ALL procedures shall be approved by all Parties prior to execution of  terjemahan - ALL procedures shall be approved by all Parties prior to execution of  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ALL procedures shall be approved by

ALL procedures shall be approved by all Parties prior to execution of the WORKS. CONTRACTOR is required to conduct a
constructability and SIMOPS workshop prior to mobilization with COMPANY assistance.
Contractor to collect information and lessons learned from COMPANY field and engineering operation team and as
far as it is practicable to incorporate them into the actual WORK execution. CONTRACTOR shall also to ensure that all of
the works required can be done without disturbing daily COMPANY's Field operation activity.
CONTRACTOR shall also to perform regular house-keeping of the work site area to maintain a safe and neat working
environment for all personnel.
3.2 Specific Work Scope Requirements
The actual field work activities e.g. construction, installation/cleaning and testing shall comply with COMPANY's
Procedures, Specification, Standard Drawing and other applicable standard and code. In addition, the actual field
activities shall also to follow common technical best practice adopted by COMPANY. in specific for piping and pipeline,
the work and material supply (e.g. pipe, valves, gasket, and others consumables materials) shall comply to ANSl/ASME
831.3, 831.4, 831.8 and API STD 1104, latest edition.
Refer to Appendix-E for detail list of COMPANY's Specification and Standard. In addition, CONTRACTOR shall also to
comply to reference docs listed or indicated on each COMPANY's specification, Drawings and procedures.
The piping and pipeline requirements shall also applicable for fabrication and installation the now lines or piping system
both new or remediation. CONTRACTOR shall also to execute the Field actual work in accordance with the approved
drawing, specification industry standards and documents referenced therein.
Prior any welding activities, a welding procedure shall be established and qualified (PQT) to demonstrate that welds
having suitable properties and soundness can be continuously produced, welding procedure and welder shali be
qualified under API 1104 and suction IX of the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code and relevant COMPANY's
specification. The welder must have valid MIGAS certification.
As minimum, normally team crew (cutting and welding) shall consist of:
,. 1 (one) certified welder dass 1
... 1 (one) qualified foreman
'" 1 (one) qualified fitter class 1
J. 2 (two) Welder Helpers
In certain WORK the team crew member shall be extended to in dude also:
'" 4 (four) Pipe - Helpers
.. 3 (three) Mechanical - Helpers
... 2 (two) Instrument - Helpers
.. 2 (two) Electrical - Helpers
.. 1 (one) Machinist
.. 1 (one) Drafter
All inspection and quality control required shall be arranged by CONTRACTOR in dudes to get COMPANY's personnel
representatives involvement. In addition, its also CONTRAITOR scope of responsibility to prepare applicable drawings,
procedures, test plan, test records and also any supporting docs for certification purpose. CONTRACTOR shall also to
provide all equipment and instrumentation related to inspection and quality control purpose e.g pressure testing device
and pressure chart recording, pumps .. etc .
With regards to Non Destructive Examination (NDE), the WORK may be executed by others but however its still
CONTRACTOR responsibility to lease and having work coordination with NDT personnel to avoid disturbance to
complete the WORK as planned and meeting the expected quality. The NDT Work shall be performed as per COMPANY's
procedures, specification and applicable standard code.
Flushing, cleaning, hydrostatic test, piping, draying shall be conducted by CONTRACTOR in accordance applicable
specification and standard code. CONTRACTOR shall provide the necessary test material together with pumps,
connection, instruments and other equipment, and materials, plus all labor and supervision required to conduct the test.
All test equipment shall have calibrated certificates .Pressure recorder is required to record the pressure and
temperature during hydro test.

Tie in to existing flow line or piping system shall be conducted by CON RACTOR after obtained COMPANY approval. The
approval shall to include engineering approval and site WORK execution approval. Site WORK execution approval shall be
issued by COMPANY's Operation & Maintenance personnel along with HSSE site department as per PTW procedure.
During welding piping tie-in execution, CONTRACTOR shall consider to use rubber plug to avoid leaking of the gas and
or liquid to atmosphere environment or to other facility system.
Cold cutter shall be consider to be applied for existing pipe cutting of existing pipeline or piping system. CONTRACTOR
shall prepare ditch as mitigation and or contingency plan to anticipate hydrocarbon spill and also including as gas
"isolation" during piping tie-in, pipe work system dismantling, modification and or demolition. The temporary ditch
design shall be proposed by CONTRACTOR for COMPANY review and approval. Tie in using cold cut type shall be
included in unit price for pipe installation.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ALL procedures shall be approved by all Parties prior to execution of the WORKS. CONTRACTOR is required to conduct aconstructability and SIMOPS workshop prior to mobilization with COMPANY assistance.Contractor to collect information and lessons learned from COMPANY field and engineering operation team and asfar as it is practicable to incorporate them into the actual WORK execution. CONTRACTOR shall also to ensure that all ofthe works required can be done without disturbing daily COMPANY's Field operation activity.CONTRACTOR shall also to perform regular house-keeping of the work site area to maintain a safe and neat workingenvironment for all personnel.3.2 Specific Work Scope RequirementsThe actual field work activities e.g. construction, installation/cleaning and testing shall comply with COMPANY'sProcedures, Specification, Standard Drawing and other applicable standard and code. In addition, the actual fieldactivities shall also to follow common technical best practice adopted by COMPANY. in specific for piping and pipeline,the work and material supply (e.g. pipe, valves, gasket, and others consumables materials) shall comply to ANSl/ASME831.3, 831.4, 831.8 and API STD 1104, latest edition.Refer to Appendix-E for detail list of COMPANY's Specification and Standard. In addition, CONTRACTOR shall also tocomply to reference docs listed or indicated on each COMPANY's specification, Drawings and procedures.The piping and pipeline requirements shall also applicable for fabrication and installation the now lines or piping systemboth new or remediation. CONTRACTOR shall also to execute the Field actual work in accordance with the approveddrawing, specification industry standards and documents referenced therein.Prior any welding activities, a welding procedure shall be established and qualified (PQT) to demonstrate that weldshaving suitable properties and soundness can be continuously produced, welding procedure and welder shali bequalified under API 1104 and suction IX of the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code and relevant COMPANY'sspecification. The welder must have valid MIGAS certification.As minimum, normally team crew (cutting and welding) shall consist of:,. 1 (one) certified welder dass 1... 1 (one) qualified foreman'" 1 (one) qualified fitter class 1J. 2 (two) Welder HelpersIn certain WORK the team crew member shall be extended to in dude also:'" 4 (four) Pipe - Helpers.. 3 (three) Mechanical - Helpers... 2 (two) Instrument - Helpers.. 2 (two) Electrical - Helpers.. 1 (one) Machinist.. 1 (one) DrafterAll inspection and quality control required shall be arranged by CONTRACTOR in dudes to get COMPANY's personnelrepresentatives involvement. In addition, its also CONTRAITOR scope of responsibility to prepare applicable drawings,procedures, test plan, test records and also any supporting docs for certification purpose. CONTRACTOR shall also toprovide all equipment and instrumentation related to inspection and quality control purpose e.g pressure testing deviceand pressure chart recording, pumps .. etc .With regards to Non Destructive Examination (NDE), the WORK may be executed by others but however its stillCONTRACTOR responsibility to lease and having work coordination with NDT personnel to avoid disturbance tocomplete the WORK as planned and meeting the expected quality. The NDT Work shall be performed as per COMPANY'sprocedures, specification and applicable standard code.Flushing, cleaning, hydrostatic test, piping, draying shall be conducted by CONTRACTOR in accordance applicablespecification and standard code. CONTRACTOR shall provide the necessary test material together with pumps,connection, instruments and other equipment, and materials, plus all labor and supervision required to conduct the test.All test equipment shall have calibrated certificates .Pressure recorder is required to record the pressure andtemperature during hydro test.Tie in to existing flow line or piping system shall be conducted by CON RACTOR after obtained COMPANY approval. Theapproval shall to include engineering approval and site WORK execution approval. Site WORK execution approval shall beissued by COMPANY's Operation & Maintenance personnel along with HSSE site department as per PTW procedure.During welding piping tie-in execution, CONTRACTOR shall consider to use rubber plug to avoid leaking of the gas andor liquid to atmosphere environment or to other facility system.Cold cutter shall be consider to be applied for existing pipe cutting of existing pipeline or piping system. CONTRACTORshall prepare ditch as mitigation and or contingency plan to anticipate hydrocarbon spill and also including as gas"isolation" during piping tie-in, pipe work system dismantling, modification and or demolition. The temporary ditchdesign shall be proposed by CONTRACTOR for COMPANY review and approval. Tie in using cold cut type shall beincluded in unit price for pipe installation.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
SEMUA prosedur harus disetujui oleh semua pihak sebelum pelaksanaan KARYA. KONTRAKTOR diperlukan untuk melakukan
Konstruksi gedung dan SIMOPS lokakarya sebelum mobilisasi dengan bantuan PERUSAHAAN.
Kontraktor untuk mengumpulkan informasi dan pelajaran dari lapangan PERUSAHAAN dan tim operasi teknik dan sebagai
sejauh itu praktis untuk memasukkan mereka ke dalam pelaksanaan KERJA sebenarnya. KONTRAKTOR wajib juga untuk memastikan bahwa semua
pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan dapat dilakukan tanpa aktivitas operasi lapangan mengganggu PERUSAHAAN harian ini.
KONTRAKTOR harus juga melakukan rutin pekerjaan rumah tangga dari area tempat kerja untuk menjaga kerja yang aman dan rapi
lingkungan untuk semua personil.
3.2 Tertentu bekerja Persyaratan Cakupan
sebenarnya aktivitas kerja lapangan misalnya konstruksi, instalasi / dry dan pengujian harus sesuai dengan COMPANY
Prosedur, Spesifikasi, standar Menggambar dan standar lain yang berlaku dan kode. Selain itu, bidang yang sebenarnya
kegiatan harus juga mengikuti umum praktek terbaik teknis diadopsi oleh PERUSAHAAN. di khusus untuk pipa dan pipa,
pekerjaan dan bahan pasokan (misalnya pipa, katup, gasket, dan lain-lain bahan habis pakai bahan) harus memenuhi ke ANSl / ASME
831,3, 831,4, 831,8 dan API STD 1104, edisi terbaru.
Lihat Lampiran-E untuk daftar detail dari Spesifikasi PERUSAHAAN dan Standard. Selain itu, KONTRAKTOR wajib juga untuk
mematuhi docs referensi terdaftar atau tertera pada spesifikasi masing-masing COMPANY, Gambar dan prosedur.
The pipa dan pipa persyaratan wajib juga berlaku untuk fabrikasi dan instalasi sekarang garis atau pipa sistem
baik baru atau perbaikan. KONTRAKTOR wajib juga untuk mengeksekusi Bidang pekerjaan yang sebenarnya sesuai dengan yang disetujui
menggambar, standar industri spesifikasi dan dokumen dirujuk di dalamnya.
Sebelum kegiatan pengelasan, prosedur pengelasan harus ditetapkan dan memenuhi syarat (PQT) untuk menunjukkan bahwa lasan
yang memiliki sifat yang cocok dan kesehatan dapat diproduksi terus menerus, pengelasan prosedur dan tukang las shali akan
memenuhi syarat di bawah API 1104 dan hisap IX dari ASME boiler dan bejana tekan kode dan PERUSAHAAN relevan
spesifikasi. Tukang las harus memiliki sertifikasi MIGAS berlaku.
Sebagai minimum, biasanya tim kru (pemotongan dan pengelasan) terdiri dari:
,. 1 (satu) bersertifikat tukang las dass 1
... 1 (satu) mandor berkualitas
' "1 (satu) kualifikasi kelas bugar 1
J. 2 (dua) Welder Pembantu
Dalam KERJA tertentu anggota awak tim akan diperluas ke dalam Bung juga:
' "4 (empat) Pipa - Helpers
.. 3 (tiga) Teknik - Helpers
... 2 (dua) Instrumen - Helpers
.. 2 (dua) Listrik - Helpers
.. 1 (satu) Machinist
.. 1 (satu) Drafter
Semua pemeriksaan dan kontrol kualitas yang diperlukan harus diatur oleh KONTRAKTOR di dudes untuk mendapatkan personil COMPANY
keterlibatan perwakilan. Selain itu, yang lingkup juga CONTRAITOR tanggung jawab untuk mempersiapkan gambar yang berlaku,
prosedur, rencana uji, catatan pengujian dan juga setiap dokumen pendukung untuk tujuan sertifikasi. KONTRAKTOR wajib juga untuk
menyediakan semua peralatan dan instrumentasi yang berkaitan dengan inspeksi dan kontrol kualitas tujuan misalnya tekanan pengujian perangkat
dan grafik tekanan rekaman, pompa .. dll.
Berkaitan dengan Non Pemeriksaan Merusak (NDE), KERJA mungkin dilakukan oleh orang lain tetapi namun yang masih
tanggung jawab KONTRAKTOR untuk menyewa dan memiliki koordinasi kerja dengan personil NDT untuk menghindari gangguan untuk
menyelesaikan WORK seperti yang direncanakan dan memenuhi kualitas yang diharapkan. NDT Pekerjaan harus dilakukan sesuai COMPANY
prosedur, spesifikasi dan kode standar yang berlaku.
Flushing, membersihkan, hidrostatik tes, pipa, draying dilakukan oleh KONTRAKTOR sesuai yang berlaku
spesifikasi dan kode standar. KONTRAKTOR harus menyediakan bahan uji yang diperlukan bersama dengan pompa,
koneksi, instrumen dan peralatan lainnya, dan bahan-bahan, ditambah semua tenaga kerja dan pengawasan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan tes.
Semua peralatan uji harus telah dikalibrasi sertifikat perekam .Pressure diperlukan untuk mencatat tekanan dan
temperatur selama tes hidro. Ikat ke aliran garis yang ada atau sistem perpipaan dilakukan oleh CON RACTOR persetujuan PERUSAHAAN setelah diperoleh. The persetujuan wajib menyertakan persetujuan teknik dan situs persetujuan eksekusi KERJA. Persetujuan lokasi eksekusi KERJA harus dikeluarkan oleh personel Operasi & Pemeliharaan COMPANY bersama dengan HSSE situs departemen sesuai prosedur PTW. Selama pengelasan pipa tie-in eksekusi, KONTRAKTOR akan mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan plug karet untuk menghindari bocornya gas dan atau cairan ke lingkungan atmosfer atau sistem fasilitas lainnya. cutter dingin harus mempertimbangkan untuk diterapkan untuk memotong pipa yang ada dari pipa yang ada atau sistem perpipaan. KONTRAKTOR harus menyiapkan parit sebagai mitigasi dan atau rencana darurat untuk mengantisipasi tumpahan hidrokarbon dan juga termasuk sebagai gas "isolasi" selama pipa tie-in, pipa sistem kerja pembongkaran, modifikasi dan atau pembongkaran. Parit sementara desain akan diusulkan oleh KONTRAKTOR untuk ditinjau PERUSAHAAN dan persetujuan. Dasi dalam menggunakan dingin Jenis cut akan termasuk dalam harga satuan untuk instalasi pipa.

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Bahasa lainnya
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