his legs in hers.
Tangled up in Margot, that’s what he was. It seemed to him she was already a part of him, in his system, in his blood. It’s why his heart thudded heavily in his chest as she approached, why everything in him tightened with urgent need. A sudden thought crossed his mind. There were empty stalls nearby, shadowed and smelling of fresh wood shavings and sweet hay …
“Morning, Miss Margot.”
Ned’s cheerful greeting quelled the mad impulse to steal Margot away to some hidden nook. But Travis couldn’t help thinking how great it would be if Ned, Tito, Felix, and everyone else at Rosewood could magically disappear for a couple of hours, so he could drop the pretense that Margot was nothing more than his boss.
“Travis just finished trimming the horses. Once we’ve got them all groomed, ‘dressed in their Sunday best,’ as your dad used to say, they’ll look so fine, Dan Stokes’s client will be whipping out his checkbook. Stokes called, by the way,” Ned told them. “His client had a business meeting that got canceled so Dan wanted to know if they could come by tomorrow. They’re shooting for around eleven-thirty.”
“A businessman, huh? I hope he’s a successful one with really deep pockets. The farrier’s bill was pretty scary,” Margot said wryly.
Ned chuckled. “Jarvis’s services don’t come cheap.”
Why did it seem like forever since he’d seen her? Travis wondered. And how was it that she appeared even more beautiful today? As if feeling the weight of his stare, she looked at him. At the flash of awareness in those sky-blue eyes, a warmth spread through him and he suddenly felt as happy as a kid. He smiled. Coloring, she gave him a quick, shy smile before returning her gaze to Ned.
“Ned, I’m glad I caught you and Travis together. There’s something I wanted to discuss with you both. You know that dark bay with the two white stockings that you’re just beginning to break to the saddle? What’s he like?”
“You mean Aspen? The colt’s a real treat. He’s out of Faraday and Allure. He’s got a nice balanced stride on the flat. Travis and I have sent him over a few jumps. Tucks his knees up for the takeoff neat as you please and he’s got a good natural arc in the air. Personality-wise he’s a firecracker. Always has a trick or two to try.”
“So he’s got spunk? That’s interesting. What would you and Travis say to having Jade work with him? Is she good enough?”
Ned rubbed the side of his jaw as he considered the idea. “Well, she’s got great hands. And she’s pretty strong for a girl her age.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
SEIMBANG pada langkah bangku, dadanya ditekan terhadap Gulliver's lama tulang kepala, Travis dihidupkan gunting listrik dan kemudian bertanya atas buzz rendah, "Anda siap, Tito?""Aku punya dia," Dia menjawab, berdiri di sisi berlawanan dari Gulliver, yakin tangan dibungkus tentang gelding kulit halter.Tito's kehadiran adalah hanya pencegahan. Beberapa kuda yang takut dengan clippers' hum elektronik dan getaran, terutama di sekitar daerah sensitif dari telinga. Tapi Gulliver adalah seorang kekasih sejati.Ia berdiri tenang sementara Travis perlahan-lahan mengangkat perangkat, membimbing dengan pisau sepanjang kontur halus melengkung telinganya. Dan ketika Travis telah selesai, ia hanya menggelengkan kepala, mengirimkan bit dari fuzz kastanye yang terbang ke lantai beton, hampir tidak berkedip ketika orang-orang beralih tempat dan Travis pergi untuk bekerja pada telinga lainnya.Jajak pendapat, terletak tepat di belakang telinga mana kekang crownpiece beristirahat, datang berikutnya dalam kliping. Kemudian Travis pindah ke moncong dan bawah Gulliver's rahang. Kemudian berjongkok dengan satu lutut tetap ditopang di lantai beton, ia dipangkas pertumbuhan berbulu di sekitar fetlocks. Pekerjaan klip lengkap, lantai lorong menyerupai sebuah toko Pemangkas rambut, potongan rambut berserbuk menutupinya.Meluruskan, Travis memberikan kuda lezat tepukan di bahu. "Anak baik. Oke, Tito, ia adalah semua milikmu."Tito menyebabkan Gulliver luar pergi, padang rumput, sehingga kuda akan memiliki beberapa jam untuk bermain-main dan roll sebelum Travis naik Nya.With well-orchestrated precision, Felix stepped up with Gypsy Queen on a lead shank, taking the spot Gulliver and Tito had just vacated. An all-black mare, she favored her sire Stoneleigh’s rangy Thoroughbred build and hot-blooded temperament. Only four years old, she already possessed a huge natural jump. With the right training Travis knew she had the potential to be an outstanding three-day eventer or show jumper.Gypsy Queen wasn’t quite the mellow fellow Gulliver was. But Felix, who worked with her daily, had brought along a jar of peanut butter and a bag of carrots, her favorite treat. As she nibbled away, Travis switched on the clippers.First he simply held them against the mare’s shoulder, allowing her to grow accustomed to the foreign vibration. Then, slowly, while Felix talked to her and petted her, doling out peanut-butter-coated carrots, he moved the clippers slowly up her neck and then to the base of her ear. Though the mare swished her tail and struck the concrete floor with her rear hoof, she submitted docilely enough when Travis began trimming the fuzzy growth.He’d finished Gypsy’s fetlocks and was rechecking her velvety muzzle for any stray whiskers when a pair of work boots came into his line of vision. “Hey, Ned, what’s up?”“Wanted to see how you’re making out. Gypsy’s the last of the lot?”“Yeah, we saved the best for last. Ain’t that so, Travis?” Felix said, stroking the mare’s forehead.“That’s right,” Travis agreed equably, knowing Felix had a real soft spot for the mare he’d helped foal. Straightening from his half-crouch, he turned off the clippers. “Gypsy’s getting better each time I clip her,” he noted with satisfaction, adding, “Thanks, Felix,” as Felix walked away with Gypsy.“She’s a smart one. Why kick up a fuss when she can chomp carrots and peanut butter and have Felix whisper sweet nothings in her ear. You seen Miss Margot yet this morning?” Ned asked.Whispered sweet nothings. Margot. Hearing the words strung loosely together had Travis thinking of the sweet nothings he’d like to whisper in the delicate shell of her ear. Like how incredible it felt when he was inside her, how he loved the breathy little sounds she made when he rocked against her, how when he stroked the curves and hollows of her slender body and tasted the dewy fragrance of her skin he was filled with an unfamiliar kind of joy.“Hey, Travis. You in there?” Ned asked, waving a hand in front of his face.He started. “Sorry, what’s that you were saying?”The older man gave him a funny look. “I asked if you’d seen Miss Margot.”He pretended to check his watch. “No. I expect she’s taking Jade to school. She should be here soon, though. Why?”“You get your mail yesterday?”“I didn’t get the chance.” He normally went through his mail at night after he’d done a final check on the horses. “I, uh, got caught up in something.” He felt his skin warm beneath the collar of his wool sweater. Ned would probably tell him off but good if he learned just what Travis had been caught up in—Margot’s delectable body.“You might want to. I received a letter from Edward Crandall with a big fat check tucked inside it. My savings just tripled overnight,” he said, and the awe was plain in his tone.Travis had almost forgotten RJ’s bequest. Guilt settled like lead in the pit of his stomach. Considering how he and RJ parted company, he shouldn’t be getting a pile of money and the pick of one of Rosewood’s foals. RJ certainly wouldn’t have left him a nickel if he could have foreseen what Travis would be doing with his talented, glamorous daughter.“I’ll tell you something, Travis. I’m sorely tempted to tear the thing in half. Taking all that money don’t sit right somehow.”“Yeah, I know what you mean.” He walked over to the electrical outlet and unplugged the clippers. “But in your case, the money’s well deserved. You’ve worked at Rosewood all your life. It’s like a retire—”“I ain’t ever going to retire.”“Lord help us if you do. You’re the heart and soul of this place,” he said, laying a reassuring hand on Ned’s checked-flannel-covered shoulder. “All I’m saying is that RJ included you in his will because you’ve worked at Rosewood longer and harder than anyone. You were his good friend.”The scowl on Ned’s face cleared somewhat. “I guess that makes sense. At least RJ was rich as Croesus. That helps a bit. Speaking of money, have you talked to Margot about shopping for a new stud?”
“No, not yet.” He began wrapping the bright yellow extension cord in loose loops.
Ned bent down to scoop up the can of WD-40 they used to keep the clippers running smoothly. “Here, let me take those,” he said, holding out his hand for the clippers and electrical cord. “I’m headed to the tack room anyway to oil the new girth Miss Margot’s been using on Mystique. You’ll want to talk to her soon,” he continued. “If Crandall sent us those checks, it must mean the estate’s been settled. We should be going over auction catalogs and following up on any ads that catch our eye. We’ve got to find a stud that would make RJ proud.”
“Yeah.” Travis recognized and shared the older man’s excitement at the prospect of introducing a new bloodline into Rosewood’s stock. “I’ll bring it up just as soon as I can, Ned,” he promised.
He grabbed the broom that was propped against the wall and began sweeping up the multihued clouds of horse hair when a faint sound had him looking toward the barn doors at the other end of the aisle. He hadn’t consciously realized he was listening for her, but of course he was. Damn, but he loved the way Margot’s long legs ate up the ground. He’d seen her perform her model’s strut on the runway, a superbly choreographed sashay that could transfix an audience. To him, her natural athletic gait was a million times sexier, and he itched to wrap his hands about those slim hips and tangle his legs in hers.
Tangled up in Margot, that’s what he was. It seemed to him she was already a part of him, in his system, in his blood. It’s why his heart thudded heavily in his chest as she approached, why everything in him tightened with urgent need. A sudden thought crossed his mind. There were empty stalls nearby, shadowed and smelling of fresh wood shavings and sweet hay …
“Morning, Miss Margot.”
Ned’s cheerful greeting quelled the mad impulse to steal Margot away to some hidden nook. But Travis couldn’t help thinking how great it would be if Ned, Tito, Felix, and everyone else at Rosewood could magically disappear for a couple of hours, so he could drop the pretense that Margot was nothing more than his boss.
“Travis just finished trimming the horses. Once we’ve got them all groomed, ‘dressed in their Sunday best,’ as your dad used to say, they’ll look so fine, Dan Stokes’s client will be whipping out his checkbook. Stokes called, by the way,” Ned told them. “His client had a business meeting that got canceled so Dan wanted to know if they could come by tomorrow. They’re shooting for around eleven-thirty.”
“A businessman, huh? I hope he’s a successful one with really deep pockets. The farrier’s bill was pretty scary,” Margot said wryly.
Ned chuckled. “Jarvis’s services don’t come cheap.”
Why did it seem like forever since he’d seen her? Travis wondered. And how was it that she appeared even more beautiful today? As if feeling the weight of his stare, she looked at him. At the flash of awareness in those sky-blue eyes, a warmth spread through him and he suddenly felt as happy as a kid. He smiled. Coloring, she gave him a quick, shy smile before returning her gaze to Ned.
“Ned, I’m glad I caught you and Travis together. There’s something I wanted to discuss with you both. You know that dark bay with the two white stockings that you’re just beginning to break to the saddle? What’s he like?”
“You mean Aspen? The colt’s a real treat. He’s out of Faraday and Allure. He’s got a nice balanced stride on the flat. Travis and I have sent him over a few jumps. Tucks his knees up for the takeoff neat as you please and he’s got a good natural arc in the air. Personality-wise he’s a firecracker. Always has a trick or two to try.”
“So he’s got spunk? That’s interesting. What would you and Travis say to having Jade work with him? Is she good enough?”
Ned rubbed the side of his jaw as he considered the idea. “Well, she’s got great hands. And she’s pretty strong for a girl her age.”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
BALANCED PADA STOOL LANGKAH, dadanya menempel kepala tulang panjang Gulliver, Travis diaktifkan gunting listrik dan kemudian meminta lebih gebrakan mereka rendah, "Kamu siap, Tito?"
"Aku punya dia," jawabnya, berdiri di sisi yang berlawanan Gulliver, tangan yakin dibungkus tentang halter kulit kebiri ini.
Kehadiran Tito hanya pencegahan. Beberapa kuda takut oleh hum elektronik gunting 'dan getaran, terutama di sekitar wilayah sensitif dari telinga. Tapi Gulliver adalah seorang kekasih sejati.
Dia berdiri dengan tenang sementara Travis perlahan mengangkat perangkat, membimbing pisau di sepanjang kontur halus melengkung dari telinganya. Dan ketika Travis telah selesai, ia hanya menggelengkan kepala, pengiriman bit berangan fuzz terbang ke lantai beton, hampir tidak berkedip ketika orang-orang beralih tempat dan Travis pergi bekerja di telinga yang lain.
Jajak pendapat, yang terletak tepat di belakang telinga mana crownpiece kekang yang beristirahat, datang berikutnya di urutan kliping. Kemudian Travis pindah ke moncong dan bagian bawah rahang Gulliver. Lalu jongkok dengan satu lutut diganjal di lantai beton, ia dipangkas pertumbuhan shaggy sekitar fetlocks. Pekerjaan clip lengkap, lantai lorong menyerupai sebuah toko tukang cukur, potongan tembaga rambut menutupinya.
Pelurus, Travis memberi kuda tepukan hangat di bahu. "Anak baik. Oke, Tito, dia milikmu.
"Tito dipimpin Gulliver pergi, luar ke padang rumput, sehingga kuda akan memiliki beberapa jam untuk bermain-main dan roll sebelum Travis naik dia.
Dengan presisi yang diatur, Felix melangkah dengan Gypsy Queen di betis memimpin, mengambil tempat Gulliver dan Tito baru saja dikosongkan. Sebuah mare hitam-hitam, dia disukai Sire nya kurus membangun Thoroughbred Stoneleigh dan temperamen berdarah panas. Hanya empat tahun, dia sudah memiliki lompatan alam yang besar. Dengan pelatihan yang tepat Travis tahu dia memiliki potensi untuk menjadi eventer tiga hari yang luar biasa atau menunjukkan jumper.
Gypsy Ratu adalah tidak cukup sesama mellow Gulliver adalah. Tapi Felix, yang bekerja dengan dia setiap hari, telah membawa stoples selai kacang dan sekantong wortel, memperlakukan favoritnya. Saat ia menggigiti pergi, Travis diaktifkan gunting.
Pertama ia hanya menahan mereka terhadap bahu kuda, yang memungkinkan dirinya untuk tumbuh terbiasa dengan getaran asing. Kemudian, perlahan-lahan, sementara Felix berbicara dengannya dan mengelus dia, membagikan wortel kacang-mentega dilapisi, ia pindah gunting perlahan sampai lehernya dan kemudian ke dasar telinganya. Meskipun kuda berdesir ekornya dan memukul lantai beton dengan kuku belakang, dia diserahkan cukup patuh ketika Travis mulai pemangkasan pertumbuhan kabur.
Dia selesai fetlocks Gypsy dan itu mengecek kembali moncong beludru nya untuk kumis liar ketika sepasang sepatu bot datang ke garis keturunannya dari visi. "Hei, Ned, ada apa?"
"Ingin melihat bagaimana Anda membuat keluar. Gypsy adalah yang terakhir dari banyak?
"" Ya, kami menyimpan yang terbaik untuk yang terakhir. Bukankah begitu, Travis? "Kata Felix, membelai dahi
kuda." Itu benar, "Travis setuju equably, mengetahui Felix memiliki titik lemah yang nyata bagi kuda dia membantu anak kuda. Meluruskan dari setengah berjongkok, ia mematikan gunting. "Gypsy yang semakin baik setiap kali saya klip nya," katanya dengan puas, menambahkan, "Terima kasih, Felix," seperti Felix berjalan pergi dengan Gypsy.
"Dia seorang yang cerdas. Mengapa ribut-ribut ketika dia bisa chomp wortel dan selai kacang dan memiliki Felix berbisik manis tak di telinganya. Anda melihat Nona Margot belum pagi ini? "Tanya Ned.
Manis tak Bisik. Margot. Mendengar kata-kata yang dirangkai secara longgar bersama-sama memiliki Travis memikirkan manis tak ia ingin berbisik di shell halus telinganya. Seperti bagaimana luar biasa rasanya ketika ia dalam dirinya, bagaimana dia mencintai suara kecil desah dia membuat ketika ia mengguncang terhadap dirinya, bagaimana ketika ia membelai kurva dan cekungan tubuh ramping dan mencicipi aroma berembun kulitnya ia dipenuhi dengan merupakan jenis asing sukacita.
"Hei, Travis. Anda di sana? "Tanya Ned, melambaikan tangan di depan wajahnya.
Dia mulai. "Maaf, apa yang Anda katakan?"
Orang tua memberinya ekspresi lucu. "Saya ditanya apakah Anda pernah melihat Nona Margot."
Dia pura-pura memeriksa arlojinya. "Tidak. Saya berharap dia mengambil Jade ke sekolah. Dia harus segera di sini, meskipun. Mengapa?
"" Anda mendapatkan surat Anda kemarin?
"" Aku tidak mendapatkan kesempatan. "Dia biasanya pergi melalui mail-nya di malam hari setelah ia melakukan pemeriksaan terakhir pada kuda. "Aku, eh, terjebak dalam sesuatu." Dia merasa hangat kulitnya di bawah kerah sweater wol nya. Ned mungkin akan memberitahu dia pergi tapi baik jika ia belajar apa Travis telah terjebak dalam-Margot tubuh lezat ini.
"Anda mungkin ingin. Saya menerima surat dari Edward Crandall dengan cek lemak besar terselip di dalamnya. Tabungan saya hanya tiga kali lipat semalam, "katanya, dan kekaguman yang polos dalam bukunya nada.
Travis hampir lupa warisan RJ. Rasa bersalah menetap seperti timah di perutnya. Mengingat bagaimana ia dan RJ berpisah, dia tidak harus mendapatkan tumpukan uang dan memilih dari salah satu dari anak kuda Rosewood ini. RJ pasti tidak akan meninggalkan dia nikel jika ia bisa meramalkan apa yang Travis akan melakukan dengan berbakat, putri glamor nya.
"Saya akan memberitahu Anda sesuatu, Travis. Aku sangat tergoda untuk merobek hal di setengah. Mengambil semua uang tidak duduk tepat entah bagaimana.
"" Ya, aku tahu apa yang Anda maksud. "Dia berjalan ke outlet listrik dan mencabut gunting. "Tapi dalam kasus Anda, uang yang layak. Anda telah bekerja di Rosewood sepanjang hidup Anda. Ini seperti retire-
"" Aku tidak pernah akan pensiun.
"" Tuhan membantu kami jika Anda melakukannya. Anda adalah jantung dan jiwa dari tempat ini, "katanya, meletakkan tangan meyakinkan pada check-flanel tertutup bahu Ned. "Yang saya katakan adalah bahwa RJ termasuk Anda dalam kehendaknya karena Anda telah bekerja di Rosewood lebih lama dan lebih keras dari siapa pun. Kau teman baiknya.
"The cemberut di wajah Ned dibersihkan agak. "Saya rasa itu masuk akal. Setidaknya RJ kaya seperti Croesus. Yang membantu sedikit. Berbicara tentang uang, yang harus Anda berbicara dengan Margot tentang belanja untuk pejantan baru?
"" Tidak, belum. "Dia mulai membungkus kuning cerah kabel ekstensi di loop longgar.
Ned membungkuk untuk meraup kaleng WD-40 mereka digunakan untuk menjaga gunting berjalan lancar. "Di sini, biarkan aku mengambil orang-orang," katanya, sambil mengulurkan tangannya untuk gunting dan kabel listrik. "Saya menuju ke ruang taktik pula untuk minyak ketebalan baru Nona Margot sudah menggunakan di Mystique. Anda akan ingin berbicara dengannya segera, "lanjutnya. "Jika Crandall mengirimkan mereka cek, itu harus berarti perkebunan telah diselesaikan. Kami harus pergi lebih katalog lelang dan menindaklanjuti setiap iklan yang menangkap mata kita. Kita harus menemukan pejantan yang akan membuat RJ bangga.
"" Ya. "Travis diakui dan berbagi kegembiraan orang tua itu pada prospek memperkenalkan keturunan baru ke saham Rosewood ini. "Aku akan membawanya segera setelah aku bisa, Ned," janjinya.
Dia meraih sapu yang disandarkan ke dinding dan mulai menyapu awan multihued rambut kuda ketika suara samar telah dia melihat ke arah gudang pintu di ujung lorong. Dia tidak sadar menyadari bahwa ia mendengarkan untuknya, tapi tentu saja dia. Sialan, tapi dia menyukai cara kaki panjang Margot makan sampai tanah. Dia pernah melihatnya melakukan strut Model nya di landasan, sebuah sashay luar biasa koreografer yang bisa terpaku penonton. Baginya, kiprah atletik alaminya adalah satu juta kali lebih seksi, dan dia gatal untuk membungkus tangannya tentang orang-pinggul yang ramping dan kusut kakinya di miliknya.
Tangled di Margot, itulah yang dia. Tampaknya bahwa ia sudah menjadi bagian dari dirinya, dalam sistem, dalam darahnya. Ini sebabnya hatinya berdebar berat di dadanya saat ia mendekat, mengapa semuanya dalam dirinya diperketat dengan kebutuhan mendesak. Sebuah pikiran tiba-tiba terlintas dalam pikirannya. Ada kios kosong di dekatnya, gelap dan berbau serutan kayu segar dan jerami manis ...
"Pagi, Miss Margot."
Ucapan ceria Ned dipadamkan dorongan gila untuk mencuri Margot pergi ke beberapa sudut tersembunyi. Tapi Travis tidak bisa membantu berpikir betapa besar akan jika Ned, Tito, Felix, dan orang lain di Rosewood ajaib bisa menghilang selama beberapa jam, sehingga ia bisa menjatuhkan berpura-pura bahwa Margot tidak lebih dari bosnya.
"Travis baru saja selesai pemangkasan kuda. Setelah kami punya mereka semua dipersiapkan, 'mengenakan Minggu terbaik mereka,' sebagai ayahmu digunakan untuk mengatakan, mereka akan terlihat begitu baik, klien Dan Stokes akan mencambuk keluar buku ceknya. Stokes disebut, dengan cara, "kata Ned mereka. "Kliennya telah mengadakan pertemuan bisnis yang harus dibatalkan sehingga Dan ingin tahu apakah mereka bisa datang besok. Mereka sedang syuting untuk sekitar 1130.
"" Seorang pengusaha, ya? Saya berharap dia yang sukses dengan kantong benar-benar mendalam. Tagihan dokter hewan itu cukup menakutkan, "kata Margot kecut.
Ned tertawa. "Layanan Jarvis tidak datang murah."
Mengapa tampak seperti selamanya karena ia pernah melihatnya? Travis bertanya-tanya. Dan bagaimana itu bahwa ia muncul bahkan lebih indah hari ini? Seperti jika merasa berat tatapannya, dia menatapnya. Pada flash kesadaran di mata biru langit, kehangatan menyebar melalui dia dan dia tiba-tiba merasa bahagia sebagai seorang anak. Dia tersenyum. Mewarnai, ia memberinya cepat, senyum malu-malu sebelum kembali tatapannya ke Ned.
"Ned, aku senang aku menangkap Anda dan Travis bersama-sama. Ada sesuatu yang saya ingin mendiskusikan dengan Anda berdua. Anda tahu bahwa Teluk gelap dengan dua stoking putih yang Anda baru mulai pecah ke pelana? Seperti apa dia?
"" Maksudmu Aspen? Kuda itu adalah nyata. Dia keluar dari Faraday dan Allure. Dia punya langkah yang seimbang baik di flat. Travis dan saya telah mengirim dia selama beberapa melompat. Melipat lutut untuk lepas landas rapi seperti Anda menyenangkan dan dia punya busur alami yang baik di udara. Kepribadian-bijaksana dia petasan. Selalu memiliki dua trik atau mencoba.
"" Jadi dia punya keberanian? Itu menarik. Apa yang akan Anda dan Travis mengatakan untuk memiliki Jade bekerja dengan dia? Apakah dia cukup baik?
"Ned mengusap sisi rahang saat ia dianggap ide. "Yah, dia punya tangan yang besar. Dan dia cukup kuat untuk seorang gadis seusianya. "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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