Long Yuyin is a lit­tle also in a daze, then felt that a for­mi­da­ble terjemahan - Long Yuyin is a lit­tle also in a daze, then felt that a for­mi­da­ble Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Long Yuyin is a lit­tle also in a d

Long Yuyin is a lit­tle also in a daze, then felt that a for­mi­da­ble strength pours into from her top of the head god gate place, crashes in the body, the en­tire body floods in the bound­less strength.
The en­tire body looked like ex­plodes gen­er­ally, on Long Yuyin that beau­ti­ful cheeks re­vealed the deep painful color.
How­ever she tightly bites Bei Chi to in­sist, she a lit­tle un­der­stood the mean­ing of Tianyuan Great, if she wants one day, can help Nie Li, that must ac­cept the bap­tism of Tianyuan Great!
Long Yuyin felt that strengths erupt in within the body, this strength must ex­plode her mor­tal body brace sim­ply gen­er­ally. Not only the mor­tal body can­not sup­port, the Ar­ti­fact armor that her body puts on could not sup­port com­pletely, on Ar­ti­fact has cov­ered en­tirely a faint trace crack, im­me­di­ately bang, the en­tire Ar­ti­fact armor has blasted open!
The Ar­ti­fact armor can­not with­stand, the clothes al­ready changed to the ashes!( To be con­tin­ued.)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Long Yuyin is a lit­tle also in a daze, then felt that a for­mi­da­ble strength pours into from her top of the head god gate place, crashes in the body, the en­tire body floods in the bound­less strength.The en­tire body looked like ex­plodes gen­er­ally, on Long Yuyin that beau­ti­ful cheeks re­vealed the deep painful color.How­ever she tightly bites Bei Chi to in­sist, she a lit­tle un­der­stood the mean­ing of Tianyuan Great, if she wants one day, can help Nie Li, that must ac­cept the bap­tism of Tianyuan Great!Rum­bling!Long Yuyin felt that strengths erupt in within the body, this strength must ex­plode her mor­tal body brace sim­ply gen­er­ally. Not only the mor­tal body can­not sup­port, the Ar­ti­fact armor that her body puts on could not sup­port com­pletely, on Ar­ti­fact has cov­ered en­tirely a faint trace crack, im­me­di­ately bang, the en­tire Ar­ti­fact armor has blasted open!The Ar­ti­fact armor can­not with­stand, the clothes al­ready changed to the ashes!( To be con­tin­ued.)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Panjang Yuyin sedikit juga dalam keadaan linglung, kemudian merasa bahwa kekuatan tangguh mengalir ke dari atas nya kepala dewa gerbang tempat, crash dalam tubuh, seluruh banjir tubuh dalam kekuatan tak terbatas.
Seluruh tubuh tampak seperti meledak umumnya, di Long Yuyin bahwa pipi indah mengungkapkan warna yang menyakitkan dalam.
Namun dia erat gigitan Bei Chi bersikeras, dia sedikit yang mengerti arti dari Tianyuan besar, jika dia ingin suatu hari, dapat membantu Nie Li, yang harus menerima baptisan Tianyuan besar !
panjang Yuyin merasa bahwa kekuatan meletus di dalam tubuh, kekuatan ini harus meledak brace tubuh fana nya hanya umumnya. Tidak hanya tubuh fana tidak dapat mendukung, armor Artifact yang tubuhnya menempatkan pada tidak dapat mendukung sepenuhnya, pada Artifact telah ditutupi seluruhnya jejak retak samar, segera menggedor, seluruh armor Artifact telah mengecam terbuka!
The Artifact armor tidak dapat menahan, pakaian sudah berubah menjadi abu! (Bersambung.)
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