Right click the Icon in the task bar(the icon looks like

Right click the Icon in the task ba

Right click the Icon in the task bar(the icon looks like "+").
Choose "Record" (also can use shortcut F10),input filename you want to record and click RECORD button(Or just press Enter).
Tips:Only can use *.txt file.
After v3.6 , you can press F10 to save the current avtive window's position when recording.

3. Use mouse and keyboard,the action will be recorded automatically.

4. Right click the Icon in the task bar.
Choose "End Rec"(also can use shortcut F11).

5. To replay what you have recorded,right click the Icon in the task bar.
Choose "Play"(also can use shortcut F9) and choose the file saved when you recorded.
Tips:*.txt file has been translated to *.scp file(script file used by this tools),so you should use *.scp file to replay.(*.scp files are easy to understand)

6. You can use Ctrl+Alt+A to show or hide the Icon in the taskbar.

7. To redefine the Hotkey,please use AutoHotkey.exe in the directory of AutoRecorder.

8. Use AutoEdit.exe if you need to program the Macro by yourself.There are more script command describe in AutoEdit.txt

1. You can set option by Right click the Icon in the task bar and choose "Option".

2. You can set "Repeat option" ,let the program repeat more times to do the same work,it's useful when you debug your application.

3. If you don't want to track the mouse movement, you can select "Yes" in "Mouse Option".

4. You can let it auto startup when windows startup by selcet "Auto Startup" in "StartUp Option".

5. If you save a file named "autostart.scp" in the same folder of this application,then you can select "Auto run autostart.scp" in "StartUp Option". Then every time you lanch the application,it'll auto replay the "autostart.scp" files.

6. Of course,you can register it by select "Register" button when you get register code from me.

7. F7 Hotkey Replay file is for replay at once without selecting the special file

8. Check "Use default.scp when press F10", when you begin to record, it won't ask for a file name,just use default.scp. Then you don't need to set focus to the application you are using. Remember to change the default.scp file name after you record it,otherwise it'll be overwrite next time when you record.


1. You can stop the replay action whenever you press the "F8" button.(User-define support)

License & Price
The downloaded package is a full function version, but before registration, ONLY can be used for 30 times or 5 days. You can distribute the downloaded unregistered copy of AutoRecorder without any modification in any way but you can't distribute any of your registration name, registration code and other registration information or any cracked program of it.

You can only use the full version in your own computers.If you have two or more computers to use it,you must register for your other PCs.

One Copy of AutoRecorder with Normal License is US $29.95

If you want to purchase Site License / many copies of AutoRecorder / Get More License after you've ordered it,please see the Help document:
"Start"--"Program"--"AutoRecorder"--"Help",click "Ordering and Registration"--"How to Order"

Computer numbers: Price
1 US $29.95
2 US $25 each
3 - 4 US $17 each
5 - 10 US $14 each

See Help document to know more...

How to Register/Order

You want to register it?

You can follow this:
"Start"--"Program"--"AutoRecorder"--"Help",click "Ordering and Registration"--"How to Order"
Open "Option Dialog" ,Click "About" button ,then click "Order It Now" to Order then get registration code.

Don't worry about the version of AutoRecorder,upgrade is free.
Please keep your order information , if you want to upgrade ,we'll need it.

Thanks for your support.


Use Alt+Ctrl+A to Show/Hide Icon.
Ctrl+Q to quit(Do not recommend).


In trial version,it won't work more than 30 times. If it's helpful to you,please register it.

You can only use the full version in your own computer.

When you save files into a folder,this folder's name can not contain "." .

If you press Ctrl+Alt+Del,the program will stop recording your action.

It can only record the mouse event by recording the mouse's screen-coordinate and state.If when you replay,the state of window you want to control is not same as the time you recorded,the result will be incorrect.

After v3.6 , When it is recording,you can press F10 to save the current avtive window's position,then when replay,it'll restore to the same position.

To build stand-alone apps to use on other PCs ,please contact us.

Use notepad to open the *.scp files,you can see the scripts:

delay(xxx) do nothing ,just wait ( xxx ms)
M_LD(xxx,yyy) mouse left button down at xxx, yyy position
M_LU(xxx,yyy) mouse left button up at xxx, yyy position
M_RD(xxx,yyy) mouse right button down at xxx, yyy position
M_RU(xxx,yyy) mouse right button up at xxx, yyy position
M_LCLK(xxx,yyy) mouse left buton click at xxx, yyy position
M_RCLK(xxx,yyy) mouse right button click at xxx, yyy position
M_DCLK(xxx,yyy) mouse left button double click at xxx, yyy position
M_MV(xxx,yyy) mouse move to xxx , yyy position

//these three scripts for mouse only support by WinNT/Win2K/WinXP , record type 2
M_MD(xxx,yyy) mouse middle button down at xxx, yyy position
M_MU(xxx,yyy) mouse middle button up at xxx, yyy position
M_WHEEL(xxx,yyy,delta) Mouse Wheel scroll at xxx,yyy position with distance(Normally is 120 or -120)

KD key press down
KU key up
KB_CLK key stroke(down and up)
SYSKD Key down with holding Alt key is SYSDKD

RUN(programname) run this program(eg: notepad or c:win98calculator.exe)
RUN(programname,1) run this program with normal window
RUN(programname,0) run this program with MAXIMIZE window

/*() for comments (eg: /*()This is comments , replay 3 times )


Move window which name is caption,classname is classname,to (a,b) width is c ,length is d Even you didn't setfocus on the window, it'll be active automaticly,then move to the position. Use NULL if you don't know the classname.

MOVEWINDOW(activewindow,null,a,b,c,d) ---Move current active window to the position

MINWINDOW(classname,caption) --- Minimize the window which name is caption,classname is classname(can use NULL instead)

MINWINDOW(activewindow,caption) --- Minimize the window which name is caption,classname is classname(can use NULL instead)

MAXWINDOW(classname,caption) -- Maximize the windows

MAXWINDOW(activewindow,caption) -- Maximize current active window

CloseWindow(classname,caption)-- Send WM_CLOSE message to close the window

CloseWindow(activewindow,caption) -- Send WM_CLOSE message to close current active window

GetWindow(NULL,windowname) ---Set this window to foreground

WaitforWindow(windowname,10000,open(c:oot.ini)) -- wait for 10 seconds, if find this window,open c:oot.ini


EXIT() -----------Stop playing



PowerOff(x) --------------x=0: shutdown(force) 1:logoff 2:poweroff(ATX) 3:reboot

OPEN(filename) ----------run program or file (eg: open(c:oot.ini) or open(c:abc.exe).
OPEN(filename,1) -----------run program or file with normal window
OPEN(filename,0) -----------run program or file with MAXIMIZE window
DoScp(filename)---------Do .scp file in scripts (eg: IF_FILE_EXIST(c:setup.exe,UseScp(c:a.scp),Exit())

UseScp(filename)---------Use .scp file in scripts(eg:UseScp(1.scp))

COPYSTRINGS(xxx)-------Copy strings to Clipboard(eg:copystrings(I'm a superman.))
COPYSTRINGS(user,VARInt) ---- VarInt will change when the repeat times change, so it'll be user1 user2 user3 ......

PASTE()---------Paste from clipboard

INPUT(xxx)-----Input strings,only support lowcase a-z in this version

READTXTLINE2CLIPBOARD(filename,x)-----Read one line from a txt file. (eg: READTXTLINE2CLIPBOARD(c:aa.txt,2) read the second line from c:aa.txt and copy to clipboard / READTXTLINE2CLIPBOARD(c:aa.txt,VARInt) ,VARInt is the repeat times, if the scp file repeated 11 times, it's 11.)

SAVECLIPBOARD2VARSTR()-------Read content in Clipboard into VARSTR

Loop(x)-----Loop following scripts until find NextLoop(), loop x times


//Use these random command to avoid some softwares check if you are using macro software
Random_MV(xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2) ---mouse move to: x position =get a random value from xx1-xx2,y position = get a random value from yy1-yy2

Random_KBCLK()--- Keyboard random input a key 0-9 or a-z

Random_LCLK(xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2)----mouse left button click: x position =get a random value from xx1-xx2,y position = get a random value from yy1-yy2

PlayWav(filename) -- play wav file to notify

Use Dos Command - Example:

RUN(command /c copy c:config.sys c:config.bk1) (For Win98)

RUN(cmd /c copy c:oot.ini d:oot.bk1) (For Win2k)

Quit using script:

RUN(auto quit)

Quit using Dos Command:

auto quit

See Autoedit or contact us to know more .



Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Right click the Icon in the task bar(the icon looks like "+"). Choose "Record" (also can use shortcut F10),input filename you want to record and click RECORD button(Or just press Enter). Tips:Only can use *.txt file. After v3.6 , you can press F10 to save the current avtive window's position when recording.3. Use mouse and keyboard,the action will be recorded automatically.4. Right click the Icon in the task bar. Choose "End Rec"(also can use shortcut F11).5. To replay what you have recorded,right click the Icon in the task bar. Choose "Play"(also can use shortcut F9) and choose the file saved when you recorded. Tips:*.txt file has been translated to *.scp file(script file used by this tools),so you should use *.scp file to replay.(*.scp files are easy to understand)6. You can use Ctrl+Alt+A to show or hide the Icon in the taskbar.7. To redefine the Hotkey,please use AutoHotkey.exe in the directory of AutoRecorder.8. Use AutoEdit.exe if you need to program the Macro by yourself.There are more script command describe in AutoEdit.txt------------------------ABOUT OPTION------------------------1. You can set option by Right click the Icon in the task bar and choose "Option".2. You can set "Repeat option" ,let the program repeat more times to do the same work,it's useful when you debug your application.3. If you don't want to track the mouse movement, you can select "Yes" in "Mouse Option".4. You can let it auto startup when windows startup by selcet "Auto Startup" in "StartUp Option".5. If you save a file named "autostart.scp" in the same folder of this application,then you can select "Auto run autostart.scp" in "StartUp Option". Then every time you lanch the application,it'll auto replay the "autostart.scp" files.6. Of course,you can register it by select "Register" button when you get register code from me.7. F7 Hotkey Replay file is for replay at once without selecting the special file8. Check "Use default.scp when press F10", when you begin to record, it won't ask for a file name,just use default.scp. Then you don't need to set focus to the application you are using. Remember to change the default.scp file name after you record it,otherwise it'll be overwrite next time when you record.------------------------ABOUT STOP REPLAY------------------------1. You can stop the replay action whenever you press the "F8" button.(User-define support)------------------------License & Price------------------------The downloaded package is a full function version, but before registration, ONLY can be used for 30 times or 5 days. You can distribute the downloaded unregistered copy of AutoRecorder without any modification in any way but you can't distribute any of your registration name, registration code and other registration information or any cracked program of it.You can only use the full version in your own computers.If you have two or more computers to use it,you must register for your other PCs. One Copy of AutoRecorder with Normal License is US $29.95 If you want to purchase Site License / many copies of AutoRecorder / Get More License after you've ordered it,please see the Help document:"Start"--"Program"--"AutoRecorder"--"Help",click "Ordering and Registration"--"How to Order"Computer numbers: Price 1 US $29.95 2 US $25 each 3 - 4 US $17 each 5 - 10 US $14 each See Help document to know more...------------------------How to Register/Order------------------------You want to register it? You can follow this:"Start"--"Program"--"AutoRecorder"--"Help",click "Ordering and Registration"--"How to Order"OrOpen "Option Dialog" ,Click "About" button ,then click "Order It Now" to Order then get registration code.Don't worry about the version of AutoRecorder,upgrade is free.Please keep your order information , if you want to upgrade ,we'll need it.Thanks for your support.------------------------TIPS------------------------Use Alt+Ctrl+A to Show/Hide Icon.Ctrl+Q to quit(Do not recommend).------------------------OTHERS------------------------Remember:In trial version,it won't work more than 30 times. If it's helpful to you,please register it.You can only use the full version in your own computer.When you save files into a folder,this folder's name can not contain "." .If you press Ctrl+Alt+Del,the program will stop recording your action.It can only record the mouse event by recording the mouse's screen-coordinate and state.If when you replay,the state of window you want to control is not same as the time you recorded,the result will be incorrect.After v3.6 , When it is recording,you can press F10 to save the current avtive window's position,then when replay,it'll restore to the same position.To build stand-alone apps to use on other PCs ,please contact us.------------------------PROFESSIONAL SCRIPT EDIT------------------------Use notepad to open the *.scp files,you can see the scripts:delay(xxx) do nothing ,just wait ( xxx ms) M_LD(xxx,yyy) mouse left button down at xxx, yyy position M_LU(xxx,yyy) mouse left button up at xxx, yyy position M_RD(xxx,yyy) mouse right button down at xxx, yyy position M_RU(xxx,yyy) mouse right button up at xxx, yyy position M_LCLK(xxx,yyy) mouse left buton click at xxx, yyy position M_RCLK(xxx,yyy) mouse right button click at xxx, yyy position M_DCLK(xxx,yyy) mouse left button double click at xxx, yyy position M_MV(xxx,yyy) mouse move to xxx , yyy position //these three scripts for mouse only support by WinNT/Win2K/WinXP , record type 2M_MD(xxx,yyy) mouse middle button down at xxx, yyy position M_MU(xxx,yyy) mouse middle button up at xxx, yyy position M_WHEEL(xxx,yyy,delta) Mouse Wheel scroll at xxx,yyy position with distance(Normally is 120 or -120) //KD key press down KU key up KB_CLK key stroke(down and up) SYSKD Key down with holding Alt key is SYSDKDRUN(programname) run this program(eg: notepad or c:win98calculator.exe) RUN(programname,1) run this program with normal windowRUN(programname,0) run this program with MAXIMIZE window/*() for comments (eg: /*()This is comments , replay 3 times )MoveWindow(classname,caption,a,b,c,d) Move window which name is caption,classname is classname,to (a,b) width is c ,length is d Even you didn't setfocus on the window, it'll be active automaticly,then move to the position. Use NULL if you don't know the classname.MOVEWINDOW(activewindow,null,a,b,c,d) ---Move current active window to the positionMINWINDOW(classname,caption) --- Minimize the window which name is caption,classname is classname(can use NULL instead)MINWINDOW(activewindow,caption) --- Minimize the window which name is caption,classname is classname(can use NULL instead)MAXWINDOW(classname,caption) -- Maximize the windowsMAXWINDOW(activewindow,caption) -- Maximize current active windowCloseWindow(classname,caption)-- Send WM_CLOSE message to close the windowCloseWindow(activewindow,caption) -- Send WM_CLOSE message to close current active windowGetWindow(NULL,windowname) ---Set this window to foregroundWaitforWindow(windowname,10000,open(c:oot.ini)) -- wait for 10 seconds, if find this window,open c:oot.iniEMAIL(mailto:fred@abc.com) EXIT() -----------Stop playing IF_WINDOW_EXIST(windowname,open(c:oot.ini),run(notepad)) IF_FILE_EXIST(filename,open(c:oot.ini),run(notepad)) PowerOff(x) --------------x=0: shutdown(force) 1:logoff 2:poweroff(ATX) 3:reboot OPEN(filename) ----------run program or file (eg: open(c:oot.ini) or open(c:abc.exe).OPEN(filename,1) -----------run program or file with normal windowOPEN(filename,0) -----------run program or file with MAXIMIZE windowDoScp(filename)---------Do .scp file in scripts (eg: IF_FILE_EXIST(c:setup.exe,UseScp(c:a.scp),Exit()) UseScp(filename)---------Use .scp file in scripts(eg:UseScp(1.scp))COPYSTRINGS(xxx)-------Copy strings to Clipboard(eg:copystrings(I'm a superman.))COPYSTRINGS(user,VARInt) ---- VarInt will change when the repeat times change, so it'll be user1 user2 user3 ......PASTE()---------Paste from clipboardINPUT(xxx)-----Input strings,only support lowcase a-z in this versionREADTXTLINE2CLIPBOARD(filename,x)-----Read one line from a txt file. (eg: READTXTLINE2CLIPBOARD(c:aa.txt,2) read the second line from c:aa.txt and copy to clipboard / READTXTLINE2CLIPBOARD(c:aa.txt,VARInt) ,VARInt is the repeat times, if the scp file repeated 11 times, it's 11.)SAVECLIPBOARD2VARSTR()-------Read content in Clipboard into VARSTRLoop(x)-----Loop following scripts until find NextLoop(), loop x times NextLoop()//Use these random command to avoid some softwares check if you are using macro softwareRandom_MV(xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2) ---mouse move to: x position =get a random value from xx1-xx2,y position = get a random value from yy1-yy2Random_KBCLK()--- Keyboard random input a key 0-9 or a-zRandom_LCLK(xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2)----mouse left button click: x position =get a random value from xx1-xx2,y position = get a random value from yy1-yy2//PlayWav(filename) -- play wav file to notify Use Dos Command - Example:RUN(command /c copy c:config.sys c:config.bk1) (For Win98) RUN(cmd /c copy c:oot.ini d:oot.bk1) (For Win2k) Quit using script:RUN(auto quit)Quit using Dos Command:auto quitSee Autoedit or contact us to know more .------------------------Contact------------------------support@readmesoft.comwww.readmesoft.com
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Right click the Icon in the task bar(the icon looks like "+").
Choose "Record" (also can use shortcut F10),input filename you want to record and click RECORD button(Or just press Enter).
Tips:Only can use *.txt file.
After v3.6 , you can press F10 to save the current avtive window's position when recording.

3. Use mouse and keyboard,the action will be recorded automatically.

4. Right click the Icon in the task bar.
Choose "End Rec"(also can use shortcut F11).

5. To replay what you have recorded,right click the Icon in the task bar.
Choose "Play"(also can use shortcut F9) and choose the file saved when you recorded.
Tips:*.txt file has been translated to *.scp file(script file used by this tools),so you should use *.scp file to replay.(*.scp files are easy to understand)

6. You can use Ctrl+Alt+A to show or hide the Icon in the taskbar.

7. To redefine the Hotkey,please use AutoHotkey.exe in the directory of AutoRecorder.

8. Use AutoEdit.exe if you need to program the Macro by yourself.There are more script command describe in AutoEdit.txt

1. You can set option by Right click the Icon in the task bar and choose "Option".

2. You can set "Repeat option" ,let the program repeat more times to do the same work,it's useful when you debug your application.

3. If you don't want to track the mouse movement, you can select "Yes" in "Mouse Option".

4. You can let it auto startup when windows startup by selcet "Auto Startup" in "StartUp Option".

5. If you save a file named "autostart.scp" in the same folder of this application,then you can select "Auto run autostart.scp" in "StartUp Option". Then every time you lanch the application,it'll auto replay the "autostart.scp" files.

6. Of course,you can register it by select "Register" button when you get register code from me.

7. F7 Hotkey Replay file is for replay at once without selecting the special file

8. Check "Use default.scp when press F10", when you begin to record, it won't ask for a file name,just use default.scp. Then you don't need to set focus to the application you are using. Remember to change the default.scp file name after you record it,otherwise it'll be overwrite next time when you record.


1. You can stop the replay action whenever you press the "F8" button.(User-define support)

License & Price
The downloaded package is a full function version, but before registration, ONLY can be used for 30 times or 5 days. You can distribute the downloaded unregistered copy of AutoRecorder without any modification in any way but you can't distribute any of your registration name, registration code and other registration information or any cracked program of it.

You can only use the full version in your own computers.If you have two or more computers to use it,you must register for your other PCs.

One Copy of AutoRecorder with Normal License is US $29.95

If you want to purchase Site License / many copies of AutoRecorder / Get More License after you've ordered it,please see the Help document:
"Start"--"Program"--"AutoRecorder"--"Help",click "Ordering and Registration"--"How to Order"

Computer numbers: Price
1 US $29.95
2 US $25 each
3 - 4 US $17 each
5 - 10 US $14 each

See Help document to know more...

How to Register/Order

You want to register it?

You can follow this:
"Start"--"Program"--"AutoRecorder"--"Help",click "Ordering and Registration"--"How to Order"
Open "Option Dialog" ,Click "About" button ,then click "Order It Now" to Order then get registration code.

Don't worry about the version of AutoRecorder,upgrade is free.
Please keep your order information , if you want to upgrade ,we'll need it.

Thanks for your support.


Use Alt+Ctrl+A to Show/Hide Icon.
Ctrl+Q to quit(Do not recommend).


In trial version,it won't work more than 30 times. If it's helpful to you,please register it.

You can only use the full version in your own computer.

When you save files into a folder,this folder's name can not contain "." .

If you press Ctrl+Alt+Del,the program will stop recording your action.

It can only record the mouse event by recording the mouse's screen-coordinate and state.If when you replay,the state of window you want to control is not same as the time you recorded,the result will be incorrect.

After v3.6 , When it is recording,you can press F10 to save the current avtive window's position,then when replay,it'll restore to the same position.

To build stand-alone apps to use on other PCs ,please contact us.

Use notepad to open the *.scp files,you can see the scripts:

delay(xxx) do nothing ,just wait ( xxx ms)
M_LD(xxx,yyy) mouse left button down at xxx, yyy position
M_LU(xxx,yyy) mouse left button up at xxx, yyy position
M_RD(xxx,yyy) mouse right button down at xxx, yyy position
M_RU(xxx,yyy) mouse right button up at xxx, yyy position
M_LCLK(xxx,yyy) mouse left buton click at xxx, yyy position
M_RCLK(xxx,yyy) mouse right button click at xxx, yyy position
M_DCLK(xxx,yyy) mouse left button double click at xxx, yyy position
M_MV(xxx,yyy) mouse move to xxx , yyy position

//these three scripts for mouse only support by WinNT/Win2K/WinXP , record type 2
M_MD(xxx,yyy) mouse middle button down at xxx, yyy position
M_MU(xxx,yyy) mouse middle button up at xxx, yyy position
M_WHEEL(xxx,yyy,delta) Mouse Wheel scroll at xxx,yyy position with distance(Normally is 120 or -120)

KD key press down
KU key up
KB_CLK key stroke(down and up)
SYSKD Key down with holding Alt key is SYSDKD

RUN(programname) run this program(eg: notepad or c:win98calculator.exe)
RUN(programname,1) run this program with normal window
RUN(programname,0) run this program with MAXIMIZE window

/*() for comments (eg: /*()This is comments , replay 3 times )


Move window which name is caption,classname is classname,to (a,b) width is c ,length is d Even you didn't setfocus on the window, it'll be active automaticly,then move to the position. Use NULL if you don't know the classname.

MOVEWINDOW(activewindow,null,a,b,c,d) ---Move current active window to the position

MINWINDOW(classname,caption) --- Minimize the window which name is caption,classname is classname(can use NULL instead)

MINWINDOW(activewindow,caption) --- Minimize the window which name is caption,classname is classname(can use NULL instead)

MAXWINDOW(classname,caption) -- Maximize the windows

MAXWINDOW(activewindow,caption) -- Maximize current active window

CloseWindow(classname,caption)-- Send WM_CLOSE message to close the window

CloseWindow(activewindow,caption) -- Send WM_CLOSE message to close current active window

GetWindow(NULL,windowname) ---Set this window to foreground

WaitforWindow(windowname,10000,open(c:oot.ini)) -- wait for 10 seconds, if find this window,open c:oot.ini


EXIT() -----------Stop playing



PowerOff(x) --------------x=0: shutdown(force) 1:logoff 2:poweroff(ATX) 3:reboot

OPEN(filename) ----------run program or file (eg: open(c:oot.ini) or open(c:abc.exe).
OPEN(filename,1) -----------run program or file with normal window
OPEN(filename,0) -----------run program or file with MAXIMIZE window
DoScp(filename)---------Do .scp file in scripts (eg: IF_FILE_EXIST(c:setup.exe,UseScp(c:a.scp),Exit())

UseScp(filename)---------Use .scp file in scripts(eg:UseScp(1.scp))

COPYSTRINGS(xxx)-------Copy strings to Clipboard(eg:copystrings(I'm a superman.))
COPYSTRINGS(user,VARInt) ---- VarInt will change when the repeat times change, so it'll be user1 user2 user3 ......

PASTE()---------Paste from clipboard

INPUT(xxx)-----Input strings,only support lowcase a-z in this version

READTXTLINE2CLIPBOARD(filename,x)-----Read one line from a txt file. (eg: READTXTLINE2CLIPBOARD(c:aa.txt,2) read the second line from c:aa.txt and copy to clipboard / READTXTLINE2CLIPBOARD(c:aa.txt,VARInt) ,VARInt is the repeat times, if the scp file repeated 11 times, it's 11.)

SAVECLIPBOARD2VARSTR()-------Read content in Clipboard into VARSTR

Loop(x)-----Loop following scripts until find NextLoop(), loop x times


//Use these random command to avoid some softwares check if you are using macro software
Random_MV(xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2) ---mouse move to: x position =get a random value from xx1-xx2,y position = get a random value from yy1-yy2

Random_KBCLK()--- Keyboard random input a key 0-9 or a-z

Random_LCLK(xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2)----mouse left button click: x position =get a random value from xx1-xx2,y position = get a random value from yy1-yy2

PlayWav(filename) -- play wav file to notify

Use Dos Command - Example:

RUN(command /c copy c:config.sys c:config.bk1) (For Win98)

RUN(cmd /c copy c:oot.ini d:oot.bk1) (For Win2k)

Quit using script:

RUN(auto quit)

Quit using Dos Command:

auto quit

See Autoedit or contact us to know more .



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