The shal­low for­est some­what is small hap­pily, holds the fist in th terjemahan - The shal­low for­est some­what is small hap­pily, holds the fist in th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The shal­low for­est some­what is s

The shal­low for­est some­what is small hap­pily, holds the fist in the other hand to say with a smile: „Can fa­ther, make me go to bat­tle now?”
Luis stands there ashamed, ac­tu­ally looks up to truly, said: „Al­though I am not the match of young gen­eral, in gen­eral but who the mar­shal, the em­pire com­mands the level ac­tu­ally carte and tierce at­tain­ments very high of per­son, may be the match of young gen­eral.”
„Palace guard com­mands Gen­eral Li Xiao Yao, blood giant Kyle from dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory dies under the sword of Gen­eral Li, mak­ing Gen­eral Li try, per­haps he.”
„Good!” Say­ing that truly brooks no in­ter­ven­tion: „Gen­eral Li, then do not de­cline, teaches my son, if you can de­feat him, I must layer on layer enjoy!”
I knit the brows, is Luis this wants to make me make a boner? Ac­tu­ally my carte and tierce is what kind, which these NPC know, but is Luis also dis­cov­ered that son truly is fierce, there­fore wants to make me front make a boner in the au­di­ences of Em­pire Armed forces, since has rubbed I al­ways the spirit, but such being the case, that is im­po­lite!
The Longchi sword comes out of the sheath, I have not used town Yue Dao, I had looked at the carte and tierce of shal­low for­est a mo­ment ago, to be hon­est my han­dle sword has suf­ficed!
„Palace guard com­mands the gen­eral, I am im­po­lite!” The shal­low for­est smiles, the foot­steps slides sud­denly over­ran, the sword blade edge de­liv­ers, at­trac­tive one time asks the way.
My Longchi sword pen­du­lum, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the under foot skids gen­tly, rear area tows the long sword of shal­low for­est to think me to lean in­ge­niously to punc­ture, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the body a nu­mer­ous elbow struck the bang to ap­proach the chest of shal­low for­est in a flash.
The shal­low for­est is star­tled slightly, speed not slow Shan Zhangge keeps off, si­mul­ta­ne­ously with­draws the long sword is a third com­pany cuts, the at­tack speed cer­tainly, the angle is quickly cun­ning, this boy has prac­ticed with many carte and tierce mas­ters, oth­er­wise is im­pos­si­ble to achieve such cul­ti­va­tion is the de­gree, is good be­cause of the match is I, Longchi Jian­ping lifts, the cir­cling straight thrust, „clang” twisted the long sword of shal­low for­est sud­denly, this was en­tan­gling sword in loose wind swords­man­ship.
Tak­ing ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity area, the shal­low for­est lost the per­sonal ap­pear­ance, the ur­gent under this boy as if also lost calmly, takes ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity hur­riedly is a palm, mumps vig­or­ously, he started mumps the at­tack to work loose my en­tan­gling sword.
Area my also strength, the strength of Saint ter­ri­tory starts, the nu­mer­ous fist rum­bles!
The cy­clone ex­plodes, the strength and mump­ing of shal­low for­est Saint ter­ri­tory surges in the same place, will blow pe­riph­ery the au­di­ences the cloak to fly up­wards, even the tent was also stirred whistling makes noise, the shal­low for­est will draw back sev­eral steps con­tin­u­ally, the com­plex­ion some­what will be slightly pale, im­me­di­ately the sword blade edge will turn over to the sheath, will hold the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Many thanks Gen­eral Li ad­vises, my I truly am not the match of Gen­eral Li!”
I com­mended looked at his one eyes, this boy was ac­tu­ally good, can lose.
Truly duke laughs: „Li Xiao Yao com­mands re­ally the highly skilled, too, later I can as­sign the human to re­ward thank you to de­liver to palace guard Shuai Zhang to go, as for the shal­low for­est, you leads to de­fend with the fa­ther to­gether in armed forces, so long as we look how here the au­di­ences will take this Lin­hai city then.”
Shal­low for­est ac­tu­ally kneel­ing -ly said: „Fa­ther, I do not want to keep the armed forces, I think that I want to lead my own sol­dier to go to the palace guard, fol­lows Gen­eral Li some much study carte and tierces . More­over the feat of arms o
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The shal­low for­est some­what is small hap­pily, holds the fist in the other hand to say with a smile: „Can fa­ther, make me go to bat­tle now?”Luis stands there ashamed, ac­tu­ally looks up to truly, said: „Al­though I am not the match of young gen­eral, in gen­eral but who the mar­shal, the em­pire com­mands the level ac­tu­ally carte and tierce at­tain­ments very high of per­son, may be the match of young gen­eral.”„Who?”„Palace guard com­mands Gen­eral Li Xiao Yao, blood giant Kyle from dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory dies under the sword of Gen­eral Li, mak­ing Gen­eral Li try, per­haps he.”„Good!” Say­ing that truly brooks no in­ter­ven­tion: „Gen­eral Li, then do not de­cline, teaches my son, if you can de­feat him, I must layer on layer enjoy!”I knit the brows, is Luis this wants to make me make a boner? Ac­tu­ally my carte and tierce is what kind, which these NPC know, but is Luis also dis­cov­ered that son truly is fierce, there­fore wants to make me front make a boner in the au­di­ences of Em­pire Armed forces, since has rubbed I al­ways the spirit, but such being the case, that is im­po­lite!„Clang!”The Longchi sword comes out of the sheath, I have not used town Yue Dao, I had looked at the carte and tierce of shal­low for­est a mo­ment ago, to be hon­est my han­dle sword has suf­ficed!„Palace guard com­mands the gen­eral, I am im­po­lite!” The shal­low for­est smiles, the foot­steps slides sud­denly over­ran, the sword blade edge de­liv­ers, at­trac­tive one time asks the way.
My Longchi sword pen­du­lum, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the under foot skids gen­tly, rear area tows the long sword of shal­low for­est to think me to lean in­ge­niously to punc­ture, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the body a nu­mer­ous elbow struck the bang to ap­proach the chest of shal­low for­est in a flash.
The shal­low for­est is star­tled slightly, speed not slow Shan Zhangge keeps off, si­mul­ta­ne­ously with­draws the long sword is a third com­pany cuts, the at­tack speed cer­tainly, the angle is quickly cun­ning, this boy has prac­ticed with many carte and tierce mas­ters, oth­er­wise is im­pos­si­ble to achieve such cul­ti­va­tion is the de­gree, is good be­cause of the match is I, Longchi Jian­ping lifts, the cir­cling straight thrust, „clang” twisted the long sword of shal­low for­est sud­denly, this was en­tan­gling sword in loose wind swords­man­ship.
Tak­ing ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity area, the shal­low for­est lost the per­sonal ap­pear­ance, the ur­gent under this boy as if also lost calmly, takes ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity hur­riedly is a palm, mumps vig­or­ously, he started mumps the at­tack to work loose my en­tan­gling sword.
Area my also strength, the strength of Saint ter­ri­tory starts, the nu­mer­ous fist rum­bles!
The cy­clone ex­plodes, the strength and mump­ing of shal­low for­est Saint ter­ri­tory surges in the same place, will blow pe­riph­ery the au­di­ences the cloak to fly up­wards, even the tent was also stirred whistling makes noise, the shal­low for­est will draw back sev­eral steps con­tin­u­ally, the com­plex­ion some­what will be slightly pale, im­me­di­ately the sword blade edge will turn over to the sheath, will hold the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Many thanks Gen­eral Li ad­vises, my I truly am not the match of Gen­eral Li!”
I com­mended looked at his one eyes, this boy was ac­tu­ally good, can lose.
Truly duke laughs: „Li Xiao Yao com­mands re­ally the highly skilled, too, later I can as­sign the human to re­ward thank you to de­liver to palace guard Shuai Zhang to go, as for the shal­low for­est, you leads to de­fend with the fa­ther to­gether in armed forces, so long as we look how here the au­di­ences will take this Lin­hai city then.”
Shal­low for­est ac­tu­ally kneel­ing -ly said: „Fa­ther, I do not want to keep the armed forces, I think that I want to lead my own sol­dier to go to the palace guard, fol­lows Gen­eral Li some much study carte and tierces . More­over the feat of arms o
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hutan dangkal agak kecil bahagia, memegang tangan di sisi lain untuk mengatakan dengan tersenyum: "? Bisa ayah, membuat saya pergi ke pertempuran sekarang"
Luis berdiri di sana malu, benar-benar terlihat sampai benar-benar, mengatakan: "Meskipun saya bukan pertandingan jenderal muda, pada umumnya tapi yang marshal, kekaisaran perintah tingkat sebenarnya carte dan pencapaian Tierce sangat tinggi dari orang, mungkin pertandingan dari jenderal muda. "
" Siapa? "
" penjaga Istana perintah Jenderal Li Xiao Yao , raksasa darah Kyle dari wilayah iblis yang berbeda meninggal di bawah pedang Umum Li, membuat General Li mencoba, mungkin dia ".
" Baik! "Mengatakan yang benar-benar brooks ada intervensi:" General Li, maka jangan menurun, mengajarkan anak saya, jika Anda dapat mengalahkannya, saya harus lapisan pada lapisan menikmati! "
aku merajut alis, adalah Luis ini ingin membuat saya membuat kesalahan yg bodoh? Sebenarnya carte dan Tierce adalah jenis, yang NPC ini tahu, tetapi Luis juga menemukan anak yang benar-benar sengit, karena ingin membuat saya depan membuat kesalahan yg bodoh di khalayak pasukan Empire Bersenjata, karena telah digosok saya selalu semangat, tapi seperti yang terjadi, yang sopan!
pedang Longchi keluar dari sarungnya, saya belum pernah menggunakan kota Yue Dao, saya telah melihat di carte dan Tierce hutan dangkal saat yang lalu, jujur ​​saya menangani pedang telah mencukupi!
"penjaga Istana perintah umum, saya tidak sopan!" senyum hutan dangkal, jejak slide tiba-tiba menyerbu, tepi pedang pisau memberikan, menarik satu kali meminta jalan.
saya Longchi pedang pendulum, secara bersamaan di bawah kaki meluncur lembut, area belakang TOWS pedang panjang hutan dangkal berpikir saya untuk bersandar cerdik untuk menusuk, secara bersamaan tubuh yang banyak siku memukul bang untuk mendekati dada hutan dangkal dalam sekejap.
hutan dangkal terkejut sedikit , kecepatan tidak lambat Shan Zhangge terus off, secara bersamaan menarik diri pedang panjang adalah pemotongan perusahaan ketiga, kecepatan serangan pasti, sudut adalah cepat licik, anak ini telah dipraktekkan dengan banyak carte dan Tierce master, jika tidak mungkin untuk mencapai budidaya tersebut adalah gelar, baik karena pertandingan adalah saya, Longchi Jianping lift, dorong lurus berputar-putar, "dentang" memutar pedang panjang hutan dangkal tiba-tiba, ini melibatkan pedang dalam ilmu pedang angin longgar.
Mengambil keuntungan dari daerah kesempatan, dangkal hutan kehilangan penampilan pribadi, yang mendesak di bawah anak ini seolah-olah juga kehilangan dengan tenang, mengambil keuntungan dari kesempatan buru-buru adalah telapak tangan, gondok penuh semangat, ia mulai gondok serangan untuk bekerja longgar pedang melibatkan saya.
daerah saya juga kekuatan, kekuatan Saint wilayah dimulai, banyak tinju bergemuruh!
topan meledak, kekuatan dan mumping hutan dangkal Saint wilayah lonjakan di tempat yang sama, akan meniup pinggiran penonton jubah untuk terbang ke atas, bahkan tenda juga diaduk bersiul merek kebisingan, hutan dangkal akan menarik kembali beberapa langkah terus menerus, kulit agak akan sedikit pucat, segera tepi pedang pisau akan menyerahkan ke sarungnya, akan mengadakan tinju di sisi lain mengatakan: "Banyak terima kasih Umum Li menyarankan, saya ! saya benar-benar tidak pertandingan Jenderal Li "
. saya memuji menatap satu matanya, anak ini benar-benar baik, bisa kehilangan
sesungguhnya duke tertawa:" Li Xiao Yao perintah benar-benar terampil, juga, kemudian saya dapat menetapkan manusia untuk hadiah terima kasih untuk menyampaikan kepada pengawal istana Shuai Zhang untuk pergi, seperti untuk hutan dangkal, Anda mengarah untuk membela dengan ayah bersama-sama dalam angkatan bersenjata, asalkan kita melihat bagaimana di sini penonton akan mengambil kota Linhai ini kemudian. "
dangkal hutan benar-benar berlutut -ly mengatakan: "Ayah, aku tidak ingin menyimpan angkatan bersenjata, saya berpikir bahwa saya ingin memimpin tentara saya sendiri untuk pergi ke pengawal istana, berikut Umum Li beberapa banyak carte studi dan tierce. Apalagi prestasi senjata o
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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