5 Things You Didn't Know About Slashby Ethan TrexYou know him as the t terjemahan - 5 Things You Didn't Know About Slashby Ethan TrexYou know him as the t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

5 Things You Didn't Know About Slas

5 Things You Didn't Know About Slash
by Ethan Trex

You know him as the top-hat-wearing lead guitarist for Guns N'Roses, Slash's Snakepit, and Velvet Revolver. Do you know where he got his signature hat and the name "Slash," though? Let's take a look at the man who's darn near unbeatable in Guitar Hero.

1. He Grew Up With Rock
Slash was born Saul Hudson in Stoke-on-Trent, England, in 1965. The Hudson family lived there until Saul was 11, when they moved to Los Angeles. Slash had a pretty good foot in the door of the rock world from the time he was born. His mother, Ola Hudson, designed costumes for John Lennon, the Pointer Sisters, and Diana Ross, and his father, Anthony Hudson, designed album covers for Neil Young and David Bowie, among others. The family also lived near David Geffen and Joni Mitchell. Not a bad way to get into rock music.

Slash's parents broke up in the mid-70s, and his mom started dating Bowie. In 1990 Slash talked to Rolling Stone about his childhood feelings for Bowie: "I really didn't like him that much, because he was the new guy in the house. I was really resentful."

2. Even the Nickname "Slash" Has a Famous Origin
Film buffs know the veteran character actor Seymour Cassel as a frequent player in movies directed by John Cassavetes and Wes Anderson. (Cassel played Max Fischer's dad in Rushmore and Royal Tenenbaum's fellow elevator operator in The Royal Tenenbaums.) When Slash was growing up in Los Angeles, though, Cassel was just his buddy Matt's dad.

Even as a teenager, Saul Hudson had a lot of frenetic energy, and one day he was zipping from one room to another at a party at the Cassels' house. The actor gently ribbed Hudson's constant motion by asking, ""Hey, Slash, where ya going? Where ya going, Slash? Huh?" The nickname stuck.

3. He Shoplifted His Top Hat
In 2007 Slash told the Huffington Post that he acquired his signature top hat in 1985 when he went shopping for a memorable accessory to wear for a show in Los Angeles. Since the aspiring guitar god was broke at the time, the line between "shopping" and "shoplifting" was pretty blurred.

According to Slash, he spotted the top hat in a store called Retail Slut and fell in love. Since a top hat can't exactly be hidden under your shirt, Slash simply grabbed the hat and walked out, apparently unseen. When he got home he realized the hat looked a little plain, so he wrapped it with a belt he'd swiped on the same outing. And just like that, his trademark look was born.

Ironically, when Slash's hat was stolen during a round of Grammys after-parties a few years ago, he had to rely on the police to regain the purloined lid. Here's a video of the man himself telling the story:

4. He Also Swiped One of His Guitars
When Slash showed up for a 2007 ceremony honoring his career at Las Vegas' Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, he had a surprising gift for his hosts. Slash returned a guitar that he'd swiped years earlier from the dressing room of the Hard Rock in Orlando. As he told the story, "It was in the dressing room. I didn't know what it was doing there, so I took it. I mean, it was in the dressing room and no one claimed it. So I've had it all these years and been playing it."

What made Slash return the guitar that he'd pinched in an apparently perfect crime? He told reporters, "I thought what better way to honor the Hard Rock for honoring me than to give it back, sort of." At least he eventually did the right thing.

That's not the only high-profile guitar Slash has given away, though. In 1981 Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry sold his sunburst-finish 1958 Gibson Les Paul to scrounge up some money for Christmas. Ten years later, Perry got nostalgic and started looking for the guitar. He quickly found it; Slash was playing it in a Guitar Player centerfold.

Perry was one of Slash's boyhood idols, but when he called to see if Slash would sell him the guitar, Slash wouldn't budge. Perry understood and later said in an interview, "I mean if I had a chance to get hold of the white Strat Jeff Beck played on Wired, I'd have a hard time letting go of it!" In September 2000, though, Perry was playing with Cheap Trick at his own 50th birthday party when a guitar tech walked onto stage and handed him his long-lost guitar as a birthday gift from Slash.

5. He's a Friend to Elephants
You might not know it, but Slash is a huge supporter of animals and the environment. Earlier this year he got behind the cause of Billy, an endangered Asian elephant who lives at the LA Zoo. When Slash learned that funding for the zoo's Pachyderm Forest was in jeopardy, he filmed a broadcast-and-YouTube plea urging the Los Angeles City Council to complete the new habitat.

At the time, one of the zookeepers told Reuters, "I've always been impressed with Slash's knowledge of animals. In many cases, he is even able to identify the different subspecies, something that most people can't do." Not too surprising for a guitar god who once owned 80 snakes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
5 Things You Didn't Know About Slashby Ethan TrexYou know him as the top-hat-wearing lead guitarist for Guns N'Roses, Slash's Snakepit, and Velvet Revolver. Do you know where he got his signature hat and the name "Slash," though? Let's take a look at the man who's darn near unbeatable in Guitar Hero.1. He Grew Up With RockSlash was born Saul Hudson in Stoke-on-Trent, England, in 1965. The Hudson family lived there until Saul was 11, when they moved to Los Angeles. Slash had a pretty good foot in the door of the rock world from the time he was born. His mother, Ola Hudson, designed costumes for John Lennon, the Pointer Sisters, and Diana Ross, and his father, Anthony Hudson, designed album covers for Neil Young and David Bowie, among others. The family also lived near David Geffen and Joni Mitchell. Not a bad way to get into rock music.Slash's parents broke up in the mid-70s, and his mom started dating Bowie. In 1990 Slash talked to Rolling Stone about his childhood feelings for Bowie: "I really didn't like him that much, because he was the new guy in the house. I was really resentful."2. Even the Nickname "Slash" Has a Famous OriginSeymour_CasselFilm buffs know the veteran character actor Seymour Cassel as a frequent player in movies directed by John Cassavetes and Wes Anderson. (Cassel played Max Fischer's dad in Rushmore and Royal Tenenbaum's fellow elevator operator in The Royal Tenenbaums.) When Slash was growing up in Los Angeles, though, Cassel was just his buddy Matt's dad.Even as a teenager, Saul Hudson had a lot of frenetic energy, and one day he was zipping from one room to another at a party at the Cassels' house. The actor gently ribbed Hudson's constant motion by asking, ""Hey, Slash, where ya going? Where ya going, Slash? Huh?" The nickname stuck.3. He Shoplifted His Top HatIn 2007 Slash told the Huffington Post that he acquired his signature top hat in 1985 when he went shopping for a memorable accessory to wear for a show in Los Angeles. Since the aspiring guitar god was broke at the time, the line between "shopping" and "shoplifting" was pretty blurred.According to Slash, he spotted the top hat in a store called Retail Slut and fell in love. Since a top hat can't exactly be hidden under your shirt, Slash simply grabbed the hat and walked out, apparently unseen. When he got home he realized the hat looked a little plain, so he wrapped it with a belt he'd swiped on the same outing. And just like that, his trademark look was born.Ironically, when Slash's hat was stolen during a round of Grammys after-parties a few years ago, he had to rely on the police to regain the purloined lid. Here's a video of the man himself telling the story:4. He Also Swiped One of His GuitarsWhen Slash showed up for a 2007 ceremony honoring his career at Las Vegas' Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, he had a surprising gift for his hosts. Slash returned a guitar that he'd swiped years earlier from the dressing room of the Hard Rock in Orlando. As he told the story, "It was in the dressing room. I didn't know what it was doing there, so I took it. I mean, it was in the dressing room and no one claimed it. So I've had it all these years and been playing it."
What made Slash return the guitar that he'd pinched in an apparently perfect crime? He told reporters, "I thought what better way to honor the Hard Rock for honoring me than to give it back, sort of." At least he eventually did the right thing.

That's not the only high-profile guitar Slash has given away, though. In 1981 Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry sold his sunburst-finish 1958 Gibson Les Paul to scrounge up some money for Christmas. Ten years later, Perry got nostalgic and started looking for the guitar. He quickly found it; Slash was playing it in a Guitar Player centerfold.

Perry was one of Slash's boyhood idols, but when he called to see if Slash would sell him the guitar, Slash wouldn't budge. Perry understood and later said in an interview, "I mean if I had a chance to get hold of the white Strat Jeff Beck played on Wired, I'd have a hard time letting go of it!" In September 2000, though, Perry was playing with Cheap Trick at his own 50th birthday party when a guitar tech walked onto stage and handed him his long-lost guitar as a birthday gift from Slash.

5. He's a Friend to Elephants
You might not know it, but Slash is a huge supporter of animals and the environment. Earlier this year he got behind the cause of Billy, an endangered Asian elephant who lives at the LA Zoo. When Slash learned that funding for the zoo's Pachyderm Forest was in jeopardy, he filmed a broadcast-and-YouTube plea urging the Los Angeles City Council to complete the new habitat.

At the time, one of the zookeepers told Reuters, "I've always been impressed with Slash's knowledge of animals. In many cases, he is even able to identify the different subspecies, something that most people can't do." Not too surprising for a guitar god who once owned 80 snakes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
5 Hal yang Anda Tidak Ketahui Tentang Slash
oleh Ethan Trex Anda mengenalnya sebagai gitaris-top-hat mengenakan Guns N'Roses, Slash Snakepit, dan Velvet Revolver. Apakah Anda tahu di mana ia mendapat topi tanda tangan dan nama "Slash," ?? meskipun? Mari kita lihat pada pria yang darn dekat tak terkalahkan di Guitar Hero. 1. Dia Tumbuh Up Dengan Batu Slash lahir Saul Hudson di Stoke-on-Trent, Inggris, pada tahun 1965. The Hudson keluarga tinggal di sana sampai Saul adalah 11, ketika mereka pindah ke Los Angeles. Slash memiliki kaki yang cukup bagus di pintu dunia rock dari waktu dia lahir. Ibunya, Ola Hudson, kostum yang dirancang untuk John Lennon, Pointer Sisters, dan Diana Ross, dan ayahnya, Anthony Hudson, album yang dirancang meliputi untuk Neil Young dan David Bowie, antara lain. Keluarga juga tinggal di dekat David Geffen dan Joni Mitchell. Bukan cara yang buruk untuk masuk ke musik rock. Slash orangtua putus di pertengahan 70-an, dan ibunya mulai berkencan Bowie. Pada tahun 1990 Slash berbicara dengan Rolling Stone tentang perasaan masa kecilnya untuk Bowie: ".. Aku benar-benar tidak menyukainya yang banyak, karena dia adalah orang baru di rumah saya benar-benar benci" 2. Bahkan Julukan itu "Slash" ?? Memiliki Terkenal Asal Seymour_Cassel penggemar Film mengetahui veteran karakter aktor Seymour Cassel sebagai pemain yang sering di film-film yang disutradarai oleh John Cassavetes dan Wes Anderson. (Cassel bermain ayah Max Fischer dalam sesama Operator lift Rushmore dan Royal Tenenbaum di The Royal Tenenbaums.) Ketika Slash tumbuh dewasa di Los Angeles, meskipun, Cassel hanya teman ayah Matt nya. Bahkan saat remaja, Saul Hudson memiliki banyak energi ingar-bingar, dan suatu hari ia zipping dari satu kamar ke kamar lain di sebuah pesta di rumah Cassels '. Aktor ini lembut bergaris gerakan konstan Hudson dengan bertanya, "" Hei, Slash, di mana ya pergi? Mana ya pergi, Slash? Hah? "?? Julukan terjebak. 3. Dia mengutil Nya Top Hat Pada tahun 2007 Slash mengatakan kepada Huffington Post bahwa dia memperoleh tanda topi pada tahun 1985 ketika ia pergi berbelanja untuk aksesori kenangan untuk dipakai untuk acara di Los Angeles. Karena yang bercita-cita dewa gitar pecah pada saat itu, batas antara "belanja" ?? dan "mengutil" ?? itu cukup kabur. Menurut Slash, ia melihat topi di toko disebut Retail pelacur dan jatuh cinta. Karena topi tidak bisa begitu disembunyikan di balik baju Anda, Slash hanya meraih topi dan berjalan keluar, rupanya tak terlihat. Ketika ia sampai di rumah ia menyadari topi tampak sedikit biasa, sehingga ia membungkusnya dengan sabuk ia mengusap pada outing yang sama. Dan hanya seperti itu, merek dagang tatapannya lahir. Ironisnya, ketika topi Slash dicuri selama putaran Grammy setelah pihak beberapa tahun yang lalu, ia harus mengandalkan polisi untuk mendapatkan kembali tutup curian. Berikut video dari manusia itu sendiri bercerita: 4. Dia juga mengusap Salah satu Guitars Nya Ketika Slash muncul untuk upacara 2007 menghormati karirnya di Las Vegas 'Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, ia memiliki hadiah mengejutkan bagi tuan rumahnya. Slash kembali gitar bahwa ia akan digesek tahun sebelumnya dari ruang ganti dari Hard Rock di Orlando. Saat ia menceritakan kisah, "Itu di ruang ganti. Saya tidak tahu apa yang dilakukannya di sana, jadi aku mengambilnya. Maksudku, itu di ruang ganti dan tidak ada yang mengklaim. Jadi aku sudah itu bertahun-tahun dan telah bermain. "?? Apa yang membuat Slash mengembalikan gitar yang ia terjepit kejahatan tampaknya sempurna? Dia mengatakan kepada wartawan, "Saya pikir cara apa yang lebih baik untuk menghormati Hard Rock untuk menghormati saya daripada untuk memberikan kembali, semacam." ?? Setidaknya dia akhirnya melakukan hal yang benar. Itu bukan satu-satunya profil tinggi gitar Slash telah diberikan, meskipun. Pada tahun 1981 gitaris Aerosmith Joe Perry dijual sunburst-selesai nya 1958 Gibson Les Paul untuk mencuri beberapa uang untuk Natal. Sepuluh tahun kemudian, Perry mendapat nostalgia dan mulai mencari gitar. Dia segera menemukannya; Slash telah bermain dalam Guitar Player centerfold. Perry adalah salah satu idola masa kecil Slash, tetapi ketika ia dipanggil untuk melihat apakah Slash akan menjual dia gitar, Slash tidak bergerak. Perry mengerti dan kemudian mengatakan dalam sebuah wawancara, "Maksudku jika saya punya kesempatan untuk mendapatkan putih Strat Jeff Beck dimainkan di Wired, saya akan memiliki waktu sulit melepaskan itu!" ?? Pada September 2000, meskipun, Perry sedang bermain dengan Cheap Trick di pesta ulang tahun ke-50 sendiri ketika teknologi gitar berjalan ke panggung dan menyerahkan gitar lama hilang sebagai hadiah ulang tahun dari Slash. 5. Dia Teman untuk Gajah Anda mungkin tidak tahu, tapi Slash adalah pendukung besar hewan dan lingkungan. Awal tahun ini ia duduk di belakang penyebab Billy, gajah Asia yang terancam punah yang tinggal di Kebun Binatang LA. Ketika Slash belajar bahwa dana untuk kebun binatang Pachyderm Forest berada dalam bahaya, ia difilmkan permohonan siaran-dan-YouTube mendesak Dewan Kota Los Angeles untuk menyelesaikan habitat baru. Pada saat itu, salah satu penjaga kebun binatang mengatakan kepada Reuters, "Saya sudah selalu terkesan dengan pengetahuan Slash hewan. Dalam banyak kasus, ia bahkan mampu mengidentifikasi subspesies yang berbeda, sesuatu yang kebanyakan orang tidak bisa lakukan. " Tidak terlalu mengejutkan untuk dewa gitar yang pernah dimiliki 80 ular.

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