Preservations of the original teaching of islam
There could be nothing in common between the true and the false and no two things in the world could be as opposed to each other as these. In the common place material things daily life, the evils of falsehood are obvious and acknowledged by all. Of course in matters of eternal salvation, of beliefs, and of the original teachings of a religion, the evil that falsehood does transcend all other evils.
An honest reasonable man would experience no difficulty in judging whether a certain teaching is just and acceptable, or not. In matters of dogmas however what often happens is that one judges first the person of the teacher prior to his precepts. If he is found trustworthy, one is the more easily pursuaded to acknowledge one’s own defects of understanding part of his teaching rather than reject totally his words. In such cases, the fact of the authenticity of his words and of his teachings, particularly when the teacher has died, becomes all the more imperative.
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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Baik awetan ajaran asli IslamBisa ada kesamaan antara benar dan palsu dan dua hal di dunia bisa bertentangan satu sama lain seperti ini. Di tempat umum kehidupan sehari-hari benda-benda material kejahatan kepalsuan jelas dan diakui oleh semua. Tentu saja dalam hal keselamatan kekal, keyakinan dan ajaran asli agama, kejahatan kepalsuan melampaui segala kejahatan lain.Masuk akal manusia akan mengalami tidak ada kesulitan dalam menilai apakah suatu ajaran tertentu adil dan diterima, atau tidak. Dalam hal dogma namun yang sering terjadi adalah salah satu hakim pertama orang guru sebelum perintahNya. Jika ia ditemukan dapat dipercaya, yang lebih mudah pursuaded untuk mengakui salah satu cacat dari pemahaman bagian pengajaran-Nya sendiri daripada menolak benar-benar kata-katanya. Dalam kasus tersebut, fakta keaslian dari kata-kata dan ajaran-ajarannya, terutama ketika guru telah mati, menjadi semakin penting.
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