Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Flipping ke punggung saya, saya menatap dengan mata lebar. Beberapa panel tipis di tirai meliputi jendela di kamar tidur itu rusak, sehingga irisan tipis cahaya bulan menyebar seperti jari-jari yang bermain peekaboo di langit-langit.Aku melemparkan dan berpaling untuk apa merasa seperti jam, tidak dapat mematikan otak saya. Setiap kali saya pindah, tempat tidur creaked sedikit. Atau mungkin banyak. Kedengarannya superloud kepadaku, tapi begitu pula hatiku seperti ini menghantam darah melalui telinga.JAX berbaring di sofa, kaki hanya dari kamar tidur. Dan ia telah mencium saya sebelumnya. Dan ia telah mendapat kaca depan saya tetap. Dan ia katakan kakiku dan celana pendek saya adalah sialan kesempurnaan.Apa yang sedang terjadi dengan kekagumannya dengan kaki saya?Menjatuhkan diri ke perut saya, saya mengerang ke bantal. Kaki saya seharusnya tidak masalah. Itu jelas tidak penting, tapi aku terpaku pada bagaimana hal itu kakiku ia tetap berfokus pada. Ada lain hal-hal tentang saya, hal-hal yang lebih terlihat seperti wajah saya yang mendapat perhatian. Kakiku tidak.Tapi Dia menciumku dan dia berada di kamar sebelah, di sana, dan bibir saya yang kesemutan lagi. Ciuman pertama saya — pada usia dua puluh satu, saya mengalami ciuman pertama saya. Akhirnya. Dan aku bahkan tidak yakin apakah itu sebuah ciuman yang nyata."Tuhan," saya mengerang ke bantal.Aku memutar ke sisi saya, memutuskan aku tidak akan berpikir tentang Jax lagi, karena itulah serius sia-sia. Jadi hal berikutnya yang saya pikir tentang adalah heroin. Banyak heroin. Seperti mungkin ratusan ribu ' layak itu. Heroin berapa banyak itu benar-benar? Seperti di jalan? Berapa banyak nyawa akan menginfeksi dan merusak? Ratusan? Ribuan?Dan telah di rumah-rumah ibu.Aku meremas mataku tertutup sebagai kegelisahan meringkuk di perutku, menyebar seperti asap berbahaya. Dia melakukan hal itu sekarang?Oke. Ini tidak baik untuk memikirkan, baik. Pikiran saya adalah kosong untuk beberapa saat-saat bahagia, dan kemudian aku mulai berpikir tentang sekolah. Sekitarnya bagaimana saya akan membayar uang kuliah saya panik awal memudar sedikit, dan aku tahu aku akan mendapatkan bantuan federal. Mereka tidak menggunakan kredit, tapi itu tidak mengatasi segala sesuatu. Aku akan perlu untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan waitressing ketika aku kembali karena saya membutuhkan uang untuk membayar tagihan. Yang menyebalkan karena beberapa semester terakhir sekolah perawat akan ridiculously keras. Dan finishing sekolah tidak memperbaiki sisa omong kosong — utang, kredit, dan segala sesuatu yang lain.Aku tidak tahu apa yang akan lakukan, dan aku tidak ingin untuk berpikir tentang hal itu lagi karena saya adalah melakukan yang terbaik yang bisa kulakukan. Saya membuat lima puluh dolar hari ini dan itu lebih baik daripada membuat apa-apa.Lima puluh bucks.Allah.Aku berguling ke punggung saya dan posisi itu berlangsung semua lima menit. Ini menarik, dan saya pindah lagi, ini waktu beku seperti saya menetap di sisi lain, menghadap kamar mandi.Engsel tua di pintu kamar tidur squeaked seperti itu perlahan-lahan didorong terbuka. Aku menahan napas. Saya kembali ke pintu, tetapi saya tahu itu Jax. Kehadirannya praktis tersedot oksigen dari kamar.What was he doing? Did my tossing wake him up? Probably, since the bedroom door wouldn’t close all the way, leaving a half-foot gap between the door and the threshold. Something was wrong with the hinges. I didn’t know what and it didn’t matter.The floorboard creaked under his footsteps.Oh my God.“Calla?” His voice wasn’t loud, but it was still like a crack of thunder.Should I pretend to be asleep? I squeezed my eyes shut, thinking that was stupid, but I was willing to give that a shot.“I know you’re not asleep.”Damnit.I still didn’t say anything because I was pretty sure I was beyond speaking. A wave of tiny goose bumps spread across my skin as I slowly opened my eyes. Sad, but true, I’d never been in bed before with a guy in the same room. Well, not entirely true. Jacob, a classmate at college, had been in my dorm once, but that wasn’t the same thing as right now.The floor didn’t creak again, but the bed suddenly dipped under his weight. Forget pretending to be asleep. My body wouldn’t allow it. I rose onto my elbow, twisting my neck back, my eyes peeling wide. In the silvery moonlight, I could see the tips of his high cheekbones and the form of his body. That was more than enough.“What are you doing?” My voice was pitched embarrassingly high.Jax was leaning on his hip, his hand planted into the bed near mine. “You weren’t sleeping.”“Yes, I was.” I was a terrible liar.“I think I’ve listened to you moving around in this bed for the last hour.”I didn’t know what to say to that, but my heart had turned into a steel drum.“And I’ll admit, it’s pretty distracting.” In the shadowy room, he shifted closer, and I tensed.“I’m sorry,” I blurted out.His chuckle was deep and low. “You don’t need to apologize. It was distracting in a good way.”After I mentally repeated that, I still had no idea what that meant.“Do you normally have this much trouble sleeping?”“Huh?”“Sleeping,” he repeated, and I could hear the amusement in his voice. “Do you normally have a hard time at it?”Did I normally have this much trouble handling a conversation? I bit down on the inside of my lip and shook my head. “Not until I came back here.”Jax didn’t respond for a moment, and then he said, “I feel ya.”“You do?” Surprise shuttled through me.“Yeah, when I first came home—not here, but home, I had a hell of a time falling asleep and staying asleep through the night. Too much going on up here.” He raised a hand toward where his head was.Common sense told me I needed to tell him to get the hell out of my bed, or I needed to hightail out of it and put some space between us, but curiosity got the best of me. “Home from where?”There was another pause, and then he shifted again—rolled onto his back, his head on the pillows next to mine. Onto his back, beside me, in a bed that I was in! What in the holy hell? My tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth as my heart bounced around, and then the flutter in my stomach got all kinds of excited.“I was overseas,” he said, and it took me a moment to remember what he was talking about.My brain sorted that out and I only came up with a one-word response. “Overseas?”“Why don’t you lie down and I’ll tell you?”Lie down? In bed? With him? No way. No way, Jose. I was frozen in this position. Nope. Nope. Nope.“Come on,” he said in a soft voice, the kind of tone that did funny things to my brain cells, melting them together like putting butter in a microwave. “Lie down, Calla. Relax.”I don’t know what it was about the way he said it, but my left arm caved under me, and the next thing I knew, my right cheek was plastered to the pillow.His voice was freaking magic.“I enlisted when I was eighteen, as soon as I graduated,” he explained. “It was either that or work in a coal mine like my dad and my older brother.”Coal mines? Holy crap. “Where are you from?”The bed dipped again, and I imagined that he’d rolled onto his side, facing me. “Oceana, West Virginia.”“Oceana . . .” I whispered, staring at the bare wall across from the bed. “Why does that name sound familiar?”Jax chuckled. “Probably because it’s been nicknamed Oxyana and there was a documentary about the town. It has a little problem with the painkiller OxyContin, as in, half the damn town is on that shit.”
Yeah, now that did sound familiar.
“Working in the mines, it’s hard work, and some think it pays well, but I didn’t want that. There isn’t much else around, and I wanted out of that damn town.” A sudden hardness to his voice caused a shiver to roll down my spine. “Enlisting seemed like the only other option.”
“What . . . what branch did you enlist in?”
Wow, marines were badass. They were like the ass kickers of the military. My dad’s brother had been a marine, and I remember the stories he used to tell about training and how hard-core it was. Not everyone was cut out to be a marine, but apparently Jax was, and seeing how he vaulted over the bar earlier and got right up in Mack’s face, I could see the marine in him.
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