You now hold the extraordinary chance of choosing your Good New Karma  terjemahan - You now hold the extraordinary chance of choosing your Good New Karma  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

You now hold the extraordinary chan

You now hold the extraordinary chance of choosing your Good New Karma and thereby obtaining all you wish from your New Life.

For that, it is imperative that we prevent your Negative Karma Cycle from gaining the upper hand once again and prevent you from once again suffering another negative seven year period, which I’m sure you will agree, would be a real disaster.

So as to succeed, I will need to put all my other cases on hold so as to devote my time to you, as you must remember that it is vital that we act between Sunday, May 01, 2016 et le Sunday, May 08, 2016.

I am willing to make that sacrifice for you, Rochani, as I know its importance. You must understand that now and not later is the time to act if we wish your life to change so as to allow Luck, Happiness and Fortune into your life. This is why I took time to write to you today and why we must act Now.

You will see how fast your life changes when you are rid of your Negative Karma.

Here is what may happen to you when you are rid of your Negative Karma, and this is but an example...

Firstly, you will feel like a heavy burden has been lifted from your shoulders. You will be able to breathe easier and will feel more self confident… Yes, Rochani, You will be free and once again, Good Luck will flock to your side.

This will be felt by the arrival of good tidings, whereas until now, you only ever had bad news…

This will be followed by small wins if you are betting, or by an unexpected income such as an inheritance, promotion or reimbursements...

On the subject of money, do read the note I put at the end of this letter…

This will be followed by a change in the way people treat you. Those who fled you (maybe they could sense your Negative Karma) will start to get closer to you and to seek your company.

If you are lacking love, you will find it in various forms and it will no longer desert you.

Yes, really, Rochani, when you are rid of your Negative Karma which is ruining your life and spoiling your chances of success, your life will be truly different from the life you lead today.

But I have said that for us to reach this result, we must act now without wasting a second. This I why I urge you right away to return the Confidential Questionnaire which I drew up for you. It is vital, Rochani , that I know the answers to these questions so as to be able to help you in the most effective way possible.

Above all else, it is now that you must act...

Yes, Rochani , if you really wish to know a life that is radically different from the life you lead today, if you wish Luck, Love and Fortune to be a part of your life and rain their benefits down on you, you must act now, now and not later. Do not forget that we only have seven days at our disposal in which to act.

I told you that your current Karma Cycle will end Sunday, May 01, 2016 to recommence Sunday, May 08, 2016 seven days later, and it is at that precise time that we must act, as it will be too late and you will once again face seven years of problems...

This is why I am contacting you now, act today and return your Confidential Questionnaire. Believe me, you will not regret it. In any case, you have nothing to lose, if you believe.

The awaited moment has at last arrived.

Yes, Rochani, by Sunday, May 08, 2016 you will be free from the grasp of this curse which is ruining your chances in life and a Great New Life will be yours. You will then be able to taste all the pleasures which make life worth living: meals out, vacations, spending money, nice cars, nice clothes, you own home...

Whatever you do, do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity which is before you today. Grasp it with both hands-you must. I await your Confidential Questionnaire with great impatience. Until then,
I wish you all the best.
Yours truly,

Sara Freder,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
You now hold the extraordinary chance of choosing your Good New Karma and thereby obtaining all you wish from your New Life.For that, it is imperative that we prevent your Negative Karma Cycle from gaining the upper hand once again and prevent you from once again suffering another negative seven year period, which I’m sure you will agree, would be a real disaster.So as to succeed, I will need to put all my other cases on hold so as to devote my time to you, as you must remember that it is vital that we act between Sunday, May 01, 2016 et le Sunday, May 08, 2016.I am willing to make that sacrifice for you, Rochani, as I know its importance. You must understand that now and not later is the time to act if we wish your life to change so as to allow Luck, Happiness and Fortune into your life. This is why I took time to write to you today and why we must act Now.You will see how fast your life changes when you are rid of your Negative Karma.Here is what may happen to you when you are rid of your Negative Karma, and this is but an example...Firstly, you will feel like a heavy burden has been lifted from your shoulders. You will be able to breathe easier and will feel more self confident… Yes, Rochani, You will be free and once again, Good Luck will flock to your side.This will be felt by the arrival of good tidings, whereas until now, you only ever had bad news…This will be followed by small wins if you are betting, or by an unexpected income such as an inheritance, promotion or reimbursements...On the subject of money, do read the note I put at the end of this letter…This will be followed by a change in the way people treat you. Those who fled you (maybe they could sense your Negative Karma) will start to get closer to you and to seek your company.If you are lacking love, you will find it in various forms and it will no longer desert you.Yes, really, Rochani, when you are rid of your Negative Karma which is ruining your life and spoiling your chances of success, your life will be truly different from the life you lead today.But I have said that for us to reach this result, we must act now without wasting a second. This I why I urge you right away to return the Confidential Questionnaire which I drew up for you. It is vital, Rochani , that I know the answers to these questions so as to be able to help you in the most effective way possible.Above all else, it is now that you must act...Yes, Rochani , if you really wish to know a life that is radically different from the life you lead today, if you wish Luck, Love and Fortune to be a part of your life and rain their benefits down on you, you must act now, now and not later. Do not forget that we only have seven days at our disposal in which to act.I told you that your current Karma Cycle will end Sunday, May 01, 2016 to recommence Sunday, May 08, 2016 seven days later, and it is at that precise time that we must act, as it will be too late and you will once again face seven years of problems...This is why I am contacting you now, act today and return your Confidential Questionnaire. Believe me, you will not regret it. In any case, you have nothing to lose, if you believe.The awaited moment has at last arrived. Yes, Rochani, by Sunday, May 08, 2016 you will be free from the grasp of this curse which is ruining your chances in life and a Great New Life will be yours. You will then be able to taste all the pleasures which make life worth living: meals out, vacations, spending money, nice cars, nice clothes, you own home...Whatever you do, do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity which is before you today. Grasp it with both hands-you must. I await your Confidential Questionnaire with great impatience. Until then,I wish you all the best.Yours truly,Sara Freder,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Anda sekarang memegang kesempatan yang luar biasa untuk memilih Anda Baik New Karma dan dengan demikian memperoleh semua yang Anda inginkan dari Anda New Life. Untuk itu, sangat penting bahwa kita mencegah Negatif Anda Karma Cycle dari mendapatkan tangan atas sekali lagi dan mencegah Anda dari sekali lagi menderita periode tujuh tahun lagi negatif, yang saya yakin Anda akan setuju, akan menjadi bencana nyata. jadi, untuk berhasil, saya akan harus menempatkan semua kasus saya yang lain ditahan sehingga dapat mencurahkan waktu saya kepada Anda, karena Anda harus ingat yang sangat penting bahwa kami bertindak antara Minggu, 1 Mei, 2016 et le Minggu 8 Mei 2016. saya bersedia berkorban untuk Anda, Rochani, yang saya tahu pentingnya. Anda harus memahami bahwa sekarang dan tidak nanti adalah waktu untuk bertindak jika kita ingin hidup Anda berubah sehingga memungkinkan Keberuntungan, Happiness dan Fortune ke dalam hidup Anda. Ini adalah mengapa saya mengambil waktu untuk menulis kepada Anda hari ini dan mengapa kita harus bertindak sekarang. Anda akan melihat seberapa cepat hidup Anda berubah ketika Anda menyingkirkan Karma Negatif Anda. Berikut adalah apa yang mungkin terjadi pada Anda ketika Anda menyingkirkan Karma Negatif Anda , dan ini hanyalah sebuah contoh ... Pertama, Anda akan merasa seperti beban berat telah diangkat dari bahu Anda. Anda akan dapat bernapas lebih mudah dan akan merasa lebih percaya diri ... Ya, Rochani, Anda akan bebas dan sekali lagi, Good Luck akan berbondong-bondong ke sisi Anda. Ini akan dirasakan oleh kedatangan kabar baik, sedangkan sampai sekarang, Anda hanya pernah berita buruk ... ini akan diikuti oleh kemenangan kecil jika Anda bertaruh, atau dengan penghasilan yang tak terduga seperti warisan, promosi atau penggantian ... pada subjek uang, jangan membaca catatan saya menempatkan pada akhir surat ini ... ini akan diikuti oleh perubahan dalam cara orang memperlakukan Anda. Mereka yang melarikan diri Anda (mungkin mereka bisa merasakan Anda Karma Negatif) akan mulai mendapatkan lebih dekat dengan Anda dan untuk mencari perusahaan Anda. Jika Anda kurang cinta, Anda akan merasa dalam berbagai bentuk dan tidak akan lagi meninggalkan Anda. Ya, benar-benar , Rochani, ketika Anda menyingkirkan Karma Negatif Anda yang merusak kehidupan Anda dan merusak peluang keberhasilan Anda, hidup Anda akan benar-benar berbeda dari kehidupan Anda memimpin hari ini. Tapi saya telah mengatakan bahwa bagi kita untuk mencapai hasil ini, kita harus bertindak sekarang tanpa membuang kedua. Aku ini mengapa saya mendorong Anda segera untuk mengembalikan Rahasia Kuesioner yang saya menarik untuk Anda. Sangat penting, Rochani, yang saya tahu jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini sehingga dapat membantu Anda dalam cara yang paling efektif mungkin. Di atas segalanya, sekarang bahwa Anda harus bertindak ... Ya, Rochani, jika Anda benar-benar ingin tahu kehidupan yang secara radikal berbeda dari kehidupan Anda memimpin hari ini, jika Anda ingin Keberuntungan, Cinta dan Fortune menjadi bagian dari kehidupan Anda dan hujan manfaat mereka turun pada Anda, Anda harus bertindak sekarang, sekarang dan bukan nanti. Jangan lupa bahwa kita hanya memiliki tujuh hari kita miliki di mana untuk bertindak. Saya mengatakan kepada Anda bahwa Anda saat ini Karma Cycle akan berakhir Minggu, 1 Mei, 2016 untuk memulai kembali Minggu, 8 Mei, 2016 tujuh hari kemudian, dan itu adalah pada saat itu waktu yang tepat bahwa kita harus bertindak, karena akan terlambat dan Anda akan sekali lagi menghadapi tujuh tahun masalah ... ini adalah mengapa saya menghubungi Anda sekarang, bertindak hari ini dan kembali Rahasia Angket Anda. Percayalah, Anda tidak akan menyesal. Dalam hal apapun, Anda tidak akan rugi, jika Anda percaya. Saat ditunggu telah akhirnya tiba. Ya, Rochani, oleh Minggu, 8 Mei, 2016 Anda akan bebas dari cengkeraman kutukan ini yang merusak kesempatan Anda dalam hidup dan besar New Life akan menjadi milik Anda. Anda kemudian akan dapat merasakan semua kenikmatan yang membuat layak hidup hidup: makanan keluar, liburan, menghabiskan uang, mobil bagus, pakaian bagus, Anda memiliki rumah ... Apa pun yang Anda lakukan, jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini indah yang sebelum Anda hari ini. Pegang dengan kedua tangan-Anda harus. Saya menunggu Rahasia Angket Anda dengan ketidaksabaran yang besar. Sampai saat itu, saya berharap Anda semua yang terbaik. Hormat, Sara Freder,

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