Almost in Meng Hao live Long Waxin instant, looks in all around people, the body of Meng Hao, the malignant influences of implication were already dreadful, that type ruthlessly is spicy and indifferent, making all person hearts tremble, breath shortness.
At this moment, the Meng Hao right hand grasps suddenly void, immediately Lightning Cauldron appears, when the electric light walks randomly, his form disappears instantaneously, almost in instant, the Dao Light column that he disappears, thunders the position that is at before him, raises directly, goes dreadfully.
In this light beam, almost in flickers, Monster Cultivator that Meng Hao vanishes was transferred to come, after he has gawked one next, has not waited to respond that on the whole person, the body in this light beam such as was cancelled.
When Meng Hao appears, already when the distant place, his both eyes dodged, immediately sees, all around eight sides, several hundred over a thousand Monster Cultivator, each other flew impressively rapidly, has composed one big in the midair, formed one to have thousand zhang (3.33 m) big form fully, this form was a sea beast, that was a giant sea crab!
Sea crab that this Spell formation composes, appearance is strange, besides that two giant pliers, on its carapace, eight Sea Dragon Phantom transforms unexpectedly, is turning toward Meng Hao to whoosh, often has the Taoist skill law glow of together, spreads from these eight Sea Dragon mouths, kills to Meng Hao.
Meng Hao both eyes winked continuously nine, immediately the world like the enlargement, causes his clear seeing in his eyes immediately, composes in Spell formation of this giant sea crab, in that several hundred over a thousand Monster Cultivator, eight Monster Cultivator are the cores, but their eight people, are Sea Dragon build.
„In addition these eight, only missed Long Tianhai.” In the Meng Hao eye the murderous intention dodges.
This sea crab face upwards to whoosh, on two giant pliers, Dao Light departs together, falls into the earth, actually from the under foot of Meng Hao loudly erupts.
Meng Hao coldly snorted, he is away from Immortal's cave that Long Tianhai is at this moment, was not far, he looked at eye giant sea crab, the form has glittered unceasingly, each twinkle, has changed the position with the human, was fast toward the sea crab.
In this close, Meng Hao Cultivation is increasing throughout, such as in gathering the potential, prepares when the proximity, the thunder strikes, its imposing manner gradually shakes the heavens.
Saw that his speed is getting more and more fast, imposing manner is getting stronger and stronger, when must approach this sea crab, suddenly, bellows, transmits in the Meng Hao front, the black rainbow, such as is curling tornados together, rumbling comes, appeared in the Meng Hao front directly, changed to a guy, this guy looked like with cultivator has not distinguished. Only ... In his back, resembles at the back of a giant tortoise shell, but this tortoise shell, is similar to the quartz. Sends out the radiant glow, this causes this guy, is looks like as if the deity descends to earth.
„Dies to me!” The guys roar, his body, does not have slight Cultivation to fluctuate unexpectedly. A fist that may wield at this moment, contained shakes the heavens to move the strength of place.
„Life Destroying Fist!” Meng Hao both eyes shrink, immediately has recognized this fist.
„body cultivator!”
This guy, is ... body cultivator, he is the monster, may actually not be practicing Immortal Ascension, but is ... The mortal body asked the immortal, in the ninth golden gate stele, the place was inferior to Meng Hao, may also in first ten.
When this moment act. Earth-shaking, at this time, suddenly, in the sky of distant place, ocean waves, the tumbling was more dreadful, approached instantaneously, in close, coldly snorted, suddenly spread.
That is a voice of female. May in spreading instant, is having strength of [gold/metal] Poshi, is more astonishing, resembles in this coldly snorted. Also is having the strength of some inconceivable spiritual sense, causes the Meng Hao mind fierce stabbing pain, his movement, resembles is affected.
That Monster Cultivator guy seizes the opportunity, a fist rumbles. The direct bang on the body of Meng Hao, the Meng Hao body Bang, left 78 steps to retreats.
But that Monster Cultivator guy, is actually the facial color big change, he spouts the blood unexpectedly, the body withdraws dozens steps, the look with amazement, brings unable to believe to look to Meng Hao, he obviously is a side of attack, but this fist, injured is actually his oneself!
The counter- shaking strength of Meng Hao, lets his here creepy feeling directly.
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Hampir di Meng Hao hidup panjang Waxin instan, terlihat di seluruh satu orang, tubuh Meng Hao, pengaruh ganas implikasi sudah mengerikan, bahwa jenis kejam pedas dan acuh tak acuh, membuat semua orang gemetar hati, sesak napas.Saat ini, Meng Hao kanan grasps tiba-tiba kosong, segera petir Cauldron muncul, ketika lampu listrik berjalan secara acak, bentuk menghilang seketika, hampir instan kolom Dao cahaya yang ia menghilang, guruh posisi yang di hadapanNya, menimbulkan langsung, pergi sangat.Pada berkas cahaya ini, hampir di Ghost, beralih rakasa yang lenyap Meng Hao dipindahkan untuk datang, setelah ia telah gawked satu berikutnya, telah tidak menunggu untuk menanggapi bahwa secara keseluruhan orang, tubuh dalam cahaya ini balok seperti dibatalkan.Ketika muncul Meng Hao, sudah ketika tempat yang jauh, matanya kedua menghindar, segera melihat, Semua sekitar delapan sisi, beberapa ratus selama seribu rakasa beralih, saling terbang mengesankan dengan cepat, memiliki terdiri salah satu besar di udara, membentuk satu memiliki seribu zhang (3,33 m) besar bentuk sepenuhnya, bentuk binatang laut, kepiting raksasa laut itu!Laut kepiting yang menyusun formasi mantra ini, penampilan aneh, selain bahwa dua raksasa Tang, pada legam yang, delapan Phantom Naga Laut berubah tiba-tiba berubah menuju Meng Hao untuk whoosh, sering memiliki keterampilan Tao cahaya hukum bersama-sama, menyebar dari mulut naga laut ini delapan, membunuh untuk Meng Hao.meng Hao kedua mata mengedipkan mata terus-menerus sembilan segera dunia seperti pembesaran, menyebabkan ia jelas melihat di matanya segera, menyusun dalam mantra pembentukan kepiting raksasa laut ini, di bahwa beberapa ratus selama seribu rakasa beralih, delapan rakasa beralih adalah Core, tapi orang-orang delapan, yang membangun Naga Laut."Selain itu delapan ini, hanya kehilangan panjang Tianhai." Di mata Meng Hao niat pembunuh dodges.Ini wajah kepiting laut ke atas untuk whoosh, pada dua raksasa Tang, Dao cahaya berangkat bersama-sama, jatuh ke bumi, benar-benar dari bawah kaki Meng Hao keras meletus.Meng Hao dingin mendengus, ia adalah dari abadi di gua yang lama Tianhai pada saat ini, tidak jauh, dia menatap mata raksasa laut kepiting, bentuk memiliki berkilauan tanpa henti, binar masing-masing, telah mengubah posisi dengan manusia, adalah cepat menuju laut kepiting.Close, Meng Hao budidaya meningkatnya seluruh, seperti mengumpulkan potensi, mempersiapkan ketika kedekatan, thunder pemogokan, cara melaksanakan mengesankan secara bertahap getar langit.Saw that his speed is getting more and more fast, imposing manner is getting stronger and stronger, when must approach this sea crab, suddenly, bellows, transmits in the Meng Hao front, the black rainbow, such as is curling tornados together, rumbling comes, appeared in the Meng Hao front directly, changed to a guy, this guy looked like with cultivator has not distinguished. Only ... In his back, resembles at the back of a giant tortoise shell, but this tortoise shell, is similar to the quartz. Sends out the radiant glow, this causes this guy, is looks like as if the deity descends to earth.„Dies to me!” The guys roar, his body, does not have slight Cultivation to fluctuate unexpectedly. A fist that may wield at this moment, contained shakes the heavens to move the strength of place.„Life Destroying Fist!” Meng Hao both eyes shrink, immediately has recognized this fist.„body cultivator!”This guy, is ... body cultivator, he is the monster, may actually not be practicing Immortal Ascension, but is ... The mortal body asked the immortal, in the ninth golden gate stele, the place was inferior to Meng Hao, may also in first ten.When this moment act. Earth-shaking, at this time, suddenly, in the sky of distant place, ocean waves, the tumbling was more dreadful, approached instantaneously, in close, coldly snorted, suddenly spread.That is a voice of female. May in spreading instant, is having strength of [gold/metal] Poshi, is more astonishing, resembles in this coldly snorted. Also is having the strength of some inconceivable spiritual sense, causes the Meng Hao mind fierce stabbing pain, his movement, resembles is affected.That Monster Cultivator guy seizes the opportunity, a fist rumbles. The direct bang on the body of Meng Hao, the Meng Hao body Bang, left 78 steps to retreats.But that Monster Cultivator guy, is actually the facial color big change, he spouts the blood unexpectedly, the body withdraws dozens steps, the look with amazement, brings unable to believe to look to Meng Hao, he obviously is a side of attack, but this fist, injured is actually his oneself!The counter- shaking strength of Meng Hao, lets his here creepy feeling directly.
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