Page 1 of 7The Copenhagen Declaration onTorture and DetentionMonday, 3 terjemahan - Page 1 of 7The Copenhagen Declaration onTorture and DetentionMonday, 3 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Page 1 of 7The Copenhagen Declarati

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The Copenhagen Declaration on
Torture and Detention
Monday, 31 March 2014
We, the undersigned
Council Members of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), representing health professionals who care for victims and survivors of torture throughout the world, gathered at the Annual Council Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, 27 and 28 March 2014,
Bearing in mind that
Torture and ill-treatment constitute one of the gravest human rights violations worldwide;
Most cases of torture and ill-treatment in the world occur in a detention setting and people deprived of liberty, whether in open or closed spaces, are especially vulnerable to mistreatment;
Women in detention are subject to gender-based violence amounting to torture and ill-treatment, and some individuals are particularly exposed to acts of torture and ill-treatment on the grounds of their sexual orientation and identity, ethnic origins, religious beliefs, age or disability, amongst others;
Many legal and administrative practices of detention may themselves amount to or increase the risk of torture and ill-treatment in detention as well as enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings;
Observing that:
States are obliged to care for and protect people who are within their custody or control;
States are responsible for prohibiting, preventing, and redressing torture and ill-treatment in all contexts of detention;
All victims of torture and ill-treatment have a right to effective remedies at all times, whether in detention or at liberty, including rehabilitation, reparations, and non-repetition;
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Identification of victims of torture and ill-treatment in detention assists in the recognition and cessation of any ongoing torture and ill-treatment practices;
Investigation and documentation of torture and ill-treatment in detention in accordance with the Istanbul Protocol sheds light on and builds understanding of the practices and effects of torture and ill-treatment in detention;
National preventive mechanisms and administrative procedures of detention, including judicial oversight, registration and in-take medical examinations, are effective tools to addressing and preventing torture and ill-treatment;
Declare that:
Identification of victims of torture and ill-treatment is a prerequisite to addressing torture and ill-treatment in detention and rehabilitating victims;
Investigation and documentation of torture and ill-treatment in accordance with the Istanbul Protocol is important for fighting impunity, ensuring rehabilitation and reparations for victims, as well as preventing torture and ill-treatment in detention;
Access to independent civil society monitoring is an essential mechanism to ensure impartial and objective functioning of state institutions, as well as complementing and facilitating effective functioning of national preventive mechanisms;
And urgently call upon States to: Ensure that victims of torture and ill-treatment are identified as early as possible in detention settings and have access to treatment and rehabilitation services at all times;
Ensure that effective oversight and complaints mechanisms exist to which all allegations of torture and ill-treatment are reported, guaranteeing independent functioning of national preventive mechanisms;
Ensure that civil society institutions operate in an independent and effective manner in monitoring of all places of detention and in providing treatment and rehabilitation to all victims of torture and ill-treatment;
Ensure that all suspicions and allegations of torture and ill-treatment are investigated, documented, and redressed in a prompt, independent, and transparent manner.
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In order to achieve these goals, the IRCT recommends to States the following actions:
Laws and policies:
• Ensure the systematic protection of all person deprived of liberty, including individuals subjected to discrimination, through comprehensive prevention and monitoring policies, including awareness-raising and capacity-building programmes for officials and implementation of the other provisions of the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT).
• Adopt national legislation and establish policies prioritising identification of victims of torture and ill-treatment in detention.
• Ratify and fully implement the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT), including establishment of National Preventive Mechanisms as a matter of priority.
• Implement the Istanbul Protocol standards on investigation and documentation of torture and ill-treatment.
• Adopt and implement national laws that are compliant with the international standards and safeguards on rights of all persons in detention, including the right to be informed of the reasons for detention, the right of access to legal counsel of their choice and to their family, the right to translation, and the right to consular assistance (when applicable).
• Ensure unhindered and effective access and full participation to civil society and independent institutions to monitor and to provide rehabilitation services in all places of detention.
• Institute mechanisms to identify victims of torture and ill-treatment in detention. Such mechanisms should include development or strengthening of judicial oversight and admissions and registration procedures. These procedures must operate in a transparent manner.
• Implement a system of checks and balances that are able to prevent and to document torture and ill-treatment throughout the entire detention process. Special emphasis should be given to the early periods of detention. Mechanisms should include examination of detainees each time they are being transferred to and from the custody of others.
• Encourage officials who may suspect torture and ill-treatment to report their suspicions to appropriate oversight bodies and complaints mechanisms.
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Procedures and safeguards should be established to ensure that officials remain free from harassment, intimidation or retaliation for reporting torture or the ill- treatment of detainees and poor detention conditions.
Medical in-take examinations:
• Ensure that everyone admitted to a detention facility is examined by a health professional qualified to evaluate their mental and physical health and all signs of trauma. If a detainee states that he or she was subjected to violence, the health professional must assess the consistency of those claims with the examination findings. If the health professional has grounds for presuming the existence of torture and ill‐treatment, he/she must notify the competent authorities.
• Ensure that a sufficient number of health professionals are available to examine all detainees. Health professionals must be independent in the performance of their duties and receive training in the examination and documentation of cases of torture and ill‐treatment, in accordance with the Istanbul Protocol. Independent health experts should be encouraged to review state examinations and to conduct their own independent assessments. These assessments should be given equal weight in all decision-making processes.
• Maintain a record of the submission of every detainee to a medical examination, the identity of the health professional, and the findings of that examination. The Istanbul Protocol should be applied as a way of improving the drafting of medical and psychological reports.
Medical ethics:
• Ensure that all health professionals working with detainees are made aware of their ethical obligations, including the need to report torture and ill-treatment, to maintain confidentiality, and to seek the consent of victims prior to examination. National laws should be clear that health professionals must abide by their ethical obligations at all times.
• Institute safeguards and mechanisms to enable health professionals to report allegations and evidence of torture and ill-treatment in an environment free from any harassment, intimidation or retaliation and in a manner compliant with their duties of confidentiality.
Suspect Practices:
• Cease promptly any administrative practices that amount to torture and ill-treatment and develop safeguards for any practices that may amount to torture and ill-treatment or heighten the risk of torture and ill-treatment but may be deemed necessary for the safe operation of detention facilities. Clear
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standards must be in place to guarantee that those practices (such as solitary confinement and restraints) must only be used when strictly necessary and never as a punitive measure. Practices that may subject the families of victims to torture and ill-treatment upon visits should be eliminated.
• Ensure access to rehabilitation services for victims of torture and ill-treatment in detention, during detention and upon release, as well as to any secondary victims. Such services must be provided in a safe environment, respectful of the dignity of all detainees.
• Provide training to service providers to understand and be sensitive to the needs of victims of torture and ill-treatment and treat them in a safe and ethical manner.
Capacity and resources:
• Dedicate sufficient resources to all mechanisms designed to identify victims of torture and ill-treatment as soon as possible and to ensure that all relevant personnel are provided with the required training and capacity building to carry out their tasks.
• Provide training to all officials working with detainees (e.g. judges, attorneys, and prosecutors) or in detention settings (e.g. immigration, police, prisons, and military officials) to identify signs and symptoms of torture and ill-treatment. Officials should be trained on the appropriate international standards for treatment of detainees and detention conditions.
• Emphasise in all trainings
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
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Deklarasi Kopenhagen The
penyiksaan dan penahanan
Senin 31 Maret 2014
kita, yang bertandatangan
anggota Dewan dari Dewan Rehabilitasi internasional untuk penyiksaan korban IRCT, mewakili profesional kesehatan yang merawat korban dan korban penyiksaan seluruh dunia berkumpul di pertemuan Dewan tahunan di Kopenhagen, Denmark, 27 dan 28 Maret 2014,
penyiksaan dan penganiayaan merupakan salah satu padah pelanggaran hak asasi manusia di seluruh dunia;
kebanyakan kasus penyiksaan dan penganiayaan di dunia terjadi dalam tahanan pengaturan dan orang-orang yang dirampas kebebasannya, baik di ruang terbuka atau tertutup, sangat rentan terhadap penganiayaan;
perempuan ditahan dikenakan sebesar penyiksaan dan penganiayaan, kekerasan berbasis gender dan beberapa individu khususnya terkena tindakan penyiksaan dan penganiayaan di orientasi seksual dan identitas mereka, asal-usul suku, keyakinan agama, Umur atau Cacat, antara lain;
Banyak praktek hukum dan administratif penahanan mungkin sendiri jumlah atau meningkatkan risiko penyiksaan dan penganiayaan tahanan serta penghilangan paksa dan pembunuhan;
mengamati bahwa:
Serikat diwajibkan untuk merawat dan melindungi orang-orang yang berada dalam tahanan atau kontrol; mereka
negara bertanggung jawab untuk melarang, mencegah, dan redressing tindak penyiksaan dan penganiayaan dalam semua konteks penahanan;
semua korban penyiksaan dan penganiayaan memiliki hak untuk pemulihan yang efektif sepanjang waktu, apakah dalam tahanan atau kebebasan, termasuk rehabilitasi, reparasi dan non-pengulangan;
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Identifikasi korban penyiksaan dan penganiayaan di penahanan assist dalam pengakuan dan penghentian apapun berkelanjutan penyiksaan dan perlakuan praktek;
penyelidikan dan dokumentasi penyiksaan dan penganiayaan dalam tahanan sesuai dengan protokol Istanbul sheds cahaya pada dan membangun pemahaman tentang praktek-praktek dan efek dari tindak penyiksaan dan penganiayaan ditahan;
Mekanisme pencegahan nasional dan prosedur administrasi tahanan, termasuk pengawasan peradilan, pendaftaran, dan di-mengambil pemeriksaan medis, adalah alat yang efektif untuk mengatasi dan mencegah tindak penyiksaan dan penganiayaan;
menyatakan bahwa:
identifikasi korban penyiksaan dan penganiayaan merupakan prasyarat untuk mengatasi penyiksaan dan penganiayaan tahanan dan merehabilitasi korban;
Penyelidikan dan dokumentasi penyiksaan dan penganiayaan sesuai dengan protokol Istanbul adalah penting untuk memerangi impunitas, memastikan rehabilitasi dan reparasi bagi korban, serta mencegah tindak penyiksaan dan penganiayaan ditahan;
akses ke pemantauan independen masyarakat sipil adalah sebuah mekanisme penting untuk memastikan adil dan obyektif fungsi lembaga negara, melengkapi dan memfasilitasi efektif fungsi mekanisme pencegahan nasional;
dan segera memanggil Serikat untuk: memastikan bahwa korban penyiksaan dan penganiayaan diidentifikasi sedini mungkin dalam pengaturan penahanan dan memiliki akses ke layanan perawatan dan rehabilitasi sepanjang waktu;
Memastikan bahwa ada mekanisme pengawasan dan pengaduan yang efektif yang semua dugaan tindak penyiksaan dan penganiayaan yang dilaporkan, menjamin fungsi independen dari mekanisme pencegahan Nasional;
Memastikan bahwa lembaga-lembaga masyarakat sipil beroperasi secara independen dan efektif dalam pemantauan dari semua tempat penahanan dan dalam memberikan perawatan dan rehabilitasi kepada semua korban penyiksaan dan penganiayaan;
memastikan bahwa semua kecurigaan dan tuduhan penyiksaan dan penganiayaan diselidiki, didokumentasikan, dan redressed dalam prompt, independen dan transparan cara
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Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, IRCT merekomendasikan kepada Serikat tindakan berikut:
hukum dan kebijakan:
• memastikan perlindungan sistematis dari semua orang yang dirampas kebebasannya, termasuk individu mengalami diskriminasi, melalui pemantauan kebijakan, dan komprehensif pencegahan termasuk program kesadaran dan kapasitas untuk pejabat dan pelaksanaan ketentuan-ketentuan lainnya Konvensi PBB menentang penyiksaan dan bentuk kejam, tidak manusiawi atau merendahkan martabat atau hukuman (UNCAT).
• mengadopsi legislasi nasional dan menetapkan kebijakan mendahulukan identifikasi korban penyiksaan dan penganiayaan ditahan.
• Meratifikasi dan sepenuhnya melaksanakan protokol opsional Konvensi PBB menentang penyiksaan dan kejam, tidak manusiawi atau merendahkan martabat atau hukuman (OPCAT), termasuk pembentukan mekanisme pencegahan nasional sebagai masalah prioritas.
• menerapkan standar Istanbul Protocol pada penyelidikan dan dokumentasi penyiksaan dan penganiayaan.
• Mengadopsi dan menerapkan hukum nasional yang sesuai dengan standar internasional dan perlindungan hak-hak semua orang dalam tahanan, termasuk hak untuk mengetahui alasan untuk penahanan, hak akses ke penasihat hukum pilihan mereka dan keluarga mereka, hak untuk terjemahan, dan hak untuk bantuan konsultan (berlaku apabila).
• Memastikan akses tanpa hambatan dan efektif dan partisipasi penuh untuk masyarakat sipil dan lembaga independen untuk memantau dan memberikan layanan rehabilitasi di tempat penahanan.
• Institut mekanisme untuk mengidentifikasi para korban penyiksaan dan penganiayaan dalam tahanan. Mekanisme tersebut harus mencakup pengembangan atau memperkuat pengawasan peradilan dan penerimaan dan prosedur pendaftaran. Prosedur ini harus beroperasi dalam cara transparan.
• menerapkan sistem Check and balances yang mampu mencegah dan dokumen penyiksaan dan penganiayaan di sepanjang proses seluruh tahanan. Penekanan khusus harus diberikan untuk masa-masa awal penahanan. Mekanisme harus mencakup pemeriksaan terhadap tahanan setiap kali mereka sedang dipindahkan ke dan dari tahanan lain.
• mendorong pejabat yang mungkin mencurigai penyiksaan dan penganiayaan untuk melaporkan kecurigaan mereka sesuai pengawasan badan dan keluhan mekanisme.
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Prosedur dan pengamanan harus ditetapkan untuk memastikan bahwa pejabat tetap bebas dari pelecehan, intimidasi atau pembalasan untuk melaporkan penyiksaan atau sakit-pengobatan tahanan dan kondisi miskin penahanan.
dalam mengambil pemeriksaan medis:
• Memastikan bahwa semua orang yang mengaku fasilitas penahanan dikaji oleh profesional kesehatan yang memenuhi syarat untuk mengevaluasi mereka mental dan fisik kesehatan dan semua tanda-tanda trauma. Jika seorang tahanan menyatakan bahwa ia menjadi sasaran kekerasan, profesional kesehatan harus menilai konsistensi klaim tersebut dengan temuan pemeriksaan. Jika profesional kesehatan memiliki taman untuk menganggap adanya penyiksaan dan ill‐treatment, ia harus memberitahukan pihak berwenang kompeten.
• Pastikan bahwa ada cukup banyak profesional kesehatan tersedia untuk memeriksa semua tahanan. Profesional kesehatan harus independen dalam pelaksanaan tugas-tugas mereka dan menerima pelatihan dalam pemeriksaan dan dokumentasi kasus penyiksaan dan ill‐treatment, sesuai dengan protokol Istanbul. Ahli independen kesehatan harus didorong untuk meninjau ujian negara dan untuk melaksanakan penilaian independen mereka sendiri. Penilaian ini harus diberikan bobot yang sama dalam semua proses pengambilan keputusan.
• menyimpan catatan penyampaian tahanan setiap pemeriksaan kesehatan, identitas profesional kesehatan dan temuan-temuan dari pemeriksaan itu. Protokol Istanbul harus diterapkan sebagai cara untuk meningkatkan penyusunan laporan medis dan psikologis.
Kedokteran etika:
• Memastikan bahwa semua profesional kesehatan yang bekerja dengan tahanan dibuat sadar akan kewajiban etis mereka, termasuk kebutuhan untuk laporan penyiksaan dan penganiayaan, untuk menjaga kerahasiaan, dan untuk mencari persetujuan dari korban sebelum pemeriksaan. Hukum nasional harus jelas bahwa profesional kesehatan harus mematuhi kewajiban etis mereka setiap saat.
• Lembaga perlindungan dan mekanisme untuk memungkinkan profesional kesehatan laporan tuduhan dan bukti penyiksaan dan penganiayaan di lingkungan yang bebas dari pelecehan, intimidasi atau pembalasan dan dengan cara yang sesuai dengan tugasnya kerahasiaan.
tersangka praktek:
• Berhenti segera setiap praktek administratif yang berjumlah penyiksaan dan penganiayaan dan mengembangkan perlindungan untuk setiap praktek yang mungkin jumlah tindak penyiksaan dan penganiayaan atau meningkatkan risiko penyiksaan dan penganiayaan tapi mungkin dianggap diperlukan untuk operasi yang aman dari fasilitas penahanan. Jelas
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standar harus di tempat untuk menjamin bahwa praktek-praktek mereka (seperti pengurungan bersendiri dan pembatasan) hanya dapat digunakan ketika benar-benar diperlukan dan tidak pernah sebagai tindakan hukuman. Praktek-praktek yang dapat tunduk keluarga korban penyiksaan dan penganiayaan atas kunjungan harus dihilangkan.
• Memastikan akses ke layanan rehabilitasi bagi korban penyiksaan dan penganiayaan dalam tahanan, selama penahanan dan setelah dirilis, serta korban apapun sekunder. Layanan tersebut harus disediakan dalam lingkungan yang aman, menghormati martabat semua tahanan.
• Menyediakan pelatihan untuk layanan penyedia untuk memahami dan peka terhadap kebutuhan para korban penyiksaan dan penganiayaan dan memperlakukan mereka dalam aman dan etis cara
kapasitas dan sumber daya:
• Mendedikasikan sumber daya yang cukup untuk semua mekanisme yang dirancang untuk mengidentifikasi korban penyiksaan dan penganiayaan secepat mungkin dan untuk memastikan bahwa semua personil yang relevan disediakan dengan pelatihan dan pembangunan kapasitas untuk melaksanakan tugas mereka.
• menyediakan pelatihan untuk semua pejabat yang bekerja dengan para tahanan (misalnya hakim, pengacara, dan Jaksa) atau dalam pengaturan penahanan (misalnya Imigrasi, polisi, penjara dan pejabat militer) untuk mengidentifikasi tanda-tanda dan gejala penyiksaan dan penganiayaan. Pejabat harus dilatih dengan standar internasional yang sesuai untuk perlakuan terhadap tahanan dan penahanan kondisi.
• Emphasise dalam semua pelatihan
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
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The Copenhagen Declaration on
Torture and Detention
Monday, 31 March 2014
We, the undersigned
Council Members of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), representing health professionals who care for Victims and survivors of torture throughout the world, Gathered at the Annual Council Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, 27 and 28 March 2014,
Bearing in mind that
Torture and ill-treatment constitute one of the gravest human rights violations worldwide;
Most cases of torture and ill-treatment in the world occur in a detention setting and people deprived of liberty, Whether in open or closed spaces, are especially vulnerable to mistreatment;
Women in detention are subject to gender-based violence amounting to torture and ill-treatment, and some individuals are particularly subject exposed to acts of torture and ill -treatment on the grounds of their sexual orientation and identity, ethnic origins, religious beliefs, age or disability, amongst others;
Many legal and administrative practices of detention may amount to Themselves or increase of the risk of torture and ill-treatment in detention, as well as enforced disappearances and extrajudicial Killings;
Observing that:
States are obliged to care for and protect people who are within their custody or control;
States are responsible for prohibiting, Preventing, and redressing torture and ill-treatment in all contexts of detention;
All Victims of torture and ill-treatment have a right to effective remedies at all times, Whether in detention or at liberty, Including rehabilitation, reparations, and the non-repetition;
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Identification of Victims of torture and ill-treatment in detention, assists in the recognition and cessation of any ongoing torture and ill-treatment practices;
Investigation and documentation of torture and ill-treatment in detention, in accordance with the Istanbul Protocol and builds sheds light on understanding of the practices and effects of torture and ill-treatment in detention ;
National preventive mechanisms and administrative procedures of detention, Including judicial oversight, registration and in-take medical examinations, are effective tools to addressing and Preventing torture and ill-treatment;
Declare that:
Identification of Victims of torture and ill-treatment is a prerequisite to addressing torture and ill-treatment in detention, and rehabilitating Victims;
Investigation and documentation of torture and ill-treatment in accordance with the Istanbul Protocol is important for fighting impunity, Ensuring rehabilitation and reparations for Victims, as well as Preventing torture and ill-treatment in detention;
Access to independent civil society monitoring is an essential mechanism to Ensure as impartial and objective functioning of state institutions, as well as complementing and facilitating effective functioning of the national preventive mechanisms;
And urgently call upon States to: Ensure that Victims of torture and ill treatment-are-identified as early as possible in detention settings and have access to treatment and rehabilitation services at all times;
Ensure that effective oversight and complaints mechanisms exist to the which all Allegations of torture and ill-treatment are reported, guaranteeing the independent functioning of the national preventive mechanisms;
Ensure that civil society institutions, operate in an independent and effective manner in the monitoring of all places of detention, and in providing treatment and rehabilitation to all Victims of torture and ill-treatment;
Ensure that all suspicions and Allegations of torture and ill-treatment are Investigated, documented, and redressed in a prompt, independent, and transparent manner.
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In order to Achieve these goals, the IRCT recommends the following actions to States:
Laws and policies:
• Ensure the systematic protection of all persons deprived of liberty, Including individuals subjected to discrimination, through a comprehensive prevention and monitoring of policies, Including awareness-raising and capacity-building Programmes for Officials and implementation of the other provisions of the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT ).
• Adopt national legislation and establish policies prioritising identification of Victims of torture and ill-treatment in detention.
• Ratify and fully implement the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT), Including the establishment of the National Preventive Mechanisms, as a matter of priority.
• Implement the Istanbul Protocol standards on investigation and documentation of torture and ill-treatment.
• Adopt and implement national laws that are compliant with the international standards and safeguards on the rights of all persons in detention, Including the right to be informed of the Reasons for the detention, the right of access to legal counsel of their choice and to their family, the right to translation, and the right to consular assistance (when applicable).
• Ensure unhindered and effective access and full participation to civil society and independent institutions to monitor and to provide rehabilitation services in all places of detention.
• Institute mechanisms to identify Victims of torture and ill-treatment in detention. Such mechanisms should include development or strengthening of judicial oversight and admissions and registration procedures. These procedures must, operate in a transparent manner.
• Implement a system of checks and balances that are Able to Prevent and to document torture and ill-treatment throughout the entire detention process. Special emphasis should be given to the early periods of detention. Mechanisms should include examination of detainees each time they are being transferred to and from the custody of others.
• Encourage Officials who may suspect torture and ill-treatment to report their suspicions to NAMAs oversight bodies and complaints mechanisms.
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Procedures and safeguards should be established to Ensure that Officials REMAIN free from harassment, Intimidation or Retaliation for reporting the torture or ill-treatment of detainees and poor detention conditions.
Medical in-take examinations:
• Ensure that everyone Admitted to a detention facility is Examined by a health Evaluate qualified professionals to their mental and physical health and all signs of trauma. If a detainee states that he or she was subjected to violence, the health professional must assess the consistency of those claims with the examination findings. If the health professional has grounds for presuming the existence of torture and ill-treatment, he / she must notify the competent authorities.
• Ensure that a sufficient number of health professionals are available to examine all detainees. Health professionals must be independent in the performance of their duties and receive training in the examination and documentation of cases of torture and ill-treatment, in accordance with the Istanbul Protocol. Independent health experts should be encouraged to review the state examinations and to conduct their own independent assessments. These assessments should be given equal weight in all decision-making processes.
• Maintain a record of the submission of every detainee to a medical examination, the identity of the health professionals, and the findings of that examination. The Istanbul Protocol should be applied as a way of improving the drafting of medical and psychological reports.
Medical ethics:
• Ensure that all health professionals working with detainees are made ​​aware of their ethical obligations, Including the need to report torture and ill-treatment, to maintain confidentiality, and to seek the consent of Victims prior to examination. National laws should be clear that health professionals must abide by their ethical obligations at all times.
• Institute safeguards and mechanisms to enable health professionals to report Allegations and evidence of torture and ill-treatment in an environment free from any harassment, Intimidation or Retaliation and in a manner compliant with their duties of confidentiality.
Suspect Practices:
• Cease promptly any administrative practices that amount to torture and ill-treatment and develop safeguards for any practices that may amount to torture and ill-treatment or heighten the risk of torture and ill -treatment but may be deemed Necessary for the safe operation of detention facilities. Clear
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standards must be in place to guarantee that those practices (such as solitary confinement and restraints) must only be used when strictly necessary and never as a punitive measure. Practices that may subject the families of Victims to torture and ill-treatment upon visits should be eliminated.
• Ensure access to rehabilitation services for Victims of torture and ill-treatment in detention, during detention and upon release, as well as to any Victims secondary. Such services must be Provided in a safe environment, respectful of the dignity of all detainees.
• Provide training to service providers to understand and be sensitive to the needs of Victims of torture and ill-treatment and treat them in a safe and ethical manner.
Capacity and resources:
• Dedicate sufficient resources to all mechanisms designed to identify Victims of torture and ill-treatment as soon as possible and to Ensure that all relevant personnel are Provided with the required training and capacity building to carry out their tasks.
• Provide training to all Officials working with detainees (eg judges, attorneys, and Prosecutors) or in detention settings (eg immigration, police, Prisons, and military Officials) to identify signs and symptoms of torture and ill-treatment. Officials should be trained on the NAMAs international standards for treatment of detainees and detention conditions.
• Emphasise in all trainings
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