25100:21:19,219 --> 00:21:20,117It's nonsense!25200:21:20,720 --> 00:2 terjemahan - 25100:21:19,219 --> 00:21:20,117It's nonsense!25200:21:20,720 --> 00:2 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

25100:21:19,219 --> 00:21:20,117It'

00:21:19,219 --> 00:21:20,117
It's nonsense!

00:21:20,720 --> 00:21:23,086
Get Admiral what's-his-nuts
on the horn.

00:21:23,290 --> 00:21:25,349
Tell him the general
wants to talk to him.

00:21:31,965 --> 00:21:33,455
I'm sorry, Doug.

00:21:34,134 --> 00:21:35,158
I'll tell you one thing:

00:21:35,368 --> 00:21:37,495
I don't like the way the State
Department's playing this.

00:21:37,704 --> 00:21:41,800
We're holding the aces, and they act
like we only got a pair of twos.

00:21:42,008 --> 00:21:43,635
We thought a carrier
off their coast...

00:21:43,977 --> 00:21:45,137
...might put a fire up their butt.

00:21:45,378 --> 00:21:47,437
They denied our request.

00:21:47,781 --> 00:21:50,113
They say they're negotiating.

00:21:50,483 --> 00:21:53,008
Will you please tell me what's going on?

00:21:56,156 --> 00:21:59,319
He's being tried for violating
their territory.

00:21:59,659 --> 00:22:01,650
We know it's bullshit.

00:22:02,162 --> 00:22:04,392
Washington knows it's bullshit.

00:22:04,598 --> 00:22:06,395
The State Department
thinks it's a bluff.

00:22:07,334 --> 00:22:10,462
They think they're
using him as a bargaining chip.

00:22:10,670 --> 00:22:11,796
For what?

00:22:12,172 --> 00:22:15,005
They're what's called a "pariah nation."

00:22:15,342 --> 00:22:19,676
They're probably using this to get us to
lift our trade embargo.

00:22:21,681 --> 00:22:23,171
What's going to happen?

00:22:23,516 --> 00:22:25,381
I don't know yet.

00:22:26,853 --> 00:22:29,185
We hope to hear
what they want tomorrow.

00:22:29,522 --> 00:22:32,184
Till then, there's not much
any of us can do...

00:22:32,859 --> 00:22:36,056
...since the suits in the White House
have tied our hands.

00:22:36,363 --> 00:22:38,024
You'll have to be patient.

00:22:39,032 --> 00:22:41,694
We don't even have diplomatic
relations with them.

00:22:42,035 --> 00:22:45,198
So it takes a heap of time
just to make a phone call.

00:22:48,208 --> 00:22:50,199
I got the admiral on the horn.

00:22:51,378 --> 00:22:53,107
Hang in there, son.

00:22:55,916 --> 00:22:57,247
Yes, sir.

00:22:59,886 --> 00:23:02,377
Yeah, it came a minute ago.

00:23:02,722 --> 00:23:06,590
I think the general will
want to pursue this further.

00:23:07,394 --> 00:23:09,726
I don't know how
you can stay so calm.

00:23:10,063 --> 00:23:12,224
Because I've been through it before.

00:23:12,732 --> 00:23:13,994
You don't remember.

00:23:14,401 --> 00:23:16,062
You were only four years old.

00:23:16,403 --> 00:23:19,236
That time your dad
had to bail out over the Pacific.

00:23:19,572 --> 00:23:22,564
The whole time he was missing,
I didn't know if he was alive.

00:23:23,076 --> 00:23:25,738
I got to call Katie and tell her
I'm not going tonight.

00:23:26,079 --> 00:23:29,173
And tell the Winslows
not to come for graduation.

00:23:29,416 --> 00:23:31,907
Doug, that is not going to help him.

00:23:32,185 --> 00:23:34,915
He's stuck over there,
but he's thinking about us.

00:23:35,255 --> 00:23:37,917
He's thinking about you and Katie...

00:23:38,258 --> 00:23:40,158
...getting dressed up tonight.

00:23:41,594 --> 00:23:45,257
He's thinking about you
getting your diploma tomorrow.

00:23:46,266 --> 00:23:48,928
That's all he's got right now.

00:23:49,436 --> 00:23:50,926
...if you don't go...

00:23:52,105 --> 00:23:54,096
...it takes it all away from him.

00:24:00,947 --> 00:24:03,108
Look, I'm very scared.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
25100:21:19,219 --> 00:21:20,117It's nonsense!25200:21:20,720 --> 00:21:23,086Get Admiral what's-his-nutson the horn.25300:21:23,290 --> 00:21:25,349Tell him the generalwants to talk to him.25400:21:31,965 --> 00:21:33,455I'm sorry, Doug.25500:21:34,134 --> 00:21:35,158I'll tell you one thing:25600:21:35,368 --> 00:21:37,495I don't like the way the StateDepartment's playing this.25700:21:37,704 --> 00:21:41,800We're holding the aces, and they actlike we only got a pair of twos.25800:21:42,008 --> 00:21:43,635We thought a carrieroff their coast...25900:21:43,977 --> 00:21:45,137...might put a fire up their butt.26000:21:45,378 --> 00:21:47,437They denied our request.26100:21:47,781 --> 00:21:50,113They say they're negotiating.26200:21:50,483 --> 00:21:53,008Will you please tell me what's going on?26300:21:56,156 --> 00:21:59,319He's being tried for violatingtheir territory.26400:21:59,659 --> 00:22:01,650We know it's bullshit.26500:22:02,162 --> 00:22:04,392Washington knows it's bullshit.26600:22:04,598 --> 00:22:06,395The State Departmentthinks it's a bluff.26700:22:07,334 --> 00:22:10,462They think they'reusing him as a bargaining chip.26800:22:10,670 --> 00:22:11,796For what?26900:22:12,172 --> 00:22:15,005They're what's called a "pariah nation."27000:22:15,342 --> 00:22:19,676They're probably using this to get us tolift our trade embargo.27100:22:21,681 --> 00:22:23,171What's going to happen?27200:22:23,516 --> 00:22:25,381I don't know yet.27300:22:26,853 --> 00:22:29,185We hope to hearwhat they want tomorrow.27400:22:29,522 --> 00:22:32,184Till then, there's not muchany of us can do...27500:22:32,859 --> 00:22:36,056...since the suits in the White Househave tied our hands.27600:22:36,363 --> 00:22:38,024You'll have to be patient.27700:22:39,032 --> 00:22:41,694We don't even have diplomaticrelations with them.27800:22:42,035 --> 00:22:45,198So it takes a heap of timejust to make a phone call.27900:22:48,208 --> 00:22:50,199I got the admiral on the horn.28000:22:51,378 --> 00:22:53,107Hang in there, son.28100:22:55,916 --> 00:22:57,247Yes, sir.28200:22:59,886 --> 00:23:02,377Yeah, it came a minute ago.28300:23:02,722 --> 00:23:06,590I think the general willwant to pursue this further.28400:23:07,394 --> 00:23:09,726I don't know howyou can stay so calm.28500:23:10,063 --> 00:23:12,224Because I've been through it before.28600:23:12,732 --> 00:23:13,994You don't remember.28700:23:14,401 --> 00:23:16,062You were only four years old.28800:23:16,403 --> 00:23:19,236That time your dadhad to bail out over the Pacific.28900:23:19,572 --> 00:23:22,564The whole time he was missing,I didn't know if he was alive.29000:23:23,076 --> 00:23:25,738I got to call Katie and tell herI'm not going tonight.29100:23:26,079 --> 00:23:29,173And tell the Winslowsnot to come for graduation.29200:23:29,416 --> 00:23:31,907Doug, that is not going to help him.29300:23:32,185 --> 00:23:34,915He's stuck over there,but he's thinking about us.29400:23:35,255 --> 00:23:37,917He's thinking about you and Katie...29500:23:38,258 --> 00:23:40,158...getting dressed up tonight.29600:23:41,594 --> 00:23:45,257He's thinking about yougetting your diploma tomorrow.29700:23:46,266 --> 00:23:48,928That's all he's got right now.Somehow...29800:23:49,436 --> 00:23:50,926...if you don't go...29900:23:52,105 --> 00:23:54,096...it takes it all away from him.30000:24:00,947 --> 00:24:03,108Look, I'm very scared.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
00: 21: 19.219 -> 00: 21: 20.117
Ini untuk omong kosong! 252 00: 21: 20.720 -> 00: 21: 23.086 Dapatkan Admiral siapa-nya-kacang klakson. 253 00: 21: 23.290 - > 00: 21: 25.349 Katakan padanya umum ingin berbicara dengannya. 254 00: 21: 31.965 -> 00: 21: 33.455 maaf, Doug. 255 00: 21: 34.134 -> 00:21: 35.158 aku akan memberitahu Anda satu hal: 256 00: 21: 35.368 -> 00: 21: 37.495 saya tidak suka cara Negara Departemen bermain ini. 257 00: 21: 37.704 -> 00: 21: 41.800 Kami memegang kartu as, dan mereka bertindak seperti kami hanya punya sepasang berpasangan. 258 00: 21: 42.008 -> 00: 21: 43.635 Kami pikir pembawa lepas pantai mereka ... 259 00: 21: 43.977 - -> 00: 21: 45.137 ... mungkin menempatkan api pantat mereka. 260 00: 21: 45.378 -> 00: 21: 47.437 mereka menolak permintaan kami. 261 00: 21: 47.781 -> 00:21: 50.113 mereka mengatakan mereka bernegosiasi. 262 00: 21: 50.483 -> 00: 21: 53.008 Apakah anda jelaskan apa yang terjadi? 263 00: 21: 56.156 -> 00: 21: 59.319 Dia sedang mencoba untuk melanggar wilayah mereka. 264 00: 21: 59.659 -> 00: 22: 01.650 Kami tahu itu omong kosong. 265 00: 22: 02.162 -> 00: 22: 04.392 . Washington tahu itu omong kosong 266 00: 22: 04.598 -> 00: 22: 06.395 Departemen Luar Negeri menganggap itu gertak sambal. 267 00: 22: 07.334 -> 00: 22: 10.462 mereka pikir mereka menggunakan dia sebagai tawar-menawar. 268 00: 22: 10.670 -> 00: 22: 11.796 Untuk apa? 269 00: 22: 12.172 -> 00: 22: 15.005 Mereka apa yang disebut "bangsa paria." 270 00: 22: 15.342 -> 00: 22: 19.676 Mereka mungkin menggunakan ini untuk mendapatkan kita untuk mencabut embargo perdagangan kita. 271 00: 22: 21.681 -> 00: 22: 23.171 Apa yang akan terjadi? 272 00: 22: 23.516 -> 00: 22: 25.381 saya belum tahu. 273 00: 22: 26.853 -> 00: 22: 29.185 Kami berharap untuk mendengar apa yang mereka inginkan besok. 274 00: 22: 29.522 -> 00: 22: 32.184 sampai saat itu, tidak ada banyak yang bisa kita lakukan .. . 275 00: 22: 32.859 -> 00: 22: 36.056 ... sejak jas di Gedung Putih telah mengikat tangan kami. 276 00: 22: 36.363 -> 00: 22: 38.024 Anda akan harus . pasien 277 00: 22: 39.032 -> 00: 22: 41.694 Kami bahkan tidak memiliki diplomatik hubungan dengan mereka. 278 00: 22: 42.035 -> 00: 22: 45.198 Jadi dibutuhkan tumpukan waktu hanya untuk membuat panggilan telepon. 279 00: 22: 48.208 -> 00: 22: 50.199 . saya mendapat admiral pada tanduk 280 00: 22: 51.378 -> 00: 22: 53.107 . Bertahanlah, anak 281 00: 22: 55.916 -> 00: 22: 57.247 Ya, Pak. 282 00: 22: 59.886 -> 00: 23: 02.377 Ya, itu datang semenit yang lalu. 283 00: 23: 02.722 -> 00:23: 06.590 saya pikir umum akan ingin mengejar ini lebih lanjut. 284 00: 23: 07.394 -> 00: 23: 09.726 saya tidak tahu bagaimana Anda dapat tetap begitu tenang. 285 00: 23: 10.063 -> 00:23 : 12224 Karena aku sudah melalui itu sebelumnya. 286 00: 23: 12.732 -> 00: 23: 13.994 Anda tidak ingat. 287 00: 23: 14.401 -> 00: 23: 16.062 Anda hanya empat tahun . berusia 288 00: 23: 16.403 -> 00: 23: 19.236 waktu itu ayahmu harus menyelamatkan atas Pasifik. 289 00: 23: 19.572 -> 00: 23: 22.564 sepanjang waktu dia hilang, saya tidak tahu apakah ia masih hidup. 290 00: 23: 23.076 -> 00: 23: 25.738 saya harus menelepon Katie dan katakan padanya aku tidak akan malam ini. 291 00: 23: 26.079 -> 00:23 : 29.173 Dan memberitahu Winslows tidak datang untuk lulus. 292 00: 23: 29.416 -> 00: 23: 31.907 Doug, yang tidak akan membantu dia. 293 00: 23: 32.185 -> 00: 23: 34.915 dia terjebak di sana, tapi dia berpikir tentang kami. 294 00: 23: 35.255 -> 00: 23: 37.917 dia berpikir tentang Anda dan Katie ... 295 00: 23: 38.258 -> 00: 23: 40.158 .. .getting berpakaian malam ini. 296 00: 23: 41.594 -> 00: 23: 45.257 dia berpikir tentang Anda mendapatkan ijazah besok. 297 00: 23: 46.266 -> 00: 23: 48.928 Itu semua dia punya sekarang. entah bagaimana ... 298 00: 23: 49.436 -> 00: 23: 50.926 ... jika Anda tidak pergi ... 299 00: 23: 52.105 -> 00: 23: 54.096 ... dibutuhkan itu semua darinya. 300 00: 24: 00.947 -> 00: 24: 03.108 Lihat, aku sangat takut.

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