February 28, 2015y

Personnel Manager
PT. Ungu
Jl. Hayam Wuruk 25 A
Jakarta 15677

Dear Personnel Manager :
I believe my 10 years of accounting experience might be an asset to PT. Ungu, and therefore I have enclosed my resume for your consideration.

I seek a stable opportunity and strongly identification with Carolina Herrera. I was fully responsible for the preparation of monthly consolidated financial statements for management and public reporting, and the Annual Report to Shareholders- and shared responsibility with the Corporate Controller in maintaining operating units compliance with the PSAK.

When can we set up an interview? I may be reached at 021 442-5770. Your consideration is greatly appreciated.


Your Name


March 20, 2015
Box 4610
Putnam Lake
15 Jump Street
Patterson, N.Y. 12566

To Whom It May Concern:
I enclosed my resume in response to your Last Ever sales advertisement in the Rochester Herald on Sunday, March 18.

My sales/marketing background includes an eigth-year association with Clark’s Sport Inc., where I was in charge of developing the New England territory. This involved recruiting, training, and working with sales force. It was also my responsibility to develop and implement sales/marketing plans and strategies in support of the field sales effort.

I am presently employed as Sales Manager of Jackson and Jackson, Inc., a men’s wear manufacturer. I am very eager to return to the sporting goods industry.

In my present position, I call on, sell, and service mass merchandisers, retail chains, department stores, and military exchanges. I achieved success in these and other related activities, and enjoy the fine rapport and reputation developed through my ability to communicate and work with people on all levels.

I am a result-oriented manager who enjoys traveling and working with people, motivating them, and developing their skill to maximum potential. It would be difficult to indicate every area of expertise in my resume; therefore, I would appreciate meeting you to discuss my qualifications for this position greater detail.

I may be reached at the above phone number to set up an appointment for an interview.


Your Name


February 28, 2015

Vice-President of Sales
PT. Loker Seni
Jl. Cinta
Jakarta Selatan

I am applying for a position as Sales Manager with your company, as I feel my background in developing a sales department will be of interest to you.

As my resume indicates, I joined PT. Loker Seni., in the capacity of trainee and moved up the ladder to my current position of Sales Manager. In each year of my employment, I was successful in opening news account, penetrating existing ones, and reopening closed business. As a result, I was responsible for sales increase of 20% to 25%.

As sales manager I was involved in recruiting, training, and supervising a staff of 120 salespeople and was responsible foe sales worldwide.

I am looking forward to meeting you. When can we set up an appointment for an interview? I may be reached at 021-7856729.


Your Name


May 28, 2015
Personnel Director
PT. Angin Mobat Mabit
Jl. Cinta No.2

Dear Personnel Director:
I am a graduate student in Computer Science at Bina Nusantara University, and I will be awarded an M.S. degree in June 2011. I am currently looking for a position related to Database/Graphics Package Design in the research and development department of a major company.

Before coming to Bina Nusantara University, I designed, supervised, and completed a CAD system. The function covers vector, character and curve generation, windowing, shading, and transformations.

At Bina Nusantara, my research work involves Compilation of Relational Queries into Network DML. To enhance my background, I have taken some courses in computer graphics and database, and I have experience in and an understanding of the design of databases. With this strong background, I certainly believe that I am competent to meet challenging tasks and can make a good contribution to your company.

Enclosed is my resume, which indicates in some detail my training and experience. I sincerely hope that my qualifications are of interest to you and that an interview might be arranged at your convenience.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Your Name

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
CONTOH SURAT LAMARAN KERJA POSISI ACCOUNTING DAN FINANCIA February 28, 2015y Personnel Manager PT. Ungu Jl. Hayam Wuruk 25 A Jakarta 15677 Dear Personnel Manager : I believe my 10 years of accounting experience might be an asset to PT. Ungu, and therefore I have enclosed my resume for your consideration. I seek a stable opportunity and strongly identification with Carolina Herrera. I was fully responsible for the preparation of monthly consolidated financial statements for management and public reporting, and the Annual Report to Shareholders- and shared responsibility with the Corporate Controller in maintaining operating units compliance with the PSAK. When can we set up an interview? I may be reached at 021 442-5770. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Your NameCONTOH SURAT LAMARAN KERJA POSISI MARKETING DAN SALES March 20, 2015 Box 4610 Putnam Lake 15 Jump Street Patterson, N.Y. 12566 To Whom It May Concern: I enclosed my resume in response to your Last Ever sales advertisement in the Rochester Herald on Sunday, March 18. My sales/marketing background includes an eigth-year association with Clark’s Sport Inc., where I was in charge of developing the New England territory. This involved recruiting, training, and working with sales force. It was also my responsibility to develop and implement sales/marketing plans and strategies in support of the field sales effort. Aku saat ini bekerja sebagai manajer penjualan Jackson dan Jackson, Inc, produsen pakaian pria. Saya sangat bersemangat untuk kembali ke industri barang olahraga. Posisi saya saat aku memanggil, menjual, dan layanan massa merchandiser, rantai ritel, department store, dan pertukaran militer. Saya mencapai sukses dalam ini dan kegiatan lain yang terkait, dan menikmati hubungan yang baik dan reputasi yang dikembangkan melalui kemampuan saya untuk berkomunikasi dan bekerja dengan orang-orang di semua tingkatan. Saya seorang manajer yang berorientasi hasil yang suka bepergian dan bekerja dengan orang-orang, memotivasi mereka dan mengembangkan keterampilan mereka untuk potensi maksimum. Akan sulit untuk menunjukkan setiap bidang keahlian dalam resume saya; oleh karena itu, saya akan menghargai Anda untuk mendiskusikan kualifikasi untuk posisi ini lebih detail. Saya bisa dihubungi di nomor telepon di atas untuk mengatur janji temu untuk wawancara. Dengan Hormat NamamuCONTOH SURAT LAMARAN KERJA POSISI MANAJER PENJUALAN 28 Februari 2015 Sayang Wakil Presiden penjualan PT. Loker Seni Jl. Cinta Jakarta Selatan Saya menerapkan untuk posisi sebagai manajer penjualan dengan perusahaan Anda, seperti saya merasa latar belakang saya dalam mengembangkan Departemen penjualan akan menjadi menarik bagi Anda. Seperti resume saya menunjukkan, aku bergabung PT. Loker Seni., dalam kapasitas trainee dan pindah menaiki tangga ke posisi saya saat ini penjualan manajer. Tiap tahun dari pekerjaan saya, saya berhasil dalam pembukaan rekening Berita, penetrasi yang sudah ada, dan membuka kembali usaha yang tertutup. Sebagai hasilnya, saya adalah bertanggung jawab untuk penjualan meningkat 20% untuk 25%. Sebagai manajer penjualan saya terlibat dalam perekrutan, pelatihan, dan mengawasi staf 120 tenaga penjualan dan bertanggung jawab musuh penjualan di seluruh dunia. Aku menanti-nantikan untuk bertemu dengan Anda. Ketika kita dapat mengatur janji temu untuk wawancara? Saya bisa dihubungi di 021-7856729. Dengan Hormat NamamuCONTOH SURAT LAMARAN KERJA POSISI TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI 28 Mei 2015 Sayang Direktur personalia PT. Angin Mobat puluhan Jl. Cinta No.2 Jakarta Dear personil Direktur: Saya seorang mahasiswa pascasarjana dalam ilmu komputer di Universitas Bina Nusantara, dan aku akan diberikan gelar M.S. pada bulan Juni 2011. Saya sedang mencari untuk posisi yang berhubungan dengan desain paket Database grafis di Departemen penelitian dan pengembangan perusahaan besar. Sebelum datang ke Universitas Bina Nusantara, saya dirancang, diawasi, dan menyelesaikan sistem CAD. Fungsi meliputi vektor, karakter dan kurva generasi, windowing, shading, dan transformasi. Di Bina Nusantara, penelitian saya bekerja melibatkan kompilasi Query Relasional ke jaringan DML. Untuk meningkatkan latar belakang saya, saya telah mengambil beberapa kursus di komputer grafis dan database, dan saya memiliki pengalaman dalam dan pemahaman tentang desain database. Dengan latar belakang ini kuat, saya pasti percaya bahwa saya kompeten untuk memenuhi tugas-tugas yang menantang dan dapat membuat kontribusi yang baik untuk perusahaan Anda. Terlampir adalah resume saya, yang menunjukkan secara rinci saya pelatihan dan pengalaman. Saya sangat berharap bahwa kualifikasi saya menarik bagi Anda dan bahwa wawancara mungkin diatur pada kenyamanan Anda. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, Your Name
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