on the other hand, view the maximizing construct as a unidimensional m terjemahan - on the other hand, view the maximizing construct as a unidimensional m Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

on the other hand, view the maximiz

on the other hand, view the maximizing construct as a unidimensional measure that reflects the goal of finding the very best. Second, the findings for the validity of the MS suggested that the construct of maximizing is assocIated with unhappiness, however, the MTS was not related to unhappiness or other maladaptive measures, except regret.
It is interesting that the MS and the MTS, which os- tensibly measure the same construct, produce different results regarding the relationships between maximizing and the other constructs in the proposed nomological net. Although the work thus far has been focused on improving the measurement of the maximizing construct, questions still remain as to our conceptual understanding of the construct itself. Given the diverging results from the previous work, it may be plausible that maximizing and satisficing are separate constructs rather than polar ends of a single construct continuum. We will focus on better understanding of the maximizing and satisficing perspec- tive through both MS and MTS.
For Schwartz et al. an important difference between maximizing and satisficing is in the choice goal. They even suggested that, “a satisficer often moves in the direction of maximizing without ever having it as a deliberate goal” (Schwartz et al., 2002, p. 1178). Therefore, satisficers could be maximizers, as measured in terms of effort, time, or even aspiration level, but they differ from maximizers in the sense that they do not have the goal of optimizing (i.e., finding the very best option). If that is the case, the psychometric measure developed to assess the distinction between these two groups of people should focus on the goal of optimization. Examining the MS, the questions do not seem to be associated with the goal of optimization. In fact, most of the questions seem to tap into the difficulty of finding the best choice (e.g., “I treat relationships like clothing, I expect to try a lot on before I get the perfect fit” see also questions 7, 8, and 10). Some items also appear to be addressing restlessness towards one’s current choice or state (e.g., “I often fantasize about living in ways that are quite different from my actual life”; “No matter how satisfied I am with my job, it’s only right for me to be on the lookout for better opportunities” see also questions 1 and 2).
It has been shown in the literature that unhappiness is associated with restlessness (Levenson & Neuringer, 1971; Arens, 1982). Considering that, it should not be a surprise that the MS is positively associated with life dissatisfaction. The question now would be why unhappiness or restlessness would necessarily be associated with people who have the choice goal of finding the best option? One answer provided by Schwartz (2004) indicates that there are too many alternatives available for people to choose from, which leads to feelings of anxiety and frustration. This process has been labeled as choice overload, which is operationalized in studies of choice by increasing the the number of options to choose from. On the other hand, there is controversy in the literature on the existence of choice overload. Some studies
have found evidence for it,whereas other studies have not found such evidence (Scheibehenne, et al., 2010). In fact, Scheibehenne et al. presented a metaanalytic review of choice overload and found little evidence for such an effect. The absence of choice overload raises problems for the previous question on the association among unhappiness, restlessness, and maximizing tendencies to remain unanswered, but also inquiries on the association between the MS and the concept of optimization as a goal.
Doubts about the association between maximizing and dissatisfaction became even more evident after Diab et al.’s (2008) findings that the construct of maximizing was not associated with life dissatisfaction. Therefore, we believe the association between MS and life dissatisfaction is probably due to the difficulty and restlessness incorporated in all the questions of the scale. What would then explain the lack of association between the MTS and life dissatisfaction? Examining the MTS questions, we can make some inferences. First, none of the items addresses difficulty with the choice or restlessness. By restlessness, we mean the constant search for something better, even if one is supposedly happy with one’s choice. Second, most of the questions focus on the idea of optimizing and not settling. As a result, we believe that the MTS measures an individual’s tendency to search for the best option and is silent on the issue of choice difficulty. It could be that individuals who score high on the MTS enjoy complex thinking and therefore do not find optimization to be stressful. In conclusion, we believe it is reasonable to think that MS measures frustration with decision diffi- culty and restlessness when searching for the best option whereas MTS just measures the individuals’ tendency to search for the best option.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
on the other hand, view the maximizing construct as a unidimensional measure that reflects the goal of finding the very best. Second, the findings for the validity of the MS suggested that the construct of maximizing is assocIated with unhappiness, however, the MTS was not related to unhappiness or other maladaptive measures, except regret.It is interesting that the MS and the MTS, which os- tensibly measure the same construct, produce different results regarding the relationships between maximizing and the other constructs in the proposed nomological net. Although the work thus far has been focused on improving the measurement of the maximizing construct, questions still remain as to our conceptual understanding of the construct itself. Given the diverging results from the previous work, it may be plausible that maximizing and satisficing are separate constructs rather than polar ends of a single construct continuum. We will focus on better understanding of the maximizing and satisficing perspec- tive through both MS and MTS.For Schwartz et al. an important difference between maximizing and satisficing is in the choice goal. They even suggested that, “a satisficer often moves in the direction of maximizing without ever having it as a deliberate goal” (Schwartz et al., 2002, p. 1178). Therefore, satisficers could be maximizers, as measured in terms of effort, time, or even aspiration level, but they differ from maximizers in the sense that they do not have the goal of optimizing (i.e., finding the very best option). If that is the case, the psychometric measure developed to assess the distinction between these two groups of people should focus on the goal of optimization. Examining the MS, the questions do not seem to be associated with the goal of optimization. In fact, most of the questions seem to tap into the difficulty of finding the best choice (e.g., “I treat relationships like clothing, I expect to try a lot on before I get the perfect fit” see also questions 7, 8, and 10). Some items also appear to be addressing restlessness towards one’s current choice or state (e.g., “I often fantasize about living in ways that are quite different from my actual life”; “No matter how satisfied I am with my job, it’s only right for me to be on the lookout for better opportunities” see also questions 1 and 2).It has been shown in the literature that unhappiness is associated with restlessness (Levenson & Neuringer, 1971; Arens, 1982). Considering that, it should not be a surprise that the MS is positively associated with life dissatisfaction. The question now would be why unhappiness or restlessness would necessarily be associated with people who have the choice goal of finding the best option? One answer provided by Schwartz (2004) indicates that there are too many alternatives available for people to choose from, which leads to feelings of anxiety and frustration. This process has been labeled as choice overload, which is operationalized in studies of choice by increasing the the number of options to choose from. On the other hand, there is controversy in the literature on the existence of choice overload. Some studieshave found evidence for it,whereas other studies have not found such evidence (Scheibehenne, et al., 2010). In fact, Scheibehenne et al. presented a metaanalytic review of choice overload and found little evidence for such an effect. The absence of choice overload raises problems for the previous question on the association among unhappiness, restlessness, and maximizing tendencies to remain unanswered, but also inquiries on the association between the MS and the concept of optimization as a goal.Doubts about the association between maximizing and dissatisfaction became even more evident after Diab et al.’s (2008) findings that the construct of maximizing was not associated with life dissatisfaction. Therefore, we believe the association between MS and life dissatisfaction is probably due to the difficulty and restlessness incorporated in all the questions of the scale. What would then explain the lack of association between the MTS and life dissatisfaction? Examining the MTS questions, we can make some inferences. First, none of the items addresses difficulty with the choice or restlessness. By restlessness, we mean the constant search for something better, even if one is supposedly happy with one’s choice. Second, most of the questions focus on the idea of optimizing and not settling. As a result, we believe that the MTS measures an individual’s tendency to search for the best option and is silent on the issue of choice difficulty. It could be that individuals who score high on the MTS enjoy complex thinking and therefore do not find optimization to be stressful. In conclusion, we believe it is reasonable to think that MS measures frustration with decision diffi- culty and restlessness when searching for the best option whereas MTS just measures the individuals’ tendency to search for the best option.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
di sisi lain, melihat konstruksi memaksimalkan sebagai ukuran unidimensional yang mencerminkan tujuan menemukan yang terbaik. Kedua, temuan untuk validitas MS menyarankan bahwa konstruk memaksimalkan dikaitkan dengan ketidakbahagiaan, namun, MTS tidak terkait dengan ketidakbahagiaan atau tindakan maladaptif lainnya, kecuali penyesalan.
Sangat menarik bahwa MS dan MTS, yang os - tensibly mengukur konstruk yang sama, menghasilkan hasil yang berbeda mengenai hubungan antara memaksimalkan dan konstruksi lainnya dalam jaring nomological diusulkan. Meskipun pekerjaan sejauh telah difokuskan pada peningkatan pengukuran konstruk memaksimalkan, pertanyaan masih tetap untuk pemahaman konseptual kita tentang membangun sendiri. Mengingat hasil divergen dari pekerjaan sebelumnya, mungkin masuk akal bahwa memaksimalkan dan satisficing merupakan konstruksi terpisah daripada ujung polar dari konstruk kontinum tunggal. Kami akan fokus pada pemahaman yang lebih baik dari memaksimalkan dan satisficing perspektif melalui kedua MS dan MTS.
Untuk Schwartz et al. perbedaan penting antara memaksimalkan dan satisficing di tujuan pilihan. Mereka bahkan menyarankan bahwa, "satisficer sering bergerak ke arah memaksimalkan tanpa harus sebagai tujuan yang disengaja" (Schwartz et al., 2002, hal. 1178). Oleh karena itu, satisficers bisa maximizers, yang diukur dari segi usaha, waktu, atau bahkan tingkat aspirasi, tetapi mereka berbeda dari maximizers dalam arti bahwa mereka tidak memiliki tujuan mengoptimalkan (yaitu, menemukan pilihan terbaik). Jika itu terjadi, ukuran psikometri dikembangkan untuk menilai perbedaan antara dua kelompok orang harus fokus pada tujuan optimasi. Meneliti MS, pertanyaan tampaknya tidak dikaitkan dengan tujuan optimasi. Bahkan, sebagian besar pertanyaan tampaknya memasuki kesulitan menemukan pilihan terbaik (misalnya, "Saya memperlakukan hubungan seperti pakaian, saya berharap untuk mencoba banyak pada sebelum saya mendapatkan cocok" lihat juga mempertanyakan 7, 8, dan 10). Beberapa item juga tampaknya mengatasi kegelisahan terhadap pilihan saat seseorang atau negara (misalnya, "Saya sering berfantasi tentang hidup dengan cara yang sangat berbeda dari kehidupan yang sebenarnya saya"; "Tidak peduli seberapa puas saya dengan pekerjaan saya, itu hanya tepat untuk saya untuk waspada untuk peluang yang lebih baik "lihat juga mempertanyakan 1 dan 2).
Telah ditunjukkan dalam literatur bahwa ketidakbahagiaan dikaitkan dengan kegelisahan (Levenson & Neuringer, 1971; Arens, 1982). Menimbang bahwa, seharusnya tidak mengejutkan bahwa MS yang positif terkait dengan kehidupan ketidakpuasan. Pertanyaannya sekarang akan mengapa ketidakbahagiaan atau gelisah akan selalu dikaitkan dengan orang-orang yang memiliki tujuan pilihan untuk menemukan pilihan terbaik? Satu jawaban yang diberikan oleh Schwartz (2004) menunjukkan bahwa ada terlalu banyak alternatif yang tersedia bagi orang untuk memilih dari, yang mengarah ke perasaan cemas dan frustrasi. Proses ini telah diberi label sebagai pilihan yang berlebihan, yang dioperasionalkan dalam studi pilihan dengan meningkatkan jumlah pilihan untuk memilih dari. Di sisi lain, ada kontroversi dalam literatur tentang keberadaan pilihan overload. Beberapa studi
telah menemukan bukti untuk itu, sedangkan penelitian lain tidak menemukan bukti tersebut (Scheibehenne, et al., 2010). Bahkan, Scheibehenne dkk. disajikan review metaanalytic pilihan yang berlebihan dan menemukan sedikit bukti untuk efek tersebut. Tidak adanya pilihan yang berlebihan menimbulkan masalah untuk pertanyaan sebelumnya pada asosiasi antara ketidakbahagiaan, gelisah, dan memaksimalkan kecenderungan untuk tetap terjawab, tetapi juga pertanyaan tentang hubungan antara MS dan konsep optimasi sebagai tujuan.
Seputar tentang hubungan antara memaksimalkan dan ketidakpuasan menjadi lebih jelas setelah Diab dkk. (2008) temuan bahwa konstruk memaksimalkan tidak berhubungan dengan kehidupan ketidakpuasan. Oleh karena itu, kami percaya hubungan antara MS dan kehidupan ketidakpuasan mungkin karena kesulitan dan kegelisahan yang tergabung dalam semua pertanyaan skala. Apa kemudian akan menjelaskan kurangnya hubungan antara MTS dan kehidupan ketidakpuasan? Meneliti pertanyaan MTS, kita dapat membuat beberapa kesimpulan. Pertama, tidak ada item alamat kesulitan dengan pilihan atau kegelisahan. Dengan gelisah, kita berarti pencarian konstan untuk sesuatu yang lebih baik, bahkan jika salah satu adalah seharusnya bahagia dengan pilihan seseorang. Kedua, sebagian besar pertanyaan fokus pada gagasan mengoptimalkan dan tidak menetap. Sebagai hasilnya, kami percaya bahwa MTS mengukur kecenderungan individu untuk mencari pilihan terbaik dan diam pada masalah kesulitan pilihan. Bisa jadi orang yang skor tinggi pada MTS menikmati berpikir kompleks dan karena itu tidak menemukan optimasi menjadi stres. Kesimpulannya, kami percaya adalah wajar untuk berpikir bahwa MS mengukur frustrasi dengan keputusan culty litan dan gelisah ketika mencari pilihan terbaik sedangkan MTS hanya mengukur kecenderungan individu untuk mencari pilihan terbaik.
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