Meng Hao or Ji Dongyang, do not hope when these Seventh Mountain and S terjemahan - Meng Hao or Ji Dongyang, do not hope when these Seventh Mountain and S Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Meng Hao or Ji Dongyang, do not hop

Meng Hao or Ji Dongyang, do not hope when these Seventh Mountain and Sea cultivator, carries on to swallow or seize the shed, this moment will is the same, transfers, suddenly vanishes, appears, already in Eighth Mountain and Sea remote corner starry sky.
He is similar to a corpse, floats in the starry sky, his body spreads the fluctuation of life from time to time, from time to time has to thunder the reverberation, but the injury that his body last before and Lord Bai battled to form, at this moment the naked eye obvious restoration, after that was the Ji Dongyang vitality Meng Hao swallowed, the strength of restoration forms.
Similarly, in his within the body, his injury, fast cicatrization!
May in the Meng Hao knowledge within the four seas, at this moment, have shakes the heavens to move the place the seizing shed and swallowing, is launching, its bad risk degree, once is defeated, surely death!
And ... Also has been doomed, will have a side to perish, but the price of perishing, is makes another side more intrepid.
The opportunity that Ji Dongyang looks , is very cunning evil and cruel, is Meng Hao regardless of Cultivation or spiritual sense, the time of seriously consuming, is his most illusory condition, if no what accident, then the Ji Dongyang seizing shed, smoothly too many too will be many.
It can be said that for this time seizing shed, Ji Dongyang prepared to be very long, when he also observed Meng Hao were many, knows the Meng Hao spiritual sense terrifying, knew Meng Hao Cultivation to be good, knows that Meng Hao is future Lord of the Mountain and Sea, all these, let he dreaded at the same time, was more rigid, wanting you to win fierce all, therefore under bearing patiently, even in him also thought that as if must be defeated the ancestor, finally has waited till Meng Hao weak that moment.
At that moment, he is encouraged, he is excited!
But he ... In the past although also followed Meng Hao to enter 33 places, may go not to enter in the grave palace along with Meng Hao, but in grave palace under erupted, felt the intense crisis, was the same to Deity Sect big Custodian, has chosen departure, therefore did not know existence as well as the matter that had in the grave palace of Greedy Wolf.
This, is he does not plan ... Accident.
This accident, is a Meng Hao that final strength, the Greedy Wolf life source that stimulates, the Greedy Wolf source, swallows all, is not only the Ji Dongyang life is swallowed, his soul, in range of swallowing, even if is in seizes the whole family, was swallowed equally!
„No!!” After several days dates, seemed to be when the sad and shrill roar that if no, as if spreads from the body of Meng Hao, the body of Meng Hao shivered, his two eyes, opens suddenly, the corners of the mouth, are having as before also the ridicule.( To be continued.)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Meng Hao or Ji Dongyang, do not hope when these Seventh Mountain and Sea cultivator, carries on to swallow or seize the shed, this moment will is the same, transfers, suddenly vanishes, appears, already in Eighth Mountain and Sea remote corner starry sky.He is similar to a corpse, floats in the starry sky, his body spreads the fluctuation of life from time to time, from time to time has to thunder the reverberation, but the injury that his body last before and Lord Bai battled to form, at this moment the naked eye obvious restoration, after that was the Ji Dongyang vitality Meng Hao swallowed, the strength of restoration forms.Similarly, in his within the body, his injury, fast cicatrization!May in the Meng Hao knowledge within the four seas, at this moment, have shakes the heavens to move the place the seizing shed and swallowing, is launching, its bad risk degree, once is defeated, surely death!And ... Also has been doomed, will have a side to perish, but the price of perishing, is makes another side more intrepid.The opportunity that Ji Dongyang looks , is very cunning evil and cruel, is Meng Hao regardless of Cultivation or spiritual sense, the time of seriously consuming, is his most illusory condition, if no what accident, then the Ji Dongyang seizing shed, smoothly too many too will be many.It can be said that for this time seizing shed, Ji Dongyang prepared to be very long, when he also observed Meng Hao were many, knows the Meng Hao spiritual sense terrifying, knew Meng Hao Cultivation to be good, knows that Meng Hao is future Lord of the Mountain and Sea, all these, let he dreaded at the same time, was more rigid, wanting you to win fierce all, therefore under bearing patiently, even in him also thought that as if must be defeated the ancestor, finally has waited till Meng Hao weak that moment.At that moment, he is encouraged, he is excited!But he ... In the past although also followed Meng Hao to enter 33 places, may go not to enter in the grave palace along with Meng Hao, but in grave palace under erupted, felt the intense crisis, was the same to Deity Sect big Custodian, has chosen departure, therefore did not know existence as well as the matter that had in the grave palace of Greedy Wolf.This, is he does not plan ... Accident.This accident, is a Meng Hao that final strength, the Greedy Wolf life source that stimulates, the Greedy Wolf source, swallows all, is not only the Ji Dongyang life is swallowed, his soul, in range of swallowing, even if is in seizes the whole family, was swallowed equally!„No!!” After several days dates, seemed to be when the sad and shrill roar that if no, as if spreads from the body of Meng Hao, the body of Meng Hao shivered, his two eyes, opens suddenly, the corners of the mouth, are having as before also the ridicule.( To be continued.)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Meng Hao atau Ji Dongyang, jangan harap pada saat Seventh Mountain dan Sea kultivator, menjalankan menelan atau menyita gudang, saat ini akan sama, transfer, tiba-tiba lenyap, muncul, sudah Kedelapan gunung dan laut sudut terpencil langit berbintang .
Dia mirip dengan mayat, mengapung di langit berbintang, tubuhnya menyebar fluktuasi kehidupan dari waktu ke waktu, dari waktu ke waktu harus petir dengung, tapi cedera yang tubuhnya terakhir sebelum dan Tuhan Bai berjuang untuk membentuk , saat ini mata telanjang restorasi jelas, setelah itu vitalitas Ji Dongyang Meng Hao tertelan, kekuatan bentuk restorasi.
Demikian pula, dalam bukunya dalam tubuh, cedera, hal menjadi sembuh kembali dengan cepat!
Mei dalam pengetahuan Meng Hao dalam empat laut, pada saat ini, memiliki getar langit untuk memindahkan tempat gudang merebut dan menelan, meluncurkan, tingkat risiko buruk, setelah dikalahkan, pasti mati!
dan ... Juga telah ditakdirkan, akan memiliki sisi binasa , tapi harga binasa, adalah membuat sisi lain yang lebih pemberani.
kesempatan yang Ji Dongyang terlihat, sangat licik jahat dan kejam, adalah Meng Hao terlepas dari Budidaya atau rasa spiritual, saat serius memakan, adalah kondisi yang paling ilusi nya, jika tidak ada apa kecelakaan, maka gudang Ji Dongyang merebut, lancar terlalu banyak juga akan menjadi banyak.
dapat dikatakan bahwa untuk saat ini merebut gudang, Ji Dongyang disiapkan untuk menjadi sangat lama, ketika ia juga mengamati Meng Hao banyak, tahu Meng Hao rasa spiritual yang menakutkan, tahu Meng Hao Budidaya untuk menjadi baik, tahu bahwa Meng Hao adalah masa Lord of the Mountain and Sea, semua ini, biarkan dia takut pada saat yang sama, itu lebih kaku, ingin Anda untuk menang sengit semua, oleh karena itu di bawah bantalan sabar, bahkan dalam dirinya juga berpikir bahwa seolah-olah harus dikalahkan leluhur, akhirnya telah menunggu sampai Meng Hao lemah saat itu.
pada saat itu, dia mendorong, dia gembira!
Tapi dia ... di masa lalu meskipun juga diikuti Meng Hao memasukkan 33 tempat, mungkin pergi untuk tidak masuk dalam istana makam bersama dengan Meng Hao, tetapi di istana kuburan bawah meletus, merasa krisis intens, adalah sama untuk Dewa Sect Kustodian besar, telah memilih keberangkatan, karena itu tidak tahu keberadaan serta materi yang telah di istana makam Greedy Wolf.
ini, dia tidak berencana ... kecelakaan.
kecelakaan ini, adalah Meng Hao bahwa kekuatan akhir, sumber kehidupan Serigala Greedy yang merangsang, yang Greedy sumber serigala, menelan semua, tidak hanya kehidupan Ji Dongyang ditelan, jiwanya, di kisaran menelan, bahkan jika dalam merebut seluruh keluarga, ditelan sama!
"tidak !!" Setelah beberapa tanggal hari, tampaknya ketika raungan sedih dan melengking bahwa jika tidak ada, seolah-olah menyebar dari tubuh Meng Hao, tubuh Meng Hao menggigil, dua matanya, membuka tiba-tiba, sudut mulut, mengalami seperti sebelumnya juga ejekan. (Untuk diteruskan.)
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