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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
2.2.4. Operational Definitions. Standard operational definitionswere adopted for key variables to maintain consistencyand uniformity of the information.Poor. Poor was defined as those having income less than40,933 Nepalese Rupees per annum [20].Current Smoker. Current smokers were defined as those whoreported smoking any tobacco product within last 30 days.Respondents who reported smoking at least 100 cigarettesin their lifetime and who, at the time of the survey, did notsmoke were defined as past smoker [21].Current Alcohol Drinkers. Those who consumed alcoholwithin last 30 days were considered current alcohol drinkers[21].Sufficient Fruit and Vegetables Intake. Intake of at least 400 gmof fruit and vegetables in a day was regarded as sufficient [22].Sufficient Physical Activity. Sufficient physical activity wasdefined as ≥600METs of moderate and vigorous activity ina week [18].Hypertension. The diagnostic criterion for hypertension wasset as a systolic blood pressure ≥ 140mmHg and/or a diastolicblood pressure ≥ 90mmHg as recommended by JointNational Committee-VII. Those research participants whowere using antihypertensive medicine were also consideredas hypertensive [23].Diabetes. Self-reported status or the use of any antidiabeticmedication was the diagnostic criteria for diabetes.
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