What moves?” I close-down while asked.„I do not know that one will kno terjemahan - What moves?” I close-down while asked.„I do not know that one will kno Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

What moves?” I close-down while ask

What moves?” I close-down while asked.
„I do not know that one will know.”
In any case, has the re­ward to com­pete, this is in­evitable.
At noon ate meal, about 1 : 00 pm, on­line.
Paces back and forth in the val­ley of dragon, Frost, child Shu et al. are di­rect­ing the Dragon’s den armed sol­dier to wel­come in sun­light Shek Pik in one of the val­ley of dragon an open­ing cut­ting cast­ing tem­ple, that be­longs to the sa­cred Long Clan palace, will be the res­i­dence of fu­ture child Queen Shu, will be Long Shen, can­not be­hind be the per­sonal ser­vant with Frost, but, the dif­fer­ent demon will not ex­tin­guish, child Shu will prob­a­bly not leave Frost.
About about 1 : 30 time, sud­denly a sys­tem ting re­ver­ber­a­tion in air­borne
Sys­tem an­nounce­ment: Fel­low play­ers please note, after 120 min­utes, in map 【Seven lu­mi­nar­ies city】 Within the bound­aries will ren­o­vate five-star god level BOSS, kills this BOSS to blow out a Holy Ghost trea­sure box 100% prob­a­bil­i­ties, after the player cap­tures the Holy Ghost trea­sure box, main­tains 7 hours will open the Holy Ghost trea­sure box vol­un­tar­ily, in the valu­able box will hide is sur­mount­ing „coun­try” the trea­sure, the win­ner also ad­di­tion­ally the mas­sive the re­ward of em­pir­i­cal value and charm value! In­stantly gets up, major main cities trans­mit close com­pletely, all play­ers must be able to ar­rive in the des­ti­na­tion on foot.
The sys­tem ting crosses, I could not bear fight a shiver, after 120 min­utes, ren­o­vated?
Seven lu­mi­nar­ies city was away from Tian Ling Em­pire to be too far, the or­di­nary trav­el­ing sched­ule at least 10 hours, rode the mid­dle and upper level sad­dle horse the player ba­si­cally also to take about 3 hours, but I rode Xi­ao­longnu rasp­berry the trav­el­ing speed ul­tra-fast, about 1 hour was less than can ar­rive, but a per­son was not quite ob­vi­ously safe in the past, the seven lu­mi­nar­ies city now is the do­main of In­dian war zone player, will the clear pupil de­velop black ink and maple­wood to be drunk will allow my this by­stander to go to seven lu­mi­nar­ies city „seiz­ing” oth­ers Holy Ghost trea­sure box?
How­ever the Holy Ghost trea­sure box to my en­tice­ment is not lit­tle, sur­passed ex­is­tence of Yue, what can be?
Coun­try can pro­mote along with the pro­mo­tion of player, true value not under five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, what in the Holy Ghost trea­sure box is hid­ing is the epic poem mag­i­cal in­stru­ment? The epic poem mag­i­cal in­stru­ment of en­tire server al­to­gether also only left 9, this means that must strive, per­haps not only causes us, Ze deep pool city and iron skull city and play­ers in high­est heaven city can also go?
As a re­sult of the re­mote­ness of jour­ney, this time we were doomed un­able the army to rush to­ward, Bu Jiaxi, Pi Jia were the player ar­rived at the seven lu­mi­nar­ies city the time, per­haps the Holy Ghost trea­sure box opened rec­og­nizes ad­vo­cates!
Opens the guild chat sys­tem, Li Mu et al. as if were also un­bear­ably anx­ious
Ran Min: „Why the Holy Ghost trea­sure box can fall on the seven lu­mi­nar­ies city, is re­ally un­rea­son­able”
Li Mu said anx­iously: „Must seize, oth­er­wise falls, in the clear pupil de­vel­ops in the hand of black ink, def­i­nitely will raise the morale of In­dian area, will make them stage a come­back!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
What moves?” I close-down while asked.„I do not know that one will know.”„Um!”In any case, has the re­ward to com­pete, this is in­evitable.At noon ate meal, about 1 : 00 pm, on­line.Paces back and forth in the val­ley of dragon, Frost, child Shu et al. are di­rect­ing the Dragon’s den armed sol­dier to wel­come in sun­light Shek Pik in one of the val­ley of dragon an open­ing cut­ting cast­ing tem­ple, that be­longs to the sa­cred Long Clan palace, will be the res­i­dence of fu­ture child Queen Shu, will be Long Shen, can­not be­hind be the per­sonal ser­vant with Frost, but, the dif­fer­ent demon will not ex­tin­guish, child Shu will prob­a­bly not leave Frost.About about 1 : 30 time, sud­denly a sys­tem ting re­ver­ber­a­tion in air­borne„Bites!”Sys­tem an­nounce­ment: Fel­low play­ers please note, after 120 min­utes, in map 【Seven lu­mi­nar­ies city】 Within the bound­aries will ren­o­vate five-star god level BOSS, kills this BOSS to blow out a Holy Ghost trea­sure box 100% prob­a­bil­i­ties, after the player cap­tures the Holy Ghost trea­sure box, main­tains 7 hours will open the Holy Ghost trea­sure box vol­un­tar­ily, in the valu­able box will hide is sur­mount­ing „coun­try” the trea­sure, the win­ner also ad­di­tion­ally the mas­sive the re­ward of em­pir­i­cal value and charm value! In­stantly gets up, major main cities trans­mit close com­pletely, all play­ers must be able to ar­rive in the des­ti­na­tion on foot.The sys­tem ting crosses, I could not bear fight a shiver, after 120 min­utes, ren­o­vated?
Seven lu­mi­nar­ies city was away from Tian Ling Em­pire to be too far, the or­di­nary trav­el­ing sched­ule at least 10 hours, rode the mid­dle and upper level sad­dle horse the player ba­si­cally also to take about 3 hours, but I rode Xi­ao­longnu rasp­berry the trav­el­ing speed ul­tra-fast, about 1 hour was less than can ar­rive, but a per­son was not quite ob­vi­ously safe in the past, the seven lu­mi­nar­ies city now is the do­main of In­dian war zone player, will the clear pupil de­velop black ink and maple­wood to be drunk will allow my this by­stander to go to seven lu­mi­nar­ies city „seiz­ing” oth­ers Holy Ghost trea­sure box?
How­ever the Holy Ghost trea­sure box to my en­tice­ment is not lit­tle, sur­passed ex­is­tence of Yue, what can be?
Coun­try can pro­mote along with the pro­mo­tion of player, true value not under five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, what in the Holy Ghost trea­sure box is hid­ing is the epic poem mag­i­cal in­stru­ment? The epic poem mag­i­cal in­stru­ment of en­tire server al­to­gether also only left 9, this means that must strive, per­haps not only causes us, Ze deep pool city and iron skull city and play­ers in high­est heaven city can also go?
As a re­sult of the re­mote­ness of jour­ney, this time we were doomed un­able the army to rush to­ward, Bu Jiaxi, Pi Jia were the player ar­rived at the seven lu­mi­nar­ies city the time, per­haps the Holy Ghost trea­sure box opened rec­og­nizes ad­vo­cates!
Opens the guild chat sys­tem, Li Mu et al. as if were also un­bear­ably anx­ious
Ran Min: „Why the Holy Ghost trea­sure box can fall on the seven lu­mi­nar­ies city, is re­ally un­rea­son­able”
Li Mu said anx­iously: „Must seize, oth­er­wise falls, in the clear pupil de­vel­ops in the hand of black ink, def­i­nitely will raise the morale of In­dian area, will make them stage a come­back!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Apa yang bergerak "Saya dekat-down sementara bertanya.?
" Saya tidak tahu bahwa salah satu akan tahu ".
" Um! "
Dalam kasus apapun, memiliki pahala untuk bersaing, ini tidak bisa dihindari.
Pada tengah hari makan makan, sekitar 1: 12:00 , online.
mondar-mandir di lembah naga, Frost, anak Shu et al. mengarahkan tentara bersenjata den Naga untuk menyambut sinar matahari Shek Pik di salah satu lembah naga casting kuil memotong pembukaan, yang dimiliki oleh suci istana Panjang Clan, akan menjadi kediaman anak masa depan Queen Shu, akan panjang Shen, tidak bisa balik menjadi hamba pribadi dengan Frost, namun, setan yang berbeda tidak akan memadamkan, anak Shu mungkin tidak akan meninggalkan Frost.
Tentang sekitar 1: 30 waktu, tiba-tiba sistem ting gema di udara
sistem pengumuman: pemain Fellow silakan dicatat, setelah 120 menit, di peta 【Seven tokoh-tokoh kota】 dalam batas-batas akan merenovasi bintang lima BOSS tingkat dewa, membunuh BOSS ini untuk meniup sebuah Roh Kudus kotak harta karun 100% probabilitas, setelah pemain menangkap Roh kotak harta karun Kudus, mempertahankan 7 jam akan membuka Roh kotak harta karun Kudus secara sukarela, di kotak berharga akan menyembunyikan adalah terlampauinya "negara" harta karun itu, pemenang juga tambahan yang besar pahala nilai empiris dan nilai pesona! Langsung bangun, kota utama utama mengirimkan dekat sekali, semua pemain harus mampu tiba di tujuan pada kaki.
Sistem ting salib, aku tidak tahan melawan menggigil, setelah 120 menit, direnovasi?
Kota Tujuh tokoh-tokoh itu jauh dari Tian Ling Empire terlalu jauh, jadwal perjalanan biasa setidaknya 10 jam, naik tingkat menengah ke atas dan pelana kuda pemain pada dasarnya juga untuk mengambil sekitar 3 jam, tapi aku naik Xiaolongnü raspberry kecepatan perjalanan ultra-cepat, sekitar 1 jam itu kurang dari bisa datang, tapi seseorang itu tidak cukup jelas aman di masa lalu, kota tujuh tokoh-tokoh sekarang adalah domain dari pemain zona perang India, akan pupil jelas mengembangkan tinta hitam dan maplewood untuk diminum akan memungkinkan saya penonton ini untuk pergi tujuh tokoh-tokoh kota "merebut" lain kotak Roh Kudus harta karun?
Namun Roh Kudus harta kotak untuk daya tarik saya tidak sedikit, melampaui keberadaan Yue, apa yang bisa?
negara dapat mempromosikan bersama dengan promosi player, nilai sebenarnya tidak balita Bintang instrumen magis, apa dalam kotak Ghost harta Kudus bersembunyi adalah puisi instrumen magis epik? Puisi instrumen magis epik seluruh server sama sekali juga hanya tersisa 9, ini berarti bahwa harus berusaha, mungkin tidak hanya menyebabkan kita, Ze dalam kota kolam renang dan besi kota tengkorak dan pemain di kota surga tertinggi juga dapat pergi?
Akibat keterpencilan perjalanan, kali ini kami ditakdirkan tidak tentara buru-buru menuju, Bu Jiaxi, Pi Jia adalah pemain tiba di kota tujuh tokoh-tokoh waktu, mungkin kotak Roh harta Kudus membuka mengakui advokat!
membuka sistem serikat chatting, Li Mu et al. seakan juga tak tertahankan cemas
Ran Min: "Mengapa Roh kotak harta karun Kudus dapat jatuh di kota tujuh tokoh-tokoh, adalah benar-benar tidak masuk akal"
Li Mu berkata cemas: "Harus merebut, jika tidak jatuh, di pupil jelas berkembang di tangan hitam tinta, pasti akan meningkatkan moral wilayah India, akan membuat mereka menggelar comeback! "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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