Mean! Re­ally was too mean!Un­ex­pect­edly told me ad­van­tage be­fore terjemahan - Mean! Re­ally was too mean!Un­ex­pect­edly told me ad­van­tage be­fore Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Mean! Re­ally was too mean!Un­ex­pe

Mean! Re­ally was too mean!
Un­ex­pect­edly told me ad­van­tage be­fore the as­sign­ment, how this made me re­ject!!
Gains ground, looks at Locker Great, I said joy­fully: „Is will­ing to give loy­alty to for the em­pire!”
Locker Great also smiled: „Good, to let you can be com­pe­tent the palace guard to con­trol a duty, or­phaned Wang Zai pro­motes you for below gen­eral, the em­pire 5 th level of mil­i­tary rank, hopes that you can well be the em­pire po­tency, other mat­ters, on the junc­tion by wear­ing were con­fessed that to you, was right, wears the princess to be in charge of the cap­i­tal city mil­i­tary de­fense, your palace guard must obey dis­patch­ing that wears un­con­di­tion­ally!”
„Yes, your majesty” I called some not to be freely spo­ken, but Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month smiled.
„We ram­ble the elder brother to win a pro­mo­tion” Yue Qing Qian to say with a smile.
Li Mu said: „Should guild­mas­ter be the first player who holds an of­fice in the em­pire mil­i­tary sys­tem?”
I shake the head: „It is not quite clear”
In this time, the golden ray that brushed con­tin­u­ously is drop­ping from the clouds, I rose 5 lev­els con­tin­u­ally, di­rectly al­ready was 142 lev­els, the Tian Ling Em­pire day list first sym­bol also ap­peared on my shoul­der, NND, did the light to this re­ward, how treat every day for 5 hours in the mil­i­tary com­pound?
Quick, Lin Wan Er and Li Mu and other peo­ple also re­spec­tively ob­tained the duty re­ward, the Dong Cheng month said with a smile pleas­antly sur­prised: „Wan Er, you guess that what I do want to de­liver to you?”
Lin Wan Er winked the big eye: „shenma?”
A Dong Cheng month hand, a pale blue skill book reap­pears in the con­trol, said with a smile: „Does not have the nat­ural jus­tice, my Mage, has de­liv­ered an un­yield­ing war soul un­ex­pect­edly to me, what mean­ing is sys­tem this?”
Li Mu, Song Han et al. also re­spec­tively ob­tained some equip­ment to re­ward, some peo­ple can serve a need, some had no need, ba­si­cally di­gested in the in­te­rior.
Cooldown early, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month has not rested, I also want to rest, but wears the princess ac­tu­ally to walk to go for­ward, said: „Palace guard new Li Tongling, come, has a look at the bar­racks of palace guard with me!”
I nod, she is hav­ing sev­eral own health/guard, then has given me to­gether under the token of gen­eral, this is my sta­tus sym­bol, in places that will wrap will not fall.
The warhorse that wears is a flame fa­mous colt, when ar­rives in the bar­racks my fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse was flung about hun­dred me­ters, her turn­ing around with a smile, is pleased say­ing: „What kind , is my flame speed quick?”
I: „Um, is truly quick!”
Leads me to enter the bar­racks, the bar­racks of palace guard in im­pe­r­ial palace not far away, in­side are hav­ing teams to grasp the sol­dier of long sword and wear armor to walk, is re­spon­si­ble for the guard and the level city, wears walks, while is point­ing at the two sides dense and nu­mer­ous bar­racks and drill grounds, said: „Mil­i­tary strength that day plume em­pire al­to­gether 17 reg­i­ments es­tab­lish, the palace guard has 5000 peo­ple, is least, but is ac­tu­ally only one can in the cap­i­tal city the army in sol­dier, you are the palace guard com­mand, should this honor un­der­stand?”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Mean! Re­ally was too mean!Un­ex­pect­edly told me ad­van­tage be­fore the as­sign­ment, how this made me re­ject!!Gains ground, looks at Locker Great, I said joy­fully: „Is will­ing to give loy­alty to for the em­pire!”Locker Great also smiled: „Good, to let you can be com­pe­tent the palace guard to con­trol a duty, or­phaned Wang Zai pro­motes you for below gen­eral, the em­pire 5 th level of mil­i­tary rank, hopes that you can well be the em­pire po­tency, other mat­ters, on the junc­tion by wear­ing were con­fessed that to you, was right, wears the princess to be in charge of the cap­i­tal city mil­i­tary de­fense, your palace guard must obey dis­patch­ing that wears un­con­di­tion­ally!”„Yes, your majesty” I called some not to be freely spo­ken, but Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month smiled.„We ram­ble the elder brother to win a pro­mo­tion” Yue Qing Qian to say with a smile.Li Mu said: „Should guild­mas­ter be the first player who holds an of­fice in the em­pire mil­i­tary sys­tem?”I shake the head: „It is not quite clear”In this time, the golden ray that brushed con­tin­u­ously is drop­ping from the clouds, I rose 5 lev­els con­tin­u­ally, di­rectly al­ready was 142 lev­els, the Tian Ling Em­pire day list first sym­bol also ap­peared on my shoul­der, NND, did the light to this re­ward, how treat every day for 5 hours in the mil­i­tary com­pound?Quick, Lin Wan Er and Li Mu and other peo­ple also re­spec­tively ob­tained the duty re­ward, the Dong Cheng month said with a smile pleas­antly sur­prised: „Wan Er, you guess that what I do want to de­liver to you?”Lin Wan Er winked the big eye: „shenma?”A Dong Cheng month hand, a pale blue skill book reap­pears in the con­trol, said with a smile: „Does not have the nat­ural jus­tice, my Mage, has de­liv­ered an un­yield­ing war soul un­ex­pect­edly to me, what mean­ing is sys­tem this?”Li Mu, Song Han et al. also re­spec­tively ob­tained some equip­ment to re­ward, some peo­ple can serve a need, some had no need, ba­si­cally di­gested in the in­te­rior.Cooldown early, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month has not rested, I also want to rest, but wears the princess ac­tu­ally to walk to go for­ward, said: „Palace guard new Li Tongling, come, has a look at the bar­racks of palace guard with me!”I nod, she is hav­ing sev­eral own health/guard, then has given me to­gether under the token of gen­eral, this is my sta­tus sym­bol, in places that will wrap will not fall.The warhorse that wears is a flame fa­mous colt, when ar­rives in the bar­racks my fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse was flung about hun­dred me­ters, her turn­ing around with a smile, is pleased say­ing: „What kind , is my flame speed quick?”I: „Um, is truly quick!”„Walks!”Leads me to enter the bar­racks, the bar­racks of palace guard in im­pe­r­ial palace not far away, in­side are hav­ing teams to grasp the sol­dier of long sword and wear armor to walk, is re­spon­si­ble for the guard and the level city, wears walks, while is point­ing at the two sides dense and nu­mer­ous bar­racks and drill grounds, said: „Mil­i­tary strength that day plume em­pire al­to­gether 17 reg­i­ments es­tab­lish, the palace guard has 5000 peo­ple, is least, but is ac­tu­ally only one can in the cap­i­tal city the army in sol­dier, you are the palace guard com­mand, should this honor un­der­stand?”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Berarti! Benar-benar terlalu berarti!
Tanpa diduga mengatakan kepada saya keuntungan sebelum tugas, bagaimana ini membuat saya menolak !!
Keuntungan tanah, melihat Locker besar, saya berkata dengan gembira: "! Apakah bersedia memberikan loyalitas kepada untuk kekaisaran"
Locker besar juga tersenyum: " baik, untuk membiarkan Anda dapat kompeten pengawal istana untuk mengendalikan tugas, yatim Wang Zai mempromosikan Anda untuk di bawah umum, tingkat th kerajaan 5 dari pangkat militer, berharap bahwa Anda juga dapat menjadi potensi kerajaan, hal-hal lain, di persimpangan dengan memakai yang mengaku bahwa untuk Anda, benar, memakai sang putri untuk menjadi yang bertanggung jawab atas pertahanan militer ibukota, pengawal istana Anda harus mematuhi pengiriman yang memakai tanpa syarat! "
" Ya, Anda keagungan "aku menelepon beberapa tidak diucapkan secara bebas , tapi Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan tersenyum.
"Kami mengoceh kakak untuk memenangkan promosi" Yue Qing Qian mengatakan dengan senyum.
Li Mu mengatakan: "harus Guildmaster menjadi pemain pertama yang memegang kantor di militer kekaisaran sistem "?
aku menggelengkan kepalanya:" Hal ini tidak cukup jelas "
saat ini, sinar emas yang disikat terus menurun dari awan, saya naik 5 tingkat terus, langsung sudah adalah 142 tingkat, daftar hari Tian Ling Empire pertama simbol juga muncul di bahu saya, NND, melakukan cahaya untuk hadiah ini, bagaimana memperlakukan setiap hari selama 5 jam di kompleks militer?
Cepat, Lin Wan Er dan Li Mu dan orang lain juga masing-masing memperoleh hadiah tugas, Dong Cheng bulan berkata sambil tersenyum terkejut: "Wan Er, Anda menebak bahwa apa yang saya ingin menyampaikan kepada Anda?"
Lin Wan Er mengedipkan mata mata besar: "? Shenma"
sebulan tangan Dong Cheng, buku keterampilan biru pucat muncul kembali di kontrol, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Apakah tidak memiliki keadilan alam, Mage saya, telah menyampaikan jiwa perang pantang menyerah tak terduga bagi saya, apa arti adalah sistem ini?"
Li Mu, Lagu Han et al. juga masing-masing diperoleh beberapa peralatan untuk hadiah, beberapa orang dapat melayani kebutuhan, beberapa tidak perlu, pada dasarnya dicerna di pedalaman.
Cooldown awal, Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan belum beristirahat, saya juga ingin beristirahat, tapi memakai sang putri sebenarnya berjalan untuk maju, mengatakan: "! Palace menjaga baru Li Tongling, datang, memiliki tampilan di barak penjaga istana dengan saya"
aku mengangguk, ia memiliki beberapa sendiri kesehatan / penjaga, maka telah memberi saya bersama-sama di bawah tanda umum, ini adalah simbol status saya, di tempat-tempat yang akan membungkus tidak akan jatuh.
The kuda perang yang memakai adalah colt terkenal api, ketika tiba di barak terbang sabit kuda perang lapis baja saya terlempar sekitar seratus meter, dia berbalik dengan senyum, yang senang berkata: "? Apa jenis, kecepatan api saya cepat"
I: "Um, benar-benar cepat!"
Memimpin saya untuk memasuki barak, barak penjaga istana di istana kekaisaran tidak jauh , dalam mengalami tim untuk memahami prajurit pedang panjang dan memakai baju besi berjalan, bertanggung jawab untuk penjaga dan kota tingkat, memakai berjalan, sementara menunjuk pada barak dua sisi padat dan banyak dan bor alasan, mengatakan: "Militer kekuatan hari membanggakan kerajaan sama sekali 17 resimen membangun, pengawal istana memiliki 5000 orang, paling tidak, tetapi sebenarnya hanya satu kaleng di ibukota tentara di tentara, Anda adalah perintah pengawal istana, harus kehormatan ini mengerti? "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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