RECAPIt is wortwhile to consider this list of possible functions of th terjemahan - RECAPIt is wortwhile to consider this list of possible functions of th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

RECAPIt is wortwhile to consider th

It is wortwhile to consider this list of possible functions of the introduction. If you do not know your students well, you ought to pay attention to “establishing teacher-pupils relationship”. If your students should be more interested or attentive, you may want to use your introduction for “prompting student attention”. You should consider your students’ interests and motivation. If the nature of the topic is known to your students, you will use your introduction for “exposing essential content.” The highly abstract advance organizer is a useful form of instroduction. And, if you think your students may not see the connection between what they already know and the topic, you may use the introduction for “prompting awareness of relevant knowledge or experience.” This practice would evoke schemata to help encode the material to be learned.
After the introduction the teacher comes to the body of the lecture. We shall consider coverage of the content, providing for a logical organization, making that organization explicit, and maintaining attention.
Covering the Content
Lectures should cover what is to be learned. But this rule applies only to lectures that are not to be supplemented by reading. If the students can read the content in a text book or else where, this idea loses some of its force. Many experiments have manipulated the degree to which teachers covered the material (that is, provided content relevant to the test). These experiments found that students regularly did better when content was better covered. Thus, “ content typically had a large impact on achievement...’’(Abrami, Leventhal & Perry, 1982, p. 454). It takes no great wisdom to predict that the questions more throughly covered by the teachers were more frequently answered correctly by the students.
The same phenomenon was found in a twelve-nation study of achievement in mathematics (Husen, 1967). Question rated higher by teachers and students in terms of the students’ opportunity to learn what questions covered were indeed answered correctly more often by the students.
In short, lecturers should provide the content (facts, concepts, principles) that they want students to learn, especially if the lecture is their only source of this content. This variable, sometimes called “time on target”, will always be an important factor in learning.
Providing a Logical Organization
Almost everyone would agree that a lecture should be well “organized”. All of us have heard well-organized lectures-those whose structure made good sense, held together in a logical way, and seemed to be “going somewhere”. We have also heard lectures that were hard to follow because the ideas seemed to jump around. Buxton (1956, p. 148) put it this way: “ the goal of lecturing is, after all, communication, and it is likely to be more effective if there is an evident order or sequence...Skinner (1968, p. 107) stated that “Material which is well organized is also, of course, easier to learn.” But Nisbet disagreed.
I think irresistibly of three or four great teachers of this century i have been privileged to know: Gilbert Lewis in chemistry, Edward Tolman in psychology. Carl Sauer in geography, A.L. Kroeber in antrophology. Not one of them would have passed muster on clear organization of subject matter. Seminal minds are almost never very clear in their organization of subject matter. How could they be and at the same time leave generations of students...with the feeling that in knowledge as in a woman’s beauty there is something wonderful and beckoning that eludes precise classification? (1967, p. 31)
In E. Thompson’s study (1960), organization was manipulted by taking a well-organized speech (Version 1) and “randomly rearranging the order of sentences within each main point” (Version 2), and then making the organization even worse by “randomly rearranging the order of sentences within the introduction, body, and conclusion of the speech” ( Version 3). Finally, the original speech was given transitions-simple statements describing the points to be covered-after the introduction and before and after the development of each point in the well-organized speech (Version 4). The organizational value of transitional statements that high light and emphasize the structure of a message had been found by Thistlethwaite, deHaan, and Kamenetzky (1955) to improve comprehension.
After listening to the speech, Thompson’s subject, college students in a beginning speech course, were measured with a comprehension test. The average comprehension scores ranked according to amount of transition and structure in the speeches. In short, structure helped, and also did transitional statements that highlighted the relationships among units in the speech. Also, the students recognized an unstructured speech and thought less well of it on that account. The important role of organization in fostering memory was discussed in Chapter 13.
The teacher can organize the body of a lecture in many different ways. Some of these were described by Goyer (1966) in developing a test of ability to organize ideas:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
RECAPIt is wortwhile to consider this list of possible functions of the introduction. If you do not know your students well, you ought to pay attention to “establishing teacher-pupils relationship”. If your students should be more interested or attentive, you may want to use your introduction for “prompting student attention”. You should consider your students’ interests and motivation. If the nature of the topic is known to your students, you will use your introduction for “exposing essential content.” The highly abstract advance organizer is a useful form of instroduction. And, if you think your students may not see the connection between what they already know and the topic, you may use the introduction for “prompting awareness of relevant knowledge or experience.” This practice would evoke schemata to help encode the material to be learned.THE BODY OF THE LECTUREAfter the introduction the teacher comes to the body of the lecture. We shall consider coverage of the content, providing for a logical organization, making that organization explicit, and maintaining attention.Covering the ContentLectures should cover what is to be learned. But this rule applies only to lectures that are not to be supplemented by reading. If the students can read the content in a text book or else where, this idea loses some of its force. Many experiments have manipulated the degree to which teachers covered the material (that is, provided content relevant to the test). These experiments found that students regularly did better when content was better covered. Thus, “ content typically had a large impact on achievement...’’(Abrami, Leventhal & Perry, 1982, p. 454). It takes no great wisdom to predict that the questions more throughly covered by the teachers were more frequently answered correctly by the students. The same phenomenon was found in a twelve-nation study of achievement in mathematics (Husen, 1967). Question rated higher by teachers and students in terms of the students’ opportunity to learn what questions covered were indeed answered correctly more often by the students. In short, lecturers should provide the content (facts, concepts, principles) that they want students to learn, especially if the lecture is their only source of this content. This variable, sometimes called “time on target”, will always be an important factor in learning.Providing a Logical OrganizationAlmost everyone would agree that a lecture should be well “organized”. All of us have heard well-organized lectures-those whose structure made good sense, held together in a logical way, and seemed to be “going somewhere”. We have also heard lectures that were hard to follow because the ideas seemed to jump around. Buxton (1956, p. 148) put it this way: “ the goal of lecturing is, after all, communication, and it is likely to be more effective if there is an evident order or sequence...Skinner (1968, p. 107) stated that “Material which is well organized is also, of course, easier to learn.” But Nisbet disagreed.I think irresistibly of three or four great teachers of this century i have been privileged to know: Gilbert Lewis in chemistry, Edward Tolman in psychology. Carl Sauer in geography, A.L. Kroeber in antrophology. Not one of them would have passed muster on clear organization of subject matter. Seminal minds are almost never very clear in their organization of subject matter. How could they be and at the same time leave generations of students...with the feeling that in knowledge as in a woman’s beauty there is something wonderful and beckoning that eludes precise classification? (1967, p. 31) In E. Thompson’s study (1960), organization was manipulted by taking a well-organized speech (Version 1) and “randomly rearranging the order of sentences within each main point” (Version 2), and then making the organization even worse by “randomly rearranging the order of sentences within the introduction, body, and conclusion of the speech” ( Version 3). Finally, the original speech was given transitions-simple statements describing the points to be covered-after the introduction and before and after the development of each point in the well-organized speech (Version 4). The organizational value of transitional statements that high light and emphasize the structure of a message had been found by Thistlethwaite, deHaan, and Kamenetzky (1955) to improve comprehension. After listening to the speech, Thompson’s subject, college students in a beginning speech course, were measured with a comprehension test. The average comprehension scores ranked according to amount of transition and structure in the speeches. In short, structure helped, and also did transitional statements that highlighted the relationships among units in the speech. Also, the students recognized an unstructured speech and thought less well of it on that account. The important role of organization in fostering memory was discussed in Chapter 13. The teacher can organize the body of a lecture in many different ways. Some of these were described by Goyer (1966) in developing a test of ability to organize ideas:
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hal ini wortwhile untuk mempertimbangkan daftar ini mungkin fungsi dari pendahuluan. Jika Anda tidak tahu siswa dengan baik, Anda harus memperhatikan "membangun guru-murid hubungan". Jika siswa Anda harus lebih tertarik atau penuh perhatian, Anda mungkin ingin menggunakan pengantar untuk "mendorong perhatian mahasiswa". Anda harus mempertimbangkan kepentingan dan motivasi siswa Anda '. Jika sifat topik diketahui siswa Anda, Anda akan menggunakan pengantar untuk "mengekspos konten penting." Penyelenggara muka yang sangat abstrak adalah bentuk yang berguna instroduction. Dan, jika Anda berpikir siswa Anda mungkin tidak melihat hubungan antara apa yang mereka sudah tahu dan topik, Anda dapat menggunakan pengantar untuk "mendorong kesadaran pengetahuan atau pengalaman yang relevan." Praktek ini akan membangkitkan skemata untuk membantu mengkodekan bahan yang akan dipelajari .
Setelah pengenalan guru datang ke tubuh kuliah. Kami akan mempertimbangkan cakupan konten, menyediakan untuk organisasi logis, membuat organisasi yang eksplisit, dan mempertahankan perhatian.
Meliputi Konten
Kuliah harus mencakup apa yang harus dipelajari. Tapi aturan ini hanya berlaku untuk kuliah yang tidak dilengkapi dengan membaca. Jika siswa dapat membaca konten dalam buku teks atau yang lain di mana, ide ini kehilangan beberapa kekuatannya. Banyak percobaan telah dimanipulasi sejauh mana guru tertutup material (yang, disediakan konten yang relevan dengan tes). Percobaan ini menemukan bahwa siswa secara teratur melakukan lebih baik ketika konten yang lebih baik tertutup. Dengan demikian, "isi biasanya memiliki dampak besar pada prestasi ... '' (Abrami, Leventhal & Perry, 1982, hal. 454). Dibutuhkan tidak kebijaksanaan untuk memprediksi bahwa lebih banyak pertanyaan-benar tertutup oleh guru lebih sering dijawab dengan benar oleh siswa.
Fenomena yang sama ditemukan dalam studi dua belas negara prestasi dalam matematika (Husen, 1967). Pertanyaan dinilai lebih tinggi oleh guru dan siswa dalam hal kesempatan siswa untuk mempelajari apa pertanyaan tertutup memang menjawab dengan benar lebih sering oleh siswa.
Singkatnya, dosen harus menyediakan konten (fakta, konsep, prinsip) bahwa mereka ingin siswa untuk belajar , terutama jika kuliah adalah satu-satunya sumber konten ini. Variabel ini, kadang-kadang disebut "waktu pada target", akan selalu menjadi faktor penting dalam belajar.
Menyediakan Organisasi logis
Hampir semua orang akan setuju bahwa kuliah harus baik "yang diselenggarakan". Semua dari kita telah mendengar terorganisir kuliah-orang yang strukturnya masuk akal baik, yang diselenggarakan bersama-sama dengan cara yang logis, dan tampaknya "pergi ke suatu tempat". Kami juga telah mendengar ceramah yang sulit untuk diikuti karena ide-ide tampaknya melompat-lompat. Buxton (. 1956, p 148) begini: "tujuan kuliah adalah, setelah semua, komunikasi, dan mungkin akan lebih efektif jika ada pesanan jelas atau urutan ... Skinner (1968, p. 107) menyatakan bahwa "Material yang terorganisasi dengan baik juga, tentu saja, lebih mudah untuk belajar." Tapi Nisbet tidak setuju.
Saya pikir tak tertahankan dari tiga atau empat guru besar abad ini saya memiliki hak istimewa untuk mengetahui: Gilbert Lewis dalam kimia, Edward Tolman dalam psikologi. Carl Sauer pada geografi, AL Kroeber dalam antropologi. Tidak salah satu dari mereka akan berlalu kerahkan pada organisasi yang jelas dari materi pelajaran. Pikiran mani yang hampir tidak pernah sangat jelas dalam organisasi mereka dari materi pelajaran. Bagaimana mereka bisa dan pada saat yang sama meninggalkan generasi siswa ... dengan perasaan bahwa pengetahuan seperti kecantikan seorang wanita ada sesuatu yang indah dan memanggil yang terhindar dari klasifikasi yang tepat? (1967, p. 31)
Dalam penelitian E. Thompson (1960), organisasi itu manipulted dengan mengambil pidato terorganisir (Versi 1) dan "secara acak menata ulang urutan kalimat dalam setiap titik utama" (Versi 2), dan kemudian membuat organisasi lebih buruk oleh "acak menata ulang urutan kalimat dalam pengenalan, tubuh, dan kesimpulan dari pidato" (Versi 3). Akhirnya, pidato asli diberi transisi-sederhana pernyataan yang menggambarkan poin yang akan dibahas-setelah pengenalan dan sebelum dan sesudah pengembangan setiap titik dalam pidato terorganisir (Versi 4). Nilai organisasi pernyataan transisi yang cahaya tinggi dan menekankan struktur pesan telah ditemukan oleh Thistlethwaite, DeHaan, dan Kamenetzky (1955) untuk meningkatkan pemahaman.
Setelah mendengarkan pidato, subjek, mahasiswa Thompson dalam kursus pidato dimulai, diukur dengan tes pemahaman. Skor pemahaman rata peringkat menurut jumlah transisi dan struktur dalam pidato. Singkatnya, struktur membantu, dan juga melakukan pernyataan transisi yang menyoroti hubungan antara unit-unit dalam pidato. Juga, siswa diakui pidato terstruktur dan berpikir kurang baik dari pada akun itu. Peran penting dari organisasi dalam membina memori dibahas dalam Bab 13.
Guru dapat mengatur tubuh kuliah dalam berbagai cara. Beberapa dari mereka yang dijelaskan oleh Goyer (1966) dalam mengembangkan tes kemampuan untuk mengatur ide-ide:
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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