I smile: „That must look that other coun­tries fought the re­gion sit­ terjemahan - I smile: „That must look that other coun­tries fought the re­gion sit­ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I smile: „That must look that other

I smile: „That must look that other coun­tries fought the re­gion sit­u­a­tion, we do not have a low opin­ion of the enemy, wipe the tea, how many peo­ple looked up in the fire likely city al­to­gether some, now?”
Wipes the tea to blink, said: „Sur­vey of sys­tem tool de­tec­tion at with In­dian war zone forum, cur­rently in the fire likely city at least has the 1500 W player and 200 W NPC army, in ad­di­tion the com­mon peo­ple in city, this city at least had above the 2000 W per­son.”
Song Han some­what was flab­ber­gasted: „Oh, the 2000 W per­son pushes in such a triv­ial city, is un­able to imag­ine.”
Wipes the tea to say with a smile: „In re­al­ity is truly im­pos­si­ble, can­not sup­port with­out that many planters and rais­ing live­stock lands, in the game ac­tu­ally many NPC are the hy­poth­e­sis does not eat meal, presses to­gether com­pletely the words, in the 1 × 1 code cal­cu­late that a per­son, this city can think of the next over a bil­lion peo­ple, ex­plained that in the city can also move the foot­steps”
Lin Wan Er from my arms jump­ing down horse, raises the dag­ger to ar­rive in the frontal line, said: „It looks like, the per­son in In­dian war zone the mao all strengths, had planned has fought to the death with us fully in the fire city likely, the clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink also is re­ally in­tel­li­gent, even if de­feats a fire city also to want 2000 W per­son each who the Chi­nese war zone comes to hang likely one time, this clearly must fight the pro­tracted war!”
I show a faint smile: „Wait and see, vis­its us not to give to them the op­por­tu­nity of pro­tracted war!”
At this time, the toot in the dis­tant place re­sounded, that was Tian Ling Em­pire launches the at­tack the toot!
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I smile: „That must look that other coun­tries fought the re­gion sit­u­a­tion, we do not have a low opin­ion of the enemy, wipe the tea, how many peo­ple looked up in the fire likely city al­to­gether some, now?”Wipes the tea to blink, said: „Sur­vey of sys­tem tool de­tec­tion at with In­dian war zone forum, cur­rently in the fire likely city at least has the 1500 W player and 200 W NPC army, in ad­di­tion the com­mon peo­ple in city, this city at least had above the 2000 W per­son.”Song Han some­what was flab­ber­gasted: „Oh, the 2000 W per­son pushes in such a triv­ial city, is un­able to imag­ine.”Wipes the tea to say with a smile: „In re­al­ity is truly im­pos­si­ble, can­not sup­port with­out that many planters and rais­ing live­stock lands, in the game ac­tu­ally many NPC are the hy­poth­e­sis does not eat meal, presses to­gether com­pletely the words, in the 1 × 1 code cal­cu­late that a per­son, this city can think of the next over a bil­lion peo­ple, ex­plained that in the city can also move the foot­steps”Lin Wan Er from my arms jump­ing down horse, raises the dag­ger to ar­rive in the frontal line, said: „It looks like, the per­son in In­dian war zone the mao all strengths, had planned has fought to the death with us fully in the fire city likely, the clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink also is re­ally in­tel­li­gent, even if de­feats a fire city also to want 2000 W per­son each who the Chi­nese war zone comes to hang likely one time, this clearly must fight the pro­tracted war!”I show a faint smile: „Wait and see, vis­its us not to give to them the op­por­tu­nity of pro­tracted war!”At this time, the toot in the dis­tant place re­sounded, that was Tian Ling Em­pire launches the at­tack the toot!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku tersenyum: "? Itu harus melihat bahwa negara-negara lain berjuang situasi wilayah, kita tidak memiliki pendapat rendah musuh, menghapus teh, berapa banyak orang mendongak di api kemungkinan kota sama sekali beberapa, sekarang"
Wipes teh untuk blink, mengatakan: "Survei deteksi alat sistem pada dengan forum zona perang India, saat ini dalam api kemungkinan kota setidaknya memiliki pemain 1500 W dan 200 W tentara NPC, selain masyarakat umum di kota, kota ini setidaknya memiliki di atas . 2000 W orang "
Lagu Han agak terperangah:" Oh, W orang 2000 mendorong di kota sepele seperti, tidak dapat membayangkan ".
Wipes teh untuk mengatakan dengan tersenyum:" pada kenyataannya benar-benar tidak mungkin, tidak dapat mendukung tanpa banyak pekebun dan meningkatkan lahan ternak, dalam permainan sebenarnya banyak NPC adalah hipotesis tidak makan makanan, menekan bersama-sama benar-benar kata-kata, dalam kode 1 × 1 menghitung bahwa seseorang, kota ini bisa memikirkan berikutnya lebih dari satu miliar orang, menjelaskan bahwa di kota juga dapat memindahkan jejak "
Lin Wan Er dari lengan saya melompat turun kuda, menimbulkan belati tiba di garis frontal, mengatakan:" Sepertinya, orang di zona perang India yang mao semua kekuatan , telah merencanakan telah berjuang sampai mati dengan kami sepenuhnya di kota api kemungkinan, pupil jelas mengembangkan tinta hitam juga benar-benar cerdas, bahkan jika mengalahkan kota api juga ingin 2000 W orang setiap yang zona perang Cina datang untuk menggantung kemungkinan satu waktu, ini jelas harus melawan perang berlarut-larut "!
aku menunjukkan senyum tipis:" Tunggu dan lihat, mengunjungi kami untuk tidak memberikan kepada mereka kesempatan perang berlarut-larut "
pada saat ini, tiupan di tempat yang jauh terdengar, bahwa adalah Tian Ling Empire meluncurkan serangan toot yang!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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