I spend the rest of the afternoon going through my ideas with Delores  terjemahan - I spend the rest of the afternoon going through my ideas with Delores  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I spend the rest of the afternoon g

I spend the rest of the afternoon going through my ideas with Delores and Buddy.
They have an old computer in the back room, so we get on and map out all the different big events and festivals coming up in this area over the next couple of months.
“See, there’s a lot of end-of-summer events coming up on the bigger beaches,” I say. “With your license, you should be able to contact them and see if you can get on as a vendor. If nothing else, you could take your food cart up there and set up somewhere in town unofficially.”
“You don’t think it’s going to be a big risk to spend all that money getting the menu together and gas for the trip and everything?”
“The key is to be smart about what you serve. Only stick to your simplest, best items,” I say. “A few things you can make ahead of time and then just heat up on demand. Things that don’t take too many expensive ingredients. The kinds of foods that will appeal to people outside enjoying a day on the beach.”
“Crab cake burgers,” Buddy says. “It’s one of Delores’ most popular summer dishes. We could freeze the patties ahead of time and just heat them up on the grill when we get there.”
I nod. “Exactly. If you can come up with three or four good items like that where you won’t be wasting any food if you don’t sell out, you won’t be in danger of losing any money,” I say. “And at these festivals, you can charge a premium. One of the problems I see from the menu you used at that spring break event is that you were really undercharging for everything. No one charges less than a dollar for a can of soda at these things. You could probably sell cold bottles of water for a dollar each and if you get bottles of Coke instead of cans, you could probably sell those for two dollars each.”
“Two dollars?” Delores asks. She presses her lips together and settles her hands on her hips. “We can get those wholesale for less than forty cents a bottle.”
“Right, so every one you sell at two dollars is major profit,” I say. “Which you desperately need right now.”
“Well, I don’t want to be screwing people just to get ahead,” she says.
I want to laugh at how innocent and perfect she is, but this is a serious matter. “Delores, you aren’t screwing people. Two dollars is a fair price at an outdoor event like this. Besides, you’re not trying to just get ahead. You’re trying to save your diner.”
Her face becomes serious and she nods. “Okay, what else?”
I go through the rest of the menu with them while Mason creates a calendar of all the upcoming events along the Alabama coast for the next two months.
“The more of these you can get to, the better,” I say. “And when you get a little bit of money, I want you to spend some of it on flyers you can hand out, telling people where to find this diner. Trust me, when they taste your food, they’re going to want to stop by and visit this place. And if you get ahead, maybe you can invest a little bit of money into having the floors cleaned up or putting in new tables and such.”
She nods, but I see fear in her eyes.
“Try to keep an eye out for any catering jobs. Parties, birthdays, that sort of thing.” I put my hand on hers and squeeze. “It’s going to be okay, Delores. I won’t let you lose this place.”
“Heaven must have brought you through those doors to me,” she says, squeezing my hand. “And here I thought you were just some snooty little tourist when I first met you, thinking you were turning your nose up at my tap water.”
I laugh. I don’t tell her that’s exactly what I was doing.
But who knew how much ten days could really change a person?
I’m kind of starting to like the person I’m becoming.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Aku menghabiskan seluruh sore hari melalui ide-ide saya dengan Delores dan Buddy.Mereka memiliki komputer lama di ruang belakang, sehingga kita mendapatkan dan memetakan semua peristiwa-peristiwa besar yang berbeda dan festival datang di daerah ini selama beberapa bulan."Lihat, ada banyak kejadian akhir-of-musim panas yang datang di pantai lebih besar," kataku. "Dengan lisensi Anda, Anda harus dapat menghubungi mereka dan melihat apakah Anda bisa mendapatkan sebagai vendor. Jika tidak ada yang lain, Anda bisa mengambil keranjang makanan Anda di sana dan mendirikan suatu tempat di kota secara tidak resmi.""Anda tidak berpikir itu akan menjadi besar risiko untuk menghabiskan semua uang itu berkumpul menu dan gas untuk perjalanan dan segalanya?""Kunci adalah untuk menjadi pintar tentang apa yang Anda layani. Hanya menempel item Anda sederhana, terbaik,"kataku. "Beberapa hal yang Anda dapat membuat depan waktu dan kemudian hanya panas pada permintaan. Hal-hal yang tidak mengambil terlalu banyak bahan-bahan mahal. Jenis-jenis makanan yang akan menarik bagi orang-orang di luar menikmati hari di pantai.""Kepiting burger kue," kata Buddy. "Ini adalah salah satu hidangan musim panas paling populer Delores'. Kita bisa membekukan roti depan waktu dan hanya memanaskan mereka di atas panggangan ketika kami sampai di sana."Aku mengangguk. "Persis. Jika Anda bisa datang dengan tiga atau empat baik item seperti yang mana Anda tidak akan membuang makanan jika Anda tidak menjual, Anda tidak akan dalam bahaya kehilangan uang,"kataku. "Dan di Festival ini, Anda dapat mengisi premi. Salah satu masalah yang saya lihat dari menu yang digunakan pada acara liburan musim semi itu adalah bahwa Anda benar-benar undercharging untuk semuanya. Tidak ada biaya kurang dari satu dolar untuk sekaleng soda pada hal-hal ini. Anda mungkin bisa menjual botol air dingin untuk dolar dan jika Anda mendapatkan botol Coke bukan kaleng, Anda mungkin bisa menjual untuk dua dolar.""Dua dolar?" Meminta Delores. Dia menekan bibirnya bersama-sama dan mengendap tangannya pada pinggul. "Kita bisa mendapatkan mereka grosir untuk kurang dari empat puluh sen botol.""Benar, sehingga setiap orang yang Anda Jual di dua dolar keuntungan utama," kataku. "Yang Anda sangat membutuhkan sekarang.""Yah, aku tidak ingin akan mengacaukan orang hanya untuk maju," katanya.Aku ingin tertawa pada bagaimana tidak bersalah dan sempurna dia, tapi ini adalah masalah serius. "Delores, Anda tidak meniduri orang. Dua dolar adalah harga yang adil di acara outdoor seperti ini. Selain itu, Anda tidak mencoba untuk hanya maju. Anda mencoba untuk menyimpan Restoran Anda."Wajahnya menjadi serius dan Dia mengangguk. "Oke, apa lagi?"Aku pergi melalui seluruh menu dengan mereka sementara Mason menciptakan kalender semua acara mendatang sepanjang pesisir Alabama selama dua bulan.“The more of these you can get to, the better,” I say. “And when you get a little bit of money, I want you to spend some of it on flyers you can hand out, telling people where to find this diner. Trust me, when they taste your food, they’re going to want to stop by and visit this place. And if you get ahead, maybe you can invest a little bit of money into having the floors cleaned up or putting in new tables and such.”She nods, but I see fear in her eyes.“Try to keep an eye out for any catering jobs. Parties, birthdays, that sort of thing.” I put my hand on hers and squeeze. “It’s going to be okay, Delores. I won’t let you lose this place.”“Heaven must have brought you through those doors to me,” she says, squeezing my hand. “And here I thought you were just some snooty little tourist when I first met you, thinking you were turning your nose up at my tap water.”I laugh. I don’t tell her that’s exactly what I was doing.But who knew how much ten days could really change a person?I’m kind of starting to like the person I’m becoming.
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