Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1530: tanah signifikan kesembilan!Kedelapan tanah signifikan dengan tanah signifikan kesembilan, dinding penghalang yang adalah raksasa pintu, besar ini, berdiri tegak di dua daratan, kedua belah pihak tanpa henti, tidak bisa melihat bahwa ujung adalah.Bahkan kepala sekolah et al., di ini untuk beberapa ratus tahun, setelah tempat ini berhenti beberapa kali, sekali mencoba dari kedua belah pihak untuk memutar, tetapi mereka sampai tiba di tepi di hari kedelapan berat daratan, belum melihat ujung ini berdaun pintu sebagai sebelum.Teliti telah mencegah kemungkinan memutar, ditempatkan di depan mereka, hanya kemudian setelah sebuah jalan, membuka pintu berdaun, langkah-langkah ke dalam tanah signifikan kesembilan.Mereka ingin benar-benar semua sarana yang mampu membuka pintu itu, seolah-olah kekuatan mereka, di depan ini berdaun pintu, tidak layak menyebutkan.Saat ini, kepala sekolah tua manusia tampak naik ini daun pintu depan, perlahan-lahan membuka mulut, dia pemahaman ini berdaun pintu, pengalaman yang dikalahkan di masa lalu, mengatakan Meng Hao.Meng Hao berdiri di dunia, seluruh nya adalah sama tidak dapat melihat ujung laut hantu, hantu ini damai, bila Meng Hao merenungkan, menurunkan kepala, selama tapi Meng Hao beberapa kata, mereka segera tidak masuk akal hidup dan mati, akan menjadi roh jahat.Melihat Meng Hao merenungkan, jubah emas pemuda et al. tidak berani untuk mengganggu, mereka mengerti beberapa ratus tahun yang lalu bahwa Meng Hao di Istana ini mendalam, adalah raja besar tempat ini.For a long time, when the Meng Hao body in a flash, appears already before this leafed door, his body compares with this boundless gate, is very tiny, may in this moment, the imposing manner that his body disperses, has actually rolled up and pushed along Vault of Heaven, has thundered the earth, dialed chaotically the four directions.His breathes deeply, the right hand lifts slowly, toward this gate, suddenly presses.This according to, in his tiny body, burst out shakes the heavens to move the place the strength, this strength rose suddenly nine source peak, has exceeded second Paragon rank.After this peak, Meng Hao Cultivation has not stopped, once again erupts, along with the eruption, quick has exceeded the gold robe youth as well as Shajiu Dong also has the Bai Wuchen three people, these three people of both eyes slightly contract.Although knows the Meng Hao terrifying. But at this moment, was actually very direct feeling Meng Hao within the body implication astonishing Cultivation.Had not finished as before, flickers below, the strength of more boundless Cultivation. When Meng Hao within the body dreadfully, rumbling erupts, his Cultivation unceasingly increases, quick has exceeded the Headmaster old man, but also is increasing. Until finally, his imposing manner, has dominated above all nine sources, but his front gate, is the mark silk has not moved as before.Meng Hao frowned, this any response, even Meng Hao all strengths, as if boulder entering the sea, could not have raised slightly the water splash, his fine glow dodges. The right hand lifts wields, immediately bronze mirror appears, instantaneously becomes black silk, twines when the Meng Hao body, the armor appears immediately.In instant, the Meng Hao imposing manner that black armor appears, increases again the eruption, as if broke through some limit, from time to time around him presented the storm, this storm bang proliferation. All nine sources including Headmaster, holding breath tone, body withdrawing cannot help but.Until withdrew the number thousand li (333m), 11 stop. When looks to Meng Hao, heart of everyone, reveals intense dreading.At this moment the Meng Hao terrifying, they have a feeling, as if all people collaborate, is not the Meng Hao match.Condenses the strength of armor. Meng Hao Cultivation after breaking through some peak, the right hand lifts, falls in that giant gate once more, bang, this in the Headmaster memory, for several hundred years has not moved the front door, unexpectedly in this moment, fierce reacted.
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