After returning from a wedding reception, a couple staying in an isola terjemahan - After returning from a wedding reception, a couple staying in an isola Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

After returning from a wedding rece

After returning from a wedding reception, a couple staying in an isolated vacation house receive a knock on the door in the mid-hours of the night. What ensues is a violent invasion by three strangers, their faces hidden behind masks. The couple find themselves in a violent struggle, in which they go beyond what either of them thought capable in order to survive.
As the movie continues the young couple staying at a summer retreat are faced with a night of psychological terror and the reality of what will come is more terrifying than anything both could have imagined.

The film begins with two young well-dressed boys happening upon a vandalized property and a bloody crime scene, with a voiceover of a frantic 911 caller, rambling about a gruesome, bloody scene- we actually never see the caller in the movie and no mention is made of her. We are then taken backward and introduced to the two protagonists, James Hoyt (Scott Speedman) and Kristen McKay (Liv Tyler), who appear distraught. They retire to James' remote family vacation home, which James had prepared in advance with a set dinner table and rose petals throughout the living area, bedroom and bathroom. As Kristen takes a bath, she has a flashback to earlier in the evening; at a friend's wedding reception, James had proposed to Kristen, only to be turned down. Given the romantic setup of the home, James obviously assumed Kristen would accept his marriage proposal. Kristen later explains to James that she is not ready. In the meantime, James had called his friend Mike, explaining that things had not gone as planned, and for Mike to come pick him up in the morning.

Moments after they arrive, at 4:05 am, there is a loud knock on the door, which James answers with Kristen right behind him. A young, blonde-haired girl in her late teens to early 20s (Gemma Ward) stands at the doorstep . She says hi and asks, "Is Tamara home?" James, confused, answers no and that the girl has the wrong house, to which the girl replies, "Are you sure?" James replies yes, and we can only assume the girl is one of the assailants, foreshadowed by her saying, "See ya," then walking off. Although strange, both James and Kristen think nothing of it, as James indicates, "People get lost around here all the time."

Shortly after, Kristen mentions she is out of cigarettes, and James volunteers to go buy her a pack, saying he wants to go drive for a while anyway. Moments after he leaves, there is another knock at the door as Kristen sits by the fireplace. Kristen answers, but doesn't open the door, and it is the same girl asking, again, if Tamara is home. Kristen sends her off, and is clearly shaken by this strange occurrence. Then begins the stalking. The fire that James had set for Kristen begins to burn out of control and sets the smoke alarm off, which Kristen removes from the ceiling and places on the floor. During this time, there is rattling around the outside of the home, Kristen grabs a knife, a masked man appears in the background hallway (Kip Weeks) who Kristen does not notice. Kristen's fears are aroused when she sees the smoke detector is sitting on a chair and no longer on the floor. She tries James on her cellphone, but it is dead, so she plugs it in to her charger by the fireplace. She returns to the bedroom to use the landline, calls James, but the call gets cut off soon after. After she comes back out to the living room, she notices her phone is gone. Between random terrifying moments, including a record player being turned on in the living area, Kristen goes back into the bedroom, and then James returns. A frantic Kristen is trying to explain what is happening, and James has difficulty believing her story.

James then steps outside to retrieve his phone, only to see his car windshield has been smashed in. We learn that there are three masked assailants stalking James and Kristen, one guy and two girls. At one point, James and Kristen attempt to leave, and as they get in the car, a truck appears in the background, driven by one of the girls wearing a pin-up girl mask (Laura Margolis), and rams into James' car. The two get out of the car and go back into the house. James finds his father's shotgun and cartridges, enabling the couple to fight back. With all communication and transportation destroyed or cutoff, it is their only hope.

The couple hides out in a back room, and as they're hiding, James' friend Mike shows up. He enters the home, seeing that it is vandalized- the front door has been destroyed with an ax and there is broken glass on the floor. As Mike slowly steps through the house, the man with the mask lurks behind him, wielding an ax. Mike eventually comes into view where Kristen and James are hiding, and assuming that he is one of the assailants, James immediately shoots him in the face with a blast from the shotgun, instantly killing Mike. James and Kristen are horrified- James tells Kristen to find a place to hide and he goes outside to try and call for help using a radio in the barn. While creeping low in the woods outside the home, James sees the Pin-up mask girl come out from the barn. As he aims to fire at the girl, he is attacked from behind by the man in the mask. We hear one loud gunshot and do not know if anyone has been shot or hurt. However, the stalking continues and there is no sign of James for a while, so it is assumed that he has either been killed, or assaulted by the man in the mask.

Kristen then attempts an escape, and as she is running, she falls in a 4 foot ditch and injures herself, now barely able to walk. She climbs out and makes her way to the barn to attempt to call for help; when she finally hears a voice on the other end of the radio, the pin-up girl emerges and begins to smash the radio with an ax. Kristen then desperately makes her way back into the house and hides in a kitchen closet. While hiding, she sees the man in the mask wandering around the home searching around. As he wanders out of sight, the dollface mask girl appears in front of the closet door, frightening Kristen. Kristen comes out of the closet while James, appearing severely beaten, crawls back into the house, yelling for Kristen to run. Kristen makes her way back down to the bedroom, and shortly after she is confronted and slammed into a wall by the man in the mask, just about knocking her unconscious. Kristen makes futile attempts to grab on to the walls as she is being dragged down the hallway.

The next scene, James and Kristen are both seated and tied to chairs, with the three assailants standing over them. The pin-up mask girl draws the shades, revealing daylight. A horrified Kristen asks, "Why are you doing this to us?" The dollface mask girl subtlely replies, "Because you were home" thereby revealing the three assailants as crazed psychos who picked the couple at random. The three assailants remove their masks and place them down, showing their faces to their victims, although the audience does not get a direct look at any of their faces. Kristen is now wearing the engagement ring that James had offered to her, and the couple profess their love for one another, essentially accepting the fact that both of their lives are about to end. James is stabbed in the stomach slowly and methodically, and after him, Kristen is stabbed in the same manner.

In the next scene, the two young boys from the beginning are on bicycles on a secluded road. The three (maskless) assailants are driving in the opposite direction, out of town, with the man at the wheel. The boys appear confused, as if they know the three are strangers to the area. The truck stops in the middle of the road, the pin-up mask girl gets out to smoke a cigarette, the blonde dollface mask girl walks around to the boys, and asks for one of the pamphlets they are carrying. The two boys are Mormon missionaries, and one of them asks the dollface girl, "Are you a sinner?" to which she replies, "Sometimes." The boy offers her a pamphlet and both she and the pin-up girl get back in the truck.

The assailants must realize the boys are heading in the direction of an obvious crime scene, with the house vandalized and cars burning. Since it is a secluded area where throughout the movie we see no other people or cars, when the boys eventually happen upon this very recent crime scene, it would be readily obvious who the suspects are. The assailants brazen revelation shows that they want to be seen, and for it to be known they are the ones responsible for the crime. That, along with the dollface girl saying to her two partners as the truck drives away, "Next time it will be easier," indicate these are serial killers who have committed this type of act for the first time, and leave no doubt to the audience that they will continue to orchestrate similar crimes.

The two Mormon boys then enter the Hoyt residence, as we witnessed in the movie's introduction. There they find that Kristen and James have been untied and left for dead on the floor. We hear James gasping, and as the boys look over Kristen, she awakens and screams and the movie cuts to end credits. Since the narrator in the beginning concludes his monologue with, "The brutal events that took place there are still not entirely known" we can only assume that both James and Kristen do not live to tell their story.

In the end the couples friend, Mike, is shot and the couple is stabbed.(to leave to audience with a memorable ending the girl screams in the end >>>no dead, however in reality she would have died of blood loss)
Source(s): Hollywood has sneakily made a difference between the words based and inspired. Apparently, inspired is made up while based on is truly based on a true story. The Strangers was a great movie in my opinion however, it was "inspired by a true story". The Strangers was loosely based on various home invasion murders, including The Manson Murders, and based upon an Austrian couple that was murdered by three teenagers in their vacation home in
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
After returning from a wedding reception, a couple staying in an isolated vacation house receive a knock on the door in the mid-hours of the night. What ensues is a violent invasion by three strangers, their faces hidden behind masks. The couple find themselves in a violent struggle, in which they go beyond what either of them thought capable in order to survive.As the movie continues the young couple staying at a summer retreat are faced with a night of psychological terror and the reality of what will come is more terrifying than anything both could have imagined.Film dimulai dengan dua anak berpakaian rapi muda yang terjadi pada properti vandalized dan TKP berdarah, dengan voiceover penelepon 911 panik, bertele-tele tentang mengerikan, bloody adegan-kita benar-benar tidak pernah melihat pemanggil dalam film dan tidak disebutkan terbuat dari dirinya. Kami kemudian dibawa ke belakang dan diperkenalkan ke kedua tokoh utama, James Hoyt (Scott Speedman) dan Kristen McKay (Liv Tyler), yang tampak bingung. Mereka pensiun untuk James' terpencil liburan keluarga rumah, yang James telah dipersiapkan sebelumnya dengan meja makan set dan kelopak mawar seluruh ruang tamu, Kamar tidur dan kamar mandi. Sebagai Kristen mengambil mandi, dia memiliki kilas balik ke awal di malam hari; di resepsi pernikahan teman, James telah diusulkan untuk Kristen, hanya untuk akan ditolak. Mengingat setup romantis rumah, James jelas diasumsikan Kristen akan menerima proposal pernikahan. Kristen kemudian menjelaskan kepada James bahwa ia sudah tidak siap. Sementara itu, James telah memanggil temannya Mike, menjelaskan bahwa hal-hal yang tidak pergi seperti yang direncanakan, dan untuk Mike datang menjemputnya di pagi hari.Beberapa saat setelah mereka tiba, at 4:05 am, ada ketukan keras di pintu, yang James menjawab dengan Kristen tepat di belakangnya. Seorang gadis muda, blonde-haired di remaja akhir ke awal 20-an (Gemma Ward) berdiri di ambang pintu. Dia mengatakan hi dan bertanya, "Apakah Tamara rumah?" James, bingung, jawaban no dan bahwa gadis memiliki rumah salah, yang gadis menjawab, "Apakah Anda yakin?" James menjawab Ya, dan kita hanya bisa berasumsi gadis adalah salah satu dari para penyerang, yang dibayangi oleh dia berkata, "Lihat ya," kemudian berjalan pergi. Meskipun aneh, James maupun Kristen berpikir apa-apa, seperti James menunjukkan, "orang-orang tersesat di sini sepanjang waktu."Tak lama setelah itu, Kristen menyebut dia adalah Rokok, dan James relawan untuk pergi membeli paket, mengatakan ia ingin pergi berkendara sebentar saja. Beberapa saat setelah dia pergi, ada lain ketukan di pintu sebagai Kristen duduk dengan perapian. Kristen jawaban, tetapi tidak membuka pintu, dan itu adalah gadis yang sama meminta, sekali lagi, jika Tamara adalah rumah. Kristen mengirimkan dia, dan jelas terguncang oleh kejadian aneh ini. Kemudian mulai menguntit. Api yang James telah menetapkan untuk Kristen mulai membakar luar kendali dan memicu alarm asap, yang Kristen menghilangkan dari langit-langit dan tempat-tempat di lantai. Selama waktu ini, ada yang gemeretak disekitar rumah, Perampasan Kristen pisau, seorang pria bertopeng muncul di lorong latar belakang (Kip minggu) yang Kristen tidak melihat. Ketakutan Kristen sedang terangsang ketika dia melihat detektor asap duduk di kursi dan tidak lagi di lantai. Dia mencoba James pada warna nya, tapi sudah mati, sehingga dia colokan itu untuk charger nya di depan perapian. Dia kembali ke kamar tidur untuk menggunakan darat, panggilan James, tetapi panggilan akan terputus setelah. Setelah ia datang kembali ke ruang tamu, dia melihat telepon sudah pergi. Antara saat mengerikan acak, termasuk pemutar rekaman diaktifkan di ruang tamu, Kristen kembali ke dalam kamar tidur, dan kemudian kembali James. Kristen panik mencoba untuk menjelaskan apa yang terjadi, dan James memiliki kesulitan percaya kisahnya.James kemudian langkah di luar untuk mengambil telepon, hanya untuk melihat kaca mobil nya dihancurkan di. Kita belajar bahwa ada tiga penyerang bertopeng menguntit James dan Kristen, satu orang dan dua gadis. Pada satu titik, James dan Kristen berusaha untuk meninggalkan, dan ketika mereka mendapatkan di dalam mobil, truk muncul di latar belakang, didorong oleh salah seorang gadis mengenakan topeng pin-up gadis (Laura Margolis), dan mengamuk ke James' mobil. Dua keluar dari mobil dan kembali ke rumah. James menemukan ayahnya senapan dan kartrid, memungkinkan pasangan untuk melawan kembali. Semua komunikasi dan transportasi hancur atau cutoff, yang satunya harapan mereka.Pasangan menyembunyikan di kamar belakang, dan ketika mereka sedang bersembunyi, James' teman Mike muncul. Dia memasuki rumah, melihat bahwa itu adalah menjarah - pintu depan telah dihancurkan dengan kapak dan ada pecahan kaca di lantai. Sebagai Mike perlahan-lahan langkah-langkah melalui rumah, orang dengan topeng bersembunyi di belakang dia, memegang kapak. Mike akhirnya datang ke pandangan mana Kristen dan James bersembunyi, dan dengan asumsi bahwa ia adalah salah satu pelaku, James segera menembak dirinya di wajah dengan sebuah ledakan dari senapan, langsung membunuh Mike. James dan Kristen yang ngeri-James mengatakan Kristen untuk menemukan tempat untuk menyembunyikan dan dia keluar untuk mencoba dan meminta bantuan menggunakan radio di gudang. Sementara merayap rendah di hutan di luar rumah, James melihat Pin-up gadis topeng yang keluar dari gudang. Seperti yang ia bertujuan untuk api pada gadis, ia diserang dari belakang oleh orang dalam topeng. Kami mendengar satu tembakan yang keras dan tidak tahu jika siapa pun telah ditembak atau terluka. Namun, menguntit terus dan ada tanda-tanda dari James untuk sementara, sehingga hal ini diasumsikan bahwa ia telah telah dibunuh atau diserang oleh orang dalam topeng.Kristen kemudian mencoba melarikan diri, dan ketika dia berjalan, dia jatuh 4 kaki parit dan lukai orang sendiri, sekarang hampir tidak dapat berjalan. Dia memanjat keluar dan membuat perjalanan ke gudang untuk mencoba untuk meminta bantuan; ketika ia akhirnya mendengar suara di ujung lain dari radio, pin-up gadis muncul dan mulai menghancurkan radio dengan kapak. Kristen kemudian putus asa membuat jalan kembali ke rumah dan bersembunyi di dalam lemari dapur. Sementara bersembunyi, ia melihat laki-laki dalam topeng berkeliling mencari di sekitar rumah. Ia mengembara dari pandangan, gadis topeng dollface muncul di depan pintu lemari, menakutkan Kristen. Kristen datang keluar dari lemari sementara James, muncul sangat dipukuli, merangkak kembali ke rumah, berteriak-teriak untuk Kristen untuk menjalankan. Kristen membuat perjalanan kembali ke kamar tidur, dan tak lama setelah dia dihadapkan dan menabrak dinding oleh orang di masker, hampir mengetuk dia sadar. Kristen membuat usaha-usaha yang sia-sia untuk meraih ke dinding seperti dia sedang diseret menyusuri lorong.Adegan berikutnya, James dan Kristen yang baik duduk dan terikat kursi, dengan tiga penyerang yang berdiri di atas mereka. Masker pin-up gadis menarik nuansa, mengungkapkan siang hari. Kristen ngeri bertanya, "Mengapa Anda melakukan ini kepada kita?" Dollface topeng gadis halus menjawab, "karena Anda adalah rumah" dengan demikian mengungkapkan tiga penyerang sebagai gila gila yang memilih pasangan secara acak. Tiga penyerang menghapus topeng mereka dan menempatkan mereka ke bawah, menunjukkan wajah mereka kepada korban mereka, meskipun penonton tidak bisa melihat langsung di salah satu wajah mereka. Kristen sekarang memakai cincin pertunangan yang James telah ditawarkan kepadanya, dan pasangan menyatakan cinta mereka satu sama lain, pada dasarnya menerima kenyataan bahwa kehidupan mereka keduanya untuk mengakhiri. James ditikam di perut perlahan-lahan dan metodis, dan setelah dia, Kristen ditusuk dengan cara yang sama.Di adegan berikutnya, dua anak laki-laki dari awal berada di sepeda di jalan terpencil. Tiga penyerang (maskless) mengemudi di arah yang berlawanan, luar kota, dengan laki-laki di roda. Anak-anak tampak bingung, seolah-olah mereka tahu tiga orang asing ke daerah. Truk berhenti di tengah jalan, masker pin-up gadis keluar untuk merokok sebatang Rokok, topeng gadis pirang dollface berjalan di sekitar anak-anak, dan meminta salah satu pamflet mereka membawa. Dua anak laki-laki yang Mormon misionaris, dan salah satu dari mereka meminta gadis dollface, "Apakah Anda seorang berdosa?" untuk yang yang dia menjawab, "Kadang-kadang." Anak itu menawarkan dirinya sebuah pamflet dan dia dan pin-up gadis mendapatkan kembali di truk.Penyerang harus menyadari anak-anak sedang menuju ke arah jelas TKP, dengan rumah menjarah dan membakar mobil. Karena daerah terpencil dimana seluruh film kita melihat ada orang lain atau mobil, ketika anak-anak akhirnya terjadi pada adegan kejahatan yang sangat baru-baru ini, akan segera jelas siapa para tersangka. Para penyerang tuangan Wahyu menunjukkan bahwa mereka ingin dilihat, dan untuk itu dikenal mereka adalah orang-orang yang bertanggung jawab untuk kejahatan. Itu, bersama dengan gadis dollface mengatakan untuk nya dua mitra sebagai truk mengusir, "waktu berikutnya akan lebih mudah," menunjukkan ini adalah pembunuh berantai yang telah melakukan tindakan untuk pertama kalinya, dan meninggalkan jenis ini tidak diragukan lagi kepada khalayak bahwa mereka akan terus mengatur kejahatan yang serupa.Dua Mormon anak laki-laki kemudian masukkan tempat tinggal Hoyt, seperti yang kita saksikan dalam pendahuluan film. Di sana mereka menemukan bahwa Kristen dan James telah membuka dan kiri untuk mati di lantai. Kita mendengar James terengah-engah, dan ketika anak-anak melihat atas Kristen, dia terbangun dan jeritan dan memotong film untuk kredit akhir. Karena narator dalam awal menyimpulkan nya monolog dengan, "peristiwa brutal yang mengambil tempat di sana masih tidak sepenuhnya diketahui" kita hanya bisa berasumsi bahwa James maupun Kristen tidak hidup untuk menceritakan kisah mereka.Akhirnya teman pasangan, Mike, ditembak dan pasangan ditikam. (untuk meninggalkan untuk penonton dengan berkesan berakhir gadis jeritan di ujung >>> tidak mati, namun pada kenyataannya ia pasti sudah mati kehilangan darah)Source(s): Hollywood has sneakily made a difference between the words based and inspired. Apparently, inspired is made up while based on is truly based on a true story. The Strangers was a great movie in my opinion however, it was "inspired by a true story". The Strangers was loosely based on various home invasion murders, including The Manson Murders, and based upon an Austrian couple that was murdered by three teenagers in their vacation home in
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