#1268: The Cuban gate arrives! Almost in instant, ninth lineage Patria terjemahan - #1268: The Cuban gate arrives! Almost in instant, ninth lineage Patria Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1268: The Cuban gate arrives! Almo

#1268: The Cuban gate arrives!

Almost in instant, ninth lineage Patriarch that the eighth lineage Patriarch words spread, that had the casual acquaintance old man with Meng Hao, at this moment the low roar, is in the distant place fiercely, both hands lifts, toward a below starry sky maliciously racket.
„Killing of mirror!”
The ripple that the instance of his words dispersing, the starry sky of Meng Hao under foot, that before presented that coagulated at this moment instantaneously, impressively ... The nihility of Meng Hao under foot, unexpectedly became at the same time the giant mirror.
This mirror has refracted all, including another Meng Hao , appear here mirror, even includes other people, in this mirror!
Meng Hao light well, he and Dao Realm battle too multiple, this is first time meets this type of mirror surface the law of source, when he lowers the head, saw below mirror, another who presents.
That another, are lowering at this moment also the head, mutually two people of vision look flickers, Meng Hao felt one to seize the strength of shed, launched in within the body loudly.
Meanwhile, the blood light approaches together instantaneously, in this blood light, contained has slaughtered the source, as if changed to a scarlet blade, approached instant, among Meng Hao right hand waves hand, mountain peaks rumbling fell, prevent that blood blade, but the rapidness of this blood blade speed, flickered to break all mountain peaks, has cut on Meng Hao directly!
Meng Hao lowers the head, looks at own arm, there has a wound, the blood flows off, by his resiliency, is unable to restore unexpectedly.
„Slaughters the source ...” Meng Hao not cares a whoop, when the turning around right hand lifts, presses toward behind, this according to, his behind over a thousand green thunder, roars stops at this moment impressively.
At this moment, an old sound reverberation.
Rumbling rumbling!
That over a thousand blue thunder, collapses, submerges Meng Hao the instance, below mirror. In this moment, presented red blade light unexpectedly, is bringing the blood, is bringing slaughtering, cuts directly in Meng Hao there that the blue thunder collapse submerged.
In the mirror presented over a thousand blue thunder unexpectedly, same explodes, seems this technique law, can form two injuries. Causes Meng Hao here, thunders is bigger.
All around Meng Clan five Patriarch, admit defeat besides that branch as well as eighth lineage Patriarch, other three old, at this moment looks at steadily, look grim, intrepid of Meng Hao, they have profound understanding at this moment.
„Even if unable to extinguish him kills, can let his severe wound ...” Three old looked mutually, may at this moment. His three people of facial color fierce big changes, a cloudy and cold sound, from that mirror. In Ben Kui of blue thunder spreads.
„A little meaning.” Along with the reverberation of words, form, at the speed like lightning, runs out together instantaneously, directly soars ninth lineage Patriarch, the ninth lineage Patriarch facial color big change, direct breaking by biting tip of tongue blowout blood.
„The second mirror!”
The time of flickering, in the ninth lineage Patriarch front. The nihility presented a giant mirror, this mirror has prevented the Meng Hao form, causes his whole person, unexpectedly broke in the mirror, when may appear, actually departed from the beforehand first mirror.
Almost while he presents, another two Patriarch, once more act. The blood blade turned into the bloodshed, the blue thunder turned into Lei Lian, from this both sides mirrors, appears.
„The third boundary!”
„The fourth boundary!” The ninth lineage Patriarch low roar, bleeds profusely from the head at this moment. Four boundaries, are his limit. Along with his, in fierce another two directions, presented the mirror.
But along with the emergence of four sides mirror, among Dao Law, was held several times by in addition, when looks, the bloodshed is boundless, blue chain endless, the sound of thundering lets starry sky reacted.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1268: The Cuban gate arrives! Almost in instant, ninth lineage Patriarch that the eighth lineage Patriarch words spread, that had the casual acquaintance old man with Meng Hao, at this moment the low roar, is in the distant place fiercely, both hands lifts, toward a below starry sky maliciously racket.„Killing of mirror!”The ripple that the instance of his words dispersing, the starry sky of Meng Hao under foot, that before presented that coagulated at this moment instantaneously, impressively ... The nihility of Meng Hao under foot, unexpectedly became at the same time the giant mirror.This mirror has refracted all, including another Meng Hao , appear here mirror, even includes other people, in this mirror!Meng Hao light well, he and Dao Realm battle too multiple, this is first time meets this type of mirror surface the law of source, when he lowers the head, saw below mirror, another who presents.That another, are lowering at this moment also the head, mutually two people of vision look flickers, Meng Hao felt one to seize the strength of shed, launched in within the body loudly.Meanwhile, the blood light approaches together instantaneously, in this blood light, contained has slaughtered the source, as if changed to a scarlet blade, approached instant, among Meng Hao right hand waves hand, mountain peaks rumbling fell, prevent that blood blade, but the rapidness of this blood blade speed, flickered to break all mountain peaks, has cut on Meng Hao directly!Meng Hao menurunkan kepala, terlihat pada lengan sendiri, ada telah luka, darah mengalir, oleh ketahanan nya, tidak mampu mengembalikan tiba-tiba."Menyembelih sumber..." Meng Hao tidak peduli teriakan, ketika berputar di sekitar kanan mengangkat, menekan ke arah belakang, ini menurut, nya di belakang selama seribu hijau thunder, mengaum berhenti saat ini mengesankan.Pada saat ini, gema suara tua."Meledak!"Gemuruh gemuruh!Itu lebih dari seribu biru Guntur, runtuh, submerges Meng Hao contoh, di bawah cermin. Pada saat ini, pisau merah disajikan cahaya tiba-tiba, membawa darah, membawa penyembelihan, pemotongan langsung Meng Hao ada yang runtuh thunder biru tenggelam.Di cermin disajikan selama seribu blue thunder tiba-tiba, sama meledak, tampaknya hukum teknik ini, dapat membentuk dua cedera. Penyebab Meng Hao di sini, guruh lebih besar.Di sekitar patriak Meng klan lima, mengakui kekalahan selain cabang serta kedelapan keturunan patriak, lama tiga lainnya, saat ini memandang terus, tampak suram, pemberani dari Meng Hao, mereka memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam saat ini."Bahkan jika tak mampu memadamkan dia membunuh, dapat membiarkan luka parah nya..." Lama tiga tampak saling, mungkin pada saat ini. Tiga orang warna wajah sengit perubahan besar, suara hujan dan dingin, dari cermin itu. Di Ben Kui dari blue thunder spread."Sedikit arti." Bersama dengan dengung kata-kata, bentuk, dengan kecepatan seperti petir, berjalan bersama secara instan, langsung menjulang kesembilan keturunan patriak, kesembilan keturunan patriak facial warna perubahan besar, langsung melanggar dengan ujung menggigit lidah ledakan darah."Kedua cermin!"Saat berkelap-kelip, di depan keturunan patriak kesembilan. Nihility disajikan cermin raksasa, cermin ini telah mencegah bentuk Meng Hao, menyebabkan nya seutuhnya, tiba-tiba pecah di cermin, ketika mungkin muncul, benar-benar berangkat dari cermin pertama sebelumnya.Hampir sementara dia hadiah, patriak dua lain, sekali lagi bertindak. Pisau darah berubah menjadi pertumpahan darah, thunder biru yang berubah menjadi Lei Lian, dari ini kedua sisi cermin, muncul."Batas ketiga!""Batas keempat!" Kesembilan keturunan patriak rendah mengaum, berdarah deras dari kepala saat ini. Batas-batas empat, yang batas nya. Bersama dengan, dalam sengit dua arah yang lain, disajikan cermin.Tetapi dengan munculnya empat sisi cermin, antara hukum Dao, diadakan beberapa kali oleh Selain itu, ketika tampak, pertumpahan darah jaringan tak terbatas, biru tak berujung, suara gemuruh langit berbintang memungkinkan bereaksi.
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