He could have simply lifted her from the saddle and set her on the gro terjemahan - He could have simply lifted her from the saddle and set her on the gro Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

He could have simply lifted her fro

He could have simply lifted her from the saddle and set her on the ground, but so fine an opportunity he could not let pass. Instead, he pulled her close against him, letting her body slide down along his own. It was a mistake, he realized in an instant, for his cock sprang to life as if she were naked beneath him. The scent of vanilla wafted past, and he knew it came not from the baker’s shop, but from his wife’s warm skin. Her essence. Heaven help him, was this lass the poison or the cure?
’Twas little difference, really, for he’d consume her either way.
Her hands gripped at his shoulders, and he could not stop the vision of her legs wrapped around him too. Her lips were plump and parted as he lowered her farther still. The need to kiss her clubbed him like a mace. He could do it, here and now. His people would cheer and think him an adoring bridegroom.
But her reaction he could not predict, and he’d not be rejected in front of his clan.
He swallowed and set her feet upon the ground harder than he had planned, and she looked at him in some surprise.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, and maneuvered her by the shoulders so she was standing right in front of him. He needed that moment to tame his wicked thoughts and rein in his stubborn erection.
“I have business with a few of you,” he called out. “And my wife and sister and I should like to stay for supper.”
“You can do business at my inn, my lord,” called out a gruff voice. “Best ale and cleanest tables!”
A chorus of voices called out their objections and their own offers for Myles to consider.
He raised one hand, laughing again. “Thank you, Tom. Your taproom will do nicely. I thank you all for your fine suggestions.”
Alyssa came to his side then. “I can lead Fiona around, Myles. I’m sure the ladies will show us the greatest of care.”
“Indeed we will,” added an orange-haired miss with enormous teeth and a flour-coated apron. “Come to my shop, my ladies. My biscuits are the finest this side of Edinburgh. Light as air, they are.”
Fiona looked over her shoulder at him, as if to ask permission. He thought to make a joke of that but bit his tongue. Vivi had admonished him to be nice, and so he merely smiled and caught Fiona’s wrist. He lifted it and pressed a tender kiss against the back of her hand. “The afternoon is yours, my lady. Do whatever you wish. If you see something you’d like to buy, you may. I’ll settle the accounts when we are finished here.”
She looked perplexed, as if his words were foreign, but she did not snatch her hand away. Then, just as quick as he had spoken, Alyssa giggled and pulled his wife in the direction of the baker’s shop. He watched them go, Fiona’s dark-red curls shiny amid the muddy browns and dull yellows tucked beneath the modest caps of the other women.
Old Tom approached, grinning wide in spite of an alarming lack of teeth. “You do me an honor, my lord. You know my place is right this way.”
With a final glance toward his retreating wife, Myles turned to follow his clansmen to the inn. He hoped the business for today would be simple and quick. He was in no mood to linger over trivial matters of runaway sheep or one man’s goat getting into another man’s garden. He was here today to demonstrate a good show of faith, to build the clan’s confidence in his wisdom and sense of justice in the absence of his father, but mostly, he wanted to be done with all that and follow his wife into the baker’s shop and feed her sugared pastries.
He shook his head against the vision. That girl was a ridiculous distraction.
Settled at the taproom with a mug of ale, Myles sent out old Tom to spread the word he was ready to hear of any grievances or requests his townsfolk might have. His hope for a quick afternoon was quickly dashed as a line formed outside the taproom. He took a hearty gulp of the ale and signaled Tom’s wife to pour him another. Then he called in his first case.
There were complaints about a randy bull that continued to get loose despite the farmer’s best efforts to contain him, a plea for funds to repair a leaky roof over the gristmill, and a dispute over whether a man should be charged for bacon stolen by his dog. The last issue of the day was a man asking permission for his daughter to wed a Mackenzie. Myles consented, for the Mackenzies were a good sort, and he could not resist the girl’s pleading eyes as she peeked at him around her father’s shoulder. The father seemed relieved, and the day’s business ended on a happy note.
Myles drained his cup, thanked the innkeeper, and went in search of his wife and sister.
He meandered down the lane, back toward the square, wondering how they’d spent their morning. With Alyssa as his emissary, no doubt the two of them dawdled over pretty ribbons and baubles and perhaps another gown or two. His coffers would be the lighter for it, but if it provided a means to an end and a more malleable wife, then it would be well worth the funds. This he pondered as he walked and wondered at his sudden sentimentality, for he realized it was not simply peace he sought with Fiona. He did indeed wish her happiness. It seemed, from the little she’d confessed of her past, she’d known little of pleasure or joy, while he’d had an abundance, more than enough to share. He chuckled to himself and thought perhaps the ale had taken a toll, but he’d had only a cup.
“My lord,” came a voice over his shoulder.
He turned to see the goldsmith standing in the door of his shop.
“My lord, I wonder if I might invite you in and show you something your lady admired. If I may be so bold to say so, it would make a fine wedding gift.”
Ah, so the little minx had been looking at shiny baubles. He went into the shop and was promptly shown a gold necklace of fine craftsmanship. At the center was an emerald, much the shape and color of the ring Fiona now wore. It was an exquisite piece, and the price was beyond reasonable.
Myles looked at the clerk. “Are you sure she liked this one?”
The man nodded. “Quite certain, my lord. She even tried it on, and may I say, it looked even more beautiful on her lovely throat.” He cleared his own.
“Why didn’t she buy it?” Myles asked.
The shopkeeper flushed. “She said it was far too expensive, although the Lady Alyssa assured her it was not.”
Myles smiled. ’Twas just the thing to bait a hook, shiny and alluring. He’d show Vivi he knew how to fish, for women were swayed by jewels. Even he knew that.
“I shall take it.”
The smith’s eyes sparkled like the jewels. “Very good, my lord. Thank you, my lord.”
They finished their transaction, and Myles went on his way, now in search of his bride with a fine gift to offer.
He made his way to the square, and just beyond it, he could see the hillside rising up beyond the edge of the village. And there, sitting upon blankets, were dozens of women, with children all around. The sound of their chatter carried on the breeze. It seemed his lady had joined in on a picnic, for surely she was with them.
He tucked the bag containing the necklace inside his doublet, for he’d do well to save this gem until they were alone. Perhaps she’d reward his generosity with a kiss. The thought warmed him as much as the fast pace he kept.
Up the hill he went and spotted his wife, sitting on a plaid next to his sister, along with a dark-haired girl whose name escaped him. Fiona leaned back, propped on her palms with her blue skirts puddled around her like a satin pond. A little girl of six or so was weaving flowers into her hair.
His gut twisted, not from exertion, but from the vision itself. His wife, with a chubby-handed child in attendance. Fiona looked so happy, smiling at something Alyssa said, then tipping back her head and letting loose a full-throated laugh. A flower floated down from her hair to the grass. She picked it up and sniffed its aroma before handing it back to the child.
All around, children played, running in patterns and giggling, while their mothers chirped like happy sparrows. The image blessed him, for these were his people, and they were well cared for. He was proud and silently vowed that, when his time as laird truly came, he’d see that they remained as prosperous.
Fiona had yet to notice his approach, and when Alyssa caught his eye, he pressed one finger against his lips to silence her.
But his wife’s words stopped him. “My little sister is so much like you, Alyssa. How she makes me laugh. At least, she did until I had to leave her behind.”
Alyssa patted Fiona’s hand. “Then we must bring her to Dempsey for a long visit.”
He stood a moment, his chest thumping in a most peculiar fashion. She had a sister? How had he not known this?
He cleared his throat, and Fiona looked at him in surprise, her cheeks flushing red as if she’d been overheard saying something much more scandalous.
“Ladies.” Myles tipped his head. “May I join you?”
Fiona licked her lips and fussed with her skirts, but his sister smiled brightly.
“Of course. Please do.” Alyssa moved over, making a space for him next to his wife.
He settled down between the women and tried to catch Fiona’s gaze, but his wife seemed intent upon twisting the ribbon in her hands and in no mood to welcome him. He leaned down over her lap and looked up at her so there was no avoiding him.
“How was your afternoon, my lady?” he asked, and sat back up.
“Fine, my lord.”
He tugged at the ribbon she held. “Did you buy this?”
She shook her head, still avoiding him. “No, ’twas a gift from one of the children.”
He looked around. “Which one?”
She pointed. “That lass over there, with the braids.”
He saw the girl running circles with a scampering group of children all about her age. Seven or eight years old, he imagined. And how old is Fiona’s sister? he could not help but wonder. But his wife had turned her head in the other direction, and so he tucked the question away, along with a list of others.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Dia bisa hanya mengangkatnya dari pelana dan membuatnya di tanah, tetapi begitu halus kesempatan ia tidak bisa membiarkan lulus. Sebaliknya, ia menarik erat-erat melawan dia, membiarkan geser tubuh turun sepanjang sendiri. Itu kesalahan, ia menyadari dalam sekejap, untuk kemaluannya melompat hidup seolah-olah ia telanjang bawahnya. Aroma vanili melayang masa lalu, dan dia tahu itu datang bukan dari toko roti, tetapi dari istrinya hangat kulit. Esensi nya. Surga membantu dia, itu lass ini racun atau cure?' Sungguh sedikit perbedaan, benar-benar, karena ia akan mengkonsumsi apa pun.Tangannya mencengkeram di bahunya, dan dia tidak bisa menghentikan visi kakinya dibungkus di sekitar dia terlalu. Bibir yang gemuk dan terbelah seperti dia merendahkan dirinya lebih jauh masih. Perlu menciumnya dipukuli dia seperti gada. Dia bisa melakukannya, di sini dan sekarang. UmatNya akan menghibur dan berpikir dia memuja mempelai laki-laki.Tetapi reaksinya dia tidak bisa memprediksi, dan ia tidak akan ditolak di depan klan.Dia menelan dan menetapkan kakinya atas tanah lebih sulit daripada dia berencana, dan dia melihat dia di beberapa kejutan."Maaf," ia berkata dan manuver nya dengan bahu sehingga dia sedang berdiri tepat di depannya. Ia butuhkan saat itu untuk menjinakkan pikiran jahat dan mengendalikan ereksi nya keras kepala."Saya punya bisnis dengan beberapa Anda," ia memanggil. "Dan istri saya dan saudara perempuan dan aku harus ingin menginap untuk makan malam.""Anda bisa melakukan bisnis di saya inn, tuanku" memanggil suara kasar. "Ale terbaik dan terbersih tabel!"Paduan suara suara memanggil keberatan mereka dan menawarkan mereka sendiri untuk Myles untuk mempertimbangkan.Ia mengangkat satu sisi, tertawa lagi. "Terima kasih, Tom. Taproom Anda akan lakukan dengan baik. Saya berterima kasih untuk semua saran Anda baik-baik saja."Alyssa datang ke sisi kemudian. "Saya dapat menyebabkan Fiona sekitar, Myles. Saya yakin para wanita akan menunjukkan kepada kita yang terbesar peduli. ""Sesungguhnya kami akan," ditambahkan miss berambut jeruk dengan gigi besar dan celemek dilapisi tepung. "Datang ke toko saya, wanita saya. Biskuit saya yang terbaik sisi Edinburgh. Cahaya sebagai air, mereka adalah."Fiona melihat atas bahunya, seolah-olah untuk meminta izin. Dia berpikir untuk membuat lelucon itu, tetapi sedikit lidahnya. Vivi telah menegur dia menjadi baik, dan jadi dia hanya tersenyum dan tertangkap dariotto pergelangan tangan. Dia mengangkatnya dan ditekan ciuman lembut terhadap punggung tangan Nya. "Sore adalah milikmu, my lady. Melakukan apa pun yang Anda inginkan. Jika Anda melihat sesuatu yang Anda ingin membeli, Anda mungkin. Saya akan menyelesaikan rekening ketika kita selesai di sini."Dia tampak bingung, seolah-olah kata-kata yang Asing, tetapi dia tidak merebut tangannya pergi. Kemudian, hanya sebagai cepat seperti yang telah difirmankan, Alyssa terkekeh dan ditarik istrinya ke arah toko roti. Ia menyaksikan mereka pergi, dariotto merah gelap ikal mengkilat di tengah berlumpur coklat dan kuning membosankan yang terselip di bawah topi sederhana wanita lain.Tom tua mendekati, menyeringai luas meskipun kurangnya mengkhawatirkan gigi. "Anda lakukan saya kehormatan, tuanku. Anda tahu tempat saya tepat dengan cara ini."Dengan sekilas akhir terhadap istri mundur, Myles berpaling, untuk mengikuti anggota klan ke inn. Dia berharap bisnis untuk hari ini akan menjadi mudah dan cepat. Ia adalah tidak berminat untuk berlama-lama hal-hal sepele pelarian domba atau kambing seseorang masuk ke Taman orang lain. Dia ada di sini hari ini untuk menunjukkan acara yang baik iman, membangun kepercayaan diri klan kebijaksanaan dan rasa keadilan dalam ketiadaan ayahnya, tapi sebagian besar, ia ingin dilakukan dengan semua itu dan mengikuti isterinya ke toko tukang roti dan makan kue-kue nya bergula.Ia menggelengkan kepala terhadap visi. Gadis itu adalah gangguan yang konyol.Menetap di taproom dengan mug dari ale, Myles dikirim keluar lama Tom untuk menyebarkan ia sudah siap untuk mendengar keluhan atau permintaan menurut nya mungkin. Harapannya untuk sore cepat cepat berlari sebagai garis terbentuk di luar taproom. Dia mengambil meneguk ale lezat dan ditandai Tom istri untuk menuangkan dia lain. Kemudian ia disebut dalam kasus pertama.Ada keluhan tentang banteng randy yang terus mendapatkan longgar meskipun upaya terbaik petani mengandung dia, permohonan untuk dana untuk memperbaiki atap bocor atas gristmill, dan sengketa atas apakah seorang pria harus dikenakan biaya untuk daging yang dicuri oleh anjingnya. Isu terakhir hari adalah seorang pria yang meminta izin untuk putrinya menikah Mackenzie. Myles setuju, Mackenzies adalah sejenis yang baik, dan ia tidak bisa menahan gadis itu memohon mata seperti dia mengintip dia di sekitar bahu ayahnya. Bapa tampak lega, dan bisnis hari itu berakhir pada catatan yang bahagia.Myles dikeringkan Piala nya, berterima kasih kepada penjaga penginapan, dan pergi mencari istri dan adik.Ia jalan berkelok di jalan, kembali menuju alun-alun, bertanya-tanya bagaimana mereka menghabiskan pagi mereka. Dengan Alyssa sebagai utusan nya, tidak diragukan lagi mereka berdua dawdled atas pita cantik dan pernak-pernik dan mungkin lain gaun atau dua. Pundi-pundi nya akan lebih ringan untuk itu, tetapi jika itu disediakan sarana untuk mengakhiri dan seorang istri yang lebih lunak, maka itu akan menjadi layak dana. Ini ia merenungkan ketika dia berjalan dan bertanya-tanya di sentimentalitas nya tiba-tiba, karena ia menyadari hal itu tidak cukup damai dia dicari dengan Fiona. Ia memang menurut berharap kebahagiaannya. Tampaknya, dari kecil ia telah mengakui masa lalunya, dia telah dikenal sedikit kesenangan atau kegembiraan, sementara ia punya kelimpahan, lebih dari cukup untuk berbagi. Dia tertawa pada dirinya sendiri dan berpikir mungkin ale telah diambil tol, tetapi ia hanya cangkir."Saya Tuhan," datang suara bahunya.Ia berbalik untuk melihat goldsmith yang berdiri di pintu toko."Ya?""Tuhanku, aku bertanya-tanya apakah aku mungkin mengundang Anda dalam dan menunjukkan sesuatu wanita Anda mengagumi. Jika aku mungkin menjadi begitu berani untuk mengatakan begitu, itu akan membuat souvenir pernikahan yang baik."Ah, jadi perempuan cabul sedikit telah melihat pernak-pernik mengkilap. Dia pergi ke toko dan segera ditunjukkan sebuah kalung emas porselen. Di pusat adalah zamrud, banyak bentuk dan warna cincin Fiona sekarang memakai. Itu bagian yang indah, dan harga yang tak masuk akal.Myles looked at the clerk. “Are you sure she liked this one?”The man nodded. “Quite certain, my lord. She even tried it on, and may I say, it looked even more beautiful on her lovely throat.” He cleared his own.“Why didn’t she buy it?” Myles asked.The shopkeeper flushed. “She said it was far too expensive, although the Lady Alyssa assured her it was not.”Myles smiled. ’Twas just the thing to bait a hook, shiny and alluring. He’d show Vivi he knew how to fish, for women were swayed by jewels. Even he knew that.“I shall take it.”The smith’s eyes sparkled like the jewels. “Very good, my lord. Thank you, my lord.”They finished their transaction, and Myles went on his way, now in search of his bride with a fine gift to offer.He made his way to the square, and just beyond it, he could see the hillside rising up beyond the edge of the village. And there, sitting upon blankets, were dozens of women, with children all around. The sound of their chatter carried on the breeze. It seemed his lady had joined in on a picnic, for surely she was with them.He tucked the bag containing the necklace inside his doublet, for he’d do well to save this gem until they were alone. Perhaps she’d reward his generosity with a kiss. The thought warmed him as much as the fast pace he kept.Up the hill he went and spotted his wife, sitting on a plaid next to his sister, along with a dark-haired girl whose name escaped him. Fiona leaned back, propped on her palms with her blue skirts puddled around her like a satin pond. A little girl of six or so was weaving flowers into her hair.His gut twisted, not from exertion, but from the vision itself. His wife, with a chubby-handed child in attendance. Fiona looked so happy, smiling at something Alyssa said, then tipping back her head and letting loose a full-throated laugh. A flower floated down from her hair to the grass. She picked it up and sniffed its aroma before handing it back to the child.All around, children played, running in patterns and giggling, while their mothers chirped like happy sparrows. The image blessed him, for these were his people, and they were well cared for. He was proud and silently vowed that, when his time as laird truly came, he’d see that they remained as prosperous.Fiona had yet to notice his approach, and when Alyssa caught his eye, he pressed one finger against his lips to silence her.But his wife’s words stopped him. “My little sister is so much like you, Alyssa. How she makes me laugh. At least, she did until I had to leave her behind.”Alyssa patted Fiona’s hand. “Then we must bring her to Dempsey for a long visit.”He stood a moment, his chest thumping in a most peculiar fashion. She had a sister? How had he not known this?He cleared his throat, and Fiona looked at him in surprise, her cheeks flushing red as if she’d been overheard saying something much more scandalous.“Ladies.” Myles tipped his head. “May I join you?”Fiona licked her lips and fussed with her skirts, but his sister smiled brightly.“Of course. Please do.” Alyssa moved over, making a space for him next to his wife.He settled down between the women and tried to catch Fiona’s gaze, but his wife seemed intent upon twisting the ribbon in her hands and in no mood to welcome him. He leaned down over her lap and looked up at her so there was no avoiding him.“How was your afternoon, my lady?” he asked, and sat back up.“Fine, my lord.”He tugged at the ribbon she held. “Did you buy this?”She shook her head, still avoiding him. “No, ’twas a gift from one of the children.”He looked around. “Which one?”She pointed. “That lass over there, with the braids.”He saw the girl running circles with a scampering group of children all about her age. Seven or eight years old, he imagined. And how old is Fiona’s sister? he could not help but wonder. But his wife had turned her head in the other direction, and so he tucked the question away, along with a list of others.
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