Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Seperti Blaine.Pemikiran berbalik telur di perutku dan saya meletakkan garpu saya turun. "Ya, we're friends.""Akhirnya!" dia berteriak, membuat saya melompat sedikit. "Anda akhirnya telah mengakui bahwa kami telah teman-teman. Hanya dibutuhkan satu minggu.""Kami sudah hanya mengenal satu sama lain selama seminggu.""Masih mengambil seminggu," Dia menjawab, menyembul di telur di dalam air. Aku mendorong bongkahan sisa terakhir telur di sekitar piring saya. "Apa? Biasanya waktu Anda hanya satu jam untuk memiliki seseorang menyatakan teman-teman terbaik selamanya?""Tidak." Dia mengeluarkan telur, menaruhnya dalam mangkuk. Datang ke meja, ia duduk lagi. Matanya bertemu saya, dan sulit untuk mempertahankan menatap itu. Mata yang benar-benar adalah dengan warna yang indah dari azure, tajam dan jelas. Jenis mata Anda dengan mudah bisa hilang menatap. "Biasanya dibutuhkan saya sekitar lima menit sebelum kita sudah pindah ke status teman terbaik."Senyum menyelinap keluar seperti saya menganggukkan kepala. "Maka saya kira saya hanya satu yang aneh.""Mungkin." Bulu mata Nya menurunkan ketika dia mulai mengupas telur rebus. Aku mengambil minuman. "Saya kira itu berbeda untuk Anda.""Hmm?""Saya yakin Anda memiliki gadis-gadis yang tergantung seluruh Anda. Lusinan mungkin akan membunuh berada di tempat saya dan di sinilah aku, alergi terhadap roti."Dia mendongak. "Kenapa? Karena saya dekat ilahi kesempurnaan?"Tertawa meledak dari saya. "Aku tidak akan pergi sejauh itu."Cam terkekeh dan kemudian mengangkat bahu. "Saya tidak tahu. Tidak benar-benar berpikir tentang hal itu.""Anda tidak berpikir tentang hal itu sama sekali?""Tidak." Ia muncul secara keseluruhan, freaking telur ke dalam mulutnya. Selain itu, ia sempurna manners meja. Mengunyah dengan mulut tertutup, mengusap tangannya pada serbet yang dia telah ditarik dari pemegang, dan tidak berbicara dengan mulutnya penuh. "Saya hanya berpikir tentang hal itu ketika itu penting."Kami memandang ke bertabrakan, dan pipiku memerah. Aku berlari jari saya sepanjang tepi kaca saya. "Jadi kau pemutar reformasi?"Dia berhenti, telur setengah untuk mulutnya. "Apa yang membuatmu berpikir bahwa?""Aku mendengar kau cukup pemain di sekolah menengah.""Benar-benar? Yang Apakah Anda mendengar bahwa dari?""Tidak ada bisnis Anda."Alis yang melengkung. "Dengan itu mulut Anda, Anda tidak memiliki banyak teman, kan?"Aku meraba, karena itulah pengamatan tempat-on. "Tidak," Aku mendengar diriku berkata. "Aku tidak benar-benar populer di sekolah menengah."Cam menjatuhkan telur di piring dan duduk kembali. "Kotoran. Maaf. Itu hal bajingan bagi saya untuk mengatakan."Aku melambaikan, tapi itu tersengatDia melihat saya melalui bulu mata tebal. "Sulit untuk percaya bahwa Anda tidak. Anda dapat menjadi lucu dan bagus ketika Anda tidak menghina saya dan kau seorang gadis cantik. Sebenarnya, Anda benar-benar panas.""Ah... terima kasih." Aku menggeliat, memegang gelas dekat."Aku serius. Anda mengatakan orang tua Anda ketat. Mereka tidak memberitahu Anda hang out di sekolah tinggi?" Ketika saya mengangguk, ia selesai dari telur yang ia telah dijatuhkan. "Aku masih tidak bisa membayangkan Anda tidak menjadi populer di SMA. Anda rock trifietca — pintar, lucu, dan panas. "“I wasn’t. Okay?” I set my glass down and moved on to tugging at a loose string on the hem of my shorts. “I was like the very opposite of popular.” Cam started peeling another egg. Wondered how many he’d eat. “I am sorry, Avery. That… that sucks. High school is a big deal.”“Yeah, it is.” I wetted my lips nervously. “You had a lot of friends?”He nodded.“Still talk to them?”“Some of them. Ollie and I went to high school together, but he spent his first two years at WVU and transferred down here and I see a few around campus and back home.”Wrapping my arms around my legs to keep from fidgeting, I rested my chin on my knees. “Have any brothers or sisters?”“A sister,” he replied, picking up the last egg—the fourth one. A genuine smile appeared. “She’s younger than me. Just turned eighteen. She graduates this year.”“You guys close?” I couldn’t imagine having a brother like Cam. “Yeah, we’re close.” A dark look crossed his face and vanished quickly, but it left me wondering if they really were that close. “She means a lot to me. How about you? A big brother I have to worry about visiting and kicking my ass for being here?”“No. I’m an only child. Have a cousin who’s older, but I doubt he’d do that.”“Ah, good.” Devouring that egg, he sat back and patted his stomach. “Where you from?”I pressed my lips together, trying to decide if I should lie or not.“Okay.” He dropped his arm off the back of the metal chair. “You obviously know where I’m from if you’ve heard of my extracurricular actives in high school, but I’ll just confirm it. I’m from the Fort Hill area. Never heard of that? Well, most people haven’t. It’s near Morgantown. Why didn’t I go to WVU? Everyone wants to know that.” He shrugged. “Just wanted to get away, but be somewhat close to my family. And yes, I was… very busy in high school.”“You’re not anymore?” I asked, not really expecting him to answer, because it wasn’t my business, but hey, if I could keep him talking, I didn’t have to say anything.And I was… interested in learning more, because Cam, he was fascinating in a way. He was like every uber-popular, sexy guy in high school, but he wasn’t a dick. That alone made him worthy of a scientific study. Also, it was better than sitting around alone and thinking about harassing phone calls and emails. “Depends on who you ask.” He laughed then. “Yeah, I don’t know. When I was a freshman—those first couple of months, being around all the older girls? I probably put more effort into them than I did my classes.”I grinned, easily able to picture that. “But not now?”He shook his head. “So where you from?”Okay. Obviously what changed his ex-player status was something he didn’t want to talk about. Visions of pregnancy scares danced in my head. “I’m from Texas.”“Texas?” He leaned forward. “Really? You don’t have an accent.”“I wasn’t born in Texas. My family was originally from Ohio. We moved to Texas when I was eleven and I never picked up any accent.”“Texas to West Virginia? That’s a hell of a difference.”Unfolding my legs, I stood and picked up my plate and his bowl. “Well, I lived in the strip mall hell part of Texas, but besides that, it’s kind of the same here.”“I should clean up.” He started to stand. “I made the mess.”“No.” I backed away with his bowl. “You cooked. I clean.”He relented, opening the foiled bread. It did smell wonderful. “What made you choose here?”I washed the dishes and his little frying pan before answering that doozy. “I just wanted to get away, like you.”“Got to be hard though.”“No.” I picked up the pot he used to boil the eggs. “It was incredibly easy to make the decision.”He seemed to consider that as he broke the bread in half. “You are an enigma, Avery Morgansten.”I leaned against the counter, my eyes widening and he proceeded to eat half of the loaf. “Not really. More like you are.”“How so?”I gestured at him. “You just ate four hard-boiled egg, you’re eating half of a loaf, and you have abs that look like they belong on a Bowflex ad.”Cam looked absolutely thrilled to hear that. “You’ve been checking me out, haven’t you? In-between your flaming insults? I feel like man candy.”I laughed. “Shut up.”
“I’m a growing boy.”
My brows rose, and Cam laughed. As he finished off half of the loaf, he talked a little about his parents. I made my way back to the table and sat, genuinely interested. His father ran his own law firm and his mother was a doctor. That meant the Cam came from money, not the kind that my parents rolled around in, but enough that mostly likely paid his rent. He was obviously close with them too, and I envied that. Growing up, all I wanted was for my parents to want to be around me, but with the benefits, the jet-setting, and all the dinners, they’d never been home. And after everything that had happened, the few instances they were there, neither of them could even look at me.
“So you flying back to Texas for fall break or Thanksgiving?” he asked.
I snorted. “Probably not.”
He cocked his head to the side. “Got other plans?”
I shrugged.
Cam dropped the subject and it was close to noon by the time he left. Stopping at my front door, he turned to me, flipping the tiny skillet in one hand, banana-nut bread in the other. “So, Avery….”
I popped my hip against the back of the couch. “So, Cam…”
“Whatcha you doing Tuesday night?”
“I don’t know.” My brows lowered. “Why?”
“How about you go out with me.”
“Cam,” I sighed.
He leaned against the jam. “That’s not a no.”
“Well, that’s a no.”
“Yes, it is.” I pushed off the couch and grabbed the door. “Thanks for the eggs.”
Cam backed up, lopsided grin in place. “How about Wednesday night?”
“Goodbye, Cam.” I closed the door, grinning. He was completely insufferable, but like the night before, being around him did something sort of miraculous. Maybe it was the verbal dueling, but whatever it was, I tended to act… normal. Like I used to.
After showering, I piddled around the apartment and debated texting Jacob or Brittany to see what they were up to. Eventually, I tossed my cell on the couch and dragged my laptop out. I couldn’t avoid my email forever.
In my junk folder, there were a few suspicious looking emails. Two with my name as the subject. After receiving the last email, I learned my lesson and clicked delete with a certain amount of glee.
The emails, though, it was strange to get them now. While I’d been in high school, it had been one thing. I’d been surrounded by the kids, but now, after we all left for college? Something just wasn’t right about that. Like did they seriously have nothing better to do? I doubted it could be Blaine, because as twisted as he was, he stayed far away from me. And the phone call? I refused to change my number. Back during the worst of it, when I’d get three to four phone calls a day, I’d go through a series of telephone changes and they always found out what it was anyway.
Shaking my head,
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