So why all the parallels? The Greeks received their teachings from the terjemahan - So why all the parallels? The Greeks received their teachings from the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

So why all the parallels? The Greek

So why all the parallels? The Greeks received their teachings from the Middle East, in many cases from ancient Phoenicia. Before the Judaic religion was formed, there was a more ancient monotheistic religion, which became corrupted by idolatry. This ancient religion was universal among the nations of the area, thus we find common elements in their myths. Whereas today a "myth" has the meaning of a story that is untrue, in ancient times myths were ways of teaching, by way of parable and symbolism. One teacher once told me:

"Myths are lies that tell the truth".

Myths make use of symbols, and many modern religions based on the occult ("occult" simply means hidden), or New Age systems of thought, try to discern their meaning with no systematic thought in place. The keys to the meaning of these symbols have been lost. We are so clueless as to what these myths mean, that many do not even realize that the creation myths I just mentioned have nothing to do with the creation of the world. The western world is so literalistic in thinking, it does not know what to do when confronted with symbolic language. It is a different way of thinking, and it is a way to hide spiritual truth from those who don't care to see it.

That there was an ancient monotheistic religion that became so corrupted that its teachings became lost, was seen in the visions of Emanuel Swedenborg. These teachings were given to the ancient Greeks, who then turned them into fables:

"From what is told in the books of Moses it is manifest that worship by sacrifices was known, and that men prophesied from the mouth of Jehovah before the Word was given to the Israelitish nation through Moses and the prophets. ....Do you suppose that the ancient wise men, such as Aristotle, Cicero, Seneca, and others, who wrote about God and the immortality of the soul, obtained this knowledge primarily from their own understanding? No; they obtained it from others by its having been handed down from those who first knew of it from the ancient Word....It was not from themselves nor from their own intelligence, but from the ancient Word, and afterwards from the Israelitish Word, that from the most ancient times religion has existed, and the inhabitants of the earth everywhere have had a knowledge of God, and some knowledge of a life after death. From these two Words religious systems spread into the Indies and their islands; through Egypt and Ethiopia into the kingdoms of Africa; from the maritime parts of Asia into Greece, and from Greece into Italy. But as the Word could be written only by representations, which are such things in the world as correspond to and thus signify heavenly things, the religions of these nations were turned into idolatries, and in Greece into fables; and the Divine attributes and properties were turned into as many gods, over whom one was made supreme, whom they called Jove, possibly from Jehovah. It is known that they had a knowledge of Paradise, of the flood, of the sacred fire, and of the four ages, from the first or golden age, to the last or iron age (as described in Daniel 2:31-35)." (True Christian Religion, 264, 273, 275).

This would explain the parallels between the Pelasgian Creation Myth and Genesis. From that we know myths are not just "fairy tales", and they may in fact carry hidden spiritual knowledge. Returning to the two creation myths, what about that Cosmic Egg, around which the serpent coils seven times? It seems to be absent from the Genesis account. Or is it? It is there, and it is quite hidden:

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." (Gen. 1:1-2)

The word for "spirit" is the same word for "air", thus Eurynome first creates things from the "north wind". But what about that Hebrew word for "moved"? It also means "to flutter, to hover". It is mentioned two other times, and one of them is quite revealing:

"For the LORD'S portion is his people;
Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.
He found him in a desert land,
and in the waste howling wilderness;
he led him about, he instructed him,
he kept him as the apple of his eye.
As an eagle stirs up her nest, flutters over her young,
spreads abroad her wings, takes them, bears them on her wings:
So the LORD alone did lead him,
and there was no strange god with him." (Deut. 32:9-12)

The word for "move" is the same one used for "flutter", and it is used for birds brooding over their young - thus an egg! Not only that, but the word for "waste" is the same word translated as "without form" in Genesis. The entire world, over which the Spirit of God flutters, is actually in the shape of an egg. This is known as the Cosmic Egg in myth, and the egg of the Pelasgian myth was adopted as a symbol in the Orphic mystery religion of ancient Greece.

The Orphic egg is usually represented as an egg surrounded by a coiled serpent. The egg smbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-dionysus, the personification of light:
"ineffable, hidden, brilliant scion, whose motion is whirring, you scattered the dark mist that lay before your eyes and, flapping your wings, you whirled about, and through this world you brought pure light."

The serpent that coils around the egg is known as the Cosmic Serpent, described in an article from Wikipedia, showing how widespread the symbol became:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
So why all the parallels? The Greeks received their teachings from the Middle East, in many cases from ancient Phoenicia. Before the Judaic religion was formed, there was a more ancient monotheistic religion, which became corrupted by idolatry. This ancient religion was universal among the nations of the area, thus we find common elements in their myths. Whereas today a "myth" has the meaning of a story that is untrue, in ancient times myths were ways of teaching, by way of parable and symbolism. One teacher once told me:"Myths are lies that tell the truth".Myths make use of symbols, and many modern religions based on the occult ("occult" simply means hidden), or New Age systems of thought, try to discern their meaning with no systematic thought in place. The keys to the meaning of these symbols have been lost. We are so clueless as to what these myths mean, that many do not even realize that the creation myths I just mentioned have nothing to do with the creation of the world. The western world is so literalistic in thinking, it does not know what to do when confronted with symbolic language. It is a different way of thinking, and it is a way to hide spiritual truth from those who don't care to see it.That there was an ancient monotheistic religion that became so corrupted that its teachings became lost, was seen in the visions of Emanuel Swedenborg. These teachings were given to the ancient Greeks, who then turned them into fables:
"From what is told in the books of Moses it is manifest that worship by sacrifices was known, and that men prophesied from the mouth of Jehovah before the Word was given to the Israelitish nation through Moses and the prophets. ....Do you suppose that the ancient wise men, such as Aristotle, Cicero, Seneca, and others, who wrote about God and the immortality of the soul, obtained this knowledge primarily from their own understanding? No; they obtained it from others by its having been handed down from those who first knew of it from the ancient Word....It was not from themselves nor from their own intelligence, but from the ancient Word, and afterwards from the Israelitish Word, that from the most ancient times religion has existed, and the inhabitants of the earth everywhere have had a knowledge of God, and some knowledge of a life after death. From these two Words religious systems spread into the Indies and their islands; through Egypt and Ethiopia into the kingdoms of Africa; from the maritime parts of Asia into Greece, and from Greece into Italy. But as the Word could be written only by representations, which are such things in the world as correspond to and thus signify heavenly things, the religions of these nations were turned into idolatries, and in Greece into fables; and the Divine attributes and properties were turned into as many gods, over whom one was made supreme, whom they called Jove, possibly from Jehovah. It is known that they had a knowledge of Paradise, of the flood, of the sacred fire, and of the four ages, from the first or golden age, to the last or iron age (as described in Daniel 2:31-35)." (True Christian Religion, 264, 273, 275).

This would explain the parallels between the Pelasgian Creation Myth and Genesis. From that we know myths are not just "fairy tales", and they may in fact carry hidden spiritual knowledge. Returning to the two creation myths, what about that Cosmic Egg, around which the serpent coils seven times? It seems to be absent from the Genesis account. Or is it? It is there, and it is quite hidden:

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." (Gen. 1:1-2)

The word for "spirit" is the same word for "air", thus Eurynome first creates things from the "north wind". But what about that Hebrew word for "moved"? It also means "to flutter, to hover". It is mentioned two other times, and one of them is quite revealing:

"For the LORD'S portion is his people;
Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.
He found him in a desert land,
and in the waste howling wilderness;
he led him about, he instructed him,
he kept him as the apple of his eye.
As an eagle stirs up her nest, flutters over her young,
spreads abroad her wings, takes them, bears them on her wings:
So the LORD alone did lead him,
and there was no strange god with him." (Deut. 32:9-12)

The word for "move" is the same one used for "flutter", and it is used for birds brooding over their young - thus an egg! Not only that, but the word for "waste" is the same word translated as "without form" in Genesis. The entire world, over which the Spirit of God flutters, is actually in the shape of an egg. This is known as the Cosmic Egg in myth, and the egg of the Pelasgian myth was adopted as a symbol in the Orphic mystery religion of ancient Greece.

The Orphic egg is usually represented as an egg surrounded by a coiled serpent. The egg smbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-dionysus, the personification of light:
"ineffable, hidden, brilliant scion, whose motion is whirring, you scattered the dark mist that lay before your eyes and, flapping your wings, you whirled about, and through this world you brought pure light."

The serpent that coils around the egg is known as the Cosmic Serpent, described in an article from Wikipedia, showing how widespread the symbol became:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jadi mengapa semua paralel? Orang Yunani menerima ajaran mereka dari Timur Tengah, dalam banyak kasus dari Phoenicia kuno. Sebelum agama Yahudi dibentuk, ada agama monoteistik lebih kuno, yang menjadi rusak oleh penyembahan berhala. Agama kuno ini adalah universal di antara bangsa-bangsa dari daerah, dengan demikian kita menemukan unsur-unsur umum dalam mitos mereka. Sedangkan hari ini "mitos" memiliki arti cerita yang tidak benar, dalam kuno kali mitos cara-cara mengajar, dengan cara perumpamaan dan simbolisme. Seorang guru pernah mengatakan kepada saya:. "Mitos adalah kebohongan yang mengatakan kebenaran" Mitos memanfaatkan simbol-simbol, dan banyak agama modern yang didasarkan pada okultisme ("gaib" berarti tersembunyi), atau New Age sistem pemikiran, cobalah untuk membedakan mereka berarti tanpa memikirkan sistematis di tempat. Kunci makna simbol-simbol ini telah hilang. Kami sangat mengerti untuk apa mitos ini berarti, bahwa banyak bahkan tidak menyadari bahwa mitos penciptaan saya sebutkan tidak ada hubungannya dengan penciptaan dunia. Dunia barat begitu literal dalam berpikir, tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan ketika dihadapkan dengan bahasa simbolik. Ini adalah cara berpikir yang berbeda, dan itu adalah cara untuk menyembunyikan kebenaran rohani dari orang-orang yang tidak peduli untuk melihat itu. Itu ada agama monoteistik kuno yang menjadi begitu rusak yang ajarannya menjadi hilang, terlihat dalam penglihatan Emanuel Swedenborg. Ajaran-ajaran ini diberikan kepada orang-orang Yunani kuno, yang kemudian mengubahnya menjadi dongeng: "Dari apa yang diceritakan dalam buku-buku Musa itu adalah nyata bahwa ibadah oleh pengorbanan dikenal, dan bahwa laki-laki dinubuatkan dari mulut Yehuwa sebelum Firman diberikan untuk bangsa Israelitish melalui Musa dan para nabi. .... Apakah kamu mengira bahwa orang-orang bijak kuno, seperti Aristoteles, Cicero, Seneca, dan lain-lain, yang menulis tentang Tuhan dan keabadian jiwa, diperoleh pengetahuan ini terutama dari pemahaman mereka sendiri ada;? mereka diperoleh dari orang lain dengan nya yang telah diwariskan dari orang-orang yang pertama tahu itu dari Firman kuno .... Itu tidak dari diri mereka maupun dari kecerdasan mereka sendiri, tetapi dari Firman kuno, dan setelah itu dari Israelitish Word, yang dari zaman paling kuno agama telah ada, dan penduduk bumi di mana-mana telah memiliki pengetahuan tentang Allah, dan beberapa pengetahuan tentang kehidupan setelah kematian. Dari dua kata sistem keagamaan menyebar ke Hindia dan pulau mereka; melalui Mesir dan Ethiopia ke kerajaan Afrika; dari bagian maritim Asia ke Yunani, dan dari Yunani ke Italia. Tetapi sebagai Firman dapat ditulis hanya dengan representasi, yang hal-hal seperti di dunia sebagai bersesuaian untuk dan dengan demikian menandakan hal-hal sorgawi, agama dari negara-negara tersebut berubah menjadi penyembahan berhala, dan di Yunani dalam dongeng; dan atribut Ilahi dan sifat yang berubah menjadi banyak dewa, atas siapa yang dibuat tertinggi, yang mereka sebut Jove, mungkin dari Yehuwa. Hal ini diketahui bahwa mereka memiliki pengetahuan tentang Paradise, banjir, api suci, dan dari empat usia, dari yang pertama atau emas usia, untuk yang terakhir atau besi usia (seperti yang dijelaskan dalam Daniel 2: 31-35) . "(Benar Agama Kristen, 264, 273, 275). Hal ini akan menjelaskan persamaan antara Penciptaan Mitos Pelasgian dan Genesis. Dari yang kami tahu mitos tidak hanya" dongeng ", dan mereka mungkin sebenarnya membawa pengetahuan spiritual tersembunyi. ?. kembali ke dua mitos penciptaan, bagaimana dengan Telur Cosmic, sekitar yang kumparan ular tujuh kali Tampaknya menjadi absen dari Kejadian Atau Itu ada, dan itu cukup tersembunyi: "Pada mulanya Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi. Dan Bumi belum berbentuk dan kosong; gelap gulita wajah yang mendalam. Dan Roh Allah melayang-layang di atas permukaan air "(Kej 1: 1-2). Kata "roh" adalah kata yang sama untuk "udara", demikian Eurinome pertama menciptakan hal-hal dari "angin utara". Tapi bagaimana bahwa kata Ibrani untuk "pindah"? Ini juga berarti "bergetar, hover". Hal ini disebutkan dua kali lainnya, dan salah satunya adalah cukup mengungkapkan: "Untuk bagian TUHAN adalah umat-Nya;. Yakub adalah banyak warisan Ia menemukan dia di tanah gurun, dan dalam limbah melolong padang gurun; ia membawanya tentang, ia memerintahkan dia,. dia terus dia sebagai biji mata-Nya Sebagai elang membangkitkan sarangnya, berdebar lebih muda, menyebar di luar negeri sayapnya, membawa mereka, beruang mereka di sayapnya: Jadi TUHAN saja tidak membimbingnya , dan tidak ada allah asing dengan dia. " (. Ul 32: 9-12) Kata "bergerak" adalah sama yang digunakan untuk "bergetar", dan digunakan untuk burung merenung lebih muda mereka - sehingga telur! Tidak hanya itu, tapi kata untuk "limbah" adalah kata yang sama diterjemahkan sebagai "tanpa bentuk" dalam Kejadian. Seluruh dunia, di mana Roh Allah berdebar, sebenarnya dalam bentuk telur. Hal ini dikenal sebagai Cosmic Egg dalam mitos, dan telur dari mitos Pelasgian diadopsi sebagai simbol dalam agama misteri gaib Yunani kuno. Telur gaib biasanya direpresentasikan sebagai telur dikelilingi oleh ular melingkar. Telur smbolizes keyakinan dalam agama Yunani gaib bahwa alam semesta berasal dari dalam telur perak. Emanasi pertama dari telur ini, dijelaskan dalam sebuah himne kuno, adalah Phanes-Dionysus, personifikasi cahaya: "tak terlukiskan, tersembunyi, keturunan brilian, yang gerak berputar, Anda tersebar kabut gelap yang terbentang di depan mata Anda dan, mengepakkan Anda sayap, Anda berputar sekitar, dan melalui dunia ini Anda membawa cahaya murni ". Ular yang kumparan di sekitar telur dikenal sebagai Cosmic Serpent, dijelaskan dalam sebuah artikel dari Wikipedia, menunjukkan seberapa luas simbol menjadi:

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