is of interest to users who need to access and visualise spatial data, terjemahan - is of interest to users who need to access and visualise spatial data, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

is of interest to users who need to

is of interest to users who need to access and visualise spatial data, but who
are not initially concerned with drawing conclusions from analysing spatial
data per se. The second part showcases more specialised kinds of spatial data
analysis, in which the relative position of observations in space may contribute
to understanding the data generation process. This part is not an introduction
to spatial statistics in itself, and should be read with relevant textbooks and
papers referred to in the chapters.
Chapters 2 through 6 introduce spatial data handling in R. Readers needing
to get to work quickly may choose to read Chap. 4 first, and return to other
chapters later to see how things work. Those who prefer to see the naked structure
first before using it will read the chapters in sequence, probably omitting
technical subsections. The functions, classes, and methods are indexed, and
so navigation from one section to another should be feasible.
Chapter 2 discusses in detail the classes for spatial data in R, as implemented
in the sp package, and Chap. 3 discusses a number of ways of visualising
for spatial data. Chapter 4 explains how coordinate reference systems
work in the sp representation of spatial data in R, how they can be defined
and how data can be transformed from one system to another, how spatial
data can be imported into R or exported from R to GIS formats, and how R
and the open source GRASS GIS are integrated. Chapter 5 covers methods
for handling the classes defined in Chap. 2, especially for combining and integrating
spatial data. Finally, Chap. 6 explains how the methods and classes
introduced in Chap. 2 can be extended to suit one’s own needs.
If we use the classification of Cressie (1993), we can introduce the applied
spatial data analysis part of the book as follows: Chap. 7 covers the analysis of
spatial point patterns, in which the relative position of points is compared with
clustered, random, or regular generating processes. Chapter 8 presents the
analysis of geostatistical data, with interpolation from values at observation
points to prediction points. Chapters 9 and 10 deal with the statistical analysis
of areal data, where the observed entities form a tessellation of the study area,
and are often containers for data arising at other scales; Chap. 11 covers the
special topic of disease mapping in R, and together they cover the analysis of
lattice data, here termed areal data.
Data sets and code for reproducing the examples in this book are available
from; the website also includes coloured
versions of the figures and other support material.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
is of interest to users who need to access and visualise spatial data, but whoare not initially concerned with drawing conclusions from analysing spatialdata per se. The second part showcases more specialised kinds of spatial dataanalysis, in which the relative position of observations in space may contributeto understanding the data generation process. This part is not an introductionto spatial statistics in itself, and should be read with relevant textbooks andpapers referred to in the chapters.Chapters 2 through 6 introduce spatial data handling in R. Readers needingto get to work quickly may choose to read Chap. 4 first, and return to otherchapters later to see how things work. Those who prefer to see the naked structurefirst before using it will read the chapters in sequence, probably omittingtechnical subsections. The functions, classes, and methods are indexed, andso navigation from one section to another should be feasible.Chapter 2 discusses in detail the classes for spatial data in R, as implementedin the sp package, and Chap. 3 discusses a number of ways of visualisingfor spatial data. Chapter 4 explains how coordinate reference systemswork in the sp representation of spatial data in R, how they can be definedand how data can be transformed from one system to another, how spatialdata can be imported into R or exported from R to GIS formats, and how Rand the open source GRASS GIS are integrated. Chapter 5 covers methodsfor handling the classes defined in Chap. 2, especially for combining and integratingspatial data. Finally, Chap. 6 explains how the methods and classesintroduced in Chap. 2 can be extended to suit one’s own needs.If we use the classification of Cressie (1993), we can introduce the appliedspatial data analysis part of the book as follows: Chap. 7 covers the analysis ofspatial point patterns, in which the relative position of points is compared withclustered, random, or regular generating processes. Chapter 8 presents theanalysis of geostatistical data, with interpolation from values at observationpoints to prediction points. Chapters 9 and 10 deal with the statistical analysisof areal data, where the observed entities form a tessellation of the study area,and are often containers for data arising at other scales; Chap. 11 covers thespecial topic of disease mapping in R, and together they cover the analysis oflattice data, here termed areal data.Data sets and code for reproducing the examples in this book are availablefrom; the website also includes colouredversions of the figures and other support material.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
adalah menarik bagi pengguna yang membutuhkan untuk mengakses dan memvisualisasikan data spasial, tetapi yang
tidak awalnya khawatir dengan menarik kesimpulan dari analisis spasial
data per se. Bagian kedua menampilkan jenis yang lebih khusus dari data spasial
analisis, di mana posisi relatif pengamatan dalam ruang dapat berkontribusi
untuk memahami proses pembuatan data. Bagian ini tidak pengantar
statistik spasial dalam dirinya sendiri, dan harus dibaca dengan buku teks yang relevan dan
kertas dimaksud dalam bab-bab.
Bab 2 sampai 6 memperkenalkan data spasial penanganan di R. Pembaca perlu
untuk mendapatkan untuk bekerja dengan cepat dapat memilih untuk membaca Chap . 4 pertama, dan kembali ke lain
bab berikutnya untuk melihat bagaimana segala sesuatu bekerja. Mereka yang lebih memilih untuk melihat struktur telanjang
terlebih dahulu sebelum menggunakannya akan membaca bab secara berurutan, mungkin menghilangkan
subbagian teknis. Fungsi, kelas, dan metode yang diindeks, dan
sebagainya navigasi dari satu bagian ke bagian lain harus layak.
Bab 2 dibahas secara rinci kelas untuk data spasial di R, seperti yang diterapkan
dalam paket sp, dan Chap. 3 membahas berbagai cara memvisualisasikan
data spasial. Bab 4 menjelaskan bagaimana sistem koordinat referensi
bekerja dalam representasi sp data spasial di R, bagaimana mereka dapat didefinisikan
dan bagaimana data dapat diubah dari satu sistem ke sistem lain, bagaimana spasial
data dapat diimpor ke R atau diekspor dari R ke format GIS , dan bagaimana R
dan open source GRASS GIS yang terintegrasi. Bab 5 meliputi metode
untuk menangani kelas didefinisikan dalam Bab. 2, terutama untuk menggabungkan dan mengintegrasikan
data spasial. Akhirnya, Chap. 6 menjelaskan bagaimana metode dan kelas
diperkenalkan di Bab. 2 dapat diperpanjang sesuai dengan kebutuhan sendiri.
Jika kita menggunakan klasifikasi Cressie (1993), kita bisa memperkenalkan diterapkan
analisis data spasial bagian dari buku sebagai berikut: Chap. 7 meliputi analisis
pola spasial titik, di mana posisi relatif poin dibandingkan dengan
berkerumun, acak, atau biasa proses menghasilkan. Bab 8 menyajikan
analisis data geostatistik, dengan interpolasi dari nilai-nilai di observasi
poin poin prediksi. Bab 9 dan 10 kesepakatan dengan analisis statistik
data areal, dimana entitas diamati membentuk tessellation dari daerah penelitian,
dan sering wadah untuk data yang timbul pada skala lain; Chap. 11 mencakup
topik khusus pemetaan penyakit di R, dan bersama-sama mereka menutupi analisis
data yang kisi, di sini disebut Data areal.
Data set dan kode untuk mereproduksi contoh dalam buku ini tersedia
dari http: //www.asdar-book. org; website juga termasuk warna
versi tokoh dan bahan pendukung lainnya.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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