Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Complex organizations tend toward decentralized decision making, which, in turn, calls for professionalized decision makers at every level.7 The ideal would be for both the responsibility and the accountability of de-cision making to correlate. However, these same organizations lend them-selves too readily to a dilution of accountability in decision making. “Moral buck passing” becomes the rule rather than the exception. It is too easy to blame others for decisions over which we have had minimal input or con-trol. The public relations practitioner who is caught in a deception can, too easily, blame her client. An advertising executive can attempt to justify a tasteless ad as a client-based decision. Reporters can slough off blame for invasion of privacy on their editors. The softening of network news can be blamed on pressure from above. This failure to assume accountability for our actions because of “orders” from above is frequently referred to as the “Bormann defense,” after the Nazi war criminal who uttered the now fa-mous excuse, “I was only following orders.” Although this analogy may seem to some to be extreme, the tendency toward moral buck passing will not lessen as long as organizational hierarchy encourages the dilution of re-sponsibility and accountability.Sebagai manusia, kita mencari akuntabilitas. Kami ingin tahu siapa yang re-sponsible untuk tindakan tertentu dan siapa bertanggung jawab untuk konsekuensi dari tindakan-tindakan. Pengenceran akuntabilitas sekarang umum untuk organisasi yang paling besar (termasuk organisasi media) membuat frustrasi penonton yang tidak dapat menentukan siapa harus disalahkan ketika sesuatu berjalan salah. Perempuannya itu.-sion ini diperparah ketika faktor-faktor selain pengaruh media memainkan peran dalam konsekuensi tertentu. Mempertimbangkan serangkaian penembakan di sekolah pada 1998-1999. Tidak jarang mendengar para orangtua dan lain tempat banyak kesalahan untuk apa yang mereka anggap peniru penembakan di liputan media — dan kekerasan media pada umumnya. Kecenderungan untuk menyalahkan sepenuhnya normal; Namun, tingkat akurasi yang terlibat dalam menilai akuntabilitas bermasalah.
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