Al­though ended from the coun­try war also has at least 15 hours, but  terjemahan - Al­though ended from the coun­try war also has at least 15 hours, but  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Al­though ended from the coun­try w

Al­though ended from the coun­try war also has at least 15 hours, but all are fin­ished re­ally ahead of time.
Watches the city high and low dis­pute with slaugh­ter­ing, my sta­tic sit­ting pours under the crenela­tion, calms down the later weary feel­ing to blot out the sky to come, to have a look at Cooldown, then said to Lin Wan Er: „Wan Er, I wanted the wind­ing to rest, [Zhan Long] gave you to di­rect.”
Lin Wan Er falls gen­tly gen­tly side me, kneels to sit, both hands place on my leg, said with a smile: „Early should the wind­ing rest not? A bit faster goes, in the re­frig­er­a­tor has to eat, hot one can eat with the mi­crowave oven, eats to rest again, will oth­er­wise awake hun­grily.”
I have held her fra­grant shoul­der, said: „Kisses an again wind­ing?”
She throws smiles, ac­tu­ally cheek red col­lects.
My front sur­face kisses on her lip, just scratch­ing the sur­face after kiss­ing, has sep­a­rated, can­not work as every­body's sur­face show love, oth­er­wise many Wan Er crazy bean noo­dles re­ally wanted in­sanely, after all Wan Er in their mind was the un­re­place­able Cang Tong god­dess, al­though every­body knows that she was my girl­friend, but after all usu­ally in game we were well-man­nered, was too af­fec­tion­ate is not quite a lit­tle ap­pro­pri­ate.
The wind­ing, the whole per­son soon was ig­no­rant, goes to the hot dish rapidly, wolfed down to eat much, af­ter­ward took a bath goes to bed to rest.
This sleep rests gloomily, does not know how long has rested, hears the ear to have girl's laugh­ter, this long wak­ing up, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month sits in my bed­side eats be­tween -meal snack, sees I awake, Wan Er says with a smile: „Fi­nally awoke, Dong Cheng, 100!”
The Dong Cheng month digs the small mouth to ex­tract one 100 Yuan to give Lin Wan Er from the wal­let.
„Which is your this is play­ing?” I partly sit, rubbed the eyes.
Wan Er said with a smile: „I bet your this sleep to rest def­i­nitely for over 24 hours, Dong Cheng say do not have, you looked that al­to­gether has rested for 27 hours, is af­ter­noon 3 o'clock!”
I am some­what speech­less: „That 100 have my half.”
Lin Wan Er ill-hu­mored say­ing with a smile: „A bit faster gets out of bed, then takes a bath to eat a thing, ad­justs the bi­o­log­i­cal clock, you looked that you tossed about your­self any ap­pear­ance.”
Crawls, does not for­get to ask: „In game how, I have rested for 27 hours, that coun­try fought has fired off for 12 hours, was the final re­sult what kind of?”
The Dong Cheng month said: „Fi­nally def­i­nitely is ‚hap­pyend’, the ram­ble elder brother merit cov­ers the cen­tury, has taken the main cities of seven big king­doms suc­cess­fully, now the shal­low for­est is the main­land in trim main­land, more­over a server has con­quered all first-level host cities, just also trig­gered the new edi­tion, prob­a­bly is calls ‚em­pire time’ to come, now the en­tire main­land be­longs to the day of plume em­pire, to main­tain the basic op­er­a­tions of major servers, the edi­tion has brought out Duke sys­tem, in other words the major main cities will ren­o­vate one to be sim­i­lar ex­is­tence in Duke, brushes the Xinfu Armed forces, NPC and oth­ers for not main. The play­ers in city pro­vide duty, sup­plies and other ser­vices.”
„Ahem, the sys­tem big god is re­ally sin­is­ter de­ceit­fully, even if were takes seven big king­doms they also al­ready to think that the good es­cape route, re­ally not to stem from my an­tic­i­pa­tion.”
„Yes, I also like this think.” Lin Wan Er eats to smile.
„Was good, I have taken a bath, you two treat in­di­vid­u­ally in my room.”
„No, we and oth­ers you washed.” The Dong Cheng month is bad smil­ing.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Al­though ended from the coun­try war also has at least 15 hours, but all are fin­ished re­ally ahead of time.Watches the city high and low dis­pute with slaugh­ter­ing, my sta­tic sit­ting pours under the crenela­tion, calms down the later weary feel­ing to blot out the sky to come, to have a look at Cooldown, then said to Lin Wan Er: „Wan Er, I wanted the wind­ing to rest, [Zhan Long] gave you to di­rect.”Lin Wan Er falls gen­tly gen­tly side me, kneels to sit, both hands place on my leg, said with a smile: „Early should the wind­ing rest not? A bit faster goes, in the re­frig­er­a­tor has to eat, hot one can eat with the mi­crowave oven, eats to rest again, will oth­er­wise awake hun­grily.”„Um.”I have held her fra­grant shoul­der, said: „Kisses an again wind­ing?”She throws smiles, ac­tu­ally cheek red col­lects.My front sur­face kisses on her lip, just scratch­ing the sur­face after kiss­ing, has sep­a­rated, can­not work as every­body's sur­face show love, oth­er­wise many Wan Er crazy bean noo­dles re­ally wanted in­sanely, after all Wan Er in their mind was the un­re­place­able Cang Tong god­dess, al­though every­body knows that she was my girl­friend, but after all usu­ally in game we were well-man­nered, was too af­fec­tion­ate is not quite a lit­tle ap­pro­pri­ate.The wind­ing, the whole per­son soon was ig­no­rant, goes to the hot dish rapidly, wolfed down to eat much, af­ter­ward took a bath goes to bed to rest.This sleep rests gloomily, does not know how long has rested, hears the ear to have girl's laugh­ter, this long wak­ing up, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month sits in my bed­side eats be­tween -meal snack, sees I awake, Wan Er says with a smile: „Fi­nally awoke, Dong Cheng, 100!”The Dong Cheng month digs the small mouth to ex­tract one 100 Yuan to give Lin Wan Er from the wal­let.„Which is your this is play­ing?” I partly sit, rubbed the eyes.Wan Er said with a smile: „I bet your this sleep to rest def­i­nitely for over 24 hours, Dong Cheng say do not have, you looked that al­to­gether has rested for 27 hours, is af­ter­noon 3 o'clock!”I am some­what speech­less: „That 100 have my half.”„Has!”Lin Wan Er ill-hu­mored say­ing with a smile: „A bit faster gets out of bed, then takes a bath to eat a thing, ad­justs the bi­o­log­i­cal clock, you looked that you tossed about your­self any ap­pear­ance.”„Um.”Crawls, does not for­get to ask: „In game how, I have rested for 27 hours, that coun­try fought has fired off for 12 hours, was the final re­sult what kind of?”The Dong Cheng month said: „Fi­nally def­i­nitely is ‚hap­pyend’, the ram­ble elder brother merit cov­ers the cen­tury, has taken the main cities of seven big king­doms suc­cess­fully, now the shal­low for­est is the main­land in trim main­land, more­over a server has con­quered all first-level host cities, just also trig­gered the new edi­tion, prob­a­bly is calls ‚em­pire time’ to come, now the en­tire main­land be­longs to the day of plume em­pire, to main­tain the basic op­er­a­tions of major servers, the edi­tion has brought out Duke sys­tem, in other words the major main cities will ren­o­vate one to be sim­i­lar ex­is­tence in Duke, brushes the Xinfu Armed forces, NPC and oth­ers for not main. The play­ers in city pro­vide duty, sup­plies and other ser­vices.”„Ahem, the sys­tem big god is re­ally sin­is­ter de­ceit­fully, even if were takes seven big king­doms they also al­ready to think that the good es­cape route, re­ally not to stem from my an­tic­i­pa­tion.”
„Yes, I also like this think.” Lin Wan Er eats to smile.
„Was good, I have taken a bath, you two treat in­di­vid­u­ally in my room.”
„No, we and oth­ers you washed.” The Dong Cheng month is bad smil­ing.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Meskipun berakhir dari perang negara juga memiliki setidaknya 15 jam, tapi semua selesai benar-benar di depan waktu.
Watches kota tinggi dan yang rendah sengketa dengan penyembelihan, duduk statis saya menuangkan bawah crenelation itu, menenangkan perasaan lelah kemudian untuk menghapuskan langit untuk datang, untuk melihat di Cooldown, maka dikatakan Lin Wan Er: ". Wan Er, aku ingin berliku untuk beristirahat, [Zhan panjang] memberi Anda untuk mengarahkan"
Lin Wan Er jatuh dengan lembut lembut sisi saya, berlutut untuk duduk, kedua tangan tempat di kaki saya, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Awal harus berliku sisanya tidak? . Sedikit lebih cepat berjalan, dalam lemari es harus makan, panas satu bisa makan dengan oven microwave, makan untuk beristirahat lagi, akan dinyatakan terjaga lahap "
". Um "
Saya telah mengadakan bahu harum nya, mengatakan:" Kisses an lagi berliku ? "
Dia melempar senyum, sebenarnya pipi merah koleksu.
saya depan permukaan ciuman di bibir, hanya menggaruk permukaan setelah mencium, telah dipisahkan, tidak dapat bekerja sebagai semua orang permukaan acara cinta, jika tidak banyak Wan Er kacang gila mie benar-benar ingin gila-gilaan, setelah semua wan Er dalam pikiran mereka adalah unreplaceable dewi Cang Tong, meskipun semua orang tahu bahwa dia adalah pacar saya, tapi setelah semua biasanya dalam permainan kami baik-santun terlalu sayang tidak cukup sedikit sesuai.
The berliku, seluruh orang segera adalah bodoh, pergi ke piring panas dengan cepat, melahap makan banyak, kemudian mengambil mandi pergi ke tempat tidur untuk beristirahat.
tidur ini terletak murung, tidak tahu berapa lama telah beristirahat, mendengar telinga untuk memiliki tawa gadis, bangun lama ini up, benar-benar menemukan bahwa Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan duduk di samping tempat tidur saya makan antara makanan ringan -meal, melihat saya bangun, Wan Er sambil tersenyum: "Akhirnya terbangun, Dong Cheng, 100!"
Dong Cheng bulan menggali kecil . mulut untuk mengambil satu 100 Yuan untuk memberikan Lin Wan Er dari dompet
. "? mana yang Anda ini bermain" aku sebagian duduk, menggosok mata
mengatakan Wan Er sambil tersenyum: "saya bertaruh Anda tidur ini untuk beristirahat pasti selama lebih 24 jam, Dong Cheng mengatakan tidak memiliki, Anda melihat bahwa sama sekali telah beristirahat selama 27 jam, adalah sore 3:00 "!
saya agak berkata-kata:" itu 100 memiliki setengah saya ".
" memiliki! "
Lin Wan Er penganiayaan periang berkata dengan tersenyum: "sedikit lebih cepat keluar dari tempat tidur, kemudian membawa mandi untuk makan sesuatu, menyesuaikan jam biologis, Anda melihat bahwa Anda melemparkan tentang diri penampilan apapun."
merangkak, tidak melupakan untuk bertanya: "? dalam permainan bagaimana, aku telah beristirahat selama 27 jam, negara yang berjuang telah menembakkan selama 12 jam, adalah hasil akhir apa"
kata The Dong Cheng bulan: "Akhirnya pasti adalah, happyend ', penatua melantur saudara jasa meliputi abad, telah mengambil kota-kota utama tujuh kerajaan besar berhasil, sekarang hutan dangkal adalah daratan di daratan trim, apalagi server telah menaklukkan semua kota tuan rumah tingkat pertama, hanya juga memicu edisi baru, mungkin adalah panggilan , kekaisaran waktu untuk datang, sekarang seluruh daratan milik hari kerajaan membanggakan, untuk mempertahankan operasi dasar dari server utama, edisi telah membawa keluar sistem Duke, dengan kata lain kota-kota utama besar akan merenovasi satu untuk menjadi keberadaan yang sama di Duke, sikat pasukan Xinfu Bersenjata, NPC dan lain-lain untuk tidak main. Para pemain di kota memberikan tugas, persediaan dan jasa lainnya. "
" Ahem, sistem dewa besar benar-benar jahat licik, bahkan jika itu membutuhkan waktu tujuh kerajaan besar mereka juga sudah berpikir bahwa jalan keluar yang baik, benar-benar tidak berasal dari antisipasi saya . "
" Ya, aku juga suka berpikir ini. "Lin Wan Er makan untuk tersenyum.
" Apakah baik, saya telah mengambil mandi, Anda dua mengobati secara individual di kamar saya. "
" Tidak, kami dan teman lain yang dicuci. "The Dong Cheng bulan buruk tersenyum.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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