The informational requirements can be reduced further by taking into a terjemahan - The informational requirements can be reduced further by taking into a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The informational requirements can

The informational requirements can be reduced further by taking into account the special conditions of the country (see previous chapter), the industry, the environmental media, and the specific pollutant or resource whose control is sought (see next chapter). When the instrument is tailor-made to fit these conditions, the informational and enforcement costs are minimized. An ill-designed economic instrument or one which is alien to the culture of the country and the structure of the industry could have higher informational and enforcement requirements than well-designed command and control regulations. For example, effluent charges applied to scattered, small-scale industries in developing countries with a larger underground economy have enormous information requirements and little chance of successful implementation. Under these circumstances product taxes and deposit-refund
systems, though indirect instruments, are overall more efficient.
While every effort should be made to choose instruments, designs, and modes of introduction that
minimize the informational and management/enforcement requirements, there is an irreducible
minimum level that must be met if environmental policy is to produce results on the ground.
Informational and management requirements are translated into institutional and human resource
requirements—two resources in high demand and limited supply in developing countries. To minimize institutional demands, maximum use must be made of existing administrative structures (e.g., existing tax collection, bureaucracy, industry licensing procedures, vehicle registration system, the town and country planning department, the government tourist agency, line ministries or departments such as forestry, mining, industry, and agriculture). For example, product taxes can be integrated with existing sales, excise tariffs, or Value Added Tax systems and collected by the relevant collection agencies.
Betterment charges can be integrated with the property taxes and collected by the existing property tax department. Wastewater treatment charges or watershed protection charges can be incorporated into the monthly water bill and collected concurrently. Transferable development rights or land-use taxes can be implemented through the land registration department to maximize use of the private land market institutions (e.g., real estate firms, land surveyors, property value assessors, etc.)
Using existing institutions would significantly reduce the need for new institutions and additional human resources though it will not eliminate it entirely. For example, water rights, tradeable catch quotas, or emission permits would require a special registry which is regularly updated. Issuance of secure land titles require cadastral surveys and a process for the resolution of conflicting claims, while land use taxes call for land use registry. Performance bonds require a financial institution that will manage and reinvest the funds, pay interest, assess performance, and dispose the bond accordingly.
Effluent charges require a monitoring and collection system which has relatively high institutional and human resource requirements because it calls for specialized knowledge and measurement capabilities. While existing institutions can be restructured or upgraded to handle many of these tasks, additional specialized organizational and human resources need to be added.
Among the new skills required are specialists in environmental impact assessment and valuation
(damage or betterment assessment), environmental auditors and inspectors, environmental engineers and economists, financial analysts, environmental tax experts, etc. While some of these skills may not be available in developing countries, related skills exist and can be easily retro-fitted for the use of economic instruments in environmental management. External training and technical assistance might be needed for some time in certain countries but local expertise would not take long to respond if effective demand exists because related skills are often available.
What about legal institutions, legislation, and regulations needed to back economic instruments?
Property rights, and enforcement of contracts are essential for the efficient operation of markets, on which the effectiveness of economic instruments, also known as market-based instruments, depends. As we have seen, where property rights cannot be defined in physical space, they can be defined in legal space (e.g., permits, licenses, quotas) which assigns right of use. Economic instruments require enabling legislation, legitimation, or legal frameworks, not detailed regulation. Environmental charges need to be legislated, unless they qualify as taxes or user charges permissible by executive decision within existing legal frameworks. Similarly, performance bonds and transferable development rights need to be legislated and environmental funds need to be legally constituted. However, once economic instruments are in place they should be more or less self-enforced; otherwise, they have not been properly designed. The economic instruments approach to environmental management and sustainable development requires regulations to set the rules of the game not to specify and arbitrate
every move. In most real world situations, a command and control structure already exists and
economic instruments should not seek to replace it overnight, but support it, make it more flexible and cost effective by making allowances for differences in compliance cost through credit, offsets, trades, and other mutually beneficial exchanges.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The informational requirements can be reduced further by taking into account the special conditions of the country (see previous chapter), the industry, the environmental media, and the specific pollutant or resource whose control is sought (see next chapter). When the instrument is tailor-made to fit these conditions, the informational and enforcement costs are minimized. An ill-designed economic instrument or one which is alien to the culture of the country and the structure of the industry could have higher informational and enforcement requirements than well-designed command and control regulations. For example, effluent charges applied to scattered, small-scale industries in developing countries with a larger underground economy have enormous information requirements and little chance of successful implementation. Under these circumstances product taxes and deposit-refundsystems, though indirect instruments, are overall more efficient.While every effort should be made to choose instruments, designs, and modes of introduction thatminimize the informational and management/enforcement requirements, there is an irreducibleminimum level that must be met if environmental policy is to produce results on the ground.Informational and management requirements are translated into institutional and human resourcerequirements—two resources in high demand and limited supply in developing countries. To minimize institutional demands, maximum use must be made of existing administrative structures (e.g., existing tax collection, bureaucracy, industry licensing procedures, vehicle registration system, the town and country planning department, the government tourist agency, line ministries or departments such as forestry, mining, industry, and agriculture). For example, product taxes can be integrated with existing sales, excise tariffs, or Value Added Tax systems and collected by the relevant collection agencies.Betterment charges can be integrated with the property taxes and collected by the existing property tax department. Wastewater treatment charges or watershed protection charges can be incorporated into the monthly water bill and collected concurrently. Transferable development rights or land-use taxes can be implemented through the land registration department to maximize use of the private land market institutions (e.g., real estate firms, land surveyors, property value assessors, etc.)Using existing institutions would significantly reduce the need for new institutions and additional human resources though it will not eliminate it entirely. For example, water rights, tradeable catch quotas, or emission permits would require a special registry which is regularly updated. Issuance of secure land titles require cadastral surveys and a process for the resolution of conflicting claims, while land use taxes call for land use registry. Performance bonds require a financial institution that will manage and reinvest the funds, pay interest, assess performance, and dispose the bond accordingly.Effluent charges require a monitoring and collection system which has relatively high institutional and human resource requirements because it calls for specialized knowledge and measurement capabilities. While existing institutions can be restructured or upgraded to handle many of these tasks, additional specialized organizational and human resources need to be added.Among the new skills required are specialists in environmental impact assessment and valuation(damage or betterment assessment), environmental auditors and inspectors, environmental engineers and economists, financial analysts, environmental tax experts, etc. While some of these skills may not be available in developing countries, related skills exist and can be easily retro-fitted for the use of economic instruments in environmental management. External training and technical assistance might be needed for some time in certain countries but local expertise would not take long to respond if effective demand exists because related skills are often available.What about legal institutions, legislation, and regulations needed to back economic instruments?Property rights, and enforcement of contracts are essential for the efficient operation of markets, on which the effectiveness of economic instruments, also known as market-based instruments, depends. As we have seen, where property rights cannot be defined in physical space, they can be defined in legal space (e.g., permits, licenses, quotas) which assigns right of use. Economic instruments require enabling legislation, legitimation, or legal frameworks, not detailed regulation. Environmental charges need to be legislated, unless they qualify as taxes or user charges permissible by executive decision within existing legal frameworks. Similarly, performance bonds and transferable development rights need to be legislated and environmental funds need to be legally constituted. However, once economic instruments are in place they should be more or less self-enforced; otherwise, they have not been properly designed. The economic instruments approach to environmental management and sustainable development requires regulations to set the rules of the game not to specify and arbitrateevery move. In most real world situations, a command and control structure already exists andeconomic instruments should not seek to replace it overnight, but support it, make it more flexible and cost effective by making allowances for differences in compliance cost through credit, offsets, trades, and other mutually beneficial exchanges.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Persyaratan informasi dapat dikurangi lebih lanjut dengan memperhatikan kondisi khusus negara (lihat bab sebelumnya), industri, media lingkungan, dan polutan tertentu atau sumber daya yang kontrol dicari (lihat bab berikutnya). Ketika instrumen dibuat khusus agar sesuai dengan kondisi ini, biaya informasi dan penegakan diminimalkan. Instrumen ekonomi buruk dirancang atau salah satu yang asing bagi budaya negara dan struktur industri bisa memiliki persyaratan informasi dan penegakan yang lebih tinggi dari komando dan kontrol peraturan yang dirancang dengan baik. Misalnya, biaya limbah diterapkan untuk industri yang tersebar, skala kecil di negara-negara dengan ekonomi bawah tanah yang lebih besar berkembang memiliki kebutuhan informasi yang sangat besar dan sedikit kesempatan keberhasilan pelaksanaan. Di bawah ini pajak produk keadaan dan deposito pengembalian
sistem, meskipun instrumen tidak langsung, yang secara keseluruhan lebih efisien.
Sementara setiap upaya harus dilakukan untuk memilih instrumen, desain, dan cara pendahuluan yang
meminimalkan persyaratan informasi dan manajemen / penegakan hukum, ada tereduksi
tingkat minimum yang harus dipenuhi jika kebijakan lingkungan adalah untuk menghasilkan hasil di lapangan.
Informational dan persyaratan manajemen dijabarkan ke dalam sumber daya manusia dan kelembagaan
persyaratan-dua sumber daya dalam permintaan tinggi dan pasokan yang terbatas di negara-negara berkembang. Untuk meminimalkan tuntutan institusional, penggunaan maksimal harus dibuat struktur administratif yang ada (misalnya, pengumpulan pajak, birokrasi, prosedur perizinan industri, kendaraan sistem registrasi, departemen kota dan negara perencanaan, badan wisata pemerintah, kementerian atau departemen seperti kehutanan yang ada , pertambangan, industri, dan pertanian). Misalnya, pajak produk dapat diintegrasikan dengan penjualan yang ada, tarif cukai, atau Value Added sistem Pajak dan dikumpulkan oleh agen penagihan yang relevan.
Biaya Perbaikan dapat diintegrasikan dengan pajak properti dan dikumpulkan oleh departemen pajak properti yang sudah ada. Biaya Pengolahan air limbah atau biaya perlindungan DAS dapat dimasukkan ke dalam tagihan air bulanan dan dikumpulkan bersamaan. Transferable hak pembangunan atau pemanfaatan lahan pajak dapat diimplementasikan melalui departemen pendaftaran tanah untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan institusi pasar tanah swasta (misalnya, perusahaan real estate, surveyor tanah, nilai properti penilai, dll)
Menggunakan lembaga yang ada akan secara signifikan mengurangi kebutuhan untuk lembaga baru dan sumber daya tambahan manusia meskipun tidak akan menghilangkan sepenuhnya. Misalnya, hak air, kuota tangkapan tradeable, atau izin emisi akan membutuhkan registri khusus yang diperbarui secara teratur. Penerbitan sertifikat tanah aman memerlukan survei kadaster dan proses untuk penyelesaian klaim yang saling bertentangan, sementara penggunaan lahan pajak menyerukan penggunaan lahan registri. Obligasi kinerja memerlukan lembaga keuangan yang akan mengelola dan menginvestasikan dana, membayar bunga, menilai kinerja, dan membuang ikatan yang sesuai.
biaya Limbah memerlukan pemantauan dan pengumpulan sistem yang memiliki relatif tinggi kebutuhan sumber daya manusia dan kelembagaan karena panggilan untuk pengetahuan khusus dan kemampuan pengukuran. Sementara lembaga yang ada dapat direstrukturisasi atau di-upgrade untuk menangani banyak tugas-tugas ini, sumber daya tambahan khusus organisasi dan manusia perlu ditambahkan.
antara keterampilan baru yang diperlukan adalah spesialis dalam penilaian dampak lingkungan dan penilaian
(assessment kerusakan atau perbaikan), auditor lingkungan dan inspektur , insinyur lingkungan dan ekonom, analis keuangan, ahli pajak lingkungan, dll Sementara beberapa keterampilan mungkin tidak tersedia di negara berkembang, keterampilan yang berhubungan ada dan dapat dengan mudah retro pas untuk penggunaan instrumen ekonomi dalam pengelolaan lingkungan. Pelatihan eksternal dan bantuan teknis mungkin diperlukan untuk beberapa waktu di negara-negara tertentu, tetapi keahlian lokal tidak akan butuh waktu lama untuk merespon jika permintaan efektif ada karena keterampilan terkait sering tersedia.
Bagaimana lembaga-lembaga hukum, undang-undang, dan peraturan yang diperlukan untuk mendukung instrumen ekonomi?
Properti hak, dan penegakan kontrak sangat penting untuk operasi yang efisien dari pasar, di mana efektivitas instrumen ekonomi, juga dikenal sebagai instrumen berbasis pasar, tergantung. Seperti telah kita lihat, di mana hak milik tidak dapat didefinisikan dalam ruang fisik, mereka dapat didefinisikan dalam ruang hukum (misalnya, izin, lisensi, kuota) yang memberikan hak penggunaan. Instrumen ekonomi memerlukan memungkinkan undang-undang, legitimasi, atau kerangka hukum, bukan peraturan yang rinci. Biaya Lingkungan perlu disahkan, kecuali mereka memenuhi syarat sebagai pajak atau retribusi diizinkan oleh keputusan eksekutif dalam kerangka hukum yang ada. Demikian pula, obligasi kinerja dan hak pembangunan dipindahtangankan perlu disahkan dan dana lingkungan perlu dibentuk secara hukum. Namun, setelah instrumen ekonomi berada di tempat mereka harus lebih atau kurang self-ditegakkan; jika tidak, mereka belum dirancang dengan baik. Instrumen ekonomi pendekatan untuk pengelolaan lingkungan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan memerlukan peraturan untuk mengatur aturan main tidak untuk menentukan dan menengahi
setiap gerakan. Dalam kebanyakan situasi dunia nyata, komando dan kontrol struktur sudah ada dan
instrumen ekonomi seharusnya tidak berusaha untuk menggantinya semalam, tapi mendukungnya, membuatnya lebih fleksibel dan biaya yang efektif dengan membuat tunjangan untuk perbedaan biaya kepatuhan melalui kredit, offset, perdagangan, dan pertukaran yang saling menguntungkan lainnya.
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Bahasa lainnya
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