A. WARMER: PAIRWORKDiscuss with your friends when you come to a new ci terjemahan - A. WARMER: PAIRWORKDiscuss with your friends when you come to a new ci Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A. WARMER: PAIRWORKDiscuss with you

Discuss with your friends when you come to a new city.

Reading: Read the following text.

Six Things To Do If You Visit Seattle

There are 6 must-have experiences that you should do if you visit Seattle where city and nature come together. If you visit Seattle, arrive with this list in hand and you'll be off to a foolproof start for exploring the Emerald City's most unforgettable sights and sounds. If you visit Seattle:

1. Feel the fresh air on your face as you sail to Bainbrige Island on a Washington State Ferry.

From the ferry you can
enjoy the view of the Seattle skyline. You can also stroll around downtown's galleries, boutiques, coffeehouses and cafes. Seasonal gardens and natural woodlands at the Boedel Reserve is another option.

Source: wsdot.wa.gov/ferries
Picture 1.1 Bainbridge island

2. Why don't you tour Pike Place Market's produce stands and buy something you've never tasted. The Pike Place Market is much more than a farmers' market. Its entire district full of shopping. attractions and favorite sights. The area is festival of sounds, tastes and smells is part of the reason it's called the 'soul of seattle'. amid all the joyful hubbub, make sure you take time to spot these beloved icons

Source: pikeplacemarket.com
Picture 1.2 Pike Place Market

book a night at one of the many cozy B & Bs or resorts available throughout the sun juan islands. cozy bed and breakfasts are perfect why to enjoy the friendly island culture. here, you can out the numerous art galleries in friday harbor. you can also enjoy naturalist-guided tours, wildlife spotting, whale watching and storm watching

see exciting and experimental works at chihuly garden and glass
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A. WARMER: PAIRWORKDiscuss with your friends when you come to a new city.B. OBSERVING AND QUESTIONINGReading: Read the following text.Six Things To Do If You Visit SeattleThere are 6 must-have experiences that you should do if you visit Seattle where city and nature come together. If you visit Seattle, arrive with this list in hand and you'll be off to a foolproof start for exploring the Emerald City's most unforgettable sights and sounds. If you visit Seattle:1. Feel the fresh air on your face as you sail to Bainbrige Island on a Washington State Ferry.From the ferry you canenjoy the view of the Seattle skyline. You can also stroll around downtown's galleries, boutiques, coffeehouses and cafes. Seasonal gardens and natural woodlands at the Boedel Reserve is another option.Source: wsdot.wa.gov/ferriesPicture 1.1 Bainbridge island2. Why don't you tour Pike Place Market's produce stands and buy something you've never tasted. The Pike Place Market is much more than a farmers' market. Its entire district full of shopping. attractions and favorite sights. The area is festival of sounds, tastes and smells is part of the reason it's called the 'soul of seattle'. amid all the joyful hubbub, make sure you take time to spot these beloved iconsSource: pikeplacemarket.comPicture 1.2 Pike Place Marketbook a night at one of the many cozy B & Bs or resorts available throughout the sun juan islands. cozy bed and breakfasts are perfect why to enjoy the friendly island culture. here, you can out the numerous art galleries in friday harbor. you can also enjoy naturalist-guided tours, wildlife spotting, whale watching and storm watchingsee exciting and experimental works at chihuly garden and glass
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
PAIRWORK. Diskusikan dengan teman Anda ketika Anda datang ke sebuah kota baru B. MENGAMATI dan mempertanyakan Reading: Baca teks berikut. Enam Hal yang Harus Dilakukan Jika Anda Kunjungi Seattle Ada 6 harus-memiliki pengalaman yang harus Anda lakukan jika Anda mengunjungi Seattle di mana kota dan alam datang bersama-sama. Jika Anda mengunjungi Seattle, tiba dengan daftar ini di tangan dan Anda akan pergi ke awal yang sangat mudah untuk menjelajahi tempat wisata yang paling tak terlupakan Emerald City dan suara. Jika Anda mengunjungi Seattle: 1. Merasakan udara segar pada wajah Anda saat Anda berlayar ke Pulau Bainbrige pada Washington State Ferry. Dari feri Anda dapat menikmati pemandangan cakrawala Seattle. Anda juga dapat berjalan-jalan di sekitar pusat kota ini galeri, butik, kedai kopi dan kafe. Kebun musiman dan hutan alami di Boedel Reserve adalah pilihan lain. Sumber: wsdot.wa.gov/ferries~~V Gambar 1.1 Bainbridge pulau 2. Mengapa Anda tidak tur Pike Place Market menghasilkan berdiri dan membeli sesuatu yang belum pernah mencicipi. Pike Place Market jauh lebih dari pasar petani. Seluruh kabupaten yang penuh dengan belanja. atraksi dan pemandangan favorit. Daerah ini festival suara, selera dan bau adalah bagian dari alasan itu disebut 'jiwa seattle'. tengah semua keriuhan sukacita, pastikan Anda mengambil waktu untuk melihat ini ikon tercinta Sumber: pikeplacemarket.com Gambar 1.2 Pike Place Market buku malam di salah satu dari banyak nyaman B & B atau resort tersedia di seluruh pulau-pulau matahari juan. nyaman tempat tidur dan sarapan yang sempurna mengapa untuk menikmati budaya pulau ramah. di sini, Anda bisa keluar berbagai galeri seni di Jumat pelabuhan. Anda juga dapat menikmati naturalis-tur, satwa liar tempat, menonton ikan paus dan badai menonton melihat menarik dan eksperimental karya di taman Chihuly dan kaca

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