Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
She refused to talk to him for the duration of the drive to Rick and Lisa’s home. It was only as he slid the car through their security gates, that she turned toward him desperately.“Sandro, please don’t do this…” she begged, her beautiful eyes appealing for mercy. The stony expression on his face went even grimmer and he reached out a blunt forefinger to gently trace the delicate line of her jaw before turning away from her and getting out of the car. She was devastated by his lack of response and climbed out numbly when he came round to open the door for her. He took her hand but she tensed and tried to drag her hand out of his grip. For a moment, when his hand tightened around hers, she didn’t think he would allow it but he reluctantly released her and instead placed one large hand in the small of her rigid back, steering her towards the front steps, which led up to the house.Lisa had been expecting her and was waiting in the doorway with a huge smile on her face. She still retained the few kilograms that she had picked up during her pregnancy but she fairly radiated happiness and good health. She greeted Theresa effusively, enveloping her in a warm hug and spared a slight smile for Sandro who loomed above both of them.“Alessandro, what a surprise,” she nodded politely. “I didn’t expect to see you today.”“I took the day off,” he responded easily. “And when I heard Theresa was coming for a visit I thought I’d come along with her and see that baby of yours again.” Again? Theresa wasn’t aware that Sandro had bothered seeing Rhys before now and she frowned in confusion, wondering why Lisa hadn’t mentioned it to her before. “Also, I had some business I needed to discuss with you.” Theresa tensed at the last bit but Lisa simply smiled and nodded, making Theresa wish that she had called ahead to warn her cousin of the impending disaster.Why would Sandro do this now? When he was getting everything he could possibly want? What merit was there in destroying Lisa’s business? She looked up into his relaxed face and wondered if she could possibly have misread the situation but what other business could he possibly have to discuss with her cousin?Lisa led them into the house and Sandro immediately gravitated toward the three-month old baby who was seated in a blue baby seat which was placed on the coffee table in the living room. His entire face seemed to light up at the sight of the infant and Theresa watched in fascination as he sank to his haunches until his face was level with the baby’s head.“He’s grown a fair bit since I saw him last,” Sandro observed in delight, reaching out to grab one of the infant’s flailing hands."Yah, aku harus berharap demikian karena dia tidak pernah berhenti makan," Lisa grimaced dan Sandro tertawa. Theresa mengambil langkah ke belakang, merasa seperti dia telah baru saja melangkah ke beberapa alternatif alam semesta. Sandro crooning turun di Rhys dalam bahasa Italia dan bayi adalah menatap dia raptly, matanya hijau unblinking. "Akan salah satu dari Anda ingin minum sesuatu?" Lisa bertanya dengan sopan dan Theresa menggelengkan kepalanya numbly, menonton sementara Sandro gesit meluruhkan tali kursi bayi dan mengangkat bayi dalam pelukannya."Kopi akan bagus," ia mengangguk, goyang bayi sangat. Rhys dibuat ambil tidak terkoordinasi untuk Sandro's rambut dan dikelola untuk menempel ke fistful kecil itu. Sandro grimaced ramah dan mengatakan sesuatu dorongan kepada bayi dalam bahasa Italia, sementara ia mencapai untuk melonggarkan cengkeraman bayi. Lisa minta diri untuk pergi ke dapur tapi Theresa hampir tidak mendengar dia, dia terlalu sibuk dumbly mengawasi suaminya dengan bayi."Aku tidak tahu Anda menyukai anak-anak," ia berbisik, salah satu tangannya sambil lalu menjatuhkan untuk perutnya masih datar dalam sikap pelindung yang ia tidak bisa lewatkan."Saya suka bayi cukup baik," ia bersungut santai. "Saya sangat menyukai mereka sebenarnya." Dia mencoba untuk menyembunyikan menusuk rasa sakit pada kata-katanya."Setiap bayi kecuali saya, tentu saja" dia bersungut setengah-pelan dan ia sabar, dihirup matanya melebar dengan kemarahan yang terkandung karena bayi dalam pelukannya.“If you’re going to be making asinine comments like that please make them when I have both hands free to throttle the life out of you,” he said in the most personable, baby-friendly voice he could manage. He sat down on the sofa still holding Rhys in his arms and feeling a flare of possessive resentment; Theresa made her way over to him and held her arms out for the baby.“I would like to hold my nephew, if you don’t mind,” she informed coldly and he raised one arrogant brow, before standing up and gently depositing the serene baby into her arms. She sat down gingerly in the chair opposite the sofa and cooed at the sweet baby she held in her arms. Sandro stood up and stretched lazily.“While you’re busy in here, I think I’ll go and have that chat with Elisa,” she looked up in alarm but he was smiling gently down at her, his eyes warm with some emotion she had a hard time defining.“Sandro,” she began quietly.“You stay in here with Rhys,” he murmured softly. “I don’t want you getting upset by anything Lisa and I may have to say to each other.” Before she could utter another word of protest he was gone. Theresa got up nervously, holding the baby to her chest. Much as she strained and strained she could not hear a single sound from the direction of the kitchen and she slowly began to move toward the kitchen as well. She was just outside the slightly ajar door when the sounds of their quiet voices finally reached her.“But I don’t understand why?” Lisa was asking, sounding baffled but, strangely enough, not too upset. “I still have at least a year within which to finish the loan, it’s a substantial amount of money, so I don’t see why you would do this?” Theresa bit her lip, wanting to intervene but not sure how anything she could do or say would persuade Sandro to change his mind. She felt helpless and furious and strangely hurt that he would carry out his threat anyway.“It’s the right thing to do,” Sandro’s deep voice rumbled quietly in response to Lisa’s question. “I gave you the loan for all the wrong reasons. Reasons which I now… regret… I can’t in good conscience allow it to continue.”“So let me pay it and we can put it behind us,” Lisa implored and Sandro said something which Theresa didn’t quite catch.“Sandro, this is crazy,” Lisa was starting to sound upset and Theresa braced herself, prepared to enter the fray come hell or high water. Sandro’s next words cut her short though.“Elisa, please, you have to let me do this…” he sounded… desperate.“It doesn’t feel right,” Lisa was saying and Theresa frowned in confusion. What on earth was going on here?“I’ve drawn up the papers, it’s practically a done deal,” he was saying urgently.“I have to think about it and discuss it with Rick, of course,” Lisa was saying softly.“Of course,” Sandro agreed amicably and realising that their conversation was at an end, Theresa very quickly made her way back to the living room. She was back in the chair and gently rocking a contentedly gurgling Rhys when the other two appeared. She sat up abruptly, her wide eyes flying from one face to the other. They both looked annoyingly relaxed and neither face revealed much. Sandro placed the tray that he was holding onto the coffee table and sat down on the same sofa he’d occupied earlier. Lisa sat down next to him and busied herself with the tray, placing a tall glass of orange juice on the coffee table in front of Theresa.“Don’t argue,” Sandro intervened when she opened her mouth to protest. “It’s good for you.” He helped himself to the coffee while he and Lisa proceeded to chat like old friends. Theresa sat there seething, hating to be so thoroughly excluded.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t join you yesterday, Theresa,” Lisa suddenly said. “How did your check up go?” Theresa glared at her cousin for bringing up the topic in front of Sandro, who sat up and watched her like a hawk as he waited for her to respond.
“It was okay,” she murmured awkwardly.
“What did he say about the dizzy spells?” Lisa asked and Theresa was aware of Sandro tensing up like a coiled spring at the question.
“Nothing important,” she responded evasively, keeping her eyes on the baby in her arms.
“What dizzy spells?” Sandro suddenly asked in a dangerous voice.
“She’s been feeling faint for most of the last two months,” Lisa helpfully informed and Theresa gritted her teeth.
“And you didn’t think to tell me?” Sandro suddenly snapped furiously.
“I didn’t think you’d care,” Theresa muttered miserably and Sandro swore venomously beneath his breath.
“She didn’t think I’d care,” he repeated incredulously. “Oh my God, woman… you assumed that I would not care about something that directly impacts your health and the baby’s well-being?”
“Of course, I know you’d care if anything happens to the baby but I didn’t want to worry you about something that I know is not a big deal.”
“And how do you know that? Did you obtain a degree in medicine sometime over the last three months? Of course I’ve seen you so rarely lately that you could have gotten a degree in quantum physics and I wouldn’t have known!” Lisa choked back an entirely irreverent giggle at that and both Theresa and Sandro glared at her.
“Sandro, I told you… I’ll take care of the baby and myself. You needn’t worry about it. Your responsibility toward me, us, is at an end,” she reminded logically.
“We’re still married,” he pointed out. “And I think I’ll decide when and where my responsibility toward you and the baby will end. From now on, you will keep me fully appraised of what’s going on with your and the baby’s health.”
“No,” she maintained stubbornly. “It’s none of your business. You made it clear that the only reason you ever wanted me to get pregnant was to escape from this marriage, so why don’t you leave me alone w
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