Nie Li and Li Xingyun’s group flew on for a while before one of Li Xin terjemahan - Nie Li and Li Xingyun’s group flew on for a while before one of Li Xin Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Nie Li and Li Xingyun’s group flew

Nie Li and Li Xingyun’s group flew on for a while before one of Li Xingyun’s underlings quickly flew to the front with a report.

“Boss Xingyun, we’re being followed!” the underling whispered in a soft voice.

“Followed? Who is it?” Li Xingyun asked with his brows frowned.

“We’re still unsure. There seems to be six to seven hundred people. After sensing them, I immediately came up to report and didn’t dare alert our enemy!”

“Well done.” Li Xingyun nodded as he exchanged looks with Nie Li.

Although they didn’t know who the other party was, their intentions were easy to guess. Most likely, the intel about the medium grade Deity’s Lake had been leaked. Someone was trying to pluck their peaches while their backs were turned!

“What are we going to do next? Since we’re already here, we can’t hide the medium grade Deity’s Lake anymore.” said Li Xingyun. Right now, it was too late to retreat.

The enemy would definitely find the location of the medium grade Deity’s Lake!

After pondering for a moment, Nie Li said, “There’s no reason to rush. Since our motive isn’t to occupy that medium grade Deity’s Lake, but to remove the Deity Root. The other party definitely won’t know our motive. They’ll think we’re struggling with the guardian of the Deity’s Lake. Since we’re on guard, they get won’t pull one over us!”

Indeed, their aim wasn’t to win the medium grade Deity’s Lake, but to remove its Deity Root. That was something that the other party definitely wouldn’t think of!

Li Xingyun pondered for a brief moment, then and his eyes lit up with a sudden idea. If they wanted to follow, then so be it! He, Li Xingyun, wasn’t someone who feared others!

Their group advanced further in the outside world. Along the way, they carefully hid from the Dragon Bloodline demon beasts that would occasionally streak over the sky.

A majestic Deity’s Lake appeared in front of them at a distance. The size of this Deity’s Lake was roughly three times that of the Ling Jade Deity’s Lake. This floating mountain had a densely packed forest with many scarlet winged snakes entrenched in it. Some of these demon spirits were roughly a dozen metres long, while others were only a few metres.

At the mountain’s summit sat a gigantic Infernal Lightning Winged Snake that was dozens of metres in size. Its scales were a dazzling scarlet luster.

“Those are Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes. They’re extremely irritable and they’re extremely territorial. If any living creature, other than their own, approaches, they’ll take the initiative to attack.” Li Xingyun continued, “One of the Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes is at Dao of the Dragon Realm. Its extremely strong and commands over thirty Heavenly Axis Realms.”

Nie Li looked into the distance and said, “We’ll go in as originally planned. Send some Heavenly Axis Realm experts to lure them from the west side. They only need to lure, no need for a hard battle. After that, take a small group and escort me in!”

“Alright, leave it to me,” Li Xingyun said as he nodded.

As Li Xingyun and his group closed in on the Deity’s Lake, Gu Heng’s men slowly enveloped them. However, they were just watching from afar and carefully concealing themselves. They didn’t plan to move just yet.

Gu Heng’s heart was filled with excitement as he looked at the medium grade Deity’s Lake from a distance. After all, all the lakes that they’d occupied in the past were low grade Deity’s Lakes. A medium grade Deity’s Lake was extremely hard to obtain. Who knew how old this Deity’s Lake was? Who knew how many years it’d gone unharvested?

After Li Xingyun and his group finished making preparations, they began taking action.

Gu Heng and his men waited for a long time; however, there weren’t any movement in the distance.

“What are they doing?”

“No idea. It doesn’t look like they’re trying to take down that medium grade Deity’s Lake!’

Gu Heng couldn’t understand Li Xingyun’s actions anymore. They weren’t intending to attack it from the front. He sudde
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Nie Li and Li Xingyun’s group flew on for a while before one of Li Xingyun’s underlings quickly flew to the front with a report.“Boss Xingyun, we’re being followed!” the underling whispered in a soft voice.“Followed? Who is it?” Li Xingyun asked with his brows frowned.“We’re still unsure. There seems to be six to seven hundred people. After sensing them, I immediately came up to report and didn’t dare alert our enemy!”“Well done.” Li Xingyun nodded as he exchanged looks with Nie Li.Although they didn’t know who the other party was, their intentions were easy to guess. Most likely, the intel about the medium grade Deity’s Lake had been leaked. Someone was trying to pluck their peaches while their backs were turned!“What are we going to do next? Since we’re already here, we can’t hide the medium grade Deity’s Lake anymore.” said Li Xingyun. Right now, it was too late to retreat.The enemy would definitely find the location of the medium grade Deity’s Lake!After pondering for a moment, Nie Li said, “There’s no reason to rush. Since our motive isn’t to occupy that medium grade Deity’s Lake, but to remove the Deity Root. The other party definitely won’t know our motive. They’ll think we’re struggling with the guardian of the Deity’s Lake. Since we’re on guard, they get won’t pull one over us!”Indeed, their aim wasn’t to win the medium grade Deity’s Lake, but to remove its Deity Root. That was something that the other party definitely wouldn’t think of!Li Xingyun pondered for a brief moment, then and his eyes lit up with a sudden idea. If they wanted to follow, then so be it! He, Li Xingyun, wasn’t someone who feared others!Their group advanced further in the outside world. Along the way, they carefully hid from the Dragon Bloodline demon beasts that would occasionally streak over the sky.A majestic Deity’s Lake appeared in front of them at a distance. The size of this Deity’s Lake was roughly three times that of the Ling Jade Deity’s Lake. This floating mountain had a densely packed forest with many scarlet winged snakes entrenched in it. Some of these demon spirits were roughly a dozen metres long, while others were only a few metres.At the mountain’s summit sat a gigantic Infernal Lightning Winged Snake that was dozens of metres in size. Its scales were a dazzling scarlet luster.“Those are Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes. They’re extremely irritable and they’re extremely territorial. If any living creature, other than their own, approaches, they’ll take the initiative to attack.” Li Xingyun continued, “One of the Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes is at Dao of the Dragon Realm. Its extremely strong and commands over thirty Heavenly Axis Realms.”Nie Li looked into the distance and said, “We’ll go in as originally planned. Send some Heavenly Axis Realm experts to lure them from the west side. They only need to lure, no need for a hard battle. After that, take a small group and escort me in!”
“Alright, leave it to me,” Li Xingyun said as he nodded.

As Li Xingyun and his group closed in on the Deity’s Lake, Gu Heng’s men slowly enveloped them. However, they were just watching from afar and carefully concealing themselves. They didn’t plan to move just yet.

Gu Heng’s heart was filled with excitement as he looked at the medium grade Deity’s Lake from a distance. After all, all the lakes that they’d occupied in the past were low grade Deity’s Lakes. A medium grade Deity’s Lake was extremely hard to obtain. Who knew how old this Deity’s Lake was? Who knew how many years it’d gone unharvested?

After Li Xingyun and his group finished making preparations, they began taking action.

Gu Heng and his men waited for a long time; however, there weren’t any movement in the distance.

“What are they doing?”

“No idea. It doesn’t look like they’re trying to take down that medium grade Deity’s Lake!’

Gu Heng couldn’t understand Li Xingyun’s actions anymore. They weren’t intending to attack it from the front. He sudde
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Nie Li dan kelompok Li Xingyun terbang untuk sementara waktu sebelum salah satu dari bawahan Li Xingyun dengan cepat terbang ke depan dengan laporan. "Boss Xingyun, kita sedang diikuti!" Bawahan berbisik dengan suara lembut. "Diikuti? Siapa itu? "Tanya Li Xingyun dengan alisnya mengernyit. " Kami masih tidak yakin. Tampaknya ada 6-700 orang. Setelah merasakan mereka, saya langsung datang untuk melaporkan dan tidak berani mengingatkan musuh kita! " " Well done. "Li Xingyun mengangguk sambil bertukar terlihat dengan Nie Li. Meskipun mereka tidak tahu siapa pihak lain itu, niat mereka yang mudah ditebak. Kemungkinan besar, intel tentang media kelas Dewa Danau telah bocor. Seseorang sedang berusaha untuk memetik buah persik mereka sementara punggung mereka berbalik! "Apa yang akan kita lakukan selanjutnya? Karena kita sudah ada di sini, kita tidak bisa menyembunyikan menengah kelas Dewa Danau lagi. "Kata Li Xingyun. Sekarang, sudah terlambat untuk mundur. Musuh pasti akan menemukan lokasi medium kelas Dewa Danau! Setelah merenungkan sejenak, Nie Li mengatakan, "Tidak ada alasan untuk terburu-buru. Karena motivasi kita untuk tidak menempati menengah kelas Dewa Danau, tetapi untuk menghapus Dewa Akar. Pihak lain pasti tidak akan tahu motif kita. Mereka akan berpikir kita berjuang dengan wali dari Dewa Danau. Karena kita berada di jaga, mereka mendapatkan tidak akan menarik salah satu dari kami! " Memang, tujuan mereka adalah untuk tidak memenangkan menengah kelas Dewa Danau, tetapi untuk menghapus nya Dewa Akar. Itu adalah sesuatu yang pihak lain pasti tidak akan berpikir! Li Xingyun merenung sejenak, kemudian dan matanya menyala dengan ide yang tiba-tiba. Jika mereka ingin mengikuti, biarlah! Dia, Li Xingyun, bukan orang yang takut orang lain! Kelompok mereka maju lebih lanjut dalam dunia luar. Sepanjang jalan, mereka dengan hati-hati menyembunyikan dari Naga Bloodline setan binatang yang kadang-kadang akan beruntun atas langit. Sebuah Dewa megah Danau muncul di depan mereka di kejauhan. Ukuran ini Dewa Danau kira-kira tiga kali dari Ling Jade Dewa Danau. Gunung mengambang ini memiliki hutan padat dengan banyak ular bersayap merah bercokol di dalamnya. Beberapa roh-roh setan yang kira-kira panjang belasan meter, sementara yang lain hanya beberapa meter. Di puncak gunung duduk raksasa Infernal Petir Winged Ular itu puluhan meter dalam ukuran. Sisiknya yang kilau merah menyilaukan. "Mereka adalah Infernal Petir Winged Ular. Mereka sangat marah dan mereka sangat teritorial. Jika setiap makhluk hidup, selain mereka sendiri, pendekatan, mereka akan mengambil inisiatif menyerang. "Li Xingyun melanjutkan," Salah satu Infernal Petir Winged Ular adalah di Dao dari Realm Naga. Its perintah yang sangat kuat dan lebih dari tiga puluh Surgawi Axis Realms. " Nie Li melihat ke kejauhan dan berkata," Kita akan pergi sebagai awalnya direncanakan. Kirim beberapa ahli Realm Surgawi Axis untuk memancing mereka dari sisi barat. Mereka hanya perlu memikat, tidak perlu untuk pertempuran keras. Setelah itu, mengambil sebuah kelompok kecil dan mengawal saya! " " Baiklah, serahkan padaku, "kata Li Xingyun sambil mengangguk. Sebagai Li Xingyun dan kelompoknya ditutup di atas Ketuhanan Danau, pria Gu Heng perlahan menyelimuti mereka. Namun, mereka hanya menonton dari jauh dan hati-hati menyembunyikan diri mereka sendiri. Mereka tidak berencana untuk pindah dulu. Jantung Gu Heng itu penuh dengan kegembiraan saat ia menatap menengah kelas Dewa Danau dari kejauhan. Setelah semua, semua danau bahwa mereka telah menduduki di masa lalu yang kelas rendah Dewa ini Lakes. Sebuah kelas menengah Dewa Danau itu sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan. Siapa yang tahu berapa usia ini Dewa Danau itu? ? Siapa yang tahu berapa tahun itu akan sudah lenyap dipanen Setelah Li Xingyun dan kelompoknya selesai melakukan persiapan, mereka mulai mengambil tindakan. Gu Heng dan anak buahnya menunggu untuk waktu yang lama; Namun, tidak ada gerakan di kejauhan. "Apa yang mereka lakukan?" "Tidak tahu. Ini tidak terlihat seperti mereka berusaha untuk mencatat bahwa media kelas Dewa Danau! ' Gu Heng tidak bisa memahami tindakan Li Xingyun ini lagi. Mereka tidak berniat untuk menyerang dari depan. dia sudde

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