A steady increase in members to the current number of 150 forced the G terjemahan - A steady increase in members to the current number of 150 forced the G Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A steady increase in members to the

A steady increase in members to the current number of 150 forced the GPSC to cease accepting new applicants. The GPSC was founded as a self-ruled organization focusing on the welfare of its members and collective help among them. Its grass-roots style of decision-making fosters member participation. While a committee of 9 elected members is responsible for managing the organization, important decisions are made and elections are held at the annual general meetings. The GPSC’s ambitions and organizational structure are oriented to the social well-being of its members and the community, which is fostered through a welfare fund, microcredits,
support for individual members facing hardship, and various other forms of assistance. This is reflected in the organization’s balance sheet, particularly in the high proportion of expenditures—usually 80–90%—paid directly to the members in the form of salaries, bonuses,
and other compensations (Table 2). Furthermore, in dry periods the GPSC offers water from its tank free of charge not only to its members, but to all households of the community. The conscious rejection of a profit-oriented business model has caused the GPSC’s annual expenditures to exceed revenues in some years. The high expenses for welfare services are thus preventing the organization from building up financial reserves for additional infrastructure and general maintenance work.
As a result, the GPSC remains dependent on ‘‘external’’ support for major investments (eg from Austria). As rural households in the region largely practice small-scale subsistence agriculture, with only a very small production surplus for sale, working as guides or porters
plays a prominent, but varying role in their livelihoods (Figure 6). Depending on the assets available in each household, the GPSC contributes in different ways to reducing household vulnerability: For households with small land properties (household types A and B) GPSC
jobs represent one of few, or even the only source of monetary income. During the peak season, porters and guides usually have 1–3 opportunities per month to work on a multiday tour. Based on an average tour duration of 3 days and a season of about 7 months per year, this allows
them to earn between US$340–480 (J250–350, February 2011 exchange rate) per year, depending on their activities. These earnings are mostly invested in improving their households’ human capital, such as in education for their children and in capacity-building for adult household members. Besides the income, households have access to the large social network of the GPSC committee and can thus extend their social capital.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Peningkatan yang stabil dalam anggota untuk jumlah 150 memaksa GPSC untuk berhenti menerima pendaftar baru. GPSC ini didirikan sebagai organisasi mandiri memerintah berfokus pada kesejahteraan anggotanya dan kolektif bantuan antara mereka. Gaya akar rumput pengambilan keputusan mendorong partisipasi anggota. Sementara Komite 9 Terpilih anggota bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola organisasi, penting keputusan dibuat dan pemilihan akan dilakukan pada Rapat Umum tahunan. GPSC ambisi dan struktur organisasi yang berorientasi sosial kesejahteraan para anggotanya dan masyarakat, yang dibina melalui dana kesejahteraan, microcredits,dukungan untuk anggota individu yang menghadapi kesulitan, dan berbagai bentuk bantuan lain. Hal ini tercermin dalam neraca organisasi, terutama dalam proporsi yang tinggi pengeluaran — biasanya 80-90% — dibayarkan langsung ke anggota dalam bentuk gaji, bonus,dan kompensasi lainnya (Tabel 2). Selain itu, dalam periode kering GPSC menawarkan air dari tangki gratis tidak hanya untuk para anggotanya, tetapi untuk semua rumah tangga masyarakat. Penolakan sadar model bisnis yang berorientasi profit yang telah menyebabkan GPSC pengeluaran tahunan melebihi pendapatan dalam beberapa tahun. Biaya yang tinggi untuk layanan kesejahteraan sehingga mencegah organisasi dari membangun cadangan keuangan untuk penambahan infrastruktur dan perawatan umum bekerja. Sebagai hasilnya, GPSC tetap tergantung pada '' eksternal '' dukungan untuk investasi besar (misalnya dari Austria). Sebagai rumah tangga pedesaan di wilayah tersebut sebagian besar praktek pertanian subsisten skala kecil, dengan hanya sangat kecil produksi surplus untuk dijual, bekerja sebagai pemandu atau kulimemainkan menonjol, tetapi berbagai peran dalam kehidupan mereka (gambar 6). Tergantung pada aset yang tersedia di setiap rumah tangga, GPSC memberikan kontribusi dalam cara yang berbeda untuk mengurangi kerentanan rumah tangga: untuk rumah tangga dengan sifat-sifat tanah kecil (rumah tangga jenis A dan B) GPSCpekerjaan ini merupakan satu dari sedikit, atau bahkan satu-satunya sumber pendapatan moneter. Selama musim puncak, Porter dan panduan biasanya memiliki kesempatan 1-3 per bulan untuk bekerja pada tur multiday. Berdasarkan Durasi rata-rata 3 hari dan musim 7 bulan per tahun, hal ini memungkinkanmereka untuk mendapatkan antara US$ 340-480 (J250-350, nilai tukar Februari 2011) per tahun, tergantung pada kegiatan mereka. Pendapatan ini sebagian besar diinvestasikan dalam meningkatkan modal manusia rumah tangga mereka, seperti dalam pendidikan untuk anak-anak mereka dan dalam kapasitas untuk anggota rumah tangga dewasa. Selain pendapatan, rumah tangga memiliki akses ke jaringan sosial yang besar dari Komite GPSC dan dengan demikian dapat memperpanjang modal sosial mereka.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
A steady increase in members to the current number of 150 forced the GPSC to cease accepting new applicants. The GPSC was founded as a self-ruled organization focusing on the welfare of its members and collective help among them. Its grass-roots style of decision-making fosters member participation. While a committee of 9 elected members is responsible for managing the organization, important decisions are made and elections are held at the annual general meetings. The GPSC’s ambitions and organizational structure are oriented to the social well-being of its members and the community, which is fostered through a welfare fund, microcredits,
support for individual members facing hardship, and various other forms of assistance. This is reflected in the organization’s balance sheet, particularly in the high proportion of expenditures—usually 80–90%—paid directly to the members in the form of salaries, bonuses,
and other compensations (Table 2). Furthermore, in dry periods the GPSC offers water from its tank free of charge not only to its members, but to all households of the community. The conscious rejection of a profit-oriented business model has caused the GPSC’s annual expenditures to exceed revenues in some years. The high expenses for welfare services are thus preventing the organization from building up financial reserves for additional infrastructure and general maintenance work.
As a result, the GPSC remains dependent on ‘‘external’’ support for major investments (eg from Austria). As rural households in the region largely practice small-scale subsistence agriculture, with only a very small production surplus for sale, working as guides or porters
plays a prominent, but varying role in their livelihoods (Figure 6). Depending on the assets available in each household, the GPSC contributes in different ways to reducing household vulnerability: For households with small land properties (household types A and B) GPSC
jobs represent one of few, or even the only source of monetary income. During the peak season, porters and guides usually have 1–3 opportunities per month to work on a multiday tour. Based on an average tour duration of 3 days and a season of about 7 months per year, this allows
them to earn between US$340–480 (J250–350, February 2011 exchange rate) per year, depending on their activities. These earnings are mostly invested in improving their households’ human capital, such as in education for their children and in capacity-building for adult household members. Besides the income, households have access to the large social network of the GPSC committee and can thus extend their social capital.
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