Understanding Education by Mr. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Mr. Pendidikan Indonesia, that education is a demand in the life of the growth of the children, while the mean, education is supposed to lead (not decisive) any power of nature (God's will) that exist in these children, so that they will someday as human beings and as members of the public can reach safety and happiness as high.
Definition of education by Plato and other experts then adopted into the National Education Law No.20 of 2003. In this rule, explains that the definition of education is the learning process so that learners are actively planned to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed him, society, nation and state.
Language Arabic is the language of Islam and the language of the Qur'an, a person will not be able to understand the book and sunnah to the correct understanding and survivors (from fraud) except in Arabic. Underestimate and underrate Arabic will result in weak in understanding religion and ignorant (ignorant) to the problems agama.Pendidikan Arabic is needed today in Indonesia. considering at least pedidikan institutions that teach Arabic as compared to other foreign languages in the country which is predominantly Muslim and the largest Muslim population in the world today hotel.Not doubt, it is appropriate that a Muslim loves Arabic and tried to master it. God has made Arabic as the language of the Qur'an because Arabic is the language of the best ever as Allah says:
إنا أنزلناه قرآنا عربيا لعلكم تعقلون
"Surely We have revealed the form of the Qur'an with Arabic, so that you understand it.
'Historically , learning Arabic in Indonesia starting from the entry of Islam into the country. Learning starts from Arabic as the language of worship, where Muslims worship with readings in Arabic, such as reading in prayer, prayer-prayer and reading the Qur'an. Then pem¬belajaran Arabic begins with learning to read the Qur'an. From then thrive on learning Arabic to understand religious texts and then the language as a medium of communication that are taught at various educational institutions from the classic to the modern.
Understanding Education by Mr. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Mr. Pendidikan Indonesia, that education is a demand in the life of the growth of the children, while the mean, education is supposed to lead (not decisive) any power of nature (God's will) that exist in these children, so that they will someday as human beings and as members of the public can reach safety and happiness as high.Definition of education by Plato and other experts then adopted into the National Education Law No.20 of 2003. In this rule, explains that the definition of education is the learning process so that learners are actively planned to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed him, society, nation and state.اللغة العربية هي لغة الإسلام ولغة القرآن، وسوف لا يكون شخص قادراً على فهم الكتاب والسنة الفهم الصحيح والباقين على قيد الحياة (من التزوير) ما عدا اللغة العربية. تقلل من شأن وأونديراتي العربية سيؤدي إلى الضعفاء في فهم الدين وجاهل (جاهل) إلى agama المشاكل. العربية أمريكانا مطلوب اليوم في إندونيسيا. النظر على الأقل بيديديكان المؤسسات التي تعلم اللغة العربية مقارنة بلغات أجنبية أخرى في البلد الذي هو في الغالب مسلم، وأكبر عدد من السكان المسلمين في العالم اليوم الفندق. لا شك أنه من الملائم أن مسلم يحب اللغة العربية ومجربة السيطرة عليه. الله جعلت اللغة العربية كلغة للقرآن لأن اللغة العربية هي اللغة التي بها الأفضل من أي وقت مضى كما قال الله تعالى:إنا أنزلناه قرآنا عربيا لعلكم تعقلون"بالتأكيد أننا قد كشفت عن شكل القرآن باللغة العربية، حتى أن كنت أفهم.' تاريخيا، تعلم اللغة العربية في إندونيسيا بدءاً من دخول الإسلام إلى البلاد. التعلم يبدأ من اللغة العربية كلغة للعبادة، حيث المسلمون العبادة مع قراءات باللغة العربية، مثل القراءة في الصلاة، الصلاة الصلاة، وقراءة القرآن. ثم pem¬belajaran العربية يبدأ بتعلم قراءة القرآن الكريم. ومنذ ذلك الحين وتزدهر على تعلم اللغة العربية لفهم النصوص الدينية ومن ثم اللغة كوسيلة للاتصال التي يتم تدريسها في مختلف المؤسسات التعليمية من الكلاسيكي إلى الحديث.
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