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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
However, it is not recommended to apply IRT analysis to factors with only two items, which is what comprises the Nenkov short scale. Therefore, given that the three-factor model replicates the original characterization of the data by Schwartz et al. (2002) and fit the data well using RM- SEA and AGFI, we investigated the individual performance of the items within each factor as a unidimensional construct using a polytomous IRT model.3.2 Factor analysis of the MTSTo test the dimensionality of the MTS, we employed an ordinal exploratory factor analysis followed by an ordinal confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL v8.8 (Jöreskog & Sörbom, 2006). We generated three separate exploratory factor analyses (one, two, and three factor solutions) to understand how the individual items loaded on the respective factors. A promax rotation (nonorthogonal) was employed in the two and three factor analyses. The single factor solution suggested that all of the items loaded reasonably well on a single factor. However, items 1, 7, and 8 had the lowest factor loadings (relatively). In the two-factor solution, items 1, 7, and 8 clearly loaded on a second factor. Finally, the three-factor solution resulted in over-factoring and insufficient factor loadings for several items. Based on these results, the three-factor solution was not regarded as acceptable and was not included in the subsequent confirmatory factor analyses. Factor loadings are presented in Table 3.We followed the exploratory factor analysis with an ordinal confirmatory factor analysis with a separate, holdout sample. Using the same model fit criteria specified for the MS, we first tested the single-factor model and found that it had moderate fit for the data (see Table 4). All fit indices were in the proposed range except for the CFI. Next, we tested the two-factor model based on the exploratory factor analysis results and found nearly identical results. Although there was a drop in the overall model chi- square value, this drop was not sufficient to suggest that the two-factor model was a better fitting model for the MTS. Based on these results, we can conclude (with some reservation) that the MTS fits a unidimensional model. Next, we used a polytomous IRT model to investigate the performance of the individual items in the MTS.
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